Adventures of A Pakistani Wife EXCELLENT

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Adventures of a Pakistani Wife

by Jogi Bahadur
Kulsoom wanted to strike a full blow at the chubby face of her husband who reach
ed climax on barely his 12th stroke. He was panting hard as he had climbed a mou
Was it good?

Nawaz had the balls to ask his wife.

Yes! Very exciting, she said pushing away his plum body, whose weight now made bre
athing difficult for her.
Nawaz fell on the other side of the bed
panting hard. In less than five minutes
he was snoring. But Kulsoom was wide-awake. A fire raged in her body. She was ho
rny as hell. She wanted to kick the ass of her stupid husband who did not know h
ow to fuck. She lay motionless in an attempt to calm her body. Time passed. She
curled and turned on the bed angry and frustrated. The clock struck twice. She w
anted a glass of cold water. She was thirsty. She got up, wore her clothes and t
iptoed out of the bedroom. The entire house seemed asleep.
It was a usual hot, oppressive summer night of Lahore. She realized this as she
stepped out of her air-conditioned bedroom. The kitchen was on the ground floor
close to the bedroom of Nawaz s parents.
Kulsoom ran down the stairs. Lights of the ground-floor lounge were still on.
Who could be there? Is uncle still reading?

uncle Zareef was lost in a book.

You still awake dear, Zareef asked his daughter-in-law as she glided into the loun
ge on her way to the kitchen.
Just feeling a little thirsty,

she said while opening the fridge in the kitchen.

Is Nawaz awake too?

No he had been sleep for more than three-hours,
the kitchen with a bottle of water and a glass.

said Kulsoom as she walked out of

I see, said Zareef gazing at her firm, lanky figure, which exposed all the right c
urves and mounts even under her white crumpled baggy shirt and shalwar
the tradi
tional baggy trousers.
What a fool that he is asleep,
igure as she gulped water.

Zareef thought eyeing his daughter-in-law s elegant f

Kulsoom s almond-shaped face seemed to glow amidst the long, thick black hair, sca
ttered over her shoulders. The 23-year-old girl looked stunning.
Unaware of the close scrutiny of her body by Zareef s piercing eyes, Kulsoom poure
d more water in the glass. This time she drank it a little slowly.
You seem really thirsty,

said Zareef.

Is every thing ok?

Yeh, said Kulsoom thinking how she can tell this man that his son does not know ho
w to use his seven-inch long tool. He had failed to give her a single organism d
uring two months of their married life.
It s really hot,

she said trying to divert her mind from spasms of heat moving betwe

en her thighs.
It s burning, the experienced 55-year-old man replied. He knew something was wrong.
He could read it on her face. But what it was he could not tell.
Take care of yourself child. You are my best friend s daughter. If you have any pro
blem, never hesitate to come to me. I am your best friend.
Kulsoom was touched by these words. She bent and gave a tender hug to her father
-in-law. He stroked her hair with one hand and petted the back with the other. S
he gave a small kiss on his bearded face.
Thank you uncle,

she said.

No worries my child,

I really love you!

he said.

Now go and sleep

Kulsoom ran toward the stairs and Zareef shut his book with a bang.
What a lovely girl?

he thought.

How tender are her lips?

He could still feel the nice smell of her hair and imagine the silky smoothness
of her skin. But she does not seem happy. What s wrong?
In her room, Kulsoom was still wide-awake. She was grateful for the kind words o
f her father-in-law. She liked him very much. She thought him as a man of good c
haracter and good appearance. Zareef had a handsome face. Thanks to the regular
walks and careful diet, he has managed to keep his waistline in control
unlike h
is son Nawaz -- and appeared much younger than his age. His had a trimmed grayis
h beard, which added to his personality.
The next morning, Kulsoom woke up with the shrill bell of the telephone, which k
ept on ringing. She knew Nawaz had already left for work. So is her mother-in-la
w. But uncle must be in the house. He now mostly operates his business from the
house, giving most responsibilities to his two sons -- Nawaz and Shabeer.
Why is he not picking up the phone extension?

she thought.

she shouted over the phone.

Hi! It s me.
Hi! When did you return from honeymoon? How was it?
oice of her best friend Neelum.
Oh Great, Neelum said in an excited tone.
the time.

Kusloom said recognizing the v

We remained locked in the bedroom most of

And you call it great?

Of course. He has made me a real woman. Never missed an opportunity to take a rid
e on me
and that too a long one, Neelum said.
Give me all the details. Quick,

Kulsoom said giggling.

Wait for the uncensored details until we meet. You tell me. How is your stallion?
Is he fucking you well or you need some help from outside?
What do you mean?

Kulsoom said getting tense.

Listen. I have big secrete to share,

Neelum said.

I have not one but two good riders. You can share them with me.
Kulsoom was shocked. She knew Neelum was dangerously bold, straightforward and a
ddicted to flirtations. But returning from honeymoon with news that she has two
men to fuck her was perhaps too much to expect from a newly wed girl.
You are joking,

Kulsoom said.

No! Not at all, I am a liberated woman now. And I would not have asked you to joi
n us in such a straightforward manner, had I not been told that Nawaz is a pathe
tic fucker.
Who told you this?

Kulsoom said in a small voice.

my husband s friend and our partner. He knows Nawaz well. They are college fr
iends and fucked a couple of girls together. Nasir calls Nawaz a man of just a d
ozen strokes.
Bullshit, Kulsoom shouted back feeling a bit humiliated, though she knew that Neel
um was telling the truth.
Listen, Nasir saw you at my wedding and is dying to suck your tits, lick your cun
t and fuck both your holes.

Kulsoom said.

Oh yes I am shutting up because Nasir has already attacked my pussy. Ahhh He is s

uch a good licker. Give yourself time to think. Talk to you later Ahha bye, said
Kulsoom stood speechless as she hung up the phone.
Is Neelum gone nuts? Is she joking? Is she really fucking her husband s friend?
She was pondering on these questions when she heard a soft knock at her bedroom
Come in.
Her father-in-law walked in slowly.
Subah bakheir (Good morning) Uncle,

Kusloom said straightening her dress.

I have something important to discuss,

What is it? What s the matter?

Zareef said in a grave tone.

Kulsoom said observing his stern face.

I accidentally heard your telephone conversation. It was shocking.

Uncle please
Is it true Nawaz fails to satisfy you?
Kulsoom was thunder-struck.
No need to feel ashamed, or get afraid. Answer my question in yes or no.?

There was a pause as they both looked at each other.

Is Nawaz doing justice to your pussy?

Zareef said looking into his daughter-in-law s

Kulsoom was shocked the way uncle used the word pussy. It appeared too coarse th
e way he said it. She was speechless.
Give me an answer. In yes or no.

she said and hung her face down blushing with shame.

Kulsoom was a virgin when she got married. She and Neelum were both die-hard lib
erals and bold in their ideas, but barring some innocent flirts they stayed away
of practical sex until they got married. But marriage changed Neelum s life
ng the gulf in her dreams and reality.
For Kulsoom, a good fuck was still a dream.
Tell me, is your pussy hungry for a strong dick? Do you desire a lengthy session
of fucking which takes all your heat, all your passion out, uncle said in a stron
g whisper.
Kulsoom with her dropped head stayed quite.
Tell me. Yes or No?

said Zareef in a menacing tone.

slipped out of Kulsoom s lips, but she did not dare to lift her head.

Listen I am not angry at you. I am your friend. You have a legitimate need, Zareef
said ogling the shape of his daughter s round, firm breasts hidden under her whit
e shirt.
Elders are there to help the young ones. I am here to help you. I will make sure
that Nawaz gets a proper treatment the soonest, the better. But until he gets re
ady to satisfy you, some one else should take care of your pussy and lovely body
. Not many father-in-laws will have such care for their daughter-in-laws.

Kulsoom hissed sensing what he wanted, but was not mentally ready to accept i

Your caring friend has given you a proposal. She wants you to fuck her husband an
d their partner. But it will dishonor the family, Sharif said. Others will come to
know that my daughter-in-law is being fucked outside because there is no man in
this house to satisfy her.
I can never dream doing such a thing,

Kulsoom protested.

Zareef smiled. My child in life often the pussy, not morality leads the way.
I have an alternative proposal,

he said after a pause.

Kulsoom, who was starved for sex, could guess her uncle s proposal.
I think I can protect the family honor until Nawaz learns to fuck you well.
What do you mean?

Kulsoom said though she clearly understood the explicit message.

Her nipples were already standing erect after so much of sex-talk. The possibili
ty of the fuck has brought moisture in her unused cunt.

My old dick can satisfy you. If it fails, other options are open for you. I will
then not stop you.
Kulsoom lifted her head and stood erect before her father-in-law
l bulge of her breasts concealed under her kamiz.

showing the ful

What kind of a man are you? What kind of a father are you? You want to fuck your
own daughter-in-law. It s insane. It s incest, she said trying to control her conflic
ting emotions.
You need it,

the old man said.

You are mad. You are dirty pervert. How can you say such a thing to me? Have you
no shame? Have you no honor?
Zareef was shaken by Kulsoom s tirade. Has he committed a blunder? Has he moved to
o fast?
Get out of here at once. Nawaz will kill you if he came to know about his father s
Zareef hurriedly went out of the room. A smile came on Kulsoom s lips on seeing he
r father-in-law hurrying away. Poor guy! Wanting to help a damsel in distress wit
h his old dick.
After five minutes she dashed into the bathroom to take a bath.
Zareef was worried. He made a move, which had misfired. How is he going to face
her? She looked so sexy -- he wanted to rip apart her clothes and devour her. Bu
t he could never force a woman in to submission. It was not his style.
He was pacing up and down in his room when there was a soft knock on the door.
The proud figure of Kulsoom walked in
clad in red-color full sleeves kamiz and s
halwar and a black dupata (big scarf) rapped around her. After the bath she was
looking fresher than ever. Her hair was still wet, giving her a sexier look.
Uncle can we talk?
Go ahead,

She asked.

Zareef said in a shaken voice.

Uncle you know how I respected you. I thought you really care for me. But your pr
it is so disgusting. Just think of its repercussions. How can you justify
it on moral and religious grounds?
Oh she has taken a bath and changed her clothes. And now she is asking for a jus
tification to get a fuck. Zareef saw a chance for himself
a chance to fuck this
sexy young girl. His confidence rebounded.
What other justification you want when you have a hungry
one who promises to take good care for it, he said in an
ters of heart, physical needs
there is no, morality, no
if you are not hurting any one else you can do what you
Is this enough?

pussy and there is some

earnest voice. And in mat
religion. It s your body,
like with it.

she said looking straight into his eyes.

You are young and you deserve a good fuck,

And what about the repercussions?

Zareef said.

Don t worry about repercussions. Trust me I will handle it all for you. It will be
our secret -- our family secret, he said in a voice now shaking with desire.
You really desire your daughter-in-law so desperately?
r duppata and throwing it on the floor.

she said slowly removing he

More than anything in world.

She stood erect ready to offer herself to the old man.
Zareef slowly moved toward Kulsoom and encircled her narrow waist in his strong
arms. They looked into each other s eyes and then were locked in a deep kiss. Thei
r tongues rolled and explored each other. Like two lovebirds they stayed in this
position for minutes. Zareef s hands were wondering over hips and breasts of his
daughter-in-law who felt as her body was on fire.
Nawaz had never kissed me like that. He never touched me like that as you are doi
ng uncle, Kulsoom said in a husky voice. You are so much in control. So smooth and
professional, while he so tactless.
She was now kissing the neck of her father-in-law, eating his earlobes, driving
the man mad with lust.
Zareef with one mighty stroke tore open the front buttons of Kulsoom s kamiz expos
ing her white milky breast covered in a flimsy black bra.
Suck it jani (dear) suck my nipples,

Kulsoom implored her father-in-law.

Zareef s stuffed a nipple and large portion of breast in his mouth and rubbed the
second wildly with his hand, driving Kulsoom crazy. In minutes they were tearing
away each other s clothes.
I love your touch. I love the way you suck. Please don t stop, Kusloom shouted as sh
e fell on the double bed. Zareef had now buried his fingers deep inside the puss
y of his daughter-in-law and was sucking, biting her nipples.
Kulsoom s shrieks were becoming louder with every new bite, every stroke of finger
s. Uncle was an expert. She grabbed his eight-inch steel hard cock. It is bigger
than Nawaz -- and Kusloom thanked her stars. She started pumping it and playing
with the big balls of her husband s father.
I hope it won t leak with the touch of my hand?
It won t before it bursts you open,

she said as she rubbed the cock.

Zareef said now licking her shaven armpits.

Oh How I want your dick. Please insert it inside my hungry cunt. Show me how a ma
n fucks a woman. Let s not waste time. The maid will be here shortly. Fuck me now.
Fuck your daughter-in-law. Violate the honor of your son s wife. Please do it, she
Kusloom s dirty talk was making Zareef mad.
Zareef shoved his organ inside the dripping pussy of Kulsoom. With one stroke he
was deep inside her. A loud aah came out of Kulsoom s mouth. Sharif lay still for
awhile on top of his daughter-in-law with dick buried inside her. Kulsoom felt
the throbbing of the organ. She was in bliss. Then slowly, Zareef started to mov
e masking long slow strokes. Kulsoom counted one, two . Twelve. Zareef continued
the movement. Her legs rose higher, pointing toward the sky and she started matc

hing Zareef s strokes with the movement of her hips. They both were in heaven, bre
athing heavily but maintaining their rhythm.
I love it jaan (my life). Go on. Please don t stop,
Daughter I love you,

Kulsoom shouted.

that s all Zareef could say.

Kulsoom was at the verge of her first organism of her life during a fuck. Ah Ahh
h. She released her juices. One wave after another as Zareef pounded her pussy m
Ah oh my God.

I am through Kulsoom screamed clutching to Zareef s body with full mig

It was then Zareef sprayed his seed deep inside his daughter-in-law s cunt
one bur
st after another. After the thunderous organisms, the old man and the young woma
n lay motionless for minutes.
I can never forget this,

Kulsoom whispered.

Thank you.

Zareef smiled. It is just the beginning. You deserve more and you will have more,
he said planting a kiss on her cheek.
Kulsoom was surprised how easily his father-in-law managed to convince his wife
Durdana Begum and son Nawaz to fly to Bangkok for a business trip where he was sup
posed to go. But that is perhaps the beauty of the family business. One can effo
rtlessly juggle the ball from one hand to another. Within two days her mother-in
-law and husband had packed their bags and were off to Thailand via a Thai Air f
light. The cook had been sent on leave and so was the maid. The driver and secur
ity guard had no business inside the house. She had her father-in-law all for he
rself. The young damsel and the old horse were making the best use of their time
by fucking each other whenever they wanted, wherever they wanted.
I hope your hubby will be ok when he returns, said Zareef as he lay glued to the n
aked body of his daughter-in-law in her bedroom. His one hand was under the pill
ow and with other he was lazily messaging the firm milky breasts of Kulsoom who
was moaning slowly.
It was a hot afternoon of Lahore. But the two were feeling a bit nippy in the ai
r-conditioned room and were enjoying the warmth of each other s body.
Is some miracle going to happen in Thailand?

Kulsoom said.

came the replay as Zareef pressed his semi-hard dick with her hips.

Your aunty will try to cure your husband.
Kusloom was taken aback.

How can aunty help him?

That s what I also want to know,

sy now. What did you tell her?

said Zareef whose hand was traveling on Kulsoom s pus

Stop worrying about those two. You open your legs -- yes like that. Good,
as he rolled himself over Kulsoom, inserting his dick in her wet pussy.
The two were back into action.

he said

Durdana Begum was engrossed in a deep thought in a palatial room of a Bangkok ho

tel. How she is going to handle it? She repeatedly asked herself this question.
Her husband -- with whom she enjoyed a very unconventional relationship which 99
percent of Pakistani couples could not dream of having -- broke the news about
Nawaz s pathetic sex life. She could not believe it first. But Zareef explained he
r everything. She knew her assignment was tougher then Zareef s. During the flight
, she spent most of the time thinking about it. And now she was pondering how to
open the subject with her son as she sat on a sofa of a five-star hotel, where
the two were sharing a two-room suite.
Nawaz had gone out for what he called sightseeing
but Durdana knew that he was o
ut to hunt girls. He had no concern about his tangled married life.

Durdana Begum, who was in her mid-40s, had a real juicy body according to her hu
sband, and even now possessed a youthful look. She managed to keep herself trim
thanks to daily gym workouts and careful diet. Her breasts were heavy which look
ed really sexy on her narrow waist. When she walked, the sway of her hips turned
many heads. She knew her strengths, but the question was how she can help her s
An hour later, Nawaz sneaked into the room. By that time, she had decided to tak
e the bull by its horns. She already had made necessary calls and arranged, whic
h she thought was necessary to put the sex-life of her son back on the track.
Come here I have something serious to discuss with you,
d into the room looking exhausted.

she told her son who walke

What s it mum?
It s about you and Kulsoom.
He sat on a sofa opposite to his mother s without uttering a word.
It is a difficult subject. But we have to discuss it, there is no other option,
e said in a composed voice.
I don t get you.
Be a little patience child. Even for me it is not easy to discuss all this.
Come to the point mum,

said Nawaz who was getting a little tense.

I know that you and Kulsoom are not getting on well together. You seem unable to
satisfy her, she said feeling the impact of her words on Nawaz.
Who told you this?
This is not relevant. The point is that you should address this problem, or your
wife will be going elsewhere to get laid.
I will kill her,

Nawaz said in a loud voice.

Foolish reply! You need to control your emotions and educate your mind. I wonder
how can our son be like that. We must have not given you enough time that you be
have like this. But we will compensate. I ll help you.
Nawaz was boiling with rage. He thought his mother was getting too personal.



e is nothing wrong with me. And how can you help me?
I am not saying there is anything wrong with you. You have just to discipline you
rself, your mind and learn a few things about women and her body. That s why I hav
e brought you here.
Nawaz was furious, but he remained silent.
You shoot your load too quickly. You should learn to prevent an early ejaculation
Nawaz was taken aback by the straightforwardness of his mother, who appeared so
so relaxed.
And who is going to teach me?
I have made some arrangements,
Is mother gone insane?

Durdana said looking into his eyes.

Nawaz thought getting more and more uneasy.

Durdana noticed the disturbed looked on his face. Her heart missed a beat. It s tu
rning out to be a real challenge. He is so dumb, so unlike his parents.
Where you had gone?

she said changing the topic to win time and end the uneasy sil

To screw a prostitute if you are so interested in knowing,

Nawaz snapped.

And did you go beyond your famous 12th stroke?


said Nawaz

now his face reddening with shame.

Oh my child
no need to look so depressed. Come to your mum. I can t bear this expre
ssion of agony on your face. She stood up and gently clasped the head of her son
in her hands, burying it in her bosom.
Nawaz, who was sitting on the sofa, clung like a child to her body.
Durdana petted his shoulders.

Nothing is lost my child. All will be ok?

Sexual power at your age is all a game of mental strength. If you are having a ha
rd-on, you are shooting cum
then it means nothing is wrong with you. You have to
learn to control yourself and your partner.
Durdana disengaged herself from Nawaz and moved back to her sofa.
The two eyed each other. Nawaz for the first time looked at his mother as a woma
n. She was beautiful, simply gorgeous. And she was taking all the pains to discu
ss such a difficult subject with him. No other mother would do it.
Mum you are so nice, he said.
me. Advise me what to do?

I feel so ashamed when I cum so quickly. Please help

I have asked for an expert s help. She will teach you everything.
What do you mean?
Just go to your room, relax and wait.

About an hour later, Durdana entered his room along with a local Thai girl. This
is Lisa -- she will be your partner, the mother introduced her. The girl smiled s
eductively and without uttering a single word, removed her blouse.
Mister you also take off your trousers, the mother said in a business-like fashion
. The initial lesson will be conducted in front of me
and then I will leave you t
wo alone.
Nawaz was dumbfounded. But he obeyed, exposing his semi-hard prick that went ins
ide a Thai pussy
though for only 15 seconds
a couple of hours ago.
Please sir relax and leave the rest on me, Lisa moved toward him taking the charge
now. She grabbed his dick and chuckled that it was of good size. I don t think the
re will be any problem with it, she said giving it a light massage with her palm.
Durdana pulled a chair for herself a few feet away.
Lisa had slowly absorbed Nawaz s now erect shaft into her mouth. Nawaz felt a spas
m building in his organ as she sucked it hard.
Kid don t think of the sensation. Think about those stocks which you have to offloa
d to cut your losses, Durdana said in an icy voice.
Nawaz seemed to be at the brink when Lisa suddenly pulled her moth away from his
cock. Nawaz tried to insert it in her mouth again, but she pushed him away. Don t
force me to do anything. Otherwise I will have to tie your hands, Lisa said rudel
He saw his mother eyeing him closely. He knew even a slightest touch would make
him cum. He just wanted to shoot his load. But the piercing eyes of his mother f
orced him to control himself. A few minutes later Lisa started the process again
, but left him hard and dry within seconds as soon as he was about to reach his
climax. Bitch -- suck me, he screamed.
But the bitch pushed him away. Her timing was so perfect on both occasions that
she moved her mouth away right before he could shot his cum into her.
Not a bad beginning,

her mother said.

Now suck him dry.

Lisa feverishly attacked his throbbing cock, rolling her tongue rapidly around i
t. One
he counted and then he started to cum
in Lisa s mouth right in fr
ont of mother. Aah Aah his organism, he thought was the longest he ever had.
He was offered a glass of orange juice, which he gulped thankfully. His dick had
shrunk, his mind was confused
the pressure was on him.
Don t let him rest. I want you to make his dick hard as fast as possible, Durdana or
dered Lisa, who had by now removed her bra exposing her medium sized round cream
y breasts.
Nawaz thought getting an erection for the third time in two hours was too much t
o ask for. But the way Lisa licked and sucked her balls and dick and the fact th
at his lovely mother stood in front of him he got an erect penis in minutes. He
tried to grab Lisa breasts but she did not allow him to touch them. No that is fo
r later. You do nothing now, she said.
Now lie straight on the bed,

Lisa said removing her skirt and underwear now. The s

lim girl with long legs slowly lowered her cunt on his dick and sat motionless o
n it for a while. Nawaz found Lisa s pussy tight and wet. But she was not letting
him move, nor she was moving herself. Those motionless seconds seemed an eternit
y. Then she started to move her hips gently.
Darling you don t have to cum --- don t enjoy it
eard his mother s voice.

divert your mind somewhere else,

Nawaz was determined not to cum on 12th stroke. He started thinking about all wo
rrisome things. His thoughts were divided between business worries and the beaut
iful body on top of him
the tight cunt. But surprisingly, the ride continued for
more than a minute. He could here little moans from Lisa s throat. Her head was t
hrown backward, her eyes were shut she seemed to be enjoying the ride. He was gl
ad he started matching her thrusts. This time no one stopped him. His organism w
as so near but he controlled himself. The motion went on. Lisa was shrieking now.
She was close to an organism and so was he. Their rhythm matched. They both exp
Good job, he heard his mother saying. I knew there was no problem. The boy is just
overheated. He need to discharge himself more frequently and his timing will aut
omatically expand, a delighted Durdana said.
He needs more lessons to be a perfect lover,
He is all yours,
hind her.

Lisa said.

the mother said as she walked out of the room closing the door be

For the whole one-week, Lisa

often joined by some other girl
taught her how to p
lease women, how to kiss them, suck their breasts, eat their pussy and the most
important to stay in control and on the driving seat. He hardly saw his mother.
He was taught what food increased sex-drive, importance of a nap before going in
to action and above all the right postures of fucking.
There were also sessions of how to flirt, and drink and enjoy the anticipation o
f sex.
On the 10th day, Lisa told Nawaz after a lengthy fucking session that he has pro
ved himself a worthy student. You can go to conquer the world now. Your wife will
feel herself really lucky, she said.
Come on don t make fun of me,

Nawaz said.

But you have to thank your mother first.

Surely that I will do.
By saying thank you to her,

he said.

You fool! Go and show her your skills. The poor woman had been listening to our m
oans and groans for the last 10 days. Show her what you have learnt. Let her enj
oy your new found skills.
Nawaz was silent.
What are you thinking? Don t you find her attractive?
Oh she is a beauty. But what you are suggesting is terribly wrong
slap me if I approach her.

a sin. She will

he h

Foolish man. Go and kiss her feet. Thank her for her kindness, love, devotion and
then let the nature take it course.
Nawaz tried to get up from the bed. But was held back by Lisa.
Not now. Take some rest first. Go in the morning. I will also join you two in the
afternoon. I will bring a surprise for your lovely mother too, Lisa said.
Nawaz shook his head and said, What you want me to do is impossible.
We will see,

Lisa said shutting the lamp.

Nawaz entered the room of Durdana at around 9.a.m. The two had hardly met during
the last 10 days.
So the training is finally over, said Durdana with a broad smile on her face. She
had come out of the bath and was looking remarkably fresh.
Yeh, said Nawaz staring at his mother s well-shaped body, divine-looking face. He ha
d never gazed his mother as he was gazing her now. Not even on that day when the
y arrived Bangkok and Lisa sucked her dry and rode on him in front of Durdana. S
he is a perfect woman. How he could not see this before. He never realized that
his mother was among the sexiest women he had seen. What a fool he was? He thank
ed Lisa in his heart for drawing his attention to those beautiful dark eyes, ful
l-lips and her smooth silky skin.
I hope your wife won t have any complaint when you return to her, said Durdana who w
as wearing a white cotton kurta (long shirt) and shalwar (traditional trousers).
Mother you are an angle,

Nawaz said bowing to her feet.

Don t do this. Stand up please. It was a small problem, which now has been sorted o
ut, said Durdana as Nawaz kissed her feet.
Mum I am no longer a lousy fucker, Nawaz said as he stood in front of her. Her lov
ely face was barely 10 inches away.
I am proud of you. Lisa told me how fast you learnt. I am glad, very glad.
I want to show you what I have learnt,

he said in a whisper.

Hai I am your mother. Show it to your wife or girl friends,

way gently.

she said pushing him a

No I want to show it to you, as a mark of my love, deep gratitude, affection and

passion for you -- just for you, he said staring at her as he was in a trans.
Oh My! You have improved. But don t waste sweets words on an old woman. And it is n
ot right. It is wrong extremely wrong.
Wrong for fools. You are some one special. You deserve special things,
ding the narrow waist of his mother in his strong arms.
Easy tiger, easy. You really want your mother that badly?
I am ready to barter my life just to make love to you once

just once.

he said hol

Hey don t say such a thing, she said after a pause. Now her stomach could feel the b
ulge of her son s dick. Those were the tough moments for her. It was now or never.
She had been hearing the love-making noises for 10 days
without indulging herse
lf in any sexual act once. Now she thought her time had come to reap the fruits
for which she had been waiting all these days.
If it is a sin, I will commit it for you my love, Durdana said boldly looking into
Nawaz s eyes. I am ready to burn in hell, but can never refuse my son a thing he w
ants so badly. You are my own flash and body -- my soul, she said and locked her
lips with her son s in a most passionate manner.
Their mouths remained locked. Their tongues played with each other, exchanging s
aliva. Nawaz slowly disengaged himself from his mother s arms.
I love you, he said and opened the top front button of her kurta and planted a sma
ll kiss at her smooth skin. It took three more gentle kisses to open all the fou
r buttons. He could see the massive cleavage of her mother s breast. His mother st
ood motionless observing the controlled movements of her son. After all her mone
y does not seem to had gone waste. He had learned his ropes fast.
Nawaz slowly lifted her kurta exposing her torso, which appeared to him like a m
arble statue. He loved the way Durdana stood in her baggy white shalwar (trouser
s) and white bra so inviting, so magnificence, so majestic.
You are a goddess, my goddess. I will make love to you. I will worship each and e
very part of your body, Nawaz said.
Her mother unhooked the bra and threw it on the floor. Nawaz gently cupped one o
f her breasts, and gave a tiny kiss on the erect dark brown nipple of the other,
which he then tenderly started to nibble. His whole concentration was just on t
hat nipple, but his other hand expertly massaged the other breast. He wished he
had many more hands, more mouths. He wanted to touch her neck, play with her pus
sy and shake the round firm buttocks at the same time while he sucked her nipple
and massaged the breast.
Durdana was moaning loudly. The voice seems to coming deep out of her chest, her
nasals. Her body was shaking in an uncontrollable manner with every nibble, bit
e and touch of her son, who was now moving his tongue from her nipples toward he
r stomach. She knew where it was heading. She quickly removed her shalwar. Nawaz
was massaging her pussy hair now and at the same time inserted his one finger i
nside the cunt. He was rotating it
round and round. The pleasure was getting unb
Nawaz had now stuck his tongue inside the pussy and licking it like a dog. He en
joyed the strong smell of her juices and the way she was pressing his head betwe
en her thighs. The cries of his mother made him lick harder
He struggled to get
his head free and forced Durdana to present her beautiful hips at his disposal a
nd reveal her second hole, which he craved to kiss.
By now both of them were lying stark naked. Durdana was holding the steel-hard c
ock of her child, which she saw all these days used by others.
Both mother and son were touching, kissing and licking one another as there was
no tomorrow. Durdana wanted Nawaz to bury his tool inside her. Her passion was m
ounting, but Nawaz was playing it cool.
Finally he rolled over her. Mother are you ready?

Durdana cried.

Nawaz slowly inserted the tip of his thick seven-inch dick at the lips of her cu
nt and then slowly, very slowly started to push it inside. Durdana s body was shak
ing with lust and desire. The mere fact that it was his son s cock was adding fuel
to the fire. What a sin? What a beautiful, beautiful sin, she thought as she suck
ed the neck of her son wildly.
Nawaz started making stokes
deep, long ones. She counted a dozen, a hundred and
then she lost count. Her son was now moving like a pumping machine, banging his
dick over and over at the same place hitting her pleasure spot and making her sh
riek and dig nails deep into his hips.
Yeh son, yeh. Bang me, bang me hard. I am exploding ah. Ah ah. I am exploding, she
cried as her juices spurted out of her love hole. But Nawaz was still going, bu
t he knew he was at the verge of it and with a loud yell he unloaded his seeds i
nto her mother -- jet after jet.
They both clung with each other

laying motionless for minutes.

We have crossed the Rubicon mother. There is now no turning back now. We have sea
led our love, Nawaz said kissing her lovely face.
Yes darling we have to keep moving ahead and cross new frontiers, Durdana said wit
h a wink. We have done it.
Nawaz sat sated and contented on a sofa eyeing his dear, beautiful mother, who h
ad now draped herself in a dark blue sari. She appeared so splendid, so beautifu
l as she lay on the grand double bed
relaxed and looking at her son with half-sh
ut eyes.
"Mother you' re wonderful," Nawaz said.
Her mother smiled.
"It was a great experience," Durdana told her son. "Soon we will be flying back.
And you will learn more a lot more about life."
"No mother will do what you have done for me," Nawaz said.
"Don't even mention. Thank your father who arranged all this," Durdana said.
"You mean the money."
Durdana looked at her nave son, but did not reply. They both were engrossed in th
eir thoughts. Nawaz thinking that how an impossible thing became possible
so eas
ily? And Durdana thinking how matters will shape up for the family back home wit
h her husband Zareef and daughter-in-law Kulsoom around.
Several minutes passed in silence. Then there was a tap on the door.
"It must be Lisa she promised to come in the afternoon," Nawaz said going toward
the door. Yes it was Lisa. But she was not alone. A tall, broad and a very dark
Negro was with her.
"Meet Tom," Lisa said introducing the mother and the son to her companion.
"Hello," said Nawaz. He shook hands with his guest, but looked at him suspicious
ly. He felt the strong, powerful grip of Tom's hand crushing his palm.
"Hello Mister," Tom said smiling broadly. "Lisa had been telling me all about yo
ur training sessions and adventures. You were her good pupil," he said in a typi
cal American accent.

"Tom is my colleague. He knows everything," Lisa said as she saw a cloud on Nawa
z's face. "And this is Durdana
a lovely woman and a caring mother."
"How do you do Tom," Durdana said giving the black man her small white hand, whi
ch was accepted gently.
"I must say I have been knocked out by your smile," Tom said bending forward and
stealing a quick kiss on one of Durdana's cheek. She was not prepared for that
and was shocked.
Nawaz was taken aback by Tom's boldness. But little did he know what else was in
store for him. Lisa took Nawaz's hand and led him to the sofa and sat besides h
"You have taken a lot of pussies during the last few days and I believe today it
included your mama's as well," she said in a business-like fashion. Nawaz shook
his head uneasily as he saw Tom looking at him closely.
"Today your mama will have some fun in front of your eyes and you will just watc
h without saying, doing a thing," she said in a stern manner. "Tom is the best m
an for any woman. I can guarantee that."
"No way," Nawaz said standing up.
"Sit down," Lisa pulled him back grabbing his belt.
"This is the most important lesson as part of your psychological training. And h
ow can you be so selfish to deny a good cock to your mother, who has done so muc
h for you. It is better than yours
and you know that. You have to learn patience
, shun the stupid emotions of jealousy and possessiveness and get used to of enj
oying sex for the sake of sex alone."
Durdana was flabbergasted and confused.
"Stop joking," that's all she could say.
But Tom was quick to clutch and encircle her narrow waist in his strong arms.
"No need to act as a virtuous, good mama ma'am," he said. "Show me the devil ins
ide you," he said giving a broad lick on one of her cheeks and covering it with
Nawaz was confused too. He did not know what to say and do. His mother was in th
e arms of a black stranger in front of his eyes. It was a strange sight. Had it
happened a few weeks ago he would have killed that man. But now there was only c
Lisa held him firmly on the sofa and whispered in his ear
"You just watch
you wi
ll love it. Just watch your mother under a stranger. It is a unique experience."
Meanwhile, Durdana was waging a losing battle in trying to get herself free from
Tom's arms. "Nawaz I don't want this. Lisa I don't want this. Stop this now. To
m, please leave me alone!"
But Nawaz sat silent. Lisa only smiled. And Tom held her more firmly.
"Hey sexy bitch stop making this fuss," Tom said madly licking and biting her ne
ck without Durdana's consent. "Mother, give your son a good sex show. Show him w
hat does a good fuck mean for a woman," he said and spitted straight at her face

. "I promise, you will LOVE it."

Durdana felt helpless, humiliated and over-powered. No doubt she loved sex. But
she was not prepared for this. She never thought in her whole life that one day
she would land in the arms of a mighty black man and that too in front of her so
She could sense the writing on the wall. In this sex capital of the world
ok she appeared to had run out of options. but only one.

- Bangk

She looked at Tom full in his eyes. Tom realized the sexy-looking woman had beco
me still and no longer trying to free herself. He relaxed his grip. "Change of m
ind," he said.
He spitted again on Durdana's face and then licked the saliva splaterred over he
r face. She stood silent just staring at him.
"I have had all types of cunts
from Anglo Saxon to Indian, Arab, Chinese ... Tod
ay for the first time ever I am getting a Pakistani one," Tom said and spitted a
gain on her face and then licked it.
There was a pause as they both looked at each other. Then Durdana slowly raised
her face, gathering a good load of her own slavia in her mouth and shot it out w
ith full force on Tom's lips and nose.
A little surprised by the intensity and quantity of Durdana's mouth juices, it w
as now Tom's turn to stand motionless. Durdana darted out her tongue and rolled
it over Tom's lips, nose and cheeks.
"Hurrah! The Pakistani lady is willing and ready," Tom said.
"Yes," Durdana said in a vice shaking with desire. "Take me. Fuck me. Fuck me as
no one fucked me before."
Nawaz's dick was hard under his pants. Lisa was watching the developments with a
smug smile on her face.
By now Tom had removed Durdana's sari. She was standing in front of him in her b
louse and long petticoat.
"You remove your shirt now," Durdana asked Tom who did it in a jiffy revealing h
is muscular pumped up body.
"My God, You are a black Hercules," that's all Durdana could say.
"Now you reveal your jugs my Pakistani goddess" Tom demanded.
Durdana obliged, unhooking her blouse and brazier as quickly as possible and thr
owing them on the floor. Her firm, white milky breasts and erect brown nipples e
xposed themselves in all their glory.
"Ah what a divine sight," Tom gasped and swooped on them clutching one with his
hand and sticking the other in his mouth. He sucked one hard as a thirsty man dr
inking from the pond of life. He crushed and massaged the other with full might.
Durdana was groaning with pleasure. They both had fallen on the bed where only a
few hours earlier Durdana made love to her son.
Now her son watched mama wriggling with pleasure under a black man. Nawaz was br
eathing heavily. He wanted to throw away Tom, crush his skull and get between th

e legs of his mother. He wanted Tom to fuck his mother right in front of him. He
was watching all this with mixed emotions and an erect cock.
Minutes passed. Tom was still sucking her breasts' as there was no tomorrow. He
had removed Durdana's petticoat and stuck his two fingers deep inside her cunt.
Her moans were even louder now. Durdana's breasts, neck and arms were covered wi
th love bites
so deep and dark, as she had never had before. Her fingers were du
g deep on Tom's back.
"Fuck me PLEASE fuck me now," she said panting hard.
"Oh yes baby I'll tear your lovely cunt now. I'll fill it with my meat," Tom sai
d as he removed his pants and underwear.
Both mother and son were shocked to see the size of Tom's tool. It was at least
12 inch long and the fattest cock Durdana had seen or imagined in life.
It was steel hard and stood tall and proud.
"Magnificent," Durdana said stroking it gently. "I can't take it inside me. It i
s so big. I love to take it inside me," she said giving the one-eyed monster a s
mall kiss on the tip.
"Listen babe, I have been paid to shoot my load on you or inside you only one ti
me. Make the best use of it, but I promise you will not be disappointed," Tom sa
Durdana opened her legs as wide as possible as Tom started pushing his dick insi
de her. Her cunt muscles had never been stretched that much. She felt it was the
first time a dick was de-flowering her cunt.
"Oh my. It is so big. It is so huge. It is hurting me. Ahhh," she said grinding
her teeth. With one mighty blow Tom had pushed his dick fully inside her. Durdan
a was shaking amid low moans, while Tom lay still with his organ fully buried in
side the love-hole. Then he started to move
pulling and pushing his organ slowly
. Waves of pleasure engulfed Durdana's body. Her cunt was dripping.
The movement got pace. Durdana was matching every blow with the equally powerful
push of her hips. Tom was enjoying the vigor of this Pakistani woman. Her cunt
was tight, skin was smooth and she knew how to please a man. The fact that her o
wn son was watching sexual depravity and lust of his mother
heightened his pleas
ure. Tom moved his dick in and out with a more brute force like an iron piston.
Durdana was shrieking now. He was driving her mad. Her organism was building.
"Ah my God yes, yes" that all she could say as she hit the climax.
The black dick went on and on. Durdana peaked again and then again. They both we
re covered in sweat. She had no realization for how long she got screwed. Her le
gs were aching. Her cunt was swollen. She knew she can't take it any longer. "St
op it please now stop it," she begged.
"But I am not yet over darling."
"Oh fuck my breasts now. I will suck you dry. But take this monster out," she cr
ied shedding tears of pain and pleasure.
Tom knew he had won again. He pulled his cock out of the well-used cunt and thir
st his organ into the mouth of the tired, exhausted woman.

"Now suck. Show me your talents," he said.

Durdana gathered her energies and took the giant cock, which was coated with her
juices, inside the mouth. With the corner of her eyes, she saw her son watching
them as he was in a trance.
She loved the sight. It injected a new wave of lust and energy in her. She start
ed sucking, licking the cock and the two giant black balls with a renewed passio
n and without any inhibition.
Tom loved the every moment of it. Durdana was amazing. He let lose his guards an
d allowed his climax to peak as he rubbed her breasts. He wanted to cum
cum with
full might on the face and in the mouth of the black-eyed woman. Yes he was abo
ut to ejaculate. "AHHH ... ahh," he screamed.
His dick shot one wave of sperm after another -- some going straight inside Durd
ana's hungry mouth, the others landing on her face, hair and on the milky breast
s. It was his longest organism.
A worn-out and exhausted Durdana fell on the bed. It was the fuck of her life. S
he smeared the strong smelly sperm on her face and breasts. She knew it was the
first and the last time she had that kind of a fuck. She lay on the bed dazed wi
th her eyes shut. Tom spitted on Durdana's lovely pussy the last time and licked
it. Durdana lay still. In moments Tom and Lisa were out of the room without utt
ering a single word either to the mother or the son. Their job was done.
Nawaz carefully locked the door and freed his hard cock from the pants and stood
beside the bed. Durdana opened her eyes and smiled at her son.
"You must be tired mum," Nawaz said in an affectionate manner gently stroking he
r hair and watching the dried cum-smeared face and breasts of her mother.
"Yes dear but I think your mother can still take care of your hard-on," she said
pulling him on the bed. They both were locked in a passionate kiss.
Kulsoom did know why suddenly her father-in-law changed his decision. Only a few
days ago he did not want Kulsoom to visit her best friend Neelum, fearing that
it risked the family honour. And now he himself had literally pushed her to go t
So that fine-morning Kulsoom was sitting in Neelum's bedroom and listening to he
r sexual adventures with hubby and his friend.
"How did it start?" Kulsoom wanted to know.
Neelum was willing to tell, hoping that the truth would also make Kulsoom free.
In the adjacent room, Neelum's husband Rasheed and his friend Nasir were waiting
"You bitch are you making stories or is it true?" Kulsoom asked looking at the p
retty and innocent-looking face of her friend, who was exactly her age
"Of course, you know I don't lie," said Neelum laughing showing her pearl-like w
hite teeth and tossing her raven colour shoulder-long hair toward the back.
Neelum was slightly heavier than her friend, but looked perfect with her five fe
et seven inch height.
"It's true. On our wedding night, Rasheed did not come alone into the room, but

was accompanied by his best friend Nasir. I thought Nasir was there was just on
a courtesy call and would go, but luckily I was wrong," Neelum said.
"I can't believe this" Kulsoom said.
"You have to. Rasheed explained me for an hour that ours will be a totally diffe
rent marriage. He wanted me to be a bold woman, ready to experience anything. He
wanted his friend in our marriage, telling me Nasir too had allowed him to shar
e the women of his house."
"I was in tears
cursing my luck, but by that time Nasir had slowly started strok
ing my shoulders to calm my nerves."
"You will be having two men to love you, take care of you rather than one. You d
on't realize how lucky you are," Nasir told me.
"And you will be free... free. Hardly any husband here gives this kind of freedo
m to his wife," Rasheed said.
Neelum, who by that time had spread herself out on the bed with a big pillow und
er her head, was carefully eyeing the reaction of her best friend as she told he
r that how the two men took pains to relax her, calm her nerves. How they both t
ook turns to tell that each of them will love her, care for her and support her
through thick and thin without even an iota of jealousy between them.
"Honestly I was lost... I didn't know what was happening to me, but it seemed my
body was melting under the hands of their loving strokes. I knew what was comin
g. There was a tussle in my mind and my body. But the sensations running in my b
ody seemed to overcome me," said Neelum whose voice was becoming softer and soft
er as she was speaking in a dream.
Kulsoom listened in a mesmerized manner.
"I myself opened the buttons of my bridal shirt, asked Rasheed to remove my ghar
rara (loose bridal lower) and then Nasir my shirt. They both took turns to suck
my nipples, kiss my tummy, my virgin cunt as I lay stark naked in front of them
with full lights on."
"Who got your cherry?" asked Kulsoom.
"The privilege and
y men. They are so
a woman. Yes Nasir
so firm who can

honour went to the friend Nasir... Kulsoom you have not met m
handsome, so cultivated, so descent. They know how to please
took my virginity as my husband watched. Nasir, whose body is
pound you on and on so that you hit one climax after another."

Kulsoom was beginning to feel horny

and remembering and cursing her first weddin
g nigh when Nawaz fumbled with her clothes, knocking her down in a rough manner,
and then spitting her load within seconds.
"Then Rasheed made love to me like a true lover
at I was in 7th heaven," Neelum said.

in such a gentle, calm manner th

"That's how it all started. And believe me it is great fun. Nasir's sister and s
ister-in-law along with one of his uncles also joined in our fun several times.
But we three are permanent partners."
"And now you want me to join your gang?" Kulsoom asked biting her lips.
"Our growing family or club you can say," Neelum said stroking the cheek of her
friend lovingly. "My both studs are dying to fuck you."

"If I oblige your studs ... will you return the favour?"
"You too have stallions?" Neelum asked.
Kulsoom just smiled. "Your house your story. My story at my place."
"You whore. I don't believe you," Neelum said laughing as she jumped out of the
"Come let's not waste time. I think you will be tasting two dicks together for t
he first time in your life."
"If you insist my dear!"
"The pleasure is mine," replied Neelum.
"Wait for a moment. Listen let me tackle these two strangers alone for a while.
Your hungry cunt can join us a bit later," Kulsoom said brushing her lips to her
friend's lips as she stroked her one breast.
"Wow. I am impressed by your style and confidence. I was thinking we three had t
o really work hard to put some light in your thick brain and meat in your cunt."
Kulsoom just laughed wickedly with a twinkle in eyes. "You just wait," she said
straightening her long white cotton shirt and shalwar (baggy trousers) and drapi
ng the black duppata (big scarf) around her head and chest.
"Are you going there to offer prayers?" Neelum said pushing her toward the door.

to get myself worshipped."

The two men saw her floating in their room where they were trying to kill time w
atching old songs on the television. The air-conditioned room had a five-seat so
fa set, along with a huge double bed.
"Salam (Blessings on you) Rasheed bahai (brother). Salam Nasir saheb," Kulsoom s
aid softly taking seat on the single seat sofa. She was tightly holding her dupp
ata, which was concealing her treasurers, but at the same time enhancing her bea
"Walaikum" they both replied in unison unsure where the matters stand.
"Neelum was taking bath

so I thought let's chat with you."

"Oh she always take long baths," said Rasheed thinking that his wife had provide
d them opportunity to seduce this lovely woman.
Rasheed was around 30 year old tall, fair and with an athletic physic. Nasir, wh
o was also the same age, was slightly short, dark and broad-chest.
Kulsoom observed the two men with interest
nd thinking of her moves.

keen interest, weighing her options a

The men were impressed by her charming looks.

"You are much more beautiful than your pictures," said Rasheed looking straight
into her eyes. Nasir shook his head in affirmation. "Yes
I can vouch for this st

atement. Nawaz is really a lucky man."

Kulsoom laughed. "Don't make fun of me. I am just an ordinary woman."
"I beg to disagree with you. I hope Nawaz is taking good care of you" Nasir said
"Oh he is a wonderful husband. Very caring," Kulsoom said with a straight face.
"Is he? Strange. I thought otherwise," said Rasheed.
What made you think he is not," Kulsoom said
Nasir was really getting desperate with all this social talk. He wanted to get t
o the point
at once. "I think Neelum must have told you about us," he said cutti
ng Rasheed who was about to respond to Kusloom's question.
"About what," Kulsoom played innocent.
Nasir just laughed. "About three of us. And that offer, which was made to you wh
en I was licking Neelum's cunt. Don't say you don't know."
"Oh that I know. But I don't think it is a good idea. Rasheed bahai your friend
really seems greedy. He should thank his stars for getting into Neelum's shalwar
Rasheed laughed. "Don't blame him. He is really hot for you."
"That I know. But I don't want him

at least for now."

Nasir's colour turned crimson. "Yes you want the 12 stroke Nawaz," he hissed.
Kulsoom got up. "You should show some better manners Nasir saheb," she said poli
Nasir threw himself on the sofa. Rasheed just smiled at seeing his friend's frus
tration as Kulsoom moved toward him.
"Oh you want this bahai first," Nasir said sarcastically.
Kulsoom did not reply, as she removed her dupata. "Tell him just watch and not d
are touch me," she said embracing Rasheed into a passionate bear hug.
Neelum was watching all this from the crack of a curtain
assessing when to make
her entry. By all means it appeared that her friend wanted to frustrate Nasir an
d leave him for her.
She saw her husband moving her tongue over the neck and face of her friend, who
was enjoying herself with eyes closed. Then she saw them collapsing on the bed.
"First kiss every part of my body ... yes start from my feet," Kusloom said fond
ling with the hair of Rasheed.
Kulsoom was breathing heavily. Her shirt had been removed. So was her shalwar. T
he mascular figure of Rasheed was nibbling her tits like a hungry man as Nasir w
atched with an erect cock from a distance of few feet.
Kulsoom arched her back as Rasheed's fingers played with her pussy, which was dr
ipping with her love juices. "Yes Rasheed bahai lick me, kiss me, fuck me," said
Kulsoom holding his steel-like throbbing cock in her soft hand.

Rasheed was enjoying every bite and kiss of her body. The girl was simply terrif
ic. A sex bomb ready to explode. Her milky gleaming body was twitching in ecstas
y. Her face was glowing with pleasure.
Nasir was rubbing his balls and dick as he watched. Neelum, meanwhile, too had e
ntered the room looking in daze at the man and woman in action.
Kulsoom was matching Rasheed's every move with her own -- licking him, kissing h
im, biting him, and shoving her nails in his back, hips, her finger in his ass-h
"It is time to fuck baby. Yes now put your lund (dick) inside me. FUCK ME. Fuck
me hard, fast. Fuck me with all your might. Don't stop
just fuccck me," she hiss
Rasheed inserted his cock inside her wet cunt with one mighty jerk and started m
oving feverishly. He knew he can not hold
hold for long. The muscles of Kulsoom'
s cunt were gripping his dick tight very tight. He was about to cum, he started
shooting his load inside that lovely pussy in less than a minute leaving Kulsoom
craving for more.
As his dick limped. Nasir pushed Rasheed away trying to insert his cock inside t
he wet hole. But Kulsoom stopped him away. "First lick my cunt," she ordered him
. And Nasir yielded, licking the wet, sperm filled cunt like a small puppy.
The scene was getting too much for Neelum, who by now shed all her clothes and j
umped on the bed. She thirst one of her boobs inside her friend's mouth and aske
d her husband to lick her dripping cunt.
Kulsoom was now moaning hard. "Yes you deserve my cunt now my puppy. Shove your
dick inside me," She said pushing Neelum away. Kulsoom kissed Nasir and sucked h
is tongue. Nasir stuffed his organ into her hungry pussy and started pouncing he
r like a mad man.
Neelum and Rasheed stopped their action and just watched the two moving bodies.
"Yes my puppy, my doggy. Fuck me haard. I am your bitch now. Cum darling. I want
you inside me. Conquer me forever. Fuck me as no one fucked me before."
Kusloom's words were adding fuel to fire. Nasir was panting, but fucking. He fuc
ked and panted as he came close to the climax. Kusloom was also moving toward it
... and then they both exploded together
plunging each other's body in pleasure
Then every one lay still in the room panting
then caressing one another's body.
Neelum French kissing her friend. Kulsoom sucking Nasir's cock -- Nasir licking
one cunt after another -- Rasheed jumping on one woman after another. Kulsoom en
joying both cocks
Neelum sharing them with her...Those were happy moments. Those
were joyous moments. Until it was time to go for Kulsoom
to return to the waiti
ng arms of her old father-in-law after this enriching experience with the youngstuds. She wished her intimate friends goodbye -- asking Neelum to someday join
for fun at her house.
It was a cloudy Lahore morning. Kulsoom's beautiful, sexy body was spread on the
double bed. She was half asleep, half awake thinking how her life changed durin
g the last few weeks -- from an innocent, frustrated housewife to the woman of s
uch varied, vast sexual experience. A woman, who managed to shed all her inhibit
ions, unleashed her darkest sexual desires and breaks some major taboos. And all
this happened within such a short time. The pace of events was so fast. Her fat

her-in-law had opened the doors of a new bold world for her where yielding to te
mptations was the strength. She thought of the old man
her lover
who never felt
jealous, but encouraged her to make love with younger men. The only thing he wan
ted in return was his share of cunts. He loved to see Kulsoom being shared and t
aken by young men
who in this case were her best friend Neelum's husband and his
colleague. In return, Neelum was happy to give some quality time to Uncle Zaree
f the father-in-law of Kulsoom.
Kulsoom stretched her body
thinking of all the cocks she tasted. How she wished
one pop up from somewhere then and there so that she could start her day on a sa
ted note.
Her thoughts then drifted toward her hubby, Nawaz
the 12-stroke man. What will h
appen when he returns along with his mother from Thailand? Will it be the end of
her freedom? She simply hated the thought.
She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep again. Her room was still semi-dark
with thick curtains covering the windows. The low humming noise of the air cond
itioner, the singing of birds, the loneliness, all were making her sleepy.
Minutes past, when she heard her door opening. Some body stepped in the room qui
etly. "Oh uncle is here for the morning brunch," Kulsoom thought keeping her eye
s closed as she pretended to be in deep sleep.
She could sense a pair of eyes glued to her body as she lay straight with wide-o
pen legs and displaying mounts of her firm boobs under the white cotton dress. S
econds passed, no one stirred in the room. Kusloom was finding it difficult to h
old back her smile and keep her eyes shut.
"Why doesn't he pounce on me? What on the earth he is waiting for. In an hour, t
he maid will be here. Why is he wasting time?" as Kulsoom thought this she felt
a tender kiss on her toe -- then another one.
"Oh my darling is playing it slow and gentle today," Kulsoom thought deciding no
t to open her eyes. She could now feel a moist tongue licking her small, white f
eet one by one, slowly, gently.
She controlled her moans, giggles. Then she felt wet kisses slowly moving over h
er shapely, hairless, white legs. A pair of warm, moist hands had already folded
her shalwar (baggy pants) up to the knee. Her lover was now showering her legs
with kisses as he kept moving up ... now she felt his hot passionate kisses thro
ugh the cotton fiber over her love box
kisses and warm breath.
"Oh Baba... my darling," she moaned with pleasure. "You are wonderful," saying t
his she opened her eyes, gently dragging the face of her lover to steal a kiss.
But she almost froze when she saw the face. What a shock?
"Hi love," whispered her chubby husband Nawaz.
"When did you arrive," she managed to say.
"Just now. And don't tell me you did not know all the time when I was kissing yo
u," Nawaz said smiling.
"I thought it was a dream ... yes a dream, but you are really here," that was al
l Kulsoom could say.
"Tell me you are dying to be loved, fucked," Nawaz said fondling her breasts.
"Yes darling. I want your dick inside me. I am dying for it," Kusloom said, curs

ing herself in the heart for the big lie.

She wanted to push him away
the 12-stroke man, who has returned to end her freed
om her long party. But she knew it would be a blunder. She wanted to get over wi
th his 12 strokes as quickly as possible and wait for a chance to get some real
fucking from Uncle Zareef later in the day if possible.
Nawaz had by now removed her shalwar. She tried to get up to remove her shirt, b
ut Nawaz pushed her back on the bed. You just stay there, he said as he tore off
her cotton shirt from the middle with one mighty jolt, and removed her bra, exp
osing her white, milky breasts in their full glory.
She was spread on the bed naked --- her smooth creamy body glittering like gold.
Nawaz gazed at her as a dazed man. As some one who was looking at these shapely
pair of legs, narrow waist and juicy breasts for the first time in his life.
"I will make for the lost time," Nawaz said as he got rid of his clothes and low
ered himself and took one of her tits in his mouth. He started sucking them like
a child a hungry child. His both hands were massaging her body, playing with he
r boobs, cunt, hips, neck
all the right spots, putting her body on fire.
Within minutes, Kulsoom felt she was dealing with a different Nawaz this time. H
e was taking his time moving his hands tongue all over her body. Now he had buri
ed his face between her legs and started licking her cunt in such a passionate w
ay which she never experienced in the past. Her love juices were flowing as Nawa
z sucked and licked her slit. Her moans for growing louder and louder, she was c
lutching, and pulling Nawaz's hair, scratching his back with her finger. Nawaz h
ad managed to insert one of his fingers in her tight asshole and was pushing it
in and out of it as he licked the cunt.
"Oh my lover yes....yes. Oh Baba oh Jani yes ... yesss," Kulsoom wriggled with p
leasure as her moans turned into muffled screams of sexual ecstasy.
"Fuck your wife now. Fuck me. Fuck me hard," she demanded. But Nawaz was in no h
urry to take the game to the next level.
He was applying all the lessons he learnt from Bangkok and in the soft arms of h
er mother to his wife who always complained that he never satisfies her.
"This is the day to put all her complaints to an end," Nawaz said to himself as
he licked, kissed her even harder. He was now biting and nibbling her soft boobs
pressing them together to take both her nipples in his mouth -- at the same tim
"Jani please fuck me now," Kulsoom begged. "I am dying for your cock."
Nawaz, whose dick was now hard as a rock, decided that the iron was hot for him
to show his complaining wife his newly found expertise of fucking.
He slammed his cock in the wet cunt with one might thrust. "Aah lovely," Kulsoom h
Nawaz lay motionless for a minute with his dick buried deep inside the wet pussy
of his wife, who kept moving her hips urging him to move. But he wanted Kulsoom
to feel his dick inside her cunt and crave for more.
"Pleassse fuck me dear," Kulsoom pleaded, fearing that Nawaz would spill his see
d anytime now leaving her horny as hell. Nawaz slowly started to pump his tool i
n and out of his wife's pussy, which in his absence tasted three or four other d

Kulsoom started counting

one, two, three... 12th stroke. She feared all was over
. But her husband not just kept the momentum going, he gradually picked up the p
ace. She realized that he was now fucking her like a real man. Her tensions ease
d, fears gone and she started to melt
enjoy the fuck, which went on and on -- fr
om missionary position to doggie style and back to the conventional one. Both th
e man and the woman were sweating hard despite the air-conditioner. They were hi
tting the climax together.
"OH yes yes. Fuck, yes I am cumming," Kulsoom shouted as she showered her love j
uices. Nawaz grunted his teeth and ejaculated his seed wave after wave.
They both remained clung to each other as they were one body.
"How come this miracle? How you have transformed into such an excellent lover,"
Kulsoom asked gently kissing her husband.
Nawaz had decided much earlier that he would speak nothing but truth.
"I learned it in Bangkok from some lovely experts, professionals," he said.
"Did you fuck other women?"

for our better married life. Are you angry?" Nawaz said.

Kulsoom did not respond

she just looked at the face of her husband.

"Tell me are you angry that I fucked others?" he asked again.

"No. Not at all! The result is really great,' Kulsoom said beaming. "How you dod
ged aunty when you were out for your training sessions?"
"You should thank her for all she did for me," Nawaz said deciding to tell his w
ife the big truth. "She personally supervised my lessons... she even let me make
love to her. Few mothers will do this for their sons," he said.
"What? You are telling me that you fucked aunty as well," she asked in astonishm
"Yes. I will not hide any thing from you."
There was a brief pause as Kulsoom quickly considered the new development and ma
ke the best use of it.
She smiled. Kissed her husband. "Congratulations for becoming a mother fucker. I
will not mind if you continue to raise her legs even here. Just let me watch yo
u two," she said with a beaming smile.
What? You say you don't mind it, Nawaz said relieved.
"Not at all if you don't mind your father fucking me?"
"I can't believe this ... father fucking you," that was all Nawaz could say.
"Yes and allowing even some of my friends to join the fun. Your parents are real
ly great," Kulsoom said
They both remained silent for a few minutes.
"You have any objections?" Kulsoom asked.

"No my love," Nawaz said kissing her. "Let's make a new beginning in this house,
" he said.
They both got up and walked out of the room. Kulsoom was desperate to take the d
ick of her father-in-law in her hungry mouth in front of her husband and motherin-law, while Nawaz eager to take her mother in his arms right in front of fathe
r and wife. They wanted to make their parents happy and start a new pattern of l
ife in their house.

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