An Overall Report of Practice Teaching

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Submitted to:
The Department of Health Physical and Population Education
In Partial Fulfilment of Masters Degree Forth Semester
University Campus, T.U,
Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Submitted by:
Sabitra Baskota
M.Ed. Fourth Semester
Reg. No.: 9-2-1-1084-2007
Campus Roll No.: 26
Exam Roll No.: 280798


Approval Page
The report entitled An Overall report of Practice Teaching has been
approved by:

Prof. Dr. Shyam Krishna Maharjan
External Supervisor
(Teaching Practice)
Department of Health Physical &
Population Education
University Campus, Kirtipur
Kathmandu, Nepal


Teaching and learning is the contentious process both of them go side by side. Teaching is
the process of sharing and transforming the ideas and information in both formal and
informal setting whereas learning is a social process where knowledge and information are
received. So, teaching and learning cannot exist alone, they are like lungs and breathe. A
teacher cannot be a good teacher without practise it is because practice makes man
perfect. Teaching practise is module or process of making aware of teaching and learning

process and to develop the competence and performance level of novice teachers. It can be
done in different phases and times but the main purpose is to observe the fluency, accuracy,
and clarity and competence level of teachers and to provide the appropriate feedback and
suggestions. Micro teaching vs. Practise teaching and real class teaching are done to
understand the confident, knowledge and presentation skill of novice teachers alone with
techniques, strategies and activities are applied by novice teachers in teaching process.
Micro teaching and Teaching practise help teachers to develop the ideas teaching materials,
select the techniques, methods and activities and way to implement effectively in real
classes. Teachers should be physically, mentally, socially and professionally good in the
views of people and society. So, a good teacher is one who always addresses the students
needs, interests and problems and helps them for further success, thats why a teacher is a
leader of whole society and the people. So, teaching practice is the way to preparing a good
and responsible teacher in the teaching field.
In the preparation of this report, at first I have observed the three experienced
teachers class teaching of Mr. Narayan Maharjan , Mr. Dewanand Maharajan
and Mrs. Babita Maharjan Of Sashid Smarak College. I have observed five Classes of
the peer teacher class teaching Mrs. Kanti Kumari Shrestha from T. U Kirtipur. This
report includes the three phases with the reference and appendix sessions.
First of all, I would like to thanks to the Department of Practice Teaching and the
department of Health Physical and Population education and all the respected Gurus and
Gurumas for providing this opportunity. My special thanks goes to population department
head, Bishnu G C for his orientation, similarly I express my deep gratitude to Prof. Dr.
Shyam Krishana Maharjan, Prof. Dr. H.B. Baruwal, Prof. Dr. Damodthar Gyanwali,
Prof. Dr. Lokendra Serchan, Prof. Dr. Ram Krishana Maharjan for their valuable
suggestions for classroom observation.
I am much grateful to the co-operative friends Mr: Firoj Katwal and
Mr: Madhusudan Khatiwada for their kind support and help. My
special thanks goes to the Campus Chief Mr: Prayag Raj Bhattarai
and Vice Campus Chiefs Mr: Chandra Prasad Panta, Mr: Bashu
Rijal and Mr: Kalyan Dahal for their great support. I heartly thankful
to Mr: Prakash Raut, Mr : Dadi Ram Panthi and Mr: Krishna
Chapagain for to giving chance to observed their classroom teaching.
Likewise, I am much grateful to the Ganesh Multiple Campus,Chapali and all the
Campus family for providing me this golden opportunity to conduct the report. My special
thanks go to the Internal Supervisor Mr. Mimkaji Sherstha, Local Supervisor Mr.
Harischandra K.C and the subject teacher Mrs. Sashi Dhal for great support and

guidance. Similarly, Im grateful to the Internal Supervisor Mr.Mukunda Kadel, Guru of

South Western State College, Bashundhara for his support. And I express my deep gratitude
to the External Supervisor Mrs.Madhu Neupane, Guruma of the Depertment of English
Education, T. U. Kirtipur. Similarly my special thanks goes to Mrs. Susma Thapa, Mr.
Surya Prasad Khanal, Ms. Binita Batala and Mr. Om Bahadur Rajbhandari for their
co operation by giving me chance to observe their classes.
Finally, my special thanks goes to all my colleagues and all student of B.Ed second year
students of Pashupati Multiple College, Chabahil and B.Ed first years of students from
Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali and all the students of B.A first and second years of
South Western State College who greatly supported me to conduct this report successfully.

Arun Kumar Rai

Table of contents

PART ONE: On Campus Activities


Preparation of instrument for class
Analysis of observation
Brief report including lesson learnt

PART TWO: Activities in campus

Analysis of teaching activities carried out in campus

Analysis of peer observation
Assessment of teaching
Lesson learnt

PART THREE: Test construction, Administration and analysis and

Interpretation of Test Results

PART FOUR: Conclusion

PART ONE: On Campus Activities

1.1. Background
Education is the most important for human. It socializes the human beings so, it is as
the backbone of human. It is the human rights to get education and to be educated.
One of the oldest and greatest Institution of Nepal is the University Campus T. U,
Kirtipur, still educating people and institutions under it. According to the University

Campus and Faculty of Education there must be conduct the practical examination of
each level of study or course. After the implementation of Semester System in this
Campus student are offered to conduct the practical in the fourth semester as earlier.
In this way, Department of English Education and the Department of Teaching
Practice conducted for two days of orientation program. On the basis of that program
we are oriented to the different phases of practise teaching and requirement to be
fulfilled during the practise teaching. On the same programme in second phase,
observation of teaching of school or campus teachers was conducted. According to
that program Orientation program is the first phase, Class observation of teacher is the
second phase, Experience sharing is the third phase, Micro teaching is the fourth,
Teaching at campus is the fifth phase and preparation of overall report is the six phase
within six weeks.
Classroom observation is a kind of research and investigation process of real teaching
and learning. The main purpose of class observation is to analyze and reflect own
teaching in contrary of others. According to Wajnryb.(2010). Classroom observation
as a learning tool. She further says that being in the classroom as an observer opens
up a range of experiences. So, observing experienced teacher teaching classes we can
get many benefits related to the teaching. So, it is the process of learning to learn and
share. I visited College AB on Chaitra, 22, 2072 and observed the three different
English language teachers classes in B.Ed second year. I attentively observed their
classes being as a student and an observer. I thought that I am so lucky because I
learnt and gained insight into planning, organizing, processing, and implementing the
teaching and learning process effectively. I learnt methods, techniques, procedures,
presentation skills and classroom management to present the content effectively. From
those observations I have understood and realized teaching is socially expected and
respected but challenging job. So, I have utilized some competences in the course of
my Micro teaching and Practise teaching.

After the completion of second phase we shared our experiences in third phase. We all
gathered together from different campuses to share our experiences between we with
the respected Guru Mr. Asok Sapkota, Guru of Department of English Education. I
shared my experiences of classroom observation among my colleagues and heard
theirs as well. We discussed the best ways and techniques of effective class teaching
and we suggested to be carried out in Micro teaching and real teaching. In that
program the respected Guru Mr. Asok Sapkota has have shared his experiences as
well, to motivate us.

1.2. Preparation of Instrument for Class observation

The instruments and tools of classroom observation are provided by the Department.
On the basis of that worksheets and concerned guidelines provided by Department I
observed the three different experienced teachers classes of different subjects.those
guidelines were categorized into two categories, where ten main themes/ guidelines
and fifty sub themes/ sub guidelines. Some of the major guidelines/ criteria for class
observation were development of learning objectives, selection and use of teaching
materials, educational climate, variety of activities students participation and learning
difficulties and so on. And sub guidelines were initiation of the lesson, fluency, clarity
and accuracy of the speaking language, classroom motivation, content knowledge, use
of teaching materials, rapport with students, presentation skill, use of new ICT,
evaluation techniques and so on. During my observation time I was physically and
mentally able to develop the good rapport with respected personnel and administration
for observation as we oriented. So, I succeed to maintain this task effectively on time.

1.3. Objectives of observation

There may be different purposes and aims of classroom observation in terms of the
contexts and times but the main objectives of the classroom observation is to assess

the performance and competence level of the teachers in teaching activities. The
objectives of my study were as follow:
To learn the best competences and way of selecting and using appropriate
methods and techniques from experience teachers.
To find out the best activities and behaviours of experienced teachers for
effective teaching.
To compare my own teaching and experienced teachers teaching and to
get improve for myself
1.4. Analysis of observation
Classroom observation is done to find out the reality of class teaching. It includes so
many things from class initiation stage to the end of class. Mostly the classroom
observation focused on the teachers presentation and performance skills .Besides that
objective, motivation and encouragement methods, techniques, procedures, activities
and evaluation. I observed the classes on the basis of instruments that are provided by
the Department. I observed the three teachers classes in Campus AB, Kathmandu
on Chaitra 22, 2072. All about their class teaching are presented as follow with some
their strong and weak points and suggestions as well.
Teacher A1
The first class that I observed was by Teacher A1 in Campus AB on Chaitra 22,
2072. He taught Major English English for Communication in B. Ed second year.
His topic was Asking/Requesting from Unit -4, Language Function. He entered
into the class with smiling and asking student about class to relate his lesson. He
seemed young and enthusiastic and more interested to both students and subject. From
my personal observation, I have found the following strengths and weaknesses of his
His teaching objective was clear and specific.

He was motivating and encouraging students to learn.

He was using students centred technique while teaching.
He used less teaching materials.
The use of whiteboard was tolerable.
He focused on the communicative activity so class was noisy..
Some competencies that I have learnt from his class observation are as follow:

Though communicative class is effective but it is noisy.

Teacher motivation is necessary for effective teaching.
Encouraging students enhance in their learning.
Examples play important role to make the lesson effective.

Teacher A2
The second class that I observed was by Teacher A2 in Cmpus AB on Chaitra 22,
2072.he taught major English Expanding Horizon in English in B. Ed second
year. His topic was The Postmodern Min. He seemed young and energetic, his way
of speaking was influencing to the students. He opened his class with asking to
differentiate between their parents and themselves in terms of way of lifestyle. He
lectured on topic and started his class. From my personal observation, I have found
the following strengths and weaknesses of his teaching.
His teaching objective was clear and specific.
His appearance was influencing to the students.
He has good voice quality and clarity in his speaking..
He used less whiteboard while teaching.
He had lectured on topic than explanation.
He couldnt summarize the lesson at the end.
Some competencies that I have learnt from his class observation are as follow:

A good teacher often tries to address needs, interests and problems of students.
Body language of a teacher is more important in teaching.
Giving task in group or whole is more important than individual.
Lecture method is not appropriate in all situations of teaching.

Teacher A3
The third class that I observed was by Teacher A3 in Campus AB on Chaitra 22,
2072. Taught Major English English Language Teaching Method in B. Ed second
year. His topic was Meaning in Contexts from Unit- 4, Describing Language. He
has friendly behaviour with students and he used simple and clear language while
teaching. He gave an example of word bank like side of a river and a commercial
organization. From my personal observation, I have found the following strengths and
weaknesses of his teaching.

His teaching objective was clear in written form.

He has confident over the subject and teaching.
He used simple and clear language while teaching.
He has good eye contact to the students.

The used of teaching material was tolerable.
He focused on content goal than students goals.
He did not use any additional resources.
Some competencies that I have learnt from his class teaching are as follow:
Teacher eye contact to the students is necessary while teaching.
The use of simple and clear language addresses all students.
Prepare students physically, mentally and psychologically ready before to start

1.5. Lesson learnt in Observation Class

The following are some of the lessons that I have learnt from the observation of three
experienced teachers, they are:
I have understood the nature of real classroom and real students, their
behaviours and their expectation from their teachers.
I have understood the way to selection and implementation of methods,
techniques and activities in teaching.
Observation inspired and encouraged me to grow more professionally and made
more responsible towards teaching process.
Observation provided me a golden opportunity to evaluate and judged me and
Observation provided me the knowledge and skills of classroom management
and to assess the teachers and students behaviours.
The most important lesson that I have learnt is that the use of simple and clear
language, body language and equal address to students.
A good teacher should not go against to students if they are disagree to him/ her.
Prepare the students physically, psychologically and mentally ready begore to
teach and use appropriate techniques.

1.6. Brief Reflection on Micro teaching

Micro teaching is conduct for the short period of time so it is also called scale down
teaching. It is conduct for guide and direct novice teachers/ practitioners to be
improve. It is done in particular time between 10-15 students under the control of
tutor. The main purpose of micro teaching is to implement the ideas learnt from
observation, develop the competence and confidence and to prepare the lesson and
able to teach accordingly. Besides that it includes objectives, methods, techniques,
activities and evaluation and all aspects related to the teaching and learning process.
So, the Department has conducted in the fourth phases of teaching practice, which was
conducted for one week. Students were divided in to different groups. For each group
facilitator was selected. The Department has devided into different groups with

particular tutor to conduct micro teaching. So, we are guided by the Mr.Asok
Sapkota, Guru of English Department. Under his guidance I have completed my
micro teaching very effectively.
During the micro teaching, my concern and tutors guidance focused on the core of
teaching and learning from both teachers and students sides. It incorporates the
motivation, feedback, participation and collaboration between teacher and students
along with the appropriate materials, methods, technique, strategies and activities to
achieve the objectives of the lesson. In micro teaching I prepared five lesson plans of
different chapters with different techniques from intermediate and bachelor level with
teaching aids. In my lesson plan I especially focused on Aspects of language teaching
and language skills, as suggested by Guru Mr. Asok Sapkota.
There were ten students in my micro teaching group. When I presented the first lesson
on Baishak 15, 2073 in the class of ten minutes I was less confident. My peers gave
me constructive feedback and suggestion for the improvement. They also identified
some of my strong points.Guru Mr. Asok Sapkota put forward his constructive
suggestion and feedback on my first day of presentation. I did the same in second,
third, fourth, fifth day of microteaching regularly and improved accordingly. I
developed my self confidence. I learnt many ideas from my peers and from my Gru
about preparing lesson, objectives, procedures, activities and evaluation system of a
lesson. I learnt the idea to presents the lesson from different ways according to the
contexts. Also I learnt the idea of preparing teaching materials and use it on time. It
was different set of knowledge and experience. During micro teaching I observed
different classes of my peers and presentation I have found the similar cases. As the
rule of micro teaching I observed the one of my peers class on Baishak 11, 2073
under the guidance of Guru Mr. Asok Sapkota.
Finally, micro teaching has helped me to develop the self confidence and self
awareness of teaching and learning process. It helped me the ways to deal the things
effectively and how to be a good teacher. During the one week I learnt so many things

related the teaching process, classroom management, motivation, reinforcement and

so on

PART TWO: In Campus Teaching Activities

2.1. Background
After the completion of micro teaching for one week, I was assigned for real campus
teaching for six weeks from 2073/01/14 in Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali.This
Campus was belong to Budanilakantha Municipality, Kathmandu. For the same
programme there were other four students from Department of Mathmatics. I had to
teach there for six weeks preparing the lesson plans accordingly with appropriate
teaching materials. When we had been there with my colleagues Campus family,
Internal Supervisor, Local Supervisor and Subject teacher warm welcomed to us. Our
four colleagues transformed from there due to long distance and we two remained
there and we assigned to teach the combine class General English in B. Ed first year

in second period. Then we consulted with subject teacher and followed as her
Analysis of Teaching Activities carried out in Campus
From the second day of my class to Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali I was
assigned to take class of B.Ed first year course entitle English for the New
Millennium and Advanced Learners Grammar. My colleagues co-operate and
sharing their creative and constructive ideas to manage, rapport builds with students
and present lesson effectively. The second day of class we introduced with students
and observe the class of subject teacher class and we started so as

2.2. Analysis of Peer Observation

Teaching is a challenging job often there is the two way of communication or
interaction between teacher and students on subject matter. It is impossible without
proper interaction between T<>Ss and Ss<>Ss in learning environment. Peer
observation is the best way to explore the ideas and technique about teaching and
provide the constructive suggestions for further improvement. Peer observation is
done for the purpose of assessing peers performance and confidence. His/her fluency,
accuracy, clarity and presentation skills. An observer focused on peers lesson plan,
objectives, procedures, techniques, methods activities and evaluation of class
teaching. Peer observation provides a golden opportunity to develop and share skills,
techniques, procedures and ways to solve problems of the student teachers. Teaching
indeed should be motivating, enthusiastic in order to increase the learning by students.
Observation provides peers the motivation, encouragement and present the lesson very
effectively, addressing students needs, interests and learning problems in real class.
I have observed five different classes of my colleagues in real and micro teaching. The
observation was strongly guided by peer observation form.

2.3. Objectives of Peer Observation

Peer observation helps novice teachers to look back whatever they have done in their
teaching and provides chance to be improve. So, my purpose of peer observation is to
observe the confidence, content knowledge, fluency, accuracy and presentation skills
and to give constructive suggestions to them. The objectives of peer observation are as
To find out the strengths and weaknesses of their teaching.
To provide constructive suggestions and feedback for improvement.
To compare my own teaching with peers teaching and to get improve myself.

2.4. Analysis of the peer's observation

Analysis of peer observation was done on the basis of following guidelines.

Appearance in the classroom

Classroom motivation


Revision of previous lessons


Presentation of content

- Initiation of content
- Language clarity and proficiency
- Use of teaching materials
- Confident on subject matter
- Participation of students

Teachers activities

- Initiation of lesson

Methods and techniques

- Evaluation techniques
- Feedback

Classroom activities
- Activeness of students
- Classroom discipline

Answers to the questions

- Use of whiteboard


2.5. Analysis of peer observation

During practice teaching, I have recorded the information as it was help of peer observation
checklist that includes different fourteen criteria, e.g., classroom management, content
knowledge, instructional strategies, concluding etc. I observed the classes of my four peers;
As a peer observer in South Western State College, Bashundhara and Ganesh Multiple
Campus, Chapali. The strengths, weaknesses and constructive suggestions for each peer are
given below:
Peer: XX
The first class that I observed was by Peer XX on Baishak 17, 2073. She taught major
English Essay on Western Intellectual in B. A. first years in South Western State
College, Bashundhara. Her teaching topic was Tragedy and her teaching item was
reading comprehension. Through my personal observation, I have found she is a good as
well as punctual teacher. I found her smiling face in the classroom. She was more interested
in both students and subject. I found her classroom was well managed and she used
teaching material appropriately. From my personal observation I have found following
strengths and weaknesses of her teaching:
- Her teaching objectives were clear and specific.
- Her appearance was attractive and self confident..
- She encouraged and motivated to the students.

- She used teaching materials appropriately.

- She has good body language.
- The use of whiteboard was tolerable.
- She is less aware of grammatical items.
- She did not use any technology/ICT.
- It would be better if she used grammatical items appropriately.
- It would be better if she used power point.
Peer: YY
Then second class that I observed was by Peer YY on Baishak 29, 2073. He taught major
English Making Connection in B.A second year in South Western State College,
Bashundhara. His teaching topic was Sociolinguistic rules of Speaking. He opened his
class with asking previous lesson. He seemed young and energetic, learning environment
was interactive and democratic. He encouraged and motivated students in learning. He used
students centered technique. He was confident on the subject matter and good in lecture
skill. I have found his voice was appreciable. From my personal observation, I have found
the following strengths and weaknesses of his teaching:
- His teaching objectives were clear and specific.
- He has good eye contact and body language.
- He tried to contextualize the lesson in the real phenomenon.
- He encouraged and motivated students towards learning.
- He is good in lecture and explanation technique.
- He did not use any teaching materials.
- The use of whiteboard was tolerable.
- He lectured and explained more himself.

- Sometime the class was noisier while discussing with students.

- It would be better if he used teaching materials.
- It would be better if he used power point in the presentation.
Peer: ZZ
The third class that I observed was by Peer ZZ on Jestha 5, 2073. She was as a student
teacher from University Campus T. U, Kirtipur. She taught major English Essay on
Western Intellectual in B.A first in South Western State College, Bashundhara. Her
teaching topic was The Origin of Civil Society. I attentively observed her class with
Internal Supervisor; she opened her class with giving example to relate the lesson. She
seemed young and attractive. She has confident and command over the content as well. She
has good voice quality and clarity in writing. She managed the class properly. She
encouraged and motivated students towards the teaching and learning. I think that she has
bright future in teaching career. From my personal observation, I have found following
strengths and weaknesses of her teaching:
- Her teaching objectives were clear and specific.
- She has self confident and good command over subject matter.
- She has clarity in writing and speaking.
- She taught according to her lesson plan.
- Her gesture and voice was appreciable.
- She encouraged and motivated students properly.
- The use of whiteboard was tolerable.
- She did not use any teaching materials.
- The class was a bit noisy due to the interactive activity.
- It would better if she used teaching materials for effective class
- It would be better if she presented lesson through power point.

Peer: YZ
The fourth class that I observed was by Peer YZ on Jestha 11, 2073. He was as a student
teacher from University Campus T. U Kirtipur in Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali.
He taught General English English for the New Millennium in B. Ed first year in the
Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali. His teaching topic was A Smile from poetry and his
teaching item was reading and writing. He opened the class with reciting poem and asking
students to find the lesson. He managed classroom properly. His main objectives were to
make students to tell the main idea and write a similar poem on the basis of model. He has
good knowledge of content. He encouraged and motivated students. He made active
participation of students in the class.
- His teaching objectives were clear and specific.
- He built the good rapport with the students at first.
- He encourages and motivated students.
- He summarized the poem at the end.
- He used the whiteboard properly.
- He provided feedback to the students.
- He did not use teaching materials.
- His gesture was tolerable.
- His confident was also tolerable.
- It would be better if he used teaching materials.
- It would be better if he made eye contact with students.
- It would be better if he developed fluency of speaking.

2.6. Lesson learnt

Learning is the continuous process it takes place in any situation. Learning doesnt
mean only to learn something from others but to implement and appropriately use of

what we learnt. During my practice teaching and peer observation i have got many
things that I havent learnt before. First thing is I have developed the network with
established and experienced teachers and got idea and skills from them. Internal
Supervisor, Mr. Mimkaji Shrestha, Local Suprevisor Mr. Harishchandra K C and
Subject teacher, Mrs. Sahi Dahal for their great support. I cant forget their
valuable suggestions and guidelines during my lifetime thats really brought change
and shift me and my teaching career. I learnt that effective class linked with
motivation, feedback, participation and collaboration between teacher and students
along with the appropriate materials, methods, technique, strategies and activities to
achieve the objectives of the lesson.
I learnt many ideas from my peers after observed their classes, about preparing lesson,
objectives, procedures, activities and evaluation system of a lesson. I learnt the idea to
presents the lesson from different ways according to the contexts. Also I learnt the
idea of preparing teaching materials and use it on time. I have developed my selfconfidence, performance and competence of teaching. I have got the idea of planning,
organizing, processing and implementing teaching and learning process properly. I
have got valuable suggestions from my External Supervisor Mrs. Madhu Neupane,
Guruma of English Department. Within the six weeks I learnt many things related to
teaching and learning process, it is the socially expected and respected though it has
many challenges and risks.

PART THREE: Test construction, Administration and

Analysis and Interpretation of Test Results
3.1. Test Construction
Test construction is the process of developing and designing a set of questions or test
items. Test construction based on the lesson, objectives, nature of course, students

level and their understanding. The purpose of test construction is to assess or check
students understanding and achievement. Learning is the permanent changed in
students behaviours by experienced and teaching so, after the teaching any lesson or
course teacher need to test their achievement and success. Test construction is not easy
task it depends upon teachers expertise, because a test must be valid, accurate, clear,
specific, feasible and level of students. Attest should have the clear direction to the
students so test items should be standard and specific. I have constructed a set of test
including my lessons taught that are present as below:

Test construction
Campus name: Ganesh Multiple Campus, Chapali

Time: 3 hrs

Level: B.Ed first year

Full Mark: 100

Subject: General English

Pass Mark: 35

Candidates are required to give their own answer as for as

practicable the figure will get the full mark.
(Attempt all the questions)

Group- A
Multiple choice items.
Q.No. 1. Tick the best answer
1. Have you ever to Moscow?
a. seen

b. visited

c. been

d. lived

2. Sita bought . books from the market.

a. many

b. more

c. much


20*1= 20

3. If we do not try, we never

a. would

b. will

c. may

d. might

4. The head of state will attend conference in Japan.

a. some
c. the

b. a
d. an

5. I will plant, if they . dry. Full in the blank.

a. is

b. are

c. be

d. was

6. There are roughly 350 people are living in the village in 1958. Write the meaning of the
underlined one.
a. precisely

b. plenty

b. approximately

d. about

7. As I known, Ramesh was born ..1990.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. out

8. .10th Census data there are around 20,000 youths are in the third countries.
a. due to

b. according to

c. as well as

d. in front of

9. Which one is the most correct sentence?

a. what does it testes like?

B. what have she to do with it?

c. who you are going to meet there? d. when does the trains leave for Mumbai?
10I ask what is in that bag?

b. may

c. must

d. am

11. I ..have lost your letter. I am sorry.

a. seem to

b. should to

c. feel to

d. ought to

12. A letter is being written by Mohan, this sentence is,

a. acitve present

b. passive present

c. active present continue d. passive present continue

13. What is the past participle form of cut?

a. cut


c. cuted


14. What is the synonym meaning of luxurious?

a. difficult

b. complicated

c. comfortable

d. complex

15. Do you like ice-cream?

a. the

b. an

c. a

d. no article

16. Plural form of class is class then what is the plural form of bench?
a. benches

b. benchess

c. benchies

d. benchiss

17. She said that she saw some in the forest.

a. wolf

b. wolfs

c. wolfes

d. wolves

18. My grandfather .Some surprisingly progressive views.

a. holds

b. roots

c. shifts

d. underlines

19. The opposite meaning of brutal is,

a. impolite

b. cruel

c. human

d. savage

20. you really need more than anything is a food holiday.

a. where

b. what

c. why

d. who

Group- B
Q.No.2. Match the sentences beginning to the correct ending.

5*1= 5

1. When the traffics bad, the journey

a. can sit more than 150000 people

2. The world biggest football stadium

b. can reach speeds of more than 100 k/h

3. The Cheetah, the fastest animal

c. can take up to 3hrs

4. The human brain

d. cant breathe if they are not in water

5. Fish

e. cant survive more than four minutes

without blood

Q.No.3. Supply the suitable article (a, an and the) and no article if necessary.
1. Dont forget to take..umbrella while going to outside.
2. I have boughtdozen of copies from stationary.
3. ...sun is very hot today.
4. Could you give me glass of water, please?
5. Planting .trees are the most important for maintain environment.

5*1= 5

Q.No.3. Read the given passage and do the exercises.

The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems interested
in his subject and students. The first thing a positive teacher does try to learn all the students names. This
kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in the class and does not seem to mind if a student
disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class as well. Not only he is available for
conferences, but he encourages students to see him if they need help. The students tend to feel comfortable
in the presence of this teacher. A good example of positive teacher is a French teacher, Monsiuer Pirrot. He
always allows time during the class hour for some free discussion.

Q.No. A. Give the short answer of these questions from the passage.

5*2= 10

1. What is the controlling idea of a positive teacher?

2. Write any three characteristics of positive teachers.
3. Why do students feel comfortable in the presence of positive teachers?
4. What are the two best activities of positive teachers?
5. What may be the suitable title of this passage?
Q.No. B. Find whether the following sentences are true or false. Write T true and F for false.
5*1= 5
1. Students feel comfortable in the presence of positive teacher. (
2. Positive teachers try to learn few of the students names.

3. Positive teachers allow questions and discussions in class.

( )

4. Positive teacher does not encourage students in learning. ( )

5. A positive teacher shows his/her interest out of class as well. (

Q.No. 2. Answer the following questions. (Any six questions).

6*5= 30

1. Why was the step- mother ashamed? What did she do then?
(The Mirror of Matsuyama)
2. Why was Einstein a failed politician? Give your arguments.
(Albert Einstein)
3. What was the effect of new headphone on the writer? Why did he drop out from the

(Music and Science)

4. What are the reasons of learning English language? Name any four countries where
English is Learn as a second language?
(English as a World Language)
5. Summarize the poem A Smile in fifteen sentences?
(A Smile)
6. Has the political philosophy taught them anything? If so, why not?

(Do Not Say)

7. Paraphrase the following stanza of the poem.
(Letter From Foreign Grave)
Oh my mother dear,
The only thing I always regret is that
I was unable to make up for your milk during
This lifetime. For I died for the cause of others in a war of no glory.
Forgive me, mother. And weep not for me any more,
But ruminate for those living whose wars are now to be feared
Q.No.4. Imagine that you are the dead soldiers mother who still hopes, her son will return home.
Write a letter to him.
Q.No. 5. Write an essay on Hiking Places in Nepal in 300 words.

Best of luck!

(Answer Key) Multiple choice items.














- 10



3.2. Item Analysis

Item analysis is the process of analyzing test items on the basis of its effectiveness from
different perspectives. A test item should have the quality of validity and reliability. So, a
test item must be standard and valid. Item analysis is the process of standardizing the test.
So, item analysis is done for to check whether items are appropriate or not to the students or
items are more easy or difficult. Items must be pre test, analyzed and standardized before to
administrate. So, a test must be specific, clear and consistency in scoring. There are two
types of item analysis (qualitative and quantitative).The qualitative item analysis is a non
mathematical approach to assessing an item utility. Qualitative item analysis is performed
by subject export checking an item content validity and inspecting it from technical fault
whenever quantitative item analysis helps us decide whether to retain or eliminate an item,
whether distracter should be modified or eliminated, whether an item is mistake, whether
guessing occurred and whether ambiguity is present. Therefore, item analysis is a technique
through which those items which are valid and suitable to the purposes are selected and the
rest are either eliminated or modified to suit the purpose.
For the purpose of item analysis I have administrated 20 objective questions to the
students with my peer on 16/02/2073. The questions were about multiple choices, true
false, matching and fill in the blanks. Altogether eight students participated in test
administration program. On the basis of that test result administration we have made
the items analysis and result analysis with their distracters, they are as follows:

Table No. 1






















Q. no.

Table No. 2



27% group
of student

Middle group students

high mark

27% group of
student who


Obtained low






















Table No. 3

Item difficulty index and Discrimination index


Item difficulty index (p)


Index of discrimination(D)



P=R/T*100 = 8/8*100 =

Very Easy

D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N = (2-2)/1/2*4



P=R/T*100 =4 /8*100 =


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(0-1)/1/2*6

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 7/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 8/8*100

Very Easy

D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 4/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-1)/1/2*4 =

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 5/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-0)/1/2*4 =

Very Good


P=R/T*100 = 6/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-1)/1/2*4 =

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 5/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-0)/1/2*4 =

Very Good


P=R/T*100 = 6/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(1-0)/1/2*4 =

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 5/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-0)/1/2*4 =

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 3/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 7/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(21)/1/2*4=0.5

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 2/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-0)/1/2*4=

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 7/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-1)/1/2*4 =

Very Good


P=R/T*100 =8 /8*100

Very Easy

D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 7/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 4/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(1-1)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 6/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-2)/1/2*4 =



P=R/T*100 = 5/8*100


D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(2-1)/1/2*4 =

Very good


P=R/T*100 = 0/8*100 =

Need to

D=(Ru-RL)/1/2*N =(0-0)/1/2*4 =


Note 1: - Item Difficulty index (p) = R/T*100%

Where R= Number of students who gave correct answer
T= Total Number of the students appeared in the test

Very easy










Very Difficult


Need to Change

Note 2:- Index of Discrimination (D) = (RU-R L)/N/2

Where RU= Number of students who score high level 27%
RL= Number of students who score low level 27%
N= Total Number of students who score high level 27% and low level 27%

0 - 0.19


0.20 - 0.39


0.40 1.00

Very Good

PART FOUR: Conclusion

4.1. Conclusion
This report is prepared for the partial fulfilment of practice teaching in M. Ed fourth
Semester. This report includes the teaching and learning process that are governed
from the class observation, peer observation, micro teaching and real teaching.
Teaching is really a challenging job. It is socially respected and expected. Though it
has many challenges and risks but soluble. Teaching and learning is the continuous
process. Teachers are the responsible person of the society the whole fate of society
and individual are depend upon teachers. A good teacher is one who is both born and
made, always addresses students needs, interests, and helps in their problems. So, by
this teaching practice I have learnt new ideas and concepts of effective teaching and
classroom management with motivation and encouragement.
No one all in all and perfect in this universe. Mistakes and problems occur it is natural
and universal reality. Teaching practice is one of the part of being perfect through
learning by doing. Where the practitioners practise and tutors guide and suggest for
improvement. It is the most important part to develop the confidence and competence
power of novice teachers. Though all the teachers were competent and interested in
their teaching however, there were some lacking themselves. An effective class
teaching often requires proper interaction and negotiation between teacher and
students. Appropriate use of teaching materials, methods, techniques and activities
with evaluation play important for the effectiveness of teaching. Teachers motivation
and comprehensive feedback is necessity, simple and clear language should be use foe
effective class. Teachers body language is necessity to attract students attention. So,
teaching practice is the part of teacher development.


Student teacher




Internal supervisor

External supervisor

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