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Kelsey Dysinger

Article Analysis
CCHS 315
Title of article analyzed: Lutein, but Not -Tocopherol, Supplementation Improves Visual
Function in Patients With Age-Related Cataracts: A 2-y Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot
Authors: B. Olmedilla, PharmD, F. Granado, PhD, I. Blanco, and M. Vaquero, MD
From the Unidad de Vitaminas, Seccion de Nutricion, and the Servicio de Oftalmologa,
Clnica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain As reported in Applied Nutritional Investigation
Volume 19, Number 1, 2003.

This article looks at a case control study on how antioxidant supplementation impacts
patients with cataracts. There were two antioxidants, (lutein and alpha-tocopherol) that were
given to seventeen patients who were diagnosed with age related cataracts. The patients were
recruited volunteers that were outpatients attending a clinic in Madrid, Spain. They were either
given lutein, alpha-tocopherol, or a placebo. Statistical analysis showed that patients who
received the lutein supplements improved. This suggests that a higher intake of this antioxidant,
naturally found in some fruits and vegetables, could improve and possibly prevent the effects of
age related cataracts.

1. Name of statistic: Mean

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: Twice

Why do you think this statistic was used? This statistic was used first to compare the changes
in serum levels of the antioxidants being tested. Second, the statistic was used to compare
the changes in visual function of the patients. The mean is an easy way to compare and
contrast lots of numbers because it shows an average of all the numbers combined. The
authors used this specific statistic to be able to compare statistics overall quickly and easily.

What did this statistic show or prove: When used in comparing serum levels of antioxidants,
the mean showed an increase in lutein 3 months to 24 months. When used to compare
visual function, the mean showed a significant change in the lutein group.

Was there an associated P value? Yes

If yes, what did the P value show? The P value of 0.005 shows that there is a low probability
that the results are by chance. This means that there is a higher probability that there is a
correlation between lutein serum levels and visual function.

2. Name of statistic: Standard deviation

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: Twice

Why do you think this statistic was used? This statistic was used to show a greater range
around the mean. Instead of just using the mean to show relations between variables, the
standard deviation shows a range of the mean. This makes the statistics analyzed more

What did this statistic show or prove: This statistic didnt exactly prove anything, but provide
more information to look at. It shows more information and decreases errors in analysis.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

3. Name of statistic: Range

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 2

Why do you think this statistic was used? Range is used to describe the ages used in the
article and average time. The range helps show the minimal value and the greater value
and the difference between the two. The authors used the statistic of range to show the time
the time the supplements were given and the ages of the participants in the study. This
helps the readers know the qualifications of the participants being tested.

What did this statistic show or prove: This statistic in the article is more informative on the
study group. The age range, and the time the controls were used is how range was used in
this article. It showed that the average supplementation time was 26 months and the age
range of the participants was 55 to 73.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

4. Name of statistic: Percentile

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 1

Why do you think this statistic was used? Percentile is used to demonstrate the statistic in
relation to the population. I think this statistic was used to let the reader know that there
was a high relationship between there study and the population.

What did this statistic show or prove: The statistic, 95th percentile, showed a very high
correlation of the outcomes and the population.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

5. Name of statistic: Percent

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 6

Why do you think this statistic was used? Percent is used in this article to express ratios. It
helps explain a number is a term that commonly understood. Percents in this article is
used several times to explain how much.

What did this statistic show or prove: As stated, this statistic helps show, how much of
something in a way that many people understand.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

6. Name of statistic: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 2

Why do you think this statistic was used? This statistic was used because it can compare 3
variables. In the article 3 variables where used: lutein, alpha-tocopherol, and placebo
group. Therefore, ANOVA was a good statistic to use.

What did this statistic show or prove: This statistic proved that there was a higher correlation
with the lutein group than the other groups.

Was there an associated P value? Yes

If yes, what did the P value show? The P value of 0.05 shows that there is a low probability
that the results are by chance. This means that there is a higher probability that there is a
correlation between lutein serum levels and visual function.

7. Name of statistic: Confidence Interval (CI)

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 1

Why do you think this statistic was used? The CI is used to make the statistic reliable by
accounting for the fact that the study is based on a sample size of the population. I think
the authors used this specific statistic to show that there is low chance or error in there
analysis and outcomes.

What did this statistic show or prove: This article uses a 95% CI to present its data collection
in a graph. The CI helps prove the validly of its outcome for the entire population.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

8. Name of statistic: Ratio

Was this statistic covered during the class? Yes

Number of times used in article: 1

Why do you think this statistic was used? Ratio is used to describe the amount of patients in a
way that is easily understood. Ratio is a simple rate that can inform the readers of how
much out of how many.

What did this statistic show of prove: This statistic shows the frequency of occurrence.

Was there an associated P value? No

If yes, what did the P value show? N/A

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