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I Know my

Savior Lives
Family Home Evening Lessons for a Year

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day
upon the earth (Job 19:25)

I Know My Savior Lives

Family Home Evening Lessons for a Year
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:

We Believe in God and Jesus Christ

God is the Father of my spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
My Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.
Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.

July: I can follow Jesus Christs Example

Lesson 25: Jesus always obeyed Heavenly Father
Lesson 26: Jesus Christ went about doing good.
Lesson 27: Jesus Christs example teaches me how to live.
Lesson 28: Jesus Christs example teaches me how to live.

February: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer

Lesson 5: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
Lesson 6: Through the Atonement, all mankind may be saved.
Lesson 7: Through the Atonement, all mankind may be saved.
Lesson 8: Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.

August: Jesus is a God of miracles.

Lesson 29: Jesus Christ is a God of miracles.
Lesson 30: Jesus Christ can heal the sick.
Lesson 31: Jesus Christ has power over death.
Lesson 32: Miracles come to those who have faith.

March: God speaks through Prophets

Lesson 9: Prophets are called by God.
Lesson 10: Prophets testify of Jesus Christ.
Lesson 11: There is safety in following the prophet.
Lesson 12: God speaks through prophets.

September: I obey Jesus because I love Him.

Lesson 33: I show love for Jesus when I keep the commandments
Lesson 34: I show love for Jesus when I keep the commandments
Lesson 35: My love for Jesus Christ grows when I pray.
Lesson 36: My love for Jesus grows when I study the scriptures.

April: Jesus restored the fullness of the gospel.

Lesson 13: Heavenly Father & Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith.
Lesson 14: Book of Mormon translated by the power of God.
Lesson 15: Jesus restored the gospel through Joseph Smith.
Lesson 16: Jesus restored the gospel through Joseph Smith.

October: The Church Mission is to invite all to come unto Christ

Lesson 37: Following the prophet helps us come unto Christ.
Lesson 38: Sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ.
Lesson 39: We come unto Christ by repenting of our mistakes.
Lesson 40: Temple work helps me and my family come to Christ.

May: Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel lead me to Jesus

Lesson 17: My faith in Jesus is strengthened when I obey.
Lesson 18: I can repent.
Lesson 19: When I am baptized I make a covenant with God.
Lesson 20: When I am confirmed I receive the Holy Ghost.

Lesson 41:
Lesson 42:
Lesson 43:
Lesson 44:

When we serve others, we serve God.

Jesus taught us how to serve others.
Jesus taught us how to serve others.
When I serve my family, I serve God.
When I serve my neighbors, I serve God.

June: The Holy Ghost testifies of the truth

Lesson 21: The Holy Ghost is the 3rd member of the Godhead.
Lesson 22: The Holy Ghost speaks in a still, small voice.
Lesson 23: The Holy Ghost can guide and protect us.
Lesson 24: By the power of the Holy Ghost we know the truth.

Lesson 45:
Lesson 46:
Lesson 47:
Lesson 48:

I Know that my Redeemer Lives

Jesus came to earth as promised by the prophets.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
Jesus Christ will return to the earth someday.
I can live with Jesus Christ again.

Lessons geared for families with younger Primary children. Lessons coordinate with the weekly themes
contained in the 2015 Outline for Sharing Time in Primary and are compiled using the following resources:
LDS Standard Works
2015 Outline for Sharing Time
The Friend Magazine
Behold Your Little One Nursery Manual
Primary 1: I Am a Child of God
Primary 2: Choose the Right A

Primary 3: Choose the Right B

Lesson 1: God is the Father of my spirit.

Opening Song: I Am a Child of God (CS, page 2)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Psalms 82:6

Vicki F. Matsumori, Sharing Time: I Am a Child of God, Friend, Mar 2003, 18

All of you are children of the most High (Ps. 82:6). Name some of your favorite Primary songs. Why did you
choose those particular songs? You probably enjoy them because they have a good melody or an important
One song that is a favorite for Primary children throughout the world is I Am a Child of God. It was written for
a Primary conference in 1957 by Sister Naomi W. Randall and Sister Mildred T. Pettit. Sister Randall prayed for
help in writing the message. She awoke in the middle of the night with the words of the song in mind. She
mailed the words, or lyrics, to Sister Pettit, who lived in California. Sister Pettit put the words to music.
A few years later, President Spencer W. Kimball, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,
suggested changing Teach me all that I must know to Teach me all that I must do. He said that to know
isnt enough. We have to do something. (Friend, Oct. 1984, 14.)
In Primary, you learn some important truths when you sing this song. You learn that you really are a child of
God. You learn that Heavenly Father has sent you to a home with parents to help you. And, especially, you learn
that when you do what is right, you can one day return to live with Heavenly Father.

Activity: Display pictures of some of the children in your family. Tell how each child is differentand special.
Testify of each childs divine nature. Make copies of the picture for kids to color.
Discuss various talents and personality traits, such as being good at athletics, music, or art; being friendly;
being kind. Have the children stand in a circle. Choose one child to be It. The child who is It tosses a beanbag
or other item to someone standing in the circle and calls out a talent such as athletics, then counts quickly to
10. The child who catches the beanbag must name an athletic talent, such as playing soccer, before It
reaches 10; if not, he or she becomes It.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 2: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Opening Song: The First Article of Faith (CS, pg 122a)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Matthew 3:17

Sharing Time Ideas, Friend Magazine, February 1999

Some people have heard or seen Heavenly Father witness that Jesus is His Beloved Son. Sing or say the words in
verses 13, one at a time, of This Is My Beloved Son (CS, p. 76). After each verse, display the appropriate
picture and have the children teach what they remember about the story the picture represents (and the song
teaches). Verse one: Matthew 3:1617 (baptism of Jesus); verse two: 3 Nephi 11:37 (the Savior appears to the
Nephites); verse three: Joseph SmithHistory 1:17 (Joseph Smiths First Vision). Ask Who besides Heavenly
Father testifies that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God? Possibilities: the early prophets (JSH 1:17);
Christs Apostles and friends (John 6:69; Matt. 16:1516); latter-day prophets (D&C 76:2224), including
President Thomas S. Monson; and Christ Himself (3 Ne. 11:910; John 4:2526). Sing verse 4 of the song. Bear
your witness that as we read the words of Christ in the scriptures daily, we will gain an increasing testimony in
our own hearts that Jesus is the Son of God.

Have the children put together the pieces of the puzzle with the picture below of Jesus, the Son of God.

Closing Prayer:

Lesson 3: My Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.

Opening Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS 228)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Psalm 82:6

Primary Manual 1: I Am A Child of God, Lesson 6

Say each childs name and tell each one something you like about him or her.
Ask each child to name someone who loves him or her and tell what that person does that makes him or her feel
Explain that this lesson is about two people who love us all. They gave us this beautiful earth and the gospel and
the Church.
Who are these two people who love everybody? (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.)
Remind the children that before we came to earth, we lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They
planned for us to come to earth so we could learn and grow. They know us and care about us.
Display a picture of the world.
What did Heavenly Father ask Jesus Christ to create for us? (The world.)
Explain that Heavenly Father had Jesus create the earth and everything on it. Help the children understand that
Heavenly Father and Jesus planned all the things we need to live and be happy. These things remind us of their
love for us.

Activity: Bring an object, such as an empty beverage bottle, that can spin like a pointer. Seat the children in
a circle on the floor and place the bottle in the middle of the circle. Spin the bottle on the floor. When it points
to a child, that child should name something that Heavenly Father and Jesus have given us that shows their love
for us. Help each child think of an answer when it is his or her turn. After a child responds, let him or her spin
the bottle so it points to another child.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 4: Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.

Opening Song: Jesus Loved the Little Children (CS 59).
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Romans 8:39

Primary Manual 1: I Am a Child of God, Lesson 6

Show a picture of Christ and the Children. Tell the story of Jesus blessing the children, as found in Mark 10:13
Point out that Jesus took time to love and bless the children even though some of his followers thought he
shouldnt be bothered by children.
What did Jesus do when the children came? (See Mark 10:16.)
How do you think the children felt about Jesus?
Show picture of Jesus Blessing the Nephite Children. Explain that after Jesus died, he visited the people in
America. America was far away from where Jesus lived on earth.
Tell the story of Jesus blessing the Nephite children, as found in 3 Nephi 17:1112, 2124. Explain that Jesus
blessed each child individually.
How did Jesus show his love for the children?
How do you know Jesus loves you?

Activity: Hold up a mirror and have the children come up one at a time. As each child comes up and looks in
the mirror, say, This is (childs name), and Heavenly Father and Jesus love (childs name) very much.
Coloring page below.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 5: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (CS 34-35)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 3:16

Ann Jamison, Sharing Time: Always Remember Jesus Christ, Friend, Apr 2000, 37

Talk about the childrens names. Share how each childs name was chosen. Is it a family name? Does it have a
special meaning? Tell the children that Jesus Christ has many names, and these names will help us to remember
Him and to understand what He has done for all of us. Show pictures from the GAK or other Church resources
that illustrate His names. (4 small images are included below. 1- The Good Shepherd, 2- The Babe of Bethlehem,
3- The Healer, 4- The Teacher)
Jesus is the Savior. Jesus loves us so much that He suffered and died for us. On the third day after His body was
laid in the tomb, He arosewas resurrected. He said, I have laid down my life, and have taken it up again;
therefore repent, and come unto me ye ends of the earth, and be saved (3 Ne. 9:22). We come unto Him when
we remember Him and keep His commandments. Because He made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins
and be resurrected and return to live with Heavenly Father, Jesus is our Savior.

Activity: Look at a weekly calendar and write down something you can do on each day to remember Jesus.
Make sure you have at least one thing written down for each day of the week (ie Sunday take the sacrament,
Monday talk about Jesus at FHE, Tuesday read scriptures, etc)

Closing Prayer

Lesson 6: Through the Atonement, all mankind may be saved.

Opening Song: Second Article of Faith (CS 123)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Moses 1:39
Lesson: Karen Ashton, Sharing Time: Jesus Christs Atonement Is the Greatest Gift of Love, Friend, Feb 1996, 36
Do you know that you lived with Heavenly Father before you were born? When Heavenly Father presented His
plan for your life on earth and your return to Him, you shouted for joy! You wanted to receive a body and to
make important choices and covenants. Heavenly Father knew that our earthly bodies would die and that we
would make some wrong choices and sin. He loved us and wanted to make it possible for us to repent. He knew
that someone would have to come to earth to free us from death and pay for our sins. To do this would be so
difficult and so painful that only a perfect being could do it. We could not do it for ourselves. Jesus loved us so
much that He asked Heavenly Father to send Him. He was willing to suffer pain for the sins of all people. He was
also willing to give up His life to overcome death. He did not offer to do this because He wanted glory or honor
but because He loved us and Heavenly Father.

Activity: Make paper doll chains to show how our family can be together if we make good choices and follow
Gods Plan of happiness for us on earth. Fold a piece of paper accordion-style. Sketch one side of the figure of
a boy or girl on the center of the folded paper, with arm and foot extending to the folded edge. Cut around the
figure, remembering to not cut the folded edge where the hands and feet extend. Encourage the older children
to color each doll to represent a family member.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 7: Through the Atonement, all mankind may be saved.

Opening Song: Third Article of Faith (CS 123)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Moroni 7:41

Sharing Time: I Can Repent and Be Happy, Friend, Apr 2006, 1416

Tell the following story: There was a girl who got a splinter in her finger. Her dad took his pocketknife, cleaned
it, and gently scraped it across her finger to catch the end of the splinter and pull it out. Even though her dad
was gentle, it hurt to have the splinter removed! The next time the girl got a splinter, she didnt tell anyone.
After a few days, her finger became infected. It hurt so much that she wanted the splinter removed no matter
what. Her dad gently removed it. After the splinter was gone, her finger began to heal.
When we do something wrong, it always hurts us and it often hurts others. We may think the hurt will go away if
we ignore it. But left alone, the wrong will continue to hurt us and make us sad.
Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to be happy. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make it possible for us to
repent. Through His Atonement, Jesus paid the price for our sins so that we can repent and be forgiven.
Repentance is a way of removing and healing from a sin that hurts us spiritually. The first thing we need to do is
to realize that we have done something wrong and to feel sorry that we did it. This feeling comes from the Holy
Ghost. We must ask Heavenly Father and any people we have wronged to forgive us. We need to do the best we
can to correct any problems caused because of our wrong choices. We must also decide not to do the wrong
thing again. After we have done all that we can to repent, because of Christs Atonement, Heavenly Father will
forgive us. Repentance makes us happier now and makes it possible for us to live with Heavenly Father and
Jesus forever.

Activity: Help the children memorize the following poem (or at least the phrase washed clean) by Boyd K.
Packer (Friend, Apr. 1999, inside front cover; also Washed Clean, Ensign, May 1997, 11)
If we could only understand
All we have heard and seen,
We'd know there is no greater gift
Than those two wordsWashed clean!

Closing Prayer

Lesson 8: Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.

Opening Song: I Wonder When He Comes Again (CS 82)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 3:16

Elizabeth Ricks, He Lives!, Friend, Apr 2007, 1416

Sister Nielson was teaching the Sunbeam class. She held a picture of Jesus showing His wounds after He had
been resurrected.
You mean He lived again after He was dead? Heather asked.
Jake exclaimed, Yes, He did! We will live again too!
How did three-year-old Jake know that Jesus lived again? How did he know that he too would live again?
Each week Jake listened to Sister Nielson's lessons. She taught about Jesus and bore her testimony. Jake
listened to his parents during family home evening and at other times. They taught about Jesus and bore
testimony of Him. The feeling in Jake's heart told him to believe the words of his teacher and parents.
After Jesus was resurrected, He showed Himself to His disciples. Thomas was not with them. The other disciples
told Thomas they had seen Jesus. But Thomas said, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and
put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe (John 20:25).
Eight days later Jesus did show Himself to Thomas. Jesus let Thomas feel the nail prints in His hands and touch
His side. Then Jesus said, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have
not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29).
Like Jake, we can believe in Jesus even though we do not see Him. Our faith will grow when we know, without
seeing, that Jesus is our Savior.

Activity: Illustrate the separation of spirit and body, and the reuniting of spirit and body using a glove to
cover and uncover your hand. Let the children try demonstrating life (glove on hand), death (glove removed
from hand), and resurrection (glove placed back on hand)

Closing Prayer

Lesson 9: Prophets are called by God.

Opening Song: Fifth Article of Faith (CS 125)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Fifth Article of Faith
Lesson: ProphetsCalled of God for Us, Friend, Jan 2001, 28
For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith (D&C 21:5).
Because Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return to live with Him, He had His Son Jesus Christ create the
earth and establish His church on it. Then Heavenly Father called special men, known as prophets, to teach and
guide His people according to His plan. And when people strayed from His counsel and destroyed His church, He
called more prophets to help us because He loves us so much!
Three of these prophets are Adam, Lehi, and Joseph Smith.
Adam helped Jesus Christ create the earth. Later, Adam was the first mortal man on earth and thus the
father of all of us. He was married to his wife, Eve, by the Lord; was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ; was
baptized in water and received the Holy Ghost; and taught the gospel to his sons and daughters. He will come
again at the end of the Millennium to conquer Satan and his forces forever.*
Lehi was a prophet during a time when the Jews were rebelling against the gospel. He warned them that they
would be destroyed and scattered across the earth if they did not repent. They did not repent, so God told Lehi
to take his family and flee into the wilderness. He took the brass plates with them so that they would have their
family history and the scriptures to help them remember Heavenly Father and His teachings when they went to
their new home in the promised land. Lehi died in the promised land but was promised that the story of his
people and Gods love for them would someday be told to all the world.
The Lord called Joseph Smith to be a prophet when he was just a young man. The true Church of Jesus Christ
was no longer on the earth, and the Prophet Joseph was called to restore it. He received the priesthoodthe
power and authority of Godand all the priesthood keys needed to restore the Church. He translated the Book
of Mormon, the story of Lehis people and another testament of Jesus Christ. He preached the gospel to all who
would listen, and he built the first temple in modern times.

Activity: After you have read each set of clues about a prophet, write the prophets name on the blank line,
then color the figure. For answers and to learn even more about each prophet, refer to the scripture
references. Mount pictures onto lightweight cardboard. Cut out each figure with its accompanying riddles. Fold
on the dotted line, tape a flat stick or drinking straw 1 (2.5 cm) from the bottom on the inside, then glue
together (see illustration). Use these figures and riddles in a Primary talk or a family home evening.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 10: Prophets testify of Jesus Christ.

Opening Song: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (CS 57)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 2 Nephi 25:26

Linda Christensen, Stories of Jesus, Tell Them to Me, Friend, Dec 2008, 1012

What are your favorite stories of Jesus? Do you like the story of His birth? Have you read about how He calmed
the stormy sea? Did you know He healed a blind man and raised His friend Lazarus from the dead? Have you read
about how He loved the children?
Stories of Jesus are found in the scriptures. Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, wrote, And we talk of Christ, we
rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies (2
Nephi 25:26). Heavenly Father commanded His prophets to testify of His Son, Jesus Christ, and keep sacred
records so we can learn about Jesus.
The prophets have asked you to read the scriptures every day. Read about Jesuss birth and the miracles He
performed. Talk with your family about the precious gift of the Atonement. As you learn the stories of Jesus,
you will be blessed to feel His love for you and your testimony of His gospel will grow.

Activity: Color the following picture of the prophets who foretold the birth of Jesus Christ.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 11: There is safety in following the prophet.

Opening Song: Follow the Prophet (CS 110-111)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 1 Ne. 3:7
Cut out the images of the prophets below and mount on popsicle sticks if desired and use the song Follow the
Prophet to tell the stories and teachings of these prophets. Help the children learn at least the chorus of the

Activity: Turn off the lights and lead the children through the house using a flashlight. Teach them that if
they follow the light theyll always know which way to go. Remind them that Heavenly Father calls Prophets to
share the light of the gospel and Heavenly Fathers plans for us and if we follow them, well always know which
way to go.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 12: God speaks through prophets.

Opening Song: Quickly Ill Obey (CS 197 change words to When the prophet tells me)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: D&C 21:5

Diane S. Nichols, Sharing Time: The Prophet Speaks for Heavenly Father, Friend, Jan 2001, 14

Pretend that its a beautiful summer evening and you have been playing outside with your brothers and sisters.
Now imagine that your mom calls to you and asks you to tell them to come in for dinner. You are speaking for
your mom, delivering a message for her to your family. Will they listen?
Throughout the ages, Father in Heaven has chosen certain men to speak for Him. These men are called
prophets. They teach us what Heavenly Father wants us to know. They warn us about what will happen if we
disobey. They also tell us about the wonderful blessings that will come when we do obey. Will we listen?
The scriptures tell us about the prophets who were called by Father in Heaven to speak for Him. Noah was asked
by the Lord to warn the people that if they didnt repent, a terrible flood would come and cover the earth.
Noahs family were the only ones who listened, and they were saved from the flood (see Gen. 68; 2 Pet. 2:5).
The prophet Lehi was shown that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would come and be the Savior of the world. Lehis
son Nephi prayed to know if the words of his father were true. The Lord visited Nephi, and he believed all the
words of his father. Later, Nephi also spoke for the Lord (see 1 Ne. 1:1819; 1 Ne. 2:1618).
As a young boy, Joseph Smith went into the woods to pray to Father in Heaven and ask which church he should
join. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and gave him instructions that opened the way for the
restoration of the gospel in our day (see JSH 1:1120).
We have a living prophet today, Gordon B. Hinckley. He is the President of the Church, and he speaks to us for
the Lord. He was chosen by God and called through proper priesthood authority. President Hinckley testifies
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he teaches us the gospel. All the prophets testify of Jesus Christ and
teach us what He wants us to do (see Jacob 7:11; D&C 21:1, 45).
When we pray to Heavenly Father as Nephi did, we can know that the words of the prophets are true. Prophets
are men who walk with God (see Gen. 6:9). They keep His commandments and are obedient to the things He
tells them to do. When we hear the prophet, we will know that he speaks to us for the Savior. Yes, we will

Activity: Play Mommy Says or Daddy Says (like Simon Says). When you preface an instruction with
Mommy Says the children should obey and do what you said (for example: Mommy says smile!). Do opposites
without including Mommy Says (for example: Frown!) Explain that we will get different directions from
different people, but that we can trust the Prophet because hes called of God, and that we need to follow his

Closing Prayer

Lesson 13: Heavenly Father & Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith.

Opening Song: On a Golden Springtime (CS 88, verse 3)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: James 1:5

Lesson 5: The First Vision, Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),20

Early one spring morning, Joseph walked to a grove of trees near his home. After looking around to make sure
that he was alone, Joseph knelt down to pray.
As he was praying, he saw a very bright light in the air above his head. Joseph described what he saw in this
way: When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description,
standing above me in the air (Joseph SmithHistory 1:17).
Show the picture below.
One of the personages called Joseph by name and, pointing to the other, said, This is My Beloved Son. Hear
Him! (Joseph SmithHistory 1:17).
Who were these two personages? (Heavenly Father and Jesus.)
Joseph asked Heavenly Father and Jesus which church was right and which he should join. He was told that he
should not join any of the churches because they were all wrong. Joseph learned that Jesus true Church was no
longer on the earth.
The place where Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus is now called the Sacred Grove.
How do you think Joseph Smith felt after having seen Heavenly Father and Jesus?
Ask the children what Joseph Smith learned from his vision. Bring out the following points:
1. Joseph saw Heavenly Father and Jesus. He learned that they have bodies of flesh and bone.
2. He learned that Heavenly Father and Jesus care about us and answer prayers.

Activity: Have the children draw tall brown rectangles for tree trunks. Gather leaves from outside and glue
them to their papers to make their own picture of the sacred grove.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 14: Book of Mormon translated by the power of God.

Opening Song: The Golden Plates (CS, page 86b)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Eighth Article of Faith

Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon, Friend, Sep 2004, 2425

Share the story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon using the illustrations below.

Activity: Let the children color the pictures for the activity.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 15: Jesus restored the gospel through Joseph Smith.

Opening Song: The Church of Jesus Christ (CS, page 77)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: James 1:5

Pat Graham, Follow the Prophet, Friend, Apr. 2008, 3435

Joseph Smith read from the Bible in James 1:5, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.
Joseph wondered which church he should join. He prayed to know what to do. Joseph saw Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ. Joseph obeyed the instructions They gave to him and became a leader and a prophet.
We can follow Josephs example. We can talk to Heavenly Father about our questions, and we can follow the
answers that come to us. Remember these things as you read the poem and color the picture of the Prophet
Joseph Smith below.
Joseph Smith, a young boy, asked which church was right.
God the Father and His Son appeared in heavenly light.
He received the gold plates, restoring gospel truth.
Joseph organized the Church again upon the earth.

Activity: Color the picture of Joseph Smith.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 16: Jesus restored the gospel through Joseph Smith.

Opening Song: On a Golden Springtime (CS 88 verse 3)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: D&C 1:30

Diane Nichols, Sharing Time: Joseph SmithProphet of the Restoration, Friend, Jul 2001, 14

Display a bouquet of four artificial flowers and one real flower. Ask how the flowers are different from one
another. Point out that the main difference is that only one is a true flower. Explain that though there are many
churches in the world today, only one of them is the true Church of Jesus Christ.
Be sure that the children understand that the Church was taken from the earth when the Apostles died and the
members strayed from the truth. The Lord chose Joseph Smith to help restore (bring back) the true church.
Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, and He chooses the prophets of His Church today just as He chose Joseph
Smith to be the first prophet and President of the Church in the latter days.


Jennifer Hughes, Joseph Smith Finger Scenes, Friend, July 2001, 32

Glue the following pictures onto heavy paper and let it dry. Then cut out the scenes and glue the ends of each
tab together to make finger rings. Let the glue dry. Be sure to make the thumb rings large enough. Let the
children wear the finger rings and discuss what parts of the restoration the pictures represent.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 17: My faith in Jesus is strengthened when I obey.

Opening Song: Faith (CS 96)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 2 Nephi 31:17

Chad E. Phares, Faith Is like a Seed, Friend, Mar. 2009, 36

Teach the following poem and actions. Explain that when we do the things we are supposed to do (read
scriptures, say prayers, etc) our faith grows and we know and understand Jesus and Heavenly Father even
1. My faith is like a tiny seed
(Hold thumb and index finger close together.)
2. That is hard for me to see.
(Make circles around eyes with thumbs and index fingers.)
3. But when I read the scriptures
(Open hands in front of self.)
4. Faith grows inside of me.
(Put both hands on chest.)
5. And when I say a prayer
(Fold arms.)
6. I feel it in my heart.
(Put hand on heart.)
7. My seed of faith becomes a tree
(Put hands together above head.)
8. When I do my part.
(Point thumb at self.)

Activity: Plant a fast growing seed (wax bean, sunflower, zinnia, etc) in a clear plastic cup with the seed
very near the edges of the cup so throughout the week you can watch the roots develop and the seed sprout.
Talk about how just like the seed will grow when taken care of, our faith grows when we do things Heavenly
Father has asked us to do.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 18: I can repent.

Opening Song: Seek the Lord Early (CS 108)
Opening Prayer:
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 3 Nephi 9:22

Lesson 10: Repentance, Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),46

Show a bandage to the children.

Have any of you ever had a cut?
How did it feel?
What should we do when we get a cut? (Clean and bandage it.)
Why should we clean and bandage a cut? (To help it heal faster.)
When we do something wrong, it is like having a cut. It hurts inside and makes us sad because we know we have
done wrong. Repentance can help us when we have made a mistake. It is a way of cleaning and healing a
spiritual hurt.
Tell the following story and ask the following questions: Ricardo was at the store to get some thread for his
mother. He saw some candy for sale on the counter. He wanted some but did not have enough money. While the
storekeeper went to find the thread, Ricardo put some candy in his pocket. When the storekeeper returned,
Ricardo paid for the thread. He ate the candy on his way home. Later Ricardo began thinking about something
his parents had taught him.
Have an older child read Exodus 20:15 or read it aloud yourself.
How do you think Ricardo felt? (Unhappy.)
What has Ricardo done wrong? (He stole some candy.)
What can Ricardo do to get rid of this unhappy feeling? (Repent.)
Explain that when we realize that we have done something wrong, we should admit that weve done wrong and
feel sorry that we did it. This feeling is Heavenly Fathers way of helping us to know we have done something
Point out that when we repent of our wrong choices, we must ask our Heavenly Father and the person we have
wronged to forgive us. We need to admit that we have made a wrong choice and then ask to be forgiven for
what we have done.
Explain that the third thing Ricardo has to do is to try to right the wrong. Sometimes we cannot correct the
problems (such as replacing something that we ruined), but we need to do the best we can.

Another thing Ricardo must do is to decide not to make that wrong choice again. Conclude that Ricardo has to
decide never to make that wrong choice again. He will know he has truly repented if he feels sorry for doing
wrong and is willing to admit it, asks to be forgiven, tries to right the wrong, and decides never to make that
wrong choice again.


Linda Magleby, Sharing Time: I Can Repent and Be Happy, Friend, Apr 2006, 1416

Cut out the shape below on the heavy black lines. Fold it on the dotted lines to make a pyramid. Glue or tape
the tabs so they are on the inside of the pyramid. Choose a case study from the list, toss the pyramid, and tell
how to apply the part of repentance that is facing you to the situation described by the case study.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 19: When I am baptized I make a covenant with God.

Opening Song: Baptism (CS, page 100)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 3 Nephi 27:20
Lesson: Questions and Answers about Baptism, Friend, Aug 2008, 2425
Do I make a promise when I am baptized? - Yes. You promise to keep Heavenly Fathers commandments. He
promises that you can live with Him in His kingdom. These promises are called covenants.
Where will I be baptized? - Where possible, you will be baptized in a font in a stake center. If you cannot be
baptized in a font, you may be baptized anywhere approved by your bishop or branch president, such as a pond
or ocean. There has to be enough water to cover you completely. Thats what baptism by immersion means.
Why is baptism important? - Its more than importantit is necessary. Jesus Christ said that people must be
baptized to belong to His Church and enter the kingdom of God (see John 3:5).
Is baptism scary? - No. The person baptizing you holds onto you the whole time. You are under the water for
only a moment.
What do I need to do to prepare to be baptized?
Want to be baptized.
Keep the commandments.
Be willing to live the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow His example.
Be interviewed by your bishop or branch president.
Why arent babies baptized in our Church? - Children are born innocent. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ give
parents eight years to teach their children the gospel so their children can learn right from wrong before they
become accountable for their sins. (See D&C 68:25.)
Who can baptize me? - A priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.
When can I be baptized? - You need to be at least eight years old (see D&C 68:27).
What will the person baptizing me say? - Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen (D&C 20:73).
What happens after baptism? - After you are baptized, you are confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints and you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. You are then accountable for your sins,
and you need to repent when you do something wrong. Before you take the sacrament each week, you should
repent of whatever you did wrong that week and ask for forgiveness. Then when you take the sacrament, you
covenant to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, which means you will always try to remember Him,
follow His example, and obey Him. When you do this, you are promised that His Spirit will be with you.
What will I wear when I am baptized? - White clothing usually borrowed from your stake, district, or mission.

Do the scriptures tell about people who were baptized? - Yes! Here are some you can read about: Adam: Moses
6:6465, Alma: Mosiah 18:816, Jesus Christ: Matthew 3:1317, 3,000 in one day: Acts 2:3841, Paul: Acts 9:17
18, Limhi and his people: Mosiah 25:1718, Zeezrom: Alma 15:12, Joseph Smith: JSH 1:6871


Sydney S. Reynolds, Sharing Time: I Can Keep My Covenant, Friend, Aug 1999, 45

Make a movie of your life-to-be. Mount page 44 on heavy paper, fill in the blank, cut out the display
frame and two picture strips, then tape Picture A over Picture B (if youre a girl; vice versa, if youre a
boy). Cut the two dashed-line slots in the display frame. Insert the left side of the picture strip from
behind into the right slot and then into the left slot. (Optional: You may now want to tape the left
edge of the title picture to the right edge of the last picture to make a continuous reel.) Pull the strip
or reel through the display frame to show your personal story.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 20 When I am confirmed I receive the Holy Ghost.

Opening Song: Listen to the Still Small Voice (CS 107)

Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 3:5

Ann Jamison, Sharing Time: One of Gods Greatest Gifts, Friend, Jun 2000, 43

If you could have your choice of any gift in the world, what would it be? There are many wonderful gifts we
might receive in this life, but President Wilford Woodruff taught that there is one that is more precious than all
the rest. President Woodruff said, You may have the administration of angels, you may see many miracles;
but I claim that the gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift that can be bestowed upon man.* Heavenly
Father promises this great gift to all who are baptized and keep their baptismal covenant.
When you are given a gift for your birthday, if you want to keep it, you must take care of it. It is the same with
the gift of the Holy Ghost. There are important things you must do so that He will be your constant companion.
Heavenly Father gives the Holy Ghost to those who obey Him. You obey Him when you choose to be baptized.
You obey Him when you pray each day and study His words in the scriptures. You obey Him when you obey your
parents. You obey Him when you are kind, honest, patient, and loving toward others. You obey Him when you
keep His commandments. You obey Him by remembering His Son, Jesus Christ, and trying to do what He would
have you do. As you do these things, you will be worthy to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost will guide you and help you to choose the right (see D&C 11:1214). You must learn to choose
the right in order to be worthy to live again with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
The Holy Ghost is called the Comforter (see John 14:26). He can give you peace and comfort when you are sad
or lonely or worried. When you feel love or joy or peace or patience, when you are gentle and kind, you are
feeling the influence of the Holy Ghost in your life.
Sometimes we say that the Holy Ghost whispers. We hear His voice with more than our earswe hear Him
with our minds and our hearts (see D&C 8:2).
President Ezra Taft Benson gave this important counsel: Pray to Heavenly Father to bless you with His Spirit at
all times. The Holy Ghost is a gift from Heavenly Father. He whispers to you in a still, small voice to do
right. When you do good, you feel good, and that is the Holy Ghost speaking to you. The Holy Ghost is a
wonderful companion. He is always there to help you. (Ensign, May 1989, page 82.)
When you are baptized, confirmed and told to receive the Holy Ghost, and keep your promises to Heavenly
Father, He will bless you with the greatest gift in this world: the gift of the Holy Ghost.


Lesson 13: The Gift of the Holy Ghost Can Help Me, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 61Help the children
trace each of their hands on a piece of paper with different colors of crayon. Have the hands overlap,
representing the laying on of hands to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Label each picture with the childs

Closing Prayer

Lesson 21: The Holy Ghost is the 3rd member of the Godhead.
Opening Song: First Article of Faith (CS 122)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: First Article of Faith

Karen Lofgreen, Sharing Time: The Godhead, Friend, Feb 1995, 36

You are special! You know many things. Do you know someone who knows everything? Three glorious persons do
know everything: God, the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost. They are the three
members of the Godhead.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote the Articles of Faith, he knew that it was important for us to know about
the Godhead and to understand how the members are alike and how they are different. The Father has a body
of flesh and bones ; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit (D&C 130:22).
God the Eternal Father is the father of everyone. He is kind, and he loves you and all his children. Because he
loves you, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to be your Savior and to be an example for you to follow.
Heavenly Father also wanted someone to always be near you to help you and to teach you, so he sent the Holy
Ghost. The Holy Ghost helps you make right choices.

Activity: Gather manipulative items (blocks, coins, small toys, etc) and group them in sets of three to
represent three members of the Godhead.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 22: The Holy Ghost speaks in a still, small voice.

Opening Song: Listen Listen (CS 107)
Opening Prayer:
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 2 Nephi 32:5

Lesson 26: The Holy Ghost Can Help Us, Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),122

Some time ago, [before Thomas S. Monson became the President of the Church] Elder Monson and his wife were
sent by the prophet to visit the islands of Samoa. While they were there, they visited a class of children who
lived in the village of Sauniatu. Elder and Sister Monson each spoke to the class. After they finished their talks
and as the childrens teacher was announcing the closing song, a thought came into Elder Monsons mind. He
was prompted to personally greet each one of the 247 children.
However, when he glanced at his watch, he realized that it was getting late and that he wouldnt have time to
greet each child individually.
He tried to put the thought out of his mind, but he couldnt.
Before the closing prayer, he was prompted again to take the time to shake the hand of each child.
He finally turned to the teacher and said, I would like so much to shake the hand of each boy and girl. Would
this be possible?
The teacher smiled and, in the Samoan language, spoke to the children. They nodded their heads eagerly in
approval. He told Elder Monson the reason for the childrens smiles. When the teacher learned that the
President of the Church had asked one of the Twelve Apostles to visit them in Samoa, the teacher had told the
children that if they would each pray sincerely and have faith as did the people in the Bible and Book of
Mormon, the Apostle would visit their village. He would also be prompted by the Holy Ghost to shake the hand
of every child (see Thomas S. Monson, Talofa Lava, Friend, May 1972, pp. 1213).
Point out that the Holy Ghost prompts people in different ways. Most often he speaks to our minds as he did to
Elder Monsons. Explain that because Elder Monson listened to the promptings or instructions of the Holy Ghost,
he was able to do what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wanted him to do.

Activity: Lesson 7: The Holy Ghost Helps Me, Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, 19
In a quiet voice say, Everyone who can hear my voice, put your finger on your nose. Everyone who can hear my
voice, put your hand on your head. Continue, designating other parts of the body, until all the children are
listening to your quiet voice. Explain that even though you were speaking quietly, when the children listened,
they could hear your voice and obey your instructions. Explain that the Holy Ghost sometimes speaks to us in a
quiet voice. If we listen carefully he will tell us important things.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 23: The Holy Ghost can guide and protect us.
Opening Song: Listen Listen (CS 107)
Opening Prayer:
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Doctrine and Covenants 8:2

Lesson 13: The Gift of the Holy Ghost Can Help Me, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 61

Sara Jane was a pioneer girl who walked across the wilderness in America long ago to find a new home. After
she arrived in Utah, she lived with her aunt in an unfinished house. Stretched across the top of the walls was a
canvas roof held in place by a large rock at each corner.
Sara Jane was at home sewing one day when she heard a voice say, Move away quickly. There was no other
person around, but Sara Jane moved to the other side of the room. Just after she moved, one of the rocks
holding down the roof fell into the room. If Sara Jane had not moved, the rock would have hit her. (See Move
Away Quickly, in Remarkable Stories from the Lives of Latter-day Saint Women, comp. Leon R. Hartshorn, 2
vols. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 197375], 2:34.)

Who spoke to Sara Jane?

What did the Holy Ghost say to her?
What did Sara Jane do?
What would have happened if Sara Jane had not listened?

Remind the children that the Holy Ghost does not always speak in a voice we can hear. Many times he gives us
feelings about what we should do.


Lesson 13: The Gift of the Holy Ghost Can Help Me, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 61

Play the following quiet game with the children to show that they may be guided by a still, small voice:

Show the children a small item you will hide for this game. Have one child leave the room for a moment
while you hide the item. When the child returns, explain that he or she must listen carefully to find the
object. Use a quiet noise, such as lightly tapping a pencil, gently clapping your hands, or humming a
song, to show the child which way to turn to look for the hidden object. Gently tap when the child looks
in the correct direction. Tap more quickly (or hum louder) as the child moves closer to the hiding place,
until the item is found. Repeat the activity, giving another child an opportunity to look for the object,
as often as desired.
Explain to the children that they may be guided in their lives by listening to the still, small voice of the
Holy Ghost. Remind them that the Holy Ghost does not always speak out loud. Sometimes he gives us
ideas or feelings, such as a warm feeling when we do something right or a bad feeling when we do (or
want to do) something wrong. We must pay careful attention to know what the Holy Ghost is telling us
to do.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 24: By the power of the Holy Ghost we know the truth.
Opening Song: I Know My Father Lives (CS 5)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Moroni 10:5

Lesson 7: The Holy Ghost Helps Me, Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, 19

Explain that the Holy Ghost can help us know when something is true or real. Show the children a bag with an
object in it. Tell the children that there is something in the bag, but do not show them the object.
Is there something in this bag?
Explain that even though the children cannot see the object in the bag, they know it is there because you told
them it was there. Even though few people ever see Heavenly Father and Jesus, the Holy Ghost can help us
know that Heavenly Father and Jesus are real and that they love us. Explain that this knowledge is called a
testimony. Sometimes people bear their testimonies in Church meetings and tell us that they know that Jesus
lives. The Holy Ghost has helped them know this is true.

Activity: Color the cube illustration if desired. Cut along the solid lines and fold along the dotted lines. Tape
or glue the tabs to make a cube. Roll the cube you made. Read the caption on the top of the cube, and have
the children repeat it with you. Then have the children do some simple actions to go with the picture. When the
side with the words The Holy Ghost Helps Me comes up, tell the children that the Holy Ghost helps us know
when weve done something good. Repeat, giving each child a turn to roll the cube.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 25: Jesus always obeyed Heavenly Father

Opening Song: Choose the Right Way (CS 160)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 8:2829
Lesson: Lesson 30: I Can Be Obedient, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 153
Explain that in the Bible, Jesus Christ taught that it is important to obey Heavenly Father. Read aloud the
following phrases from John 8:2829: I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me. For I do
always those things that please him.
Explain that these are Jesus Christs words, and they mean that Jesus always did what Heavenly Father wanted
him to do. He did only the things that he knew would make Heavenly Father happy. We should obey Heavenly
Father in whatever he wants us to do, just like Jesus did.
Explain that if we obey Heavenly Father, we will also obey our parents. Point out that one of the Ten
Commandments tells us to obey our parents. Read aloud the first part of Exodus 20:12: Honour thy father and
thy mother. Explain that obeying our parents is one way to honor them.

Activity: Before FHE, prepare and hide clues for a small treasure hunt around your home. Each clue should
lead the children to the next clue until the final clue leads to the treasure. You may want to have a small treat
or gift for each child as the treasure at the end of the hunt.

Discuss with the children how they must obey the instructions on each clue to find the treasure. Read
the first clue aloud to start the treasure hunt.
After the children have finished the treasure hunt, help them understand that if we obey our Heavenly
Father, he will give us the greatest treasure of all: he will let us live with him forever.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 26: Jesus Christ went about doing good.

Opening Song: Jesus Said Love Everyone (CS 61)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 15:12

Lesson 5: Jesus Christ Showed Us How to Love Others, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008),2427

Share these three stories about how Jesus loved others.

1- Many people had come to hear Jesus teach. They were there a long time and got very hungry (have the


children pretend to be hungry). There was only a little bread and fish to feed all of the people. Jesus
blessed the food and told His disciples to give it to the people. Everyone had enough to eat, and there
was a lot of food left over (have the children pretend to eat). (See Matthew 14:1321.) Have the
children say with you, Jesus showed us how to love others, a few words at a time. (See illustration to
be used for the activity at the end of the lesson.)
One day Jesus saw a man who was blindhe could not see (have the children cover their eyes). Jesus
blessed the man so he could see (have the children uncover their eyes). (See John 9:112.) Have the
children say with you, Jesus showed us how to love others.

3- After Jesus was resurrected, He visited the Nephites. Because He loved the children, He blessed each

one of them (have the children hug themselves). (See 3 Nephi 17:2124.) Have the children say with
you, Jesus showed us how to love others.

Activity: Color the picture of Jesus providing food for the hungry people.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 27: Jesus Christs example teaches me how to live.

Opening Song: Jesus Once Was a Little Child (CS 55)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 13:15
Lesson: Sydney S. Reynolds, Sharing Time: Follow Jesus Christ, Friend, May 1999, 44
When Jesus Christ lived on the earth, He set a perfect example for us to follow in treating other people. He
said, For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you (John 13:15). He showed us at
least three things that each of us can do: He was kind. He loved everyone. He served others.
I can be kind. Jesus taught that we can share what we have with others. We can visit people who are sick. We
can make someone who is new feel welcome. Jesus did these things, and we can, too. He said that when we do
these things for others, we are doing it for Him (see Matt. 25:40). When we share with others, we are not just
sharing with themwe are sharing with Him. When we visit others, it is as if we are also visiting Him. When we
make others feel welcome, we are making Him feel welcome, too. Surely that is why being kind helps us to have
a good feeling and to feel close to our Savior.
I can love everyone. When Jesus knew that He was about to be crucified, He gave His disciples a most
important commandmentto love one another the same way He loved them. He told them that people would
know that they were His disciples if they followed this commandment. People will know that we are followers of
Jesus Christ when they see that we are trying to love everyone.
I can serve others. Jesus spent His whole life serving others. He even gave His life for othersfor us. He taught
that the greatest among us would be those who serve others as He did (see Matt. 23:11). That is hard for some
people to understand. They think that if everyone serves them, it means that they are very important. Jesus
Christ taught a better wayto serve others by helping them, by comforting them, by treating them as He
treated others.
Follow me, Jesus said (see John 8:12). Let us follow Him forever!

Activity: Sing or say the words to Do As Im Doing (Childrens Songbook, p. 276) with the children. Have
the children follow whatever actions you do, such as rolling your arms, clapping your hands, or pretending to fly
like a bird.
Explain to the children that when they did the same actions you did, they were following your example. When
we follow someones example, we do what they do. Tell the children that Jesus said, Follow me

Closing Prayer

Lesson 28: Jesus Christs example teaches me how to live.

Opening Song: Im Trying To Be Like Jesus (CS 78)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 2 Nephi 31:12

Lesson 36: I Can Be a Good Example, Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, 119

Jesus the Christ. Explain that one of the reasons Jesus came to earth was to be an example for us and show us
how to live. Jesus was perfect. That means he did everything the right way. The way he lived when he was on
the earth is the way we should try to live.
Open the Bible and read John 13:15 to the children. Tell the children that these are Jesus words. Emphasize
that we want to be like Jesus and follow his example.


Karen Ashton, Sharing Time: What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do?, Friend, Sep 1997, 36

Color the What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do? reminder. Mount it on heavy paper, cut it out along the
heavy black lines, fold it on the dotted lines, then glue it where indicated. Put your reminder in a place where
you will see it often.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 29: Jesus Christ is a God of miracles.

Opening Song: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (CS 57)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Psalms 77:14

For Little Friends, Friend, Apr 2006, 3033

Activity: Cut out and complete the following puzzle.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 30: Jesus Christ can heal the sick.

Opening Song: The Seventh Article of Faith (CS 126)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 3 Nephi 17:7, 9

Jesus Heals a Sick Man, Friend, Nov. 2009, 3

Activity: We may not be able to do miraculous things like Jesus, but we can follow his example in serving and
helping people in need. Color some cards with pretty pictures that will make people smile and take them to
someone you know who is sick or lonely and make their day!

Closing Prayer

Lesson 31: Jesus Christ has power over death.

Opening Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (CS 64)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Mosiah 15:20

Lesson 41: Jesus Christ Is Our Savior, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 223

Tell the story of Jesus Christs crucifixion, burial, and resurrection (see Matthew 27:45, 5766; 28:16; and John
19:30). Let the children hold up the cutouts at the appropriate times.
Have a child hold up cutout 2-5, scene of the Crucifixion.
Explain that Jesus was placed on the cross sometime before noon. At noon the sun was hidden from view, and
darkness spread over the land for three hours (see Matthew 27:45). Christs pain was more terrible than we
could stand. Christ could have chosen not to suffer and die, but he had promised Heavenly Father that he would
come to earth and suffer and die for us.
Tell the children that the earth trembled and shook. Those who were watching in the darkness heard Jesus cry
out, It is finished (John 19:30). His suffering had ended. He bowed his head and died. His spirit left his body.
How do you think Jesus friends and disciples felt after Jesus was crucified?
Have the child lay down the cutout of the Crucifixion scene.
Have a child hold up cutout 2-6, wrapping Jesus body.
Explain that Jesus friends and disciples carefully removed his body from the cross. They wrapped his body in
fine linen cloth with spices, as was the custom in those days.
Have a child hold up cutout 2-7, tomb.
Explain that the Saviors friends placed his body in a tomb. A tomb is a small room, often carved out of a large
rock, in which people can be buried.
Have the child lay down the cutout of wrapping Jesus body.
Have children hold up cutout 2-8, large stone, and cutout 2-9, guards.
Tell the children that a large stone was placed at the door of the tomb, and guards stood by the stone.
Why were the stone and the guards placed at the door of the tomb? (See Matthew 27:6266.)
Explain that for three days Jesus body was in the tomb. Early on the third day, which was Sunday, the earth
trembled and shook again (see Matthew 28:12).

Have a child hold up cutout 2-10, angel.

Explain that an angel came down from heaven and rolled back the stone from the door of the tomb.
Have the child lay down the cutout of the large stone.
What happened to the people who were guarding the tomb? (See Matthew 28:4.)
Have the child lay down the cutout of the guards.
Have a child hold up cutout 2-11, women with ointments.
Explain that on that same Sunday morning Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus, and another woman visited the
tomb (see Matthew 28:1). They wanted to put some ointment and spices on the body of Jesus (this was a custom
of the time). When they came near the tomb, they could see that the stone had been rolled away. The tomb
was empty. Jesus body was gone.
Explain that the women saw the angel, who told them not to be afraid. Read aloud from Matthew 28:56 what
the angel said to the women.
Have all the children lay down their cutout figures. Have a child hold up cutout 2-12, Jesus resurrected.
Explain that when the angel said, He is risen, he was telling the women that Jesus Christ had been
resurrected. His spirit had come back into his body and he was alive again.
Tell the children that Jesus disciples and friends were very glad to hear that he was alive again.

Activity: Let the children retell the story themselves using the cutouts.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 32: Miracles come to those who have faith

Opening Song: Faith (CS 96)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Alma 37:40

Lesson 29: Having Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),138

Faith is believing and trusting in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We show our faith by being obedient and
prayerful. We have been promised that we can have our prayers answered if we ask in faith for what is right.
We need faith when we pray to our Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father has promised to answer our prayers if we
ask him in faith. It is not enough for us to just say our prayers. We need to believe that he will answer our
prayers in the way that is best for us.
A story illustrating a young boys faith and the miracle he experienced.
Eleven-year-old John Roothoof lived in Rotterdam, Holland. He had once been happy going to school and
church, playing with his friends, and doing all the things a boy enjoys. Then, without warning, a painful eye
disease caused him to lose his sight. No longer could he go to school or read. He could not even see well enough
to play with his friends. Each day was filled with darkness and suffering.
Word reached the Latter-day Saints in Holland that President Joseph F. Smith was coming to visit them. John
thought about this for a long time, and then he said to his mother, If youll take me with you to the meeting
so he can look into my eyes, I believe Ill be healed.
At the close of the meeting the next Sunday, President Smith went to the back of the small chapel to greet the
people and shake hands with each one. Sister Roothoof helped John, his eyes bandaged, go with the others to
speak to their beloved leader.
President Smith took the blind boy by the hand and then with great tenderness lifted the bandages and looked
into Johns pain-filled eyes. The prophet blessed John and promised him he would see again.
Arriving home, Johns mother took the bandages from his eyes so she could bathe them as the doctors had told
her to do. As she did so, John cried out with joy, Oh, Mama, my eyes are well. I can see fine nowand far too.
And I cant feel any pain! (President Smith Took Him by the Hand, Friend, Aug. 1973, p. 36).

Activity: Color this page showing a child being blessed by the priesthood according to her faith.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 33: I show love for Jesus when I keep the commandments
Opening Song: Keep the Commandments (CS 146)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Mosiah 2:41
Lesson and Activity: Happy or SadFacing Our Choices, Friend, Sept. 2001, 32
You can give a family home evening lesson on how to be happy. For each person, you will need: scissors, a
magazine, two paper plates, glue, and two paint-stirring sticks. You will also need yarn, crayons (optional), and
Have each person make a happy face and a sad face by cutting eyes, noses, ears, and mouths out of the
magazine and gluing them onto the fronts of the paper plates; use yarn for hair. Or they can draw the faces or
parts of the faces on the plates. Have a grown-up glue or tape a paint-stirring stick to the back of each plate.
When each person has a sad face and a happy face, ask someone to read these two scriptures: Mosiah 2:41 and
Alma 41:10. Point out that keeping the commandments leads to happiness. Breaking them leads to sadness.
Explain that you will tell several brief stories about people who obeyed or disobeyed Heavenly Fathers
commandments. You might want to ask another family member to help you think of stories. Each person will
vote, by holding up the happy or sad face, whether the choices in each story lead to happiness or sadness. For
example, you might say, John smoked a cigarette, or Mary helped her mother. Or you can make the stories
After each story and face-vote, talk about why the choice made would lead to happiness or sadness. If you wish,
you can let another family member take a turn telling a story while you take a turn voting.

Lesson 34: I show love for Jesus when I keep the commandments
Opening Song: Keep the Commandments (CS 146)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: John 14:15
Lesson: Explain that following Jesus Christ means being willing to do what he has asked us to do. Ask the
children to listen while you read about one of the things Jesus has asked us to do.
Read aloud John 14:15. Explain that these are Jesus words. Have the children repeat the scripture with you.
What did Jesus say we must do?
What does it mean to keep Jesus commandments?
Describe for the children some situations in which they could follow Jesus. Have the children take turns
explaining what they would do in each situation. Use the examples below or create some situations that are
more appropriate for your class:
1. You are playing at school and find a purse with money in it.
How will you follow Jesus?
2. You are ready for bed and are so tired that you want to go to sleep right away.
How will you follow Jesus before climbing into bed?
3. Your mother has asked you to watch your little sister so she wont run into the street. Some friends
come by and invite you to go play with them.
How will you follow Jesus?
4. A new boy has started attending your school, and some of the children make fun of him.
How will you follow Jesus?
5. Some friends have invited you to go with them to visit relatives, but they wont be back in time for
you to go to church.
How will you follow Jesus?
Invite the children to describe other situations in which they could choose to follow Jesus. Point out that when
we follow Jesus by doing what he wants us to do, we are choosing the right.

Activity: Give each child two pieces of paper and a pencil. Let the children make sets of footprints by tracing
their own shoes. Write or have them write I will follow Jesus Christ at the top of their papers.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 35: My love for Jesus Christ grows when I pray.

Opening Song: I Pray in Faith (CS, page 14)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: D & C 10:47

Lesson 3: I Can Pray to Heavenly Father, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008),1619

Through prayer we can talk with our Heavenly Father. We tell Him we love Him, we thank Him for blessings, and
we ask for help for ourselves and for others in need. We end our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer is
one of the greatest blessings we have while we are here on earth.
Bring a few small items or pictures that represent things we are thankful for (such as clothing, food, the
scriptures, and so on) in a large bag. Write We Thank Thee on the bag. Bring another bag with items or
pictures representing things we might ask for in a prayer (such as a happy family, strong bodies, love, and so
on). Write Please Bless Us on this bag. Place all items on the table and let the children place them in the
correct bag.

Activity: Color if desired. Make a flip book by cutting along the solid lines and folding along the dotted lines.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 36: My love for Jesus grows when I study the scriptures.
Opening Song: Search Ponder and Pray (CS 109)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 1 Nephi 19:23

Lesson 17: We Believe the Book of Mormon to Be the Word of God, Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),80

Arrange the four standard works on a table; place several other books, such as a storybook, recipe book, and
textbook, in separate corners of the room. Prepare to discuss with the children the various types of books you
have displayed so that they understand the purpose of each.
Place the various types of books in separate corners of the room and tell a little about each. Then ask the
following questions or other questions pertaining to the books that you have displayed. After the children
answer each question correctly, have them go to the corner of the room that contains that book and point it out
to you.
Which of these books explains how to make a cake?
Which of these books has pretend stories?
Which of these books has teachings of the prophets that will help us keep the commandments?
Explain that Heavenly Father wants us to obey the commandments. He told the prophets to write his words so
that we could know his teachings and commandments.
What do we call the sacred books in which the prophets have written? (The scriptures.)
Explain that many prophets recorded the gospel and how people lived it so we would know what the
commandments are. These commandments are recorded in our four books of scripture. We sometimes call them
the standard works. When we read the scriptures we learn about Jesus. And the more we learn about Jesus,
the more we love Him.

Activity: Color and read the page below.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 37: Following the prophet helps us come unto Christ.

Opening Song: Follow the Prophet (CS 110)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: D&C 1:38

Lesson 43: We Have a Living Prophet, Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, 142

Tell the children that we have a special leader to follow, our prophet. Explain that a prophet is a man who
speaks with GodGod tells the prophet what we should do. Tell the children that if we follow the prophet, we
will be happy and Heavenly Father will bless us. Explain that to follow the prophet means to do the things he
tells us to do.
Display the picture of the living prophet. Tell the children something you know about the prophet.
Have the children stand and say, (Name of the living prophet) is a prophet of God.
Why do we need a living prophet? (So we can know what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do.)
Explain that the prophet teaches us by speaking at conferences. Conferences are big meetings attended by a lot
of people. We might be able to listen to the prophet on television, radio, or recordings. His words are also
written in Church magazines that our parents or others can read to us.


Lesson 24: I Will Follow the Prophet, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008),100103

Color and talk about the following picture. Fold along the dotted lines to make stand-up figures.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 38: Sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ.
Opening Song: I Hope They Call Me On a Mission (CS 169)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: 2 Nephi 25: 26

Margaret Lifferth, Sharing Time: I Can Share the Gospel Now, Friend, Nov 2005, 13

What is a missionary? Some missionaries wear Sunday clothes and name tags every day. They work full-time
finding and teaching others the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you have a brother or sister who is a full-time
missionary? Are your grandparents missionaries? Do you know the full-time missionaries serving in your ward or
Who can be a missionary? President Hinckley encourages you to be good examples and share your testimonies of
Jesus Christ with your friends. Speaking of missionary work, he said, Let even the Primary children think of
ways to assist. Many a parent has come into the Church because of a child who was invited to Primary (Ensign,
May 1999, 107).
Sandy was a Primary child who showed that she could be a missionary too. When she was five years old, she
invited her best friend, Craig, to go to church with her on Sunday. Craig wanted to go with Sandy and was
excited to ask his mother. But Craigs mother had other plans, and she said no. When Craig asked his mother the
next week if he could go to church, she said no again. Because Sandy was a good missionary, she asked Craig a
third time to go to church with her family. Craig got up early on Sunday morning and put on his best clothes.
Then he woke up his mother and asked if he could go to church with Sandy. When she said no for the third time,
Craig started to cry. Craigs mother decided that if he wanted to go so badly, maybe she should go too. Craig
and his mother went to church that day with Sandy and her family. That evening they began learning about The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the full-time missionaries, and soon they were baptized.
More than 20 years later, when Craig tells this story, he likes to count all the people who are members of the
Church because of five-year-old Sandy, who invited a friend to church. He can count more than 100 people.
Craig says, I dont know how many others Sandy invited to church. I do know that I owe her more than I can
say (Friend, Oct. 1998, 3637).
Like Sandy, we can be missionaries now by being a good example, by inviting our friends to Primary or activity
days, and by sharing our testimonies.

Activity: Complete the following page.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 39: We come unto Christ by repenting of our mistakes.

Opening Song: How Firm a Foundation
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Mark 8:35
Lesson: As the children enter the room or gather for the lesson, deliberately make some mistakes in arranging
the classroom or preparing for the lesson. You might
Drop something on the floor.
Place a chair backwards.
Display a picture upside down.
After each mistake say, Im sorry; I made a mistake. Then correct the mistake.
Ask the children if they noticed all the mistakes you made. Point out that everyone makes mistakes. Explain
that as we are growing up and learning to choose the right, sometimes we make wrong choices. These are not
just mistakes like putting a picture upside down; these are times when we do something that is wrong,
something that Heavenly Father and Jesus and our parents do not want us to do. By making wrong choices, we
may make ourselves and other people unhappy.
Help the children understand that when we know we have done something wrong, we need to admit it. Then we
need to say Im sorry. We also need to try to correct what we did wrong and promise that we wont do it

Activity: Use a bottle of clear water as a representation of a person free from sin (mistakes). Drop a small
amount of blue food coloring into the water, and point out how the color spreads throughout the water.
Compare this to sin and say We feel blue when we make mistakes and bad choices. But we can feel happy and
clean again if we say were sorry! Then add a few drops of liquid bleach to clear up the color, and compare
this to how repentance cleanses us from sin. (You might want to try this experiment in advance to know how
much food coloring and bleach to use.)

Closing Prayer

Lesson 40: Temple work helps me and my family come to Christ.

Opening Song: I Love to See the Temple (CS 95)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: D&C 88:119
Lesson: Show a picture of your local temple. Explain that a temple is a sacred place (see D&C 97:1517). Ask
the children to repeat the word sacred. This means that the temple is a very special place where everything
reminds us of Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Tell the children that if they keep Heavenly Fathers commandments, they can go to the temple when they are
older. Explain that in the temple we make special promises to Heavenly Father to obey his commandments. We
can also be married in the temple, and we can be baptized for people who werent baptized while they lived on
the earth.
Have the children hold up three fingers and repeat three things they can do in the temple when they are older:
In the temple I can make special promises to Heavenly Father.
In the temple I can be married.
In the temple I can be baptized for others.

Activity: Color and discuss picture below.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 41: Jesus taught us how to serve others.

Opening Song: Love One Another (CS page 136)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Galatians 5:13

Lesson 5: Jesus Christ Showed Us How to Love Others, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008),2427

Show the children a copy of the scriptures. Tell them that in the scriptures we learn how Jesus showed love.
Briefly tell the following stories:
Story 1 (show the illustration below): Many people had come to hear Jesus teach. They were there a long time
and got very hungry (have the children pretend to be hungry). There was only a little bread and fish to feed all
of the people. Jesus blessed the food and told His disciples to give it to the people. Everyone had enough to
eat, and there was a lot of food left over (have the children pretend to eat). (See Matthew 14:1321.)
Have the children say with you, Jesus showed us how to love others, a few words at a time.

Story 2 (show the illustration below): One day Jesus saw a man who was blindhe could not see (have the
children cover their eyes). Jesus blessed the man so he could see (have the children uncover their eyes). (See
John 9:112.)
Have the children say with you, Jesus showed us how to love others.

Story 3 (show the illustration below): After Jesus was resurrected, He visited the Nephites. Because He loved
the children, He blessed each one of them (have the children hug themselves). (See 3 Nephi 17:2124.)
Have the children say with you, Jesus showed us how to love others.

Activity: Color the first picture used in the lesson about Jesus showing us how to love others.
Closing Prayer

Lesson 42: Jesus taught us how to serve others.

Opening Song: Im Trying To Be Like Jesus (CS, page 78)
Opening Prayer
Scripture or Testimony: Mosiah 2:17
Lesson: Esther Kindred, Brother Lenstroms Carrying Case, Friend, Feb. 1994, 3031
Why is Brother Lenstroms carrying case so beat-up? Katie wondered. She was waiting for her dad after church,
and Brother Lenstroms brown leather carrying case was the only interesting thing to look at. She decided that
at church next Sunday she would watch him carefully to see how his case had gotten so shabby.
The next Sunday, when her family got to church, Brother Lenstrom was just ahead of them. Katie ran to see if
he had his carrying case. An elderly couple in front of him was struggling with the door, so Brother Lenstrom
hurried over and stuck his carrying case in it before it closed on them. The door left a big mark on his carrying
case, but Brother Lenstrom just smiled.
Katie took out her piece of paper and wrote: 1. Held door open
When she got to Primary, Katie was glad to see that Brother Lenstrom was a substitute teacher. Now she could
keep watching him and his carrying case. He kept it on the floor until singing time, then, to the delight of all
the children, used it to beat out the rhythm of Book of Mormon Stories. Katie quickly scribbled on her paper:
2. Drum for Primary
Katie persuaded her family to sit in the row behind Brother Lenstrom in sacrament meeting. Sister Brown and
her two little boys were sitting next to him. He smiled at the squirming boys, asked Sister Brown something,
then took a Friend magazine out of his carrying case. He opened it to the For Little Friends section and gave it
to the boys. Katie took out her list and wrote:
3. Holds FRIEND to share
During the meeting, when one of the boys was trying to color a picture, Brother Lenstrom let him use the
carrying case as a drawing table. Katie got out her list and wrote:
4. Drawing table
After sacrament meeting Katie didnt think shed see Brother Lenstrom again, but she didat the drinking
fountain. He was helping a small boy reach the water by using his carrying case as a stepping stool. Katie wrote
on her list:
5. Stepping stool
On the way home, while she looked at her list, she realized that Brother Lenstroms beat-up carrying case was
always used in the service of others. It was more than an ordinary carrying caseit was a caring case!

Activity: Chad E. Phares, I Can Help My Family Be Happy, Friend, June 2009, 37
When we share with and serve family members, our families can be happy. When we fight or yell, our families
are not happy.
Look at the pictures on this page. In the circle next to each picture, draw a happy face if the child is doing
something to make the family happy, or draw a sad face if the child is doing something that doesnt make the
family happy.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 43: When I serve my family, I serve God.

Opening Song: When Were Helping (CS 198b)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Galatians 5:13
Lesson: Memorize By love serve one another (Galatians 5:13). Teach that when we serve our family
members, it shows we love them and are thankful for them. Have the children listen for another word that
means the same thing as serving while they sing the first verse of When Were Helping (p. 198). (Helping.)
Tell the children you want them to try smiling with their lips closed, then with their teeth showing, and then
with their mouth open. Have them try smiling with only their eyes. Explain that smiling is one of the easiest
ways we can serve our family. Help the children suggest other ways they can serve family members. (Examples:
help cook, help mow the lawn, help a younger brother pick up toys, write a letter to grandparents, etc.) Write
responses on the board. Ask a child to choose an idea from the board and act it out. Let the other children guess
what it is. Choose children to act out some of the other ideas. To encourage the children to serve members of
their family, give them a piece of paper to take home and ask them to draw something they do during the week
to serve their family. Have them bring their paper back next Sunday to share. Take a few minutes next week to
let the children tell about their acts of service.

Activity: Color a happy face and a picture of each child doing something helpful for a family member. When
they do that thing during the week they can place the picture on the family members pillow.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 44: When I serve my neighbors, I serve God.

Opening Song: When Were Helping (CS 198b)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Galatians 5:13
Lesson: Cheryl Esplin, When Were Helping, Were Happy, Friend, Nov 2009, 1214
I am going to shovel Sister Gourdins sidewalk, Phoebe said to her mother. Sister Gourdin was an elderly
Can you do it by yourself? Mom asked Phoebe. When Phoebe said she could, her mother helped her put on her
boots and zip her coat.
Mom watched out the window as Phoebe began to lift the deep snow with a large shovel. Soon Phoebe had
finished the sidewalk. She found Sister Gourdins newspaper in the snow and was excited to leave it on the
Phoebes mother told her that shoveling the snow was a wonderful way to show love to Sister Gourdin.
When Phoebes older brothers and sister got home from school, her mother told them what Phoebe had done.
Where do you think she came up with the idea to do that? Phoebes mother asked them. And then she said,
It came from watching all of you who are such good examples of helping our neighbors.
Phoebes act of service shows that no one is too young to serve others.

Activity: Color and discuss the picture below.

Closing Prayer

Closing Prayer

Lesson 45: Jesus came to earth as promised by the prophets.

Opening Song: Sleep Little Jesus (CS 47)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Luke 2:52

Jesus Grew Up in a Righteous Family, Friend, Dec 2004, 17

And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me. I am
the light, and the life, and the truth of the world (Ether 4:12).
Heavenly Father gives us parents and families to teach us righteous principles so we can return to Heavenly
Father and live with our families forever. Heavenly Father planned for Jesus Christ to be born into a family, too.
Jesus had righteous parents on earth to take care of and teach Him.
Before Jesus was born, an angel came to His mother, Mary. The angel told her that she would have a son and
that she should call Him Jesus. He would be the Son of God. The angel told her, The Lord is with thee: blessed
art thou among women (Luke 1:28). Mary told the angel that she would do as she was commanded: Behold the
handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word (Luke 1:38).
The angel also appeared to Joseph. The angel told him that Mary would have a son, that His name would be
Jesus, and that He would be the Son of God. The angel told Joseph that Jesus would save His people from their
sins (see Matt. 1:2021).
Mary and Joseph had faith. They did what they were commanded to do. When we remember Jesus Christ and
follow His example and the example of Mary and Joseph, our families will be blessed.

Activity: Make copies of the picture for your family. Color the pictures, then roll them up to look like scrolls.
Tie a ribbon around each one and give them to people who have helped your family this year (for example, a
neighbor, a grandparent, or your bishop or branch president).

Closing Prayer

Lesson 46: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (CS 34-35)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Luke 22:19

Lesson 30: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008),12427

Invite the children to look for the baby in the picture. Tell them His name is Jesus, and invite them to say
Jesus. Have the children pretend to cradle a baby in their arms.
Point to the baby Jesus in the picture again. Tell the children you are going to sing a song. Invite them to say,
He sent His Son when you point to the baby Jesus. Let them practice a few times, and then sing or say the
following words to He Sent His Son (Childrens Songbook, 3435):
How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, (point to the picture of baby Jesus) a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.
Show the picture of Jesus Christ on page 106. Tell the children that the baby Jesus grew up to be our Savior,
Jesus Christ. Invite them to say, He sent His Son when you point to the picture of the Savior. Sing or say the
following words to He Sent His Son:
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his son (point to the picture of the Savior) to walk with men on earth, that we may know.

Activity: Color and discuss the picture below.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 47: Jesus Christ will return to the earth someday.

Opening Song: When He Comes Again (CS, page 82)
Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Job 19:25

Lesson 43: Jesus Christ Will Come Again, Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 235

Testify that Jesus Christ will come to the earth again, although we do not know when. Tell the children how
much you want to follow the teachings of Jesus so you can have the privilege of seeing him when he comes
again. Express your desire that each child in the class follow the teachings of Jesus so you can all be together
with him.
Show the children an oil lamp or a simple drawing of an oil lamp. Explain that Jesus taught us the importance of
preparing for his coming in a story about ten virgins (or girls) and their lamps. Tell the parable of the ten
virgins, as found in Matthew 25:113. Explain that oil lamps cannot give light unless they have oil to burn.
Emphasize that because the five foolish girls did not prepare, they were not permitted to go to the wedding.

Explain that the Savior compared the wedding to his second coming. The girls getting oil for their lamps
can be compared to us preparing to be with Jesus. If we are not prepared when he comes, we will not
be able to live with him.
Ask the children to tell ways they can prepare for the coming of Jesus (you may need to give them some
suggestions, such as those used in the game). Help them understand that by choosing the right we are
preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Activity: Write I Am Preparing for the Coming of Jesus Christ at the top of a badge for each child. Have each
child use crayons or pencils to draw on the badge a picture of himself or herself doing something to prepare for
the coming of Jesus. Pin the badges on the children or help them put string or yarn through a hole at the top of
each badge to make a necklace.

Closing Prayer

Lesson 48:

I can live with Jesus Christ again.

Opening Song: I Am A Child of God (CS 2)

Opening Prayer
Family Business:
Scripture or Testimony: Moses 1:39

Lesson 3: Heavenly Fathers Plan for Us, Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, 7

Express your love for Heavenly Father. Tell the children that someday you want to return to Heavenly Father so
you can see him and be with him again. Explain that this is also part of Heavenly Fathers plan. He wants each
of us to return to live with him when our earth life is finished. He wants us, our parents, and all our families to
be with him again.
Explain that to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again, we must be baptized and keep all the
commandments. Show the set of scriptures. Explain that the scriptures teach us about Heavenly Father and
Jesus and what they want us to do.
Using the pictures listed in the Preparation section, talk about what Heavenly Father wants us to learn and do
here on earth. He wants us to love our families, be unselfish, go to church, take the sacrament, pray morning
and night, have family prayer and family home evening, be baptized, be confirmed and receive the Holy Ghost,
be married in the temple, learn about prophets, and become like Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Express your gratitude for Heavenly Father and for his plan for us. Encourage the children to always do what
they know is right so they can someday return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Activity: Mount picture on heavy paper. Cut along the solid lines. Glue the second strip to the tab on the first
strip. Fold back and forth on the dotted lines.

Closing Prayer

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