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Forced air heating syistem supplied with heat by furnaches are the most

common type of residential heating system in the united states. Boilers are
pressure vessels used to tranfer heat, produced by burning a fuel,to a fluid. The
most common fluid used for this purpose in building is water liquid or vapor. The
key distination between furnaces and boilers is that air is heated in the former
and water is heated in the latter.
The fuels used for producing heat in boilers and furnaces include natural gas
(i.e., methane). Propane.fuel oil (at various grades numbered through 6). Wood.
Coal and other fuels including refuse-derived fuels. It is beyond the scope of this
book to describe in detail the desaign of boilers and furnaces or how they
convert chemical energy to heat. Rather we provide the information needed by
HVAC designrs for these two clases of equipment. Since boilers and furnaces
operate at eleveted temperatures (and pressure for boilers , they are hazardous
devices. As a result, a body of standards has been developed to ensure the safe
operation of this equipment. We briefly describe this aspec of this euipment as

Modern furnaces use forced convection to remove heat produced within the
firebox from its outer surface. There are very many designs to achieve this: four
residential classification based on airflow type are shown in fig. 9.1. the uplow
furnaces show in fig 9.1a has a blower located below the firebox heat exchanger
with heated air exiting the unit at the top. Return air from the beated space
enters this furnace type at the bottom. The upflow design is used in full-sized
mechanical rooms wkere sufficient floor-to-ceilling space exists for the
connecting ductwork. This is the common form of residential furnace.
Downflow furnaces (fig. 9.1b) work in reverse: air flows downward as it is heated
by passing over the heat exchanger. This design is used in residences without


Basements or in upstairs mechanical spaces in two-story building. Horizontal

furnaces of the type shown in fig 9.1c use a horizontal airflow path with the air
mover located beside the heat exchanger. This design is especially useful in
application where vertical space in limited. E.g., in attics or crawl spaces of
A combination of uplow and horizontal furnaces is available and is named the
basement (low-boy) furnace (fig. 9.1d). with the blower located beside the
firebox. Air enters the top of the fuenace, is heated, and exits from the top. This
design is useful in application where head room is restricted.

The conbustion side of the heat exchanger in gas furnaces can be at either
atmospheric pressure (the most common design for small furnaces) or superat
mospheric pressures produced by combustion air blower. The latter are of two
kinds: forced-draft (blower upsteram of combustion chamber) or inducted-draft
(blower down stream of combustion chamber) furnaces that have better control
of parasitic heat losses thourgh the stack. As a result, efficiencies are higher for
such power combustion furnaces.
In addition to natural gas, liquefied propane gas (LPG) and fuel oil can be used as
energy sources for furnaces. LPG furnaces are very similiar to natural gas


The only differences between the two arise due to the difference in energy

1000 Btu /ft 3

for natural gas and

2500 Btu /ft 3

for propane) and supply

pressure to the burner. Gas furnaces can be adapted for LPG use, and vice versa
in many cases. Fuel oil burner system differ from gas burner system owing to the
need to atomize oil before combustion. The remainder of the furnaces is not
much different from a gas furnace except that heavier construction is often used.
Other furnaces for special application are also available. These include (1)
unducted space heaters located within the space to be heated and relying on
natural convection for heat transfer to the space; (2) wall furnaces attached to
walls and requiring very little space; and (3) direct-fired unit heaters used for
direct space heating in commercial and industrial application. Unit heaters are
available in sizes from 25,000 to 320,000 Btu/h (7 to 94 kW).
On commercial buildings one often finds furnaces incorporated into package unit
(or rooftop units)consisting of air conditioner and gas furnaces (or
electricresistance coils). Typical sizes of these units range from 5 to 50 tons of
cooling (18 to 175 kW) with a matched capacity to 50% oversized furnace.
Smaller unit are designed to be used for a single zone in either the heating-only
or cooling-only mode.


Larger units above 15 tons (53 kW) can operate simultaneously in heating and
cooling modes to condition several zones. In the heating mode, these

commercial-sized package units operate with an air temperature rise of about

850 F (47 K).

Figure 9.2 show a furnace intended for residential heating applications. FURNACE DESIGN AND SELECTION FOR HVAC APPLICATIONS.
Selection of a furnace is straightforward once the fuel source and heat load (see
Chap. 7) are know. The following factors must be accounted for in furnace sizing
and type selection:

Design heat loss of area to be heated, in Btu per hour or kilowatts (see
Chap. 7)
Morning revovery capacity form night seback
Constant internal gains or waste heat,recovery that reduce the needed
heat rating of a furnece
Humidification load (see Chap. 4 and 7)
Fan and housing size sufficient to accommodate air conditioning system, if
Duct heat losses if heat so lost is external to the heated space
Available space for furnace location

Residential furnace are available in size ranging from 35,000 to 175,000 Btu/h
(10 to 51 kW). Commercial sizes range up to 1,000,000 Btu/h (300 kW).


Economic criteria including initial cost and lift-cycle operating cost must be
considered. Although high efficiency may cost more initially. It is very often
worthwhile to make the investment when the overall economic picture is
condisidered. However in many cases first cost is the primary determinant of
selection. In these cases the HVAC engineer must point out to the building owner
or arcitec that the building lifetime penalties of using inexpensive but inefficient
heating equipment are considerable. Many times the initial cost difference. The
designer is advised to avoid the customary tendency to oversize furnaces. An
oversize furnace operates at a lower efficiency than a property sized one owing
to the penalties of part-load operation. If a correct heat load calculation is done
(with proper attention to the recognized uncertainty in infiltrtion losses). Only a
small safety factor should be needed,say,10%. The safety factor is appalied to
account for heat load calculation uncertainties and possoble future, modest
changes in building load due to usage changes. Oversizing of furnaces also
incurs other penalties including excesive

Duct size and cost along with poorer control of comfort due to larger temperature
swings in the heated space. furnace eficiency and energy calculation
The steady-state efficiency


is defined as the ratio of fuel supplied less

fuel losses, all devided by the fuel supplied:

furn =

fuel h fuel fuel h fuel

fuel hfuel

In which theucrips dentify the fue inut and flue gas haut rates


. gas flows are usally expressed in cubuc feet per hour (liters per

second). To find the mass floe rate, one most know the density, which in turn
depends on the gas main pressure. The ideal gas law can be used for such

oil =

HHV losses

furn =efisiensi
fuel h fuel =bahan bakar yang di pasok
flue h flue =bahan bakar yang keluar
Qfuel . yr =konsumsi rataratabahan bakar selama setahun
Q yr =beban panas tahunan

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