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Student: Veronica Mendieta

Teacher: Jenny Muoz

Unit 2 Grammar
(ing )
That book is more boring than this one.
I think Dr Smith's lesson was more interesting than Dr Brown's.
I think this is the most interesting talk we've heard today.
It was the most frightening film that he'd ever seen.
We had some unexpecting visitors.
I was surprising to see sheep walking on the road.
They have had enough annoying noise for one weekend.
I go running every morning.
He lay looking up at the clouds.
She came running towards me.

(ed )
Bob was bored by the movie.
I was more frightened of dogs than spiders when I was a child.
For 24 hours on the flight to Australia, I was the most bored I've ever been.
I'm interested in American history.
The family was entertained.
I'm bored of my job. I want to find another one.
He was very surprised by my reaction.
The jury was convinced by the lawyer's argument.
The bomb was detonated.
Ten people were killed .

Unit 3 Grammar
Used to

Student: Veronica Mendieta

Teacher: Jenny Muoz
You used to arrive ten minutes late.
She used to read the newspaper.
She used to send her child to a summer camp.
We used to eat together.
She used to go there twice a week.
We used to give her a gift in her birthday.
I used to drive to work.
They used to sell books there.
They used to visit us.
He used to teach French.
She used to make so many mistakes.Mi son used to be a good student
She used to play the violin.
All meetings used to be held in his office.
I used to buy my clothes in that store

Unit 2 Writing An embarassing moment.

AT SCHOOL I EMBARRASSING .As in most of the schools on Mondays it is customary to sing the National Anthem and
asked me to give my voice start . I I like at that time I was distracted talking to my friends.

Student: Veronica Mendieta

Teacher: Jenny Muoz
I gave the anthem of the province and all my colleagues laughed was really
embarrassing .

En El colegio me Vergonzante.Como en la mayoria de los colegios los das Lunes se acostumbra a cantar del Himno
Nacional y a mi me pidieron que diera la voz de inicio. I yo como en ese momento me
encontraba distraida conversando con mis amigas. I di el Himno de la provincia y todos
mis compaeros se rieron fue realmente vergonzante.

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