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Guide: Security in

Social Networks


Social networks are part of the users daily Internet browsing habits. Any
Internet user makes use of at least one social network. Most of the users
are active participants in social networks. For many users (especially the
youngest ones), social networks are the main reason to get connected
to the Internet.
However, using social networks leaves the users exposed to a set of cyber
threats that may jeopardize the users information, their integrity and even
their money.
Due to the increasing trend of cyber criminals using social networks as
a way to implement their attacks, it has become vital for the user to
be protected and to have a secure environment in which to use social
What are the main attacks? What are the main security measures? Based
on the answers to these two questions, this report will provide the users
with some guidelines for them to be better protected when using social

Redes Sociales

It is another platform based on social

relationships. It allows users to share
profiles, friends, photos, etc.

It has proved to be the most popular social

network in the world.
During 2011 it has reached more than 600
million users throughout the planet.

It is the youngest users favorite social

network and it is mainly used to design
contact networks with friends.


Facebook has taken away many users

from it, although it is still popular for music
bands advertising.
In March 2011, it had 34 million users.

It is also used by companies and

organizations to get in contact with the.

It is a micro-blogging social network.

It is a professional social network. It is the

most widely used network in the corporate

Users share contents that are 140

characters long.


It was one of the social networks which

expanded the most during 2010.
It has more than 200 million users.


It allows users to devise networks of

professional contacts, load their resumes
into the web and make them available in a
public format.
In March 2011, it had 100 million registered

What are the social

networks risks?
Users money and data are the attackers objective. Consequently, the higher the number of users, the more attractive
the website gets for the attacker. So, regardless of all its advantages, browsing on Social Networks implies being
exposed to a set of cyber threats.


It is the acronym derived from the words malicious and software.

They are files with harmful purposes, which start different actions
once a computer is infected, such as data theft, system control or
password capture.
Viruses, worms and Trojans are the most common variables in this
Based on Social Engineering strategies, malware developers typically use social networks to spread
malicious codes.
The Trojan called Koobface is the most common of its kind. Its name is an acronym formed with the
most popular social networks name, Facebook. The Trojans main feature in its first campaigns was the
ability to use attractive messages that were shown in the social networks. The threat creates a botnet,
a net of zombie PCs that can be remotely controlled by the attacker.
In October 2010 (almost two years after its launching), a new Koobface variable appeared (it was
identified as Boonana: Java/Boonana.A or Win32/Boonana.A). It was able to spread using Java, a multi-

Image 1 Boonanas Spreading Website

platform technology which made it possible to infect Windows, Linux and Mac OS systems as well.
When the victim accesses the malicious page, it identifies which operative system the user is executing
and it downloads the file corresponding to this platform.


It implies stealing the users personal and/or financial data by means of

simulating an illegitimate trustworthy entity.
It is frequently carried out using duplicate e-mails addresses and
websites, although it can be done by other means.

How can a phishing site be identified?

It is sometimes difficult to identify a duplicate website, although in most cases, in order to get
there, the user might have been a victim of any Social Engineering technique or malware infection
that linked him to the malicious site.
In the first case, it is recommendable to avoid clicking on suspicious links and, in case any entity
requests sensitive information, this website should be accessed manually, without using links of
any kind, in order to check if the request really exists in this site.
In addition to that, it is advisable to check the websites domain and whether it is used in an
encrypted way to transfer data (HTTPS protocol). This last recommendation does not ensure that
the site is legitimate, but it is an indispensable requirement which phishing sites usually fail to


Example I: phishing on Twitter

The original site uses the secure protocol HTTPS

Example II: Phishing by means of

electronic mail

The original site has the correct domain:

Data Theft

In their every day use of social networks, users upload different personal data to the web that can be
used by the attackers.
Data theft in social networks is directly associated with identity theft, one of the cyber crimes that
has developed the most in the last few years.
The two most important vectors for data theft are:
Social Engineering: Direct contact with the victim users, getting information
from them through communication, friendship or any kind of contact the social
network makes possible.
Public data: Social networks wrong configuration may allow personal data to be
accessible regardless of the users will or convenience. Malicious people may access
this information.


Children use social networks from a very early age, even beyond what the social networks
themselves consider to be convenient (Facebook, for instance, was designed for people older than 18
years old).
There are different threats, which are specifically focused on young people using these services:
Cyber bullying, grooming and sexting are some of the risks children are exposed to when browsing
social networks.
The adults role is fundamental in order to protect children. Children should not use social networks
without the support, dialogue and education of their parents, or any other adult role model, even
their teachers.

Protection Methods
Considering these threats, using social networks may seem dangerous. However, if the following recommendations are
followed, it is possible to use social networks and have suitable protection levels to enjoy them in a correct and safe way.
The most important measures to be taken are security technology use, correct configuration of the users profiles in social
networks and HTTPS protocol use for browsing the web. However, continuous education of the users and careful use when
browsing the web will always make it possible to minimize the risks to which the users are exposed.

Using Security Technologies

Since malicious codes are the most important mass threat, antivirus
software use with proactive detection skills, with updated databases, is a
fundamental aspect to avoid malware spreading through social networks.
Anti-spam and firewall tools also allow to optimize the system security to
avoid these risks.
It is also essential not to use an administrator user when browsing
these networks, and to provide each user with a different profile in the
computers, so as to minimize the impact in case an incident occurs.
Finally, as regards children, parental control tools allow adults not only to
block non-desirable websites, but also to limit the time or the number of
hours during which the child may use social networks.


Setting up Privacy in Social Networks

By default, social network configurations are not always optimum for the
users safety. Therefore, it is advisable to devote some time when creating
the user and to periodically check the possible data leaks, in case of a wrong
system configuration.

Privacy Configurations in Facebook

It should be avoided to make any configuration available in a public way,
with no restrictions. Preferably, information should be available only to
friends and, if possible, only to a group of them in case they are too many.
Only a limited number of people should be able watch photos in which the
user has been labeled, especially if it is a child.
Users should avoid letting applications access personal data. They should
also avoid writing on the wall.
More information:


In Facebook

How to set up HTTPS in Facebook and Twitter

Choose the option Account Settings from the Account menu in the up
side right corner. Then, go to the Account Security tab and the possibility
to choose secure navigation will be displayed.

Setting up browsing using the HTTPS protocol makes it possible to

control all the attacks related to data being intercepted that travel
in the clear text (legible) through computer networks. With HTTPS
protocol, all the data not only the username and password will
travel in an encrypted way and will be illegible for any attacker on

In Twitter

the net.

Go to account settings and click on the Always use HTTPS box, as the
following image shows:

It is advisable to apply these configurations, which are especially

useful when the user gets connected to these social networks from
public wireless networks.


Guide to avoid malicious links in Twitter

Only click on those links published by already known contacts. Even though this is not a security
guarantee, this recommendation, related to the ones that follow, is of considerable importance.
Avoid following unknown contacts to reduce the possibility of receiving malicious messages.
If a message is suspected to be illegitimate, it is advisable to search for parts of it, or even its link, with
the Twitter search engine and to analyze not only how often it occurs, but also what the members of the
community say about it, who immediately warn other users in the web once they discover one of these
malicious messages.
Install a plug, such as LongURL Mobile Expander, in for the browser for the plugin to solve short URL
addresses and display the original URLs with no need of clicking on them.

Security Decalogue in Cyberspace


Avoid suspicious links.

Do not access websites of uncertain


Update the operative system and the


Download software from official websites.

Use security technologies.


Avoid entering personal data in

uncertain forms.

Be cautious regarding results offered by

Internet search engines.

Only accept already known contacts.

Avoid executing suspicious files.

Use strong passwords.



Beyond any possible doubt, social networks are a useful tool for
internauts. However, as this guide shows, there are several threats that
may expose the user while browsing them. That is why it is advisable not
to underestimate cyber criminals. By using technological tools and proper
configurations in the right way, and behaving wisely while browsing the
Internet, it will be possible to use social networks in a secure way.

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