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Aide Pina
Leadership Journey Five Year Goals
EDAD 6291: Internship in the Principalship
Houston Baptist University
Dr. Julie Fernandez
February 8, 2016

Five year Goals for the Principal Preparation Program Academic

Professional Goals
1. Facilitator( 1-2yrs)
2. Assistant Principal ( 2-3 yrs)
3. Principal
My professional goals are to get some more experience as an
instructional leader by obtain a facilitator role in my district. I have the
instructional background, but I would love to get some more experience as
an instructional leader for one year or two years. One things is to know your
stuff and another is to be able to work and get along with adults. Through
the internship I have had some experience working as an instructional leader
with new teachers, but would like experience with season teachers as well.
After that, I would like to obtain an AP position to apply my instructional
leadership skills and get some administrative skills as well. One important
skill to be learned as an assistant principal is the student discipline aspect of
an administrator and how to handle discipline issues with students. I believe I
would benefit from such an experience coming from a classroom that I hardly
ever had to deal with discipline issues because of the structure and
reinforcement of rules that I enforced in my classroom. After 3 years or so,
under the right leadership, I would like to pursue a principal position, so
eventually by the time five years comes along I will hopefully be a Principal
of my own school.

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