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Telemedicine & Education



As Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Project

Project Proposal






1. Introduction
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana was initiated to bring the Member of
Parliament into taking the responsibility of developing physical and
institutional infrastructure in villages and turn them into model
villages. Under this scheme, each Member of Parliament needs to choose
one village each from the constituency that they represent, except their
own village or their in-laws village and fix parameters and make it a model
village by 2016.
Thereafter, they can take on two or three more villages and do the same
by 2019, and thereafter, set themselves ten-year-long village or rural
improvement projects. Villages will be offered smart schools, universal
access to basic health facilities and housing to homeless villagers.
In this Sansad context, A P Abdul Vahab MP has selected Karulayi village in
Malappuram district for the Sansad adarsh gram project. Along with many
existing and new development programs for Karulayi model village, the
ICT and technology innovation part of the Sansad framework has to be
integrated. Karulayi is a village having many remote forest tribal
settlements and all of which has to be connected to the basic livelihood,
health ,education and governance services.ICT can play a crucial role here
and this project proposal details the scope of an innovative ICT enabled
rural development project aligned with the policy framework of Sansad
Adarsh Gram Yojana.
2. Objective of the project

The development of model villages, called Adarsh Grams, through

the implementation of existing schemes, and certain new initiatives
to be designed for the local context, which may vary from village to

Creating models of local development which can be replicated in

other villages.

Entry point activities to energize and mobilize the community

towards positive common action

Participatory planning exercise for identifying peoples needs and

priorities in an integrated manner

Converging resources from Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored

Schemes and also other State schemes to the extent possible.

Repairing and renovating existing infrastructure to the extent


Strengthening the Gram Panchayats and peoples institutions within


Promoting transparency and accountability

Ensure universal access to education facilities ,adult literacy and eliteracy

Provide quality health care in the village










Provide connectivity between village and expert institutions like

hospital and university

Develop innovative practices in the area of ICT enabled rural


3. Background of the project

Kerala is a home land for number of tribal communities. Majority of
them inhabit in the western slope of western ghats. The government of
India in 1976 have categorized 75 tribal sections as Primitive Tribal
Groups(PTGs) based on the criteria of pre agricultural level of technology.
The PTGs in are seen distributed in 15 states. In Kerala ,there are five
The five PTGs of Kerala are (1)the Koraga of Kasaragode district (2)the
Kurumbar of Attapapdy (3)the Kadar of erstwhile cochin area (4)the
Kattunayakan of Malappuram,Wayanad and Kozhikode district (5)the
Cholanaiken of Nilambur valley.The project targets Kattunayakan and
Cholanaiken settlements in the Nilambur region in which telemedicine and
other ICT enabled basic and critical services will be provided to improve
the life of PTG community in Malappuram district.
3 Targeted Communities

Cholanaicken Settlements

The Cholanaicken known as the Caveman of Kerala live in the upper Ghat
section (Chola) of the Nilambur valley. Mancheeri is one of the Chola
settlement inside the forest which is the selected point of Telecentre
connectivity. Mancheeri Cholanaicka settlement is situated inside the
forest and not an easily accessible place. Around 70 families are living

here and they scattered in the hills. One Aganavadi is working in the
settlement. Residential schools are working in Wayanad and Malappuram
for Cholanaicka students.Drop outs rates varying and girls are completing
their schooling successfully and returning to their homes inside the
settlements and living the traditional life of Cholanaickens desparatley.An
effective and targeted gender empowerment strategies has to be worked
out utilising the scope of ICT and other schemes.The villagers has to walk
out of the forest to get basic medical services and existing communication
networks are not available in the settlement.

Kattunayakan Tribal Settlements

The settlement of Kattunayakan Cholanaicken and Pathinaicken are the

subdivisions of Kattunayakan-are seen distributed inside the forest and in
revenue land as well.The Kattunayakan subsist on food gathering, non
wood forest produces collection,landless agricultural labour, forest labour
and small scale cultivation. In Nilambur valley ,there many Kattunaicka
settlements in which the project is targeting Nedumkayam,Mannala and
Mundakadavu triabal settlements.All of the settlements are mixed milieu
of paniya and kattunaicken settlements which needs to be brideged by
critical interventions in health and education.

Critical gap analysis

The PTG tribal settlements are underserved in basic health and

education facilities.

Physical access to these settlements is not easy in regular basis


There is no communication network access to these settlements

Critical health and education interventions has to be to improve the

situation of these communities

ICT can play a critical role to bridge the gap in the given situation

4. Proposed Solution
The telecentre will be established in the four tribal settlements in which
high speed wireless connectivity willbe established between these
settlements and PHC Karulayi and Grama Panchayat in Karulayi.
Telemedicine services will be established to the tribal settlements from
the PHC on which the doctor will be available to the community on the

video communication. The people inside community can amke

consultation with the doctor for basic health problems with community
health nurse provided by the existing health schemes of central and state
5. Implementation Methodology
5.1. Site Survey
A site survey will be conducted to collect the latitude and longitude of the
points to be connected and the Line of Sight will be identified with the
help of topography analysing software.
5.2. Tower Erection
In each point of connectivity, tower has to be erected in required heights
(see budget) to fix wireless devices and solar systems .As part of ensuring
uninterrupted connectivity, one additional tower as the backbone tower
has to be erected in nearby hill by which four points to be connected
without any scope interruption in future.To avoid lightening ,separate
lightening arresters have to be fixed on each tower
5.3. Power Systems
Alternative/Solar power and battery systems have to be set up in tribal
settlements to ensure stable power source for the antenna systems to
function all the time.
5.4. Wireless Antenna Installation and Signal Alignment
Point to point connectivity devices have to be configured and installed on
the tower and radio signal has to be aligned between all points of
5.5. Video Conference System
A server will be connected to this network and video conference system
will be installed in this server on which four points will be connected all
the time and any kind of interaction many to many ,one to many ,one to
one will be possible.
6. Content Delivery Scope on the network

Telemedicine service
Teleducation programs
Other data transfer services

7. Advantages of Long Distance Wi Fi

Cost effective and open source

Unique Security layers

Extendibility to anywhere in Malabar region in long future

Ease of Maintenance and scale up

Assured reliability using high power antennas

Proven hardware ,software and team who connected 2300 sqkm in

Wayanad which is biggest Wi Fi network in India

8. Specifications

Transmission Speed
Channel Width
Antenna gain

: 150 mbps
: 802.11 g/n
: 20 MHz
: WEP, WPA, WPA2,Public Key Cryptograpgy
: Yes
: 2412-2462 MHz
: Unlicensed WiFi 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz band
: Up to 32 dBi according to distance

9. Key features:

Long range communication of up to 100km with high-gain antennas

Throughput of up to 100 Mbps TCP/IP per link using two 802.11a
Low packet delay (< 5ms per link)
Can scale throughput up to 150Mbps with added reliability by using
multiple parallel
Extensible over multiple hops with optimal frequency reuse at each
Comprehensive remote administration, fault diagnosis and update


Legal Background

The system operates in the ISM Band and confirms

security requirements

to all legal and

The industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands are radio
(portions of the radio spectrum) reserved internationally
for the use
of radio frequency (RF) energy for industrial,
scientific and medical
purposes and other type of special
The ISM bands are defined by the ITU-R in 5.138, 5.150, and 5.280
the Radio Regulations. Individual countries' use of the band
in these sections may differ due to variations in
national radio
Open spectrum (also known as free spectrum) is radio frequency
spectrum that is available for use by all.
Proponents of the "commons model" of open spectrum advocate a
future where all the spectrum is shared, and in which people use
Internet protocols to communicate with each other, and smart

devices, which would find the

and mechanism.

most effective energy level,

11. Network Capabilities

Secure Network
Ring architecture for high availability on the optical fiber network
Redundancy on wireless
Independent User Authentication
100 Mbps Full Duplex wireless Network
12. Network Features

Controller based Modules architecture

Open standard based network architecture
Multimedia capability of streaming audio, video and data
Wireless High speed network infrastructure

13. Cost Estimate

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