E N G L I S H VI1st Grading

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A. Distinguish change in meaning of sentences caused by stress.
B. Use the correct intonation.

II. Subject Matter:

Distinguishing Changes in Meaning of Sentences Caused by Stress
Using the Correct Intonation
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
copy of texts and paragraphs on manila paper
Being a keen observer.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Introducing the subject to the pupils..
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Can you recall the first person you had seen before entering the school campus today? Can you
recall if he/she was wearing a wrist watch? How will you describe the person who observes
everything around him very well?
2. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
3. Discussion:
a. Comprehension check up:
Asking questions about the selection.
b. Skill Focus:
Listen to the teacher read the sentences. What does sentence 1 mean? 2? 3? What does
change in stress in the sentences bring about? Listening to another sentences. What kind of
sentence is sentence 1? 2? How are these sentences read? This intonation is called the falling
intonation. What kind of sentence is sentence 3? 4? How are these sentences read? This
intonation is called the rising intonation.
c. Reading of sample sentences rising intonation/falling intonation.
d. Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
Stress in sentences is the act of increasing the pitch and volume of the voice when reading a
word in sentences. When read in rising intonation, the speaker is expressing doubt or asking for
information. When read in falling intonation, the speaker is expressing certainty.
2. Fixation of Skills:
Listen to the teacher read the following sentences. Identify the meaning of the following
a. Roys father Dr. Roxas is a scientist who works for EMTEC Laboratory.
b. Roys father Dr. Roxas is a scientist who works for EMTEC Laboratory.
3. Application:
Read the following sentences correctly.
a. Is Mr. Bello coming?
b. We learn science by observing.
c. One uses his senses when he observes.
d. Did you bring your Science book?
4. Value Integration:

Is being a keen observer important? Cite real life situations to prove.

IV. Evaluation:
Tell what intonation is used in given sentences.
1. At what time did you arrive home?
2. Werent you late?
3. Where do you place your dirty clothes?
4. Do you wash them yourselves?
5. Where do you do your laundry?
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

V. Assignment: Write a 2-character dialogue using declarative and yes-no and information questions. Be ready
to read it in class using the correct intonation.

A. Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using the context clues.
B. Write from dictation
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues
Writing from Dictation
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
flashcards, pictures
Listening attentively
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Reading of sentences with rising or falling intonation.
a. Are the pupils listening?
b. A good observer must be curious.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Are you curious of all the things around you? Is curiosity a good attitude or not? Let us find
out in the story we are about to read this morning.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Reading the sentences in the chart.
a. Willy trampled on the newly planted roses in his mothers garden.
b. We can feel the throb of our pulse from our wrist.
c. The receiving room at Roxas house is dimmed by thick curtains.
3. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
4. Discussion:
a. Comprehension check up:
What is the story about? Why did Fe approach Ms/ Velez? What does the saying curiosity
kills a cat
b. Skill Focus:
In the text read, what words give clues to the meaning of difficult? Approach? Wonder?
Reply? Literal? Danger? What is the meaning of difficult? Approach? etc. Writing from
c. Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
The meaning of unfamiliar words in the texts can be encoded using context clues or other words
in the sentences.
2. Fixation of Skills:
Identify the word/group of words that gives clues to the meaning of the underlined words.
a. Who could live happily in the village ruled by a tyrant?
3. Application:
Write the following paragraph correctly as dictated by the teacher?
4. Value Integration:

Where you able to write the paragraph correctly? How?

IV. Evaluation:
Choose the meaning of the underlined words.
1. Mark and his members in the group figured that it was the best action to do their project on Saturday. (agreed,
decided, realized)
2. The scientist sets up a hypothesis to explain or answer a problem. (a guess, an answer, a question)
3. My neck is hurting probably because of my position when I was asleep. (twisting, swelling, painful)
4. Mrs. Bello, who is the only daughter of a rich politician, bought an elegant piece of jewelry. (refined,
expensive, cheap and simple)
5. The protesting students were jeering at the police. (laughing, mocking, shouting)
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

V. Assignment: Copy a short story. Write down 5 difficult words from the story and give its meaning using
context clues.

A. Follow a series of directions listened to (labeling diagrams)
B. Follow a series of directions in experiments.

II. Subject Matter:

Following a Series of Directions Listened to
Following a Series of Directions from Experiments
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
unlabeled and labeled diagrams of the circulatory system of the human body and of the parts of
the circulatory system,
materials needed in performing Activity 1 in Science and Health.
Being thankful to the life God has
given us

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review: (Game)
Group yourselves into five. Read the sentences flashed in cartolina strips one at a time. Choose
the meaning of t
he underlined word among the words in the Answer box. Write it on the cartolina
strips provided.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What will you hold the greatest gift of God to us? Why? Isnt the gift of life His greatest gift to
us? Why?
On what ways can we be thankful of the life God has given us?
2. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
3. Discussion:
What do you do when labeling a diagram? Group yourselves into five. Draw the circulatory
system and label its
parts. Compare works. Which works are correct? Which works are incorrect?
Why? What are the rules to follow
when labeling a diagram?
Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
Following a series of directions in experiments should be done with extra care.
2. Fixation of Skills:
Listening to texts read by the teacher. Labeling diagrams based on texts listened to.
3. Application:
Group yourselves into five. Do the directions in the Activity I given.
Doing a simple experiment
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the text read by the teacher. Then, draw a diagram of the circulatory system of th human body
and label its parts.
The circulatory system of the human body is composed of three major parts the heart, the
blood, and the blood vessels. The heart is located inside our chest, slightly to the left of the center.
The blood is found around our body carrying the substances the cells our body needs through tiny
tubes called the blood vessels.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

Write a comic strip showing the parts of the circulatory system of the human body and the function of
each part.


A. Give a report based from an observation.
B. Write specific directions.

II. Subject Matter:

Giving a Report Based from an Observation
Writing Specific Directions
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
chart to be used in writing
Valuing life as Gods gift/Love for

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Following simple directions given by the teacher.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Who gave us life? In appreciation for this God-given gift of life, what should we do? In
what ways can we show that we value this gift? Can there be anything better than offering out life
for others, especially those of the needy ones? Why?
2. Presentation:
Reading the directions in Activity 1 of the pupils Science Activity book.
3. Discussion:
What are the specific directions given?
Group yourselves into five. Rewrite in your own words the specific directions given.
Compare your works.
Which works are correct? Which works are not correct? Why? Write a report on the
observations you have gathered from the experiment.
Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
What are the rules to follow when giving a report based from an observation? What are the
rules in writing specific directions?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Giving reports based from observation of:
a. Observing a change in the appearance of the hand when a rubber band is placed around the arm.
b. beating of the pulse
c. clotting of the blood
3. Application:
Writing specific directions in observing the clotting of the blood.
IV. Evaluation:
Write specific directions on dissecting a frog. Then, be able to give a report based on the observation you
have gathered.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

Write a poem or an essay about life as Gods gift to man.


A. Follow a series of directions listened to in completing a chart.

II. Subject Matter:

Following a Series of Directions Listened
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
manila paper and texts for Group Game, texts for Lesson Proper on manila paper
Care of the Circulatory System
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Make specific directions on cooking rice.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Can we live if the air we breathe in is dirty? What should we do then?
2. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
3. Discussion:
Value focus:
What are the common diseases of the circulatory system? What are the symptoms of
each? How can
we avoid getting these diseases?
b. Skill Focus:
How are information in the text presented through a chart? Group yourselves into five.
Complete the
chart based on the text listened to. Compare your works. Which works are
correct? Which are incorrect? Why?
Formulate rules to
follow in completing a chart.
c. Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
What are the rules to follow in completing a chart?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Complete the chart about the text that we have just discussed.
Name of the parts

Do the activity on text pp. ___.

IV. Evaluation:
Make a chart of common diseases of the circulatory system, a short description of each, its symptoms and
how it can be treated.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________


Listen to the text read (about blood, its components and functions) and make a chart based on the text
listened to.
Parts of the Blood




A. Participate in club meetings.

II. Subject Matter:

Participating in Club Meetings
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
manila paper and texts for Group Game, texts for Lesson Proper on manila paper
Listening attentively
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Complete the chart below about the circulatory system.
Name of the parts



Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Who is our classroom officers? How did you elect them?
2. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
3. Discussion:
Comprehension Check up:
Asking questions about the selection listened to.
b. Skill Focus:
Discussion on how the meeting was conducted. Formulating rules to follow when
participating in club meeting. Give emphasis on the contents of the minutes of the meeting.
c. Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
What are the rules to follow in when participating in club meeting?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Showing how to participate in a club meeting by discussing any of the following topics.
a. Classroom projects for the school year.
b. Keeping the classroom clean and dust free.
c. Helping slow learners in class to improve their grades.
3. Application:
Do the activity on text pp. ___.
4. Value Focus:
Why should we have to listen attentively to meetings?
IV. Evaluation:
Write the minutes of meeting held.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________


Write a slogan or make a poster in relation to the effect of smoking and air pollution to man and the


A. Note details in selections listened to.

II. Subject Matter:

Noting Details in Selections Listened to
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
charts on reading text
Valuing ones life through keeping ones self
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
What can be found in the minutes of meeting?
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Are you fond of eating fatty foods and bagoong? What do most people say about this?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Getting the meaning of the words through context/use of dictionary.
3. Presentation:
Reading of the selection.
4. Discussion:
Comprehension Check up:
Asking questions about the story read.
b. Value Focus:
If you were Mang Ramon, what would you have done? On what other ways can we
take good care of
our health?
c. Skill Focus:
What is the setting of the story read? Who are the main characters? Secondary? What are
the events that
make up its plot?
d. Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
How did we note the details in the story we read? How can we identify the events on the plot?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Reading/Listening text/Noting details based on the text read or listened to.
a. What is the setting of the story?
b. Who are the main characters? Secondary?
c. What are the events that make up its plot? What happened first? Next? etc.
3. Application:
Do the activity on text pp. ___.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the selection carefully then answer the following questions correctly.
1. What is the setting of the story?
2. Who are the main characters?
3. Who are the secondary characters?
4. What are the events that make up its plot?
5. Arrange the following events as they happen in the story.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

Copy a short story in your assignment notebooks. Be able to identify the setting, main character, and the
plot of the story.


A. Change statements into questions.
B. Write specific directions on given situations.

II. Subject Matter:

Changing Statements into Questions
Writing Specific Directions on Given Situations
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
charts on text for speaking
Being Polite
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Read the selection carefully then be able to identify its plot, settings, and main characters.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
When you wanted to know someones house what will you do? How should you ask
2. Presentation:
Reading the sentences on chart.
3. Discussion:
Study sentences A and B, again. How is A1 changed to B1? What is does called? Why is it
used, not do? Why
not did? Formulate patterns and rules in
changing statements to questions based on sentences A1 and B1 and
sentences B1 and B2? Compare
your work with the following patterns.
Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
How do we change statements into questions?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Change the following statements to questions.
a. Anemia is an ailment of the blood.
b. Frequent headaches, dizziness and ringing in the ears are symptoms of high blood pressure.
c. Diseases of the circulatory system are the primary causes of deaths in the Philippines.
3. Application:
Change the following statements to Yes-No questions.
a. William Harvey discovered that blood circulates around the body in arteries and veins.
b. Different people have different type of blood.
c. Plasma is the fluid part of the blood.
IV. Evaluation:
Change the following statements to questions.
1. Blood travels through tubes called blood vessels.
2. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels of the circulatory system.
3. The continuous movement of the heart is the heartbeat.
4. Sudden loss of blood also causes anemia.
5. High blood pressure can cause sudden death.
Mastery Learning: _______________


Instructional Decision: _______________

(Dyadic Activity) Write a 2 character dialogue demonstrating the use of the rules in changing statement
to questions. Be ready to read it in class.


A. Give the main idea of the selection listened to.
B. Write the summary of what was read or heard.
C. State the main idea of a paragraph.

II. Subject Matter:

Give the Main Idea of the Selection Listened to
Writing Specific Directions on Given Situations
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
texts for presentation and exercises on manila paper
Keeping oneself healthy
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
What are the patterns and rules used in changing statements to questions? Give examples of
statements and
change them to questions to illustrate each rule.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Do you consider yourself healthy? What made you think so?
What should we do to become healthy and strong?
2. Presentation:
Listening to the text.
3. Discussion:
What is the main idea of the paragraph you have just listened to? Is the main idea of the
paragraph implied or
explicit? Why is it so? Does the summary
contain the texts major ideas? Formulate rules to follow in writing the summary of what was read or
Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
The main idea of the paragraph may be explicit or implied. It is explicit if a sentence in the
paragraph directly states it. If no sentence in the paragraph states it, it is implied. A summary is a
paragraph or selection in its shortened form. It includes major ideas stated in the paragraph or
2. Fixation of Skills:
Listening or reading texts to identify the main idea of texts read or listened to/Telling whether
the main idea of
the paragraph is explicit or implied.
3. Application:
Reading texts/Writing summary of texts read in the previous exercise.
IV. Evaluation:
Write the summary of the given paragraph written on the manila paper and be able to give its main idea.
Tell whether it is explicit or implied.
Mastery Learning: _______________

Instructional Decision: _______________

Copy a short selection then be able to give its main idea. Then, be able to write the summary of the given



A. Use tag questions.

II. Subject Matter:

Using Tag Questions
RBEC English VI Handbook, p. 23
texts for presentation and exercises on manila paper
Keeping ones self healthy
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of Basic Sight Vocabulary Words.
2. Review:
Give the main idea of the given selection then be able to write its summary on the board.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Do you eat fruits and vegetables? What is your favorite fruits and vegetables? Are fruits and
vegetables good for our body? Why? So, what should we do to make our body healthy and strong?
2. Presentation:
Reading the dialogue in the chart..
3. Discussion:
Reading of sentences written on the board.
The sentences are composed of the main sentence and the tag questions. Basing on sentences 1
and 2, when is do
in the tag questions used? Does? Basing
on sentences 3 and 4, when is is used? Are? Compare sentences 1 to 4 with 5
and 6.
patterns and rules in using tag questions.
Further discussion of the topic.
C. Post - Activity:
1. Generalization:
What are the rules and patterns in using tag questions?
2. Fixation of Skills:
Completing sentences with tag questions.
a. Tim and Felix jog around the neighborhood.
b. Mitch sleeps early.
c. We eat on time.
3. Application:
Writing sentences with tag questions.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct tag question.
1. From the food we eat, we get materials needed for our growth and repair, __________?
a. do we?
b. dont we?
2. Our body produces waste materials, ___________?
a. dont we?
b. doesnt it?
3. Warm clothes are necessary during cold weather, __________?
a. dont we?
b. isnt it?
4. We should eat nutritious food, ____________?
a. dont we?
b. shouldnt we?
5. Minerals are good for our bones and teeth, __________?
a. dont we?
b. arent they?
Mastery Learning: _______________


doesnt we?


does it?


arent they?


should we?


are they?

Instructional Decision: _______________


(Dyadic Activity) Write a 2 character dialogue demonstrating the rules to follow in using tag questions.
Be ready to read it in class.

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