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HD 450 Reflection

HD 450- Reflective Teaching

Cherilyn Helguera
June 25, 2016

HD 450 Reflection

When I received my course schedule and saw that one of my classes was on
reflective teaching, I was excited. I wanted to completely adapt to this process since I am
a professional educator. The first two classes were intense and had my interest for the
assignments, group projects, and final presentation. Unfortunately, those two days were
the only true class time I had with my professor. I can understand emergencies happening
beyond our control, but to miss the majority of the course semester due to cancelled
classes is disappointing.
I became anxious during my Capstone course to try to write about this course.
What can I reflect on that would show what I have learned? As I went through the few
materials I have, I recalled two papers I wrote. One was called, Teaching Role Models
and the other Observation. These papers allowed me to remember the importance of
continued reflections. The past will always help in creating a better future.
The first paper allowed me to reflect on an educator that impacted me the most. I
was torn between two, so I wrote about both. Completing this paper made me realize how
I try everyday to combine these two women and model their skills. It is important for me
to show pride in the environment I work for as well as positively impact not only the
childrens lives, but their families as well. The first role model was my administrator and
preschool director. She was completely involved with the students of the school from
nursery through eighth grade as well as their families. I started in the school as a parent
and she drew me in with her sincerity and kindness. By her transparency she drew
families into our school and created a family atmosphere unusual to an educational

HD 450 Reflection

During my employment for my current job, I had the privilege to work at a new
site for six weeks. The site director was amazing with not only the children of the site, but
the staff as well. They all showed a genuine love for her, and she returned it. At first she
was short with words but to the point. She did not beat around the bush regarding her
expectations of me. As the weeks past, I saw how calm and inviting her classroom was. I
thought maybe its just a good week and it will change soon-not so. She was able to
create a tone for not only her classroom, but the adjacent classroom as well. Everyone
addressed the children in the same manner and was always on schedule. Transitions were
smooth using songs and hand motions to keep children's hands occupied. I miss being
with both of these mentors, but I have gleaned techniques from both and have found a
way to embed both of their styles within me.
The other paper I worked on was an observation of a teacher. I did mine on my
current site director. I wrote the observation down and as I went through it to write my
paper, I noticed that my two mentors were not demonstrated in this observation. The
things I hold value for were not in this person. I tried to find positive things to say, but it
was difficult. In my book, Learning Together with Young Children, the section on
Teachers lack philosophical foundations states, We believe that teaching strategies
should flow from a consciously defined belief system, not a set of regulations, a series of
activity books, or a bag of tricks.(p.4). It is mind blowing how this is true in the scenario
of this director. Our policies define and protect the company, but the curriculum and how
it is implemented establishes it. We are not drill sergeants dictating directions, we are
guides in a childs day and life.

HD 450 Reflection

When I wrote this observation, I thought by having discussions with her on what I
was learning in my classes would be insightful for her. As I reflected on that moment, I
can see that she is unable to be open to the new process. I tried to be open with her about
my own experience of how it was difficult for me as well to adapt to a new way of
teaching, but it has not changed her mindset. I hope that one day she will be able to
accept the childrens ownership of the classroom and not be the controller. Giving up the
control and accepting your position as first mate to a child can be difficult, but I have
learned that it is the most rewarding.
Watching two clips on YouTube of Maya Angelou, Be a Rainbow in Someone
Elses Cloud and Just Do Right, supported what I have been learning about reflective
teaching. We must be a rainbow in someone's cloud because most of these children see
cloudy days daily. We must be that color of light that shows them an alternate way of
looking at the world. If all professional educators look at their classroom in this
perspective, they will be able to impact each child and their families. I look to be that
rainbow each day and I take their words of love and place them in my heart and life. I
reflect each day on my classroom experiences in hopes to create a better tomorrow.

HD 450 Reflection

Angelou, M. Be a rainbow in someone elses cloud [video file].Retrieved from
Angelou, M. Just do right [video file]. Retrieved from
Curtis,D. & Carter, M. (2008). Learning Together with Young Children A Curriculum
Framework for Reflective Teachers. Redleaf Press. St. Paul, MN.

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