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hala718 (/people/hala718) | High School Teacher | (Level 1) Educator Emeritus

Posted on November 27, 2010 at 10:11 AM (/homework-help/nd-area-between-line-y-x-y-x2-222887#answer-294443)

y=x and y = x^2

First we need to nd the points of intersection that bounded area:
==> y = y
==> x^2 = x
==> x^2 - x = 0
==> x(x-1) = 0
Then x = 0 and x= 1
Then we will nd the area between x^2 x = 0, and x= 1
==> We know that the area is:
A1 =intg y = intg x dx = x^2 /2
==> A1 = (1/2 - 0) = 1/2
== A2 = intg y= intg x^2 = x^3/3
==> A2 = ( 1/3- 0 ) = 1/3
Then the area is:
A = A1 - A2 = 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6
Then the area is 1/6 square units

neela (/people/neela) | High School Teacher | (Level 3) Valedictorian

Posted on November 27, 2010 at 1:56 PM (/homework-help/nd-area-between-line-y-x-y-x2-222887#answer-294523)

To nd the area betwen y = x and x^2.

The intersection points of y = x and y = x^2 is given by:
x= x^2.
Or x-x^2 = 0.
Or x(1-x) = 0.
So x= 0 , Or 1-x = 0 , Or x = 1.
So the areabetween curves is to be found from x= 0 to x = 1.
If we draw the graph , y = x is above x = x^2 from x= 0 to x = 1 .
Therefore area between y = x and y =x^2 is given by:
Area = Integral (x-x^2)dx from x= 0 to x = 1.
Area = {(x^2/2 -x^3/3 at x= 1}- {(x^2/2 -x^3/3 at x= 0}
Area = { 1/2-1/3}- 0
Area = (3-2)/6 = 1/6.
Therefore the area between the curves = 1/6 sq units.
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