Moving Toward A Content Reuse Strategy

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Moving Toward a

Content Reuse Slowly and

Strategy, Carefully
By Jeanette P. Evans, Associate Fellow, and
Julianne K. Forsythe, Senior Member

Exploring the Possibilities summarizing lessons learned and pro- • Process and Workflow Task Force
re you thinking about mov- As the concepts of topic-based author- posing a plan for the future. The con- This group examined current processes
ing toward a content reuse ing, content reuse, and content manage- clusion: in addition to the benefits of and workflows to identify changes re-
strategy? If so, consider our ment started to take hold in the industry content reuse—increased consistency, quired to support our content reuse
method: We started by select- several years ago, we began to wonder accuracy, and efficiency—the team en- initiative. They considered the flow of in-
ing a small team to research whether we could use these strategies visioned a much larger opportunity in formation between people and systems,
current trends in content re- to more fully leverage our technical the focused delivery of topic-level infor- as well as the product life cycle. The task
use and determine possible content as a business asset. After discus- mation to customers, who rely on our force created process and workflow dia-
applications. From there, we sions with management, we were given technical content to select, install, con- grams showing the technical communi-
formed task forces to benefit from the green light to form a pilot team to figure, use, and maintain our products. cator’s role in the flow of information
broad experience as we worked on spe- explore the possibilities. Eight people The pilot participants developed a through a product life cycle and the
cific aspects of our proposed strategy. with diverse technical communication plan and outlined strategies to address required steps to produce information
We then began implementing changes backgrounds, including department critical success factors. One of these products in this new environment. This
slowly to minimize the impact on the de- managers, were selected to develop and strategies included forming task forces helped define new roles to be filled in a
partment and our ability to meet project execute the project. to involve the whole department in re- topic-based authoring environment.
deadlines. The group outlined the following shaping our processes. • Style Task Force
Our technical communication group goals for the project: This group created an updated style
comprises forty-eight members with Working in Task Forces guide to support topic-based authoring
14,000 active publications in two major • Test industry-leading methodology We organized task forces of six to and content reuse and defined the edi-
product divisions. The group participat- for structuring and chunking content eight members to work on key aspects tors’ role and responsibilities. The style
ing in the content reuse initiative has into topics. of our content reuse strategy. Each task guide documented ways to write with
twenty-four members, including manag- • Try new roles different from the cur- force established a mission statement a unified voice, to write for online and
ers, specialists, information architects, rent “technical communicator” role. and deliverables for its area of focus. print deliverables, and to create topics as
editors, and information developers • Demonstrate a few examples of infor- For several months, the task forces met stand-alone information.
(technical communicators), and pro- mation reuse and highlight the po- to complete their deliverables. • Tools and Technology Task Force
duces roughly 400 new or revised pub- tential for further repurposing across This group researched potential tools
lications per year. media types and deliverables. • Information Modeling Task Force and technologies to support topic-based
Our documentation supports a global • Create draft versions of information This group worked on models that authoring objectives. They created a
company that provides stand-alone in- product models, content models, and would provide the foundation for requirements document and an evalua-
dustrial components and enterprise- topic-based authoring guidelines. moving the group forward into a tion plan to test authoring tools.
wide integrated systems for customers • Drive out technology requirements to topic-based authoring environment.
in a variety of industries, including au- support the new methodology. They created a library of content Introducing Change
tomotive, food and beverage, oil/gas, types along with information models As the individual task forces met their
life sciences, material handling, and The four-month project culminated based on user-needs analysis for our goals and completed their deliverables, we
packaging. with a presentation to management, various publication types. began to introduce pieces of our content

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strategy to the department. To start, we Figure 1. User Information Life Cycle

held a two-day face-to-face workshop,
gathering our people from all locations,
to talk about breaking down content
creation silos and to promote working
together. Additionally, we reorganized
the department around the new roles of
editor, information developer, informa-
tion architect, and technology specialist
in order to support our evolving con-
tent strategy.
Periodic training sessions helped to
explain, clarify, and reinforce new con-
tent development practices while giving
department members an opportunity to
voice opinions and discuss the changes.
This training included our own topic-
based authoring workshop, which intro-
duced new writing standards based on the
DITA concept, task, and reference topic
types. We also created a topic standards
handbook to help information develop-
ers put these techniques into practice.
Here are some of the other activities User information life-cycle analysis is a strategic component in planning for topic-based authoring and
we completed: content reuse strategies. Understanding information requirements at each stage in the customer experi-
ence drives out content models and deliverables.
• Published an updated style guide to
promote consistency in writing style based writing requires many changes.
and voice.
• Initiated a controlled vocabulary proj-
Many organizations can benefit from Our near-term goals are to create con-
tent models, identify content reuse op-
implementing a content

ect to standardize commonly used portunities, develop a unified writing
terms and phrases within our content. style and voice, and encourage our in-
• Introduced a formal editing process formation developers to think and write
with a levels-of-edit approach. in topics. While making the transition,
• Conducted a user information life- we’ve purposely kept a slow pace in or-
cycle analysis to guide our ongoing der to meet the demands of product re-
content model development (see leases and tight schedules.
Figure 1).
• Released a formal content model for strategy. You may have done your Jeanette Evans (
installation instructions, defining op- is an information developer at Rockwell
tional and required components for a research and mapped out a transition Automation and holds an MS in Technical
typical publication. plan, but no matter how thorough you Communication Management from Mercer
• Introduced new Adobe FrameMaker University. For the content reuse strategy de-
templates designed to transition in-
are, you’re bound to run into some scribed here, she was a member of the Style
formation developers toward think- surprises. Moving slowly and carefully Guide and Process and Workflow task forces
ing semantically rather than thinking
in terms of formatting.
can make the transition smoother. and is currently working toward implement-
ing the strategy.
• Began a pilot program with XML au-
thoring tools and DITA. on our ability to meet project deadlines. Julianne Forsythe (
Looking forward, we need to consider is a content management specialist at Rock-
Where We Are Now the conversion of legacy documenta- well Automation, with a BA in Business
One of the biggest challenges in this tion and the impact of that on existing Administration from Baldwin-Wallace Col-
transition has been addressing process translations. In addition, we face the lege. For the project described here, she was a
changes required to support topic- challenge of managing topics instead member of the pilot team and led the Tools
based authoring. We have to be sensi- of documents. Transitioning from a tra- and Technology Task Force; she continues to
tive to the impact of each new change ditional, book-based approach to topic- support implementation of this project.

16 December 2008

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