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Executive Summary
Food is one of the basic needs of human. It provides the energy and
building materials that are essential for the growth and survival of living
things. The health-related view of food continues to be very important for
all of us. The increase of restaurant, canteen, cafeteria, food chain and the
like are expression of its essential component for human needs.
The food service industry has increasingly developed by adopting
more advanced technologies that can deliver us healthier, fresher and
more varied food. Currently, the market place offers a vast variety of foods
we can choose from, a better quality and lower prices. This is true for
Filipino people who love to eat between meals.
In Mc-Jems Foods, the essence of food is preserved while applying the
art of cooking. The store aims to provide delicious, affordable, and
nutritious food delicacies and snacks that promote good health and
satisfaction to its valued customers. The owners can provide necessary
kitchen equipment and tools for a better performance during the
A. The Company
Mc-Jems Foods is a store that offers delicacies and snacks. It is
mainly situated at Naval State University Naval, Biliran. The store may
consider displaying its products in Naval terminal. The store is owned
by a group of BSBA students in 4th year level from Naval State
University. Mc-Jems Foods has a start-up capital of 12,000.00 and

ROI of 1.6. It has a Current Ratio of 2.4 with a Working Capital of

7,000. It has a petty cash of 500 for minor expenses during the
operation. Business hours are from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and 4:00pm to
5:00pm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and from 9:00am until
5:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Mc-Jems Foods is dedicated to
bring the essence of foods and its cooking style.
1. Overview
In prospective years, Mc-Jems Foods is a store that offers
affordable and healthy delicacies and snacks with best cooking
style to nourish and satisfy its valued customers and to be wellknown around Biliran Province.
To provide a quality service in food industry energized with
reliable, honest, and proficient manpower for sustaining the needs
of the province and contributory for economic growth.
To promote a new creation of food products that could make
Biliran Province proud.

To develop the managerial skills of each member in the group


To have a better understanding on how the business works


To bring out the best skills of each member


To have a worthwhile learning experience


To successfully accomplish the business venture

2. Business Model
As part of food service industry, Mc-Jems Foods will apply
the concept of marketing cycle in realizing profits and in sustaining
the good service of the store. The store begins by identifying the
customers who make up the potential market. Once the needs and
wants of the potential customers have been identified, the store can
proceed with the marketing process by developing the products and
services necessary to satisfy these needs and wants.
Identify customer needs and

Develop good products, pricing,

and methods of distribution

Feedback is obtained
from customers

Reinvest profits

Customers purchase products

Purchasing behavior
produces profits

Fig. 1 Business Model

3. The Product
Mc-Jems Foods offers special delicacies and snacks that promote
good eating habit and satisfy its customers stomach.
a) Delicacies:

Special Cassava CakeThis is a classic Filipino dessert

enjoyed year round. This dessert is made with fresh cassava
root and coconut milk. This is a dessert best served cold. It
is easy to make.

Special BikoGlutinous white rice, a cake with caramel

topping, also known as sticky rice or sweet rice cooked with
coconut milk and then baked with a coconut topping. Biko is
usually served during birthday parties, fiestas, Christmas,
New Year and other celebrated events in Philippines.

b) Snacks:

SandwichA club sandwich, also called a clubhouse

sandwich, is a sandwich of occasionally toasted bread,






cucumber, and mayonnaise.








combination of sweet mango and orange fruits to bring out

their best flavor.

4. Manufacturing Plan
Mc-Jems Foods products are prepared in the appropriate quantity
and within budgetary constraints. Knowledge of basic food
preparation approach and equipment usage will assist the group in
planning and achieving its goals.
a. Production Model

Fig. 2 Production Model

b. Manufacturing Process

Gas oven


Gas stove




Cupcake paper



Banana leaves


Spoon, fork, saucer and plates


a) For Special Cassava Cake
2 cups grated, peeled cassava root
2 eggs, beaten
1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk
1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Stir the cassava root, eggs, evaporated milk, sweetened
condensed milk, and coconut milk together in a bowl until
thoroughly combined; pour into a baking dish.
3. Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Switch the ovens
broiler on and bake under the broiler until the top of the

cake is browned, 2 to 3 minutes. Cool completely in

refrigerator before serving.
b) For Special Biko
1 kg. red malagkitrice
6 cups cold water
coconut milk
kg. brown sugar
Desiccated coconut
1. Soak rice overnight in the water.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a
9x13 inch baking pan.
3. Cook the soaked rice over medium heat in a saucepan with
the soaking water, coconut milk, and brown sugar, stirring
constantly, until tender and thickened, about 20 minutes.
Pour into the prepared baking pan.
4. Pour the mixture carefully over the rice.
5. Bake in the preheated oven until the topping thickens, about
25 minutes. Cool completely; cut into squares to serve.

c) For Club Sandwich

Bacon or Ham


Sliced Bread




1. Toast the bread in a toaster, or under a broiler on both sides.
2. Fried the bacon or ham and egg.
3. Prepare the coleslaw, tomato, and the cheese.
4. Place 2 slices bacon over the tomatoes, eggs and top with
cheese (without letting any hang over the sides).
5. Using a serrated knife cut each sandwich, diagonally, into
triangular pieces (each piece should be secured in the
center with a pick or sword).
d) For Mango and Orange Juice Mix

Tang Juice



1. Prepare the tang juice in the container.
2. Slice the mango and orange fruits.
3. Mix the sliced fruits with the juice and some sugar to taste.
4. Place the juice inside the refrigerator before serving.

6. Product Value
Eating the right foods is just as important for getting the most
out of your workout. Mc-Jems Foods products are good snacks and
have nutritional value that could be better replacement for a junk
food and carbonated drinks. They are clean, safe to eat and drink
by customers. The delicacies offered are ideal as dessert after
having hot meal.
Health benefits of Cassava
Cassava is one of the chief sources of some important
minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese for
many inhabitants in the tropical belts. In addition, it has adequate
amounts of potassium (271 mg per 100g or 6% of RDA). Potassium
is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate
heart rate and blood pressure.
Health benefits of Biko
Each cup of cooked sticky rice contains 169 calories, or 8
percent of your daily calorie intake based on a 2,000-calorie diet.
Most of these calories 83 percent come from sticky rices
carbohydrate content, and each serving provides 36.7 grams of
total carbohydrates, including 1.7 grams of fiber. Your body breaks
complex carbohydrates, including those found in sticky rice, into
glucose, and then uses this glucose to fuel brain, liver and muscle
function. The fiber in sticky rice also offers health benefits. It


contributes to a high-fiber diet, which lowers your risk of heart

disease, explains the McKinley Health Center at the University of
Health benefits of Club Sandwich
The sandwich is a perfect tea time snack. Vegetarian option:
sandwich with cucumber, tomato coleslaw and cheese. Nonvegetarian option: bacon/ham and egg. The Nutrition Facts of the
sandwich in serving Size 12 oz (336 g) has Calories 550, Calories
from Fat 288, Total Fat 32g 49%, Saturated Fat 5g 25%,
Cholesterol 55mg 18%, Sodium 1600mg 67%, Carbohydrates 39g
13%, Dietary Fiber 3g 12% and Protein 24g.
Health benefits of Mango and Orange Juice

Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals,

and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds. According
to new research study, mango fruit has been found to protect
against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Several
trial studies suggest that polyphenolic anti-oxidant compounds
in mango are known to offer protection against breast and colon

Oranges, like other citrus fruits, are an excellent source of 10

vitamin (provides 53.2 mg per 100 g, about 90% of DRI);
Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of
foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance









inflammatory free radicals from the blood.

7. Product Improvement
Mc-Jems Foods combines cooking sense and business
sense to create the perfect fit. The store ponders improvement in its
products and forms attractive packaging with a catchy name / brand
/ tag.
The owners may consider having additional products once
the operation starts and the market observation establishes. With a
well-measured development strategy, it can avoid wasting time,
money and business resources. However, several important factors
in developing a new strategy are considered. Defining the product,
identifying market needs, establishing time frames and identifying
key issues and approaches are so far determined.
B. Environmental Analysis
1. External Environment

Possibility of product improvement

Suspension of classes due to natural calamities

Changes in school policies and regulations

Active tourism is promoted in the Biliran province

Competition in Biliran province is prevalent

Customers preferences are variable


2. Internal Environment

Cook is HRTM graduate and NC II holder of TESDA

Kitchen tools are readily available

Location is accessible

Funds are restricted

No brand name established

Time is limited



SWOT Analysis

Mc-Jems Foods SWOT analysis



Cook is HRTM graduate and NC II

No brand name established

holder of TESDA

Funds are restricted

Location is accessible

Time is limited

Kitchen tools are readily available



Possibility of product improvement

Active tourism is promoted in

Biliran province

Competition in Bili ran province is


Customers preferences are


Suspension of classes due to

natural calamities.

Changes in school policies and


Fig. 3 SWOT

C. The Market Analysis

1. Market Definition
Mc-Jems Foods offers snacks and native delicacies to our
potential customers. Most of our potential customers are students,
teachers, instructors, staff, employees, administrators, workers and
other by-passers who are interested to buy our products. This will
be situated at Naval State University campus.
2. Research Methodology
The proponents conduct interview and distribute survey
questionnaire to the prospective customers in gathering information
of the product feasibility in the target market. It starts with free taste
in the first day of launching to determine the cost incurred and
compute for the ROI that may receive from selling Mc-Jems Foods.
3. Market size
Mc-Jems Foods store is located inside Naval State
University main campus. The number population (students, faculty
members, and staff) of College and Arts and Science is 1,819. McJems Foods target market is the 5% to 7% population in College of
Arts and Sciences which is 91 to 127 customers.






activities such as advertising by the power of mouth, social media

(facebook, viber, wechat, etc.), by performing good service to the
customers and dedication in the business.


4. Market Entry and Market Growth

The business will be operated inside the campus of Naval State
University. Each target market will follow some procedures for the
starting of operation upon entering and growing stage of Mc-Jems
Foods for the implementation.










Fig. 4 Market Entry


5. Market Research and Analysis

There are various forces that affect foods, one of it is the
taste, health effect, religions and beliefs and the like. Customers
always think that Is it Delicious? or Is it Healthy? People cant
live without food. Yet, the taste of a food is customers drive to
patronage Mc-Jems Foods products. This will also give motivation
for the store to attract more customers. Pertaining to religious
orientation like Seventh Day Adventist and Muslims, since they are
known for not eating pork; Mc-Jems Foods can offer its native
delicacies and juices which are practically available for all.
Mc-Jems Foods products are aid to those busy people who
are always on the go and dont have time to cook their meals. The
store can provide immediate answer for their hungry stomachs.


6. Market Positioning
High Quality

Mc-Jems Food



Low Quality

MC-Jems Foods products have an affordable price with high

quality. Satisfying customers needs and wants and providing a
good service are Mc-Jems Foods market orientation.


7. Market Strategy
The operation engaged in direct selling as one of the
strategies in reaching out Mc-Jems Foods target customers.
Brochures, SMS (short messaging service) social media, and
through internet are used in promotional activities. Acceptance of
feedbacks from customers is very much welcome to know the
products status in the market. Mc-Jems Foods treat customers
like they are the boss. By taking this approach to its customer,
effective interaction naturally happens to flip the angle on
customer service. The store also focuses on measuring customer
satisfaction. With this, it can help to reduce the number of unhappy






satisfaction. Thus, customers cannot easily be influenced by

competitors. This will be used to evaluate and develop the quality
standard of Mc-Jems Foods.
8. Competitive Profile
There are already lots of competitors that exist in the market
for a long period of time. The school canteens, campus food court,
street vendors of hot cakes, banana cue, stores and other street
foods are some of them. But despite of it, Mc-Jems Foods owners
are willing to take the risk and positively and courageously face the
venture to gain knowledge and more experience on business.


Mc-Jems Foods products have competitive advantage

because the owners are going to hire a cook whose passion is
cooking. Putting the cooks effort, knowledge, and skills will be the
primary assets of Mc-Jems Foods. The owners have already the
right kitchen tools in making the products and it is indeed essential.
Additionally, securing the participation of each member during the
venture and good management would outweigh ahead from its
9. Competitive Advantages
These are the following advantages foreseen:
Passionate Cook
Essential kitchen tools
Offering healthier snacks foods
Offering affordable prices than our competitors
Members Collaboration
10. Marketing Plan
The owners formulate strategies and alternatives in reaching
out customers effectively and make them aware of the products.
Choosing the right channels to sell them is a crucial decision. It is a
must know the first and how and where the customers want to buy
and the best way of getting customers to learn about it. The more
channels use more customers reach. That is why we decided to
install at Naval State University.


Mc-Jems Foods is promoted through promotional activities

and direct selling or word of mouth communication. It is an effective
way to reduce pocket cost and cultivate clientele. The valued
opinion of customers is the most important and cost effective that
can be developed.
In pricing method, owners select to provide on how to set
their product price. It is carefully considered the pricing strategy
before its starts. In setting price owners, we make sure that the
price and sales level we set will allow the business to be profitable.
Taking notes of where their products stands compared of the
competitors. Having a good preparation before delivering the
product to the customers on time and right cost is primary
Below are Mc-Jems Foods products and their corresponding


Special Cassava Cake

10 / slice

Special Biko

10 / slice

Club Sandwich

20 / slice

Mango & Orange Juice

10 / cup


11. Contingency Plan

Starting and running a small business is an inherently risky
practice because there is no guarantee that a new venture will
attain profitability. Unforeseen events or disasters can be especially
harmful to a business. For example, preparing for events such as
customers, fire, earthquake or flood can make it impossible to
continue operating a business normally.
At Mc Jems Foods, a contingency plan is a business
document that lays out a course of action a business will take in
response to future events. It is very essential to guide its business
operation. So, its specific instructions on how to deal with the
possible problems. Below are Mc Jems Foods contingency
When products are not being sold for a particular period:

Buy 1 get 1- the products are offered at cheaper price to

prevent the risk of losing.

Direct Selling or Lakothe products have to be dealt

somewhere outside the campus to quickly dispose the
products before the end of the day.

5% mark-down to attract new customers and to keep old

customers loyal.


D. Supply Chain

Mc-Jems Foods encompasses the steps it takes to get a

good or service from the supplier to the customer. Mc-Jems Foods
supply chain has three internal key parts; purchasing, production,
and distribution. They involve coordinating flow of materials with its
internal component and to the end consumer.
Mc-Jems Foods Suppliers are from Naval market, Prince
Hypermart, White Rose, and the like. The Product flow includes
moving goods from supplier to consumer, as well as dealing with
customer service needs. The Information flow includes order
information and delivery status. The Financial flow includes
payment schedules, credit terms, and additional arrangements.

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