Chapter 8 Chemicals in Industry Student

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8.1 Understanding the properties of alloys and their

uses in industry
8.2 Analysing the production and uses of ammonia in
8.3 Analysing the effects of industrial waste disposal
on the environment
8.4 Realising the need for preservation and
conservation of the environment from industrial
waste pollution for the wellbeing of mankind

8.1 Understanding the properties of alloys and their uses in industry

1. Alloying is a process of ___________________________________________________
2. Alloy is the result of mixing of alloying and have _______________________________
3. Mixed pure metals will change the nature of the origin of these metals into a new
material with the desired characteristics.
4. Examples of commonly used alloy are _______________________________________
5. The properties of the alloy are _____________________________________________


Special properties







Alloys and Their Uses

1. The pure metal is _____________________ Thus, the metals must be mixed to form a
stronger alloy- hard and resistant to corrosion. Alloying change the properties of the
metal due to ___________________________________________________________
2. Most metals that we use in everyday life is an alloy.
3. This is because the alloy is harder, beautiful, shiny, smooth surface and corrosionresistant.
4. Alloy have a more _________________________ than pure metal.

The Nature of the Relationship between Alloys with Ordering the Particles

Importance of Alloys in Industry

1. Alloy used in the industry because the alloy has better properties than pure metal.
2. For example, steel is hard, strong and corrosion-resistant and pure iron is soft and
easily eroded. Therefore, steel is widely used in _______________________________
3. Bronze can be used to make ______________________________________________
4. Duralumin is used in the __________________________________ as duralumin is
5. Brass is used to make ___________________________________________________
6. Pewter used to make tools such as _________________________________________
Superconductor Alloys

1. Superconducting alloy is an alloy that can ____________________________________

2. The diagram shows relationship between resistance with temperature for normal
conductors and superconductors.
3. At temperature T1, superconductors have ____________________ the high electrical
4. Normal conductor indicate resistance even at a temperature of 0 Kelvin.
5. The resulting superconducting at _________________________ Therefore, the alloy
superconductors must be ________________________________________________
6. Superconducting alloys is also _____________________. ______________________
capable of reaching high speeds (500 km h -1) as a powerful magnet to produce high
power engines.
7. Superconductors with strong magnetic field is used as a
_________________________ machine, MRI in the medical field.
8. Superconducting alloys can _____________________________ that cannot be
detected by existing tools.

9. Superconducting alloys are also designed to ________________________________ in

the area of defense.

8.2 Analysing the production and uses of ammonia in industry

Ammonia is a chemical important in the agricultural sector, which is to make ___________
Molecule of ammonia (NH3) is composed of three atoms of hydrogen (H) and one atom of
nitrogen (N). When hydrogen reacts with nitrogen, ammonia is formed.

Ammonium Salt Fertilizer Production

1. Fertilizer ammonium salt is a source of nitrogen for plants.
2. Plants need nitrogen to __________________________________________________
3. Most chemical fertilizers are ______________________________________________
4. Ammonium salt produced by the neutralisation reaction between ammonia with acid as
shown in the chemical equation below.

Salt Urea Fertilizer Production

1. Urea is a fertiliser used in agriculture.
2. Urea has the percent nitrogen content is very high.
3. Urea produced from the reaction of _______________________________________
4. The reaction produces urea occurs at a temperature of 200C under a pressure of in the
compressor chamber.

Ammonia Production in Industry Usage

1. Ammonia is produced synthetically from nitrogen and hydrogen by the ____________
Ammonia and its compounds are widely used as a fertilizer. In addition, ammonia is
also used in the manufacture of ___________________________________________
2. Ammonia is produced in the industry through the Haber process.
3. In the Haber process, nitrogen and hydrogen gas are mixed and passed through a
metal catalyst to form ammonia.

4. The figure below shows the production of ammonia by the Haber process.

5. Haber process is an ____________________________________________________

(reaction forward and backward).
6. Factors that influence the production of ammonia is:
a) optimum temperature ________________________________
Use of too high temperatures to
The use of very low temperatures ____________________________________
b) pressure __________________________________________

c) catalyst ___________________________________________

8.3 Analysing the effects of industrial waste disposal on the

1. Environmental quality is declining due to _________________________________
__________________________________Removal of industrial wastes from factories
2. The table below shows the sources of pollution and the effects of pollutants on the
Sources of


Impact on the environment

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen


Combustion of
fossil fuels

Carbon monoxide

Carbon dioxide


Radioactive waste

The agriculture

The chemical

______________ to the respiratory

system and cause tissue damage
diseases such as bronchitis
_______________ dissolved in rain
water form of acid rain corrode
buildings, monuments cause the soil is
not fertile and kill aquatic life
___________________ that reduces
the ability of red blood cells to
transport of oxygen causes headache
and can lead death
Gas cause home green which in turn
causes global warming and changes
Cause ______________
Cause diseases such as cough,
asthma and bronchitis

Cause ______________________
Chemical fertilizers such
as phosphate and nitrate
Pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides and fungicides

Acids and alkalis

Mercury, lead and heavy

Soluble in water and drain to cause

___________________in ponds
Can cause___________________
Some pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides and fungicides are toxic
and _______________________

Method of Waste Material Removal Control Industry

1. The table below shows the types of industrial waste and methods of control.
Types of industrial waste

Methods of control

Toxic gases such as sulfur

dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
Coal dust
toxic waste
Waste oil palm
radioactive waste

2. Pollution caused by industrial waste can be controlled through the following methods:
a) Law Enforcement
Acts are applicable to the regulation of industrial waste was passed by the
Parliament of Malaysia.
i) of the ______________________________ aims to protect, conserve and
enhance environmental quality.
ii) of the Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations , 1979
seeks to __________________________________________________________
b) Use of technology
There are ways to handle and dispose of industrial waste such as the use of air
cleaners , electrostatic precipitator, the use of _______________________________
________________________________________________, use a chimney that is
installed with the filter reduces the release of pollutants into the air and the use of
solar energy to reduce the generation of waste.
c) ____________________
Education is the best way to make people aware of the importance of preserving and
conserving the environment.
d) ____________________
Most industrial waste can be reused by other industries. For example, organic waste
from palm oil processing can be used to ____________________

8.4 Realising the need for preservation and conservation of the

environment from industrial waste pollution for the wellbeing of
Effects of Disposal of Industrial Waste Not Regulated
Disposal of waste uncontrolled and disorganized have an adverse effect on the
Effect of disposal of industrial waste uncontrolled and irregular, including
Environmental Preservation and Conservation
Conservation refers to the steps taken to __________________________________
Examples of conservation is to preserve the forest allow plants and animals to thrive
in their natural environment.
Conservation refers to _________________________________________________
Examples of conservation is the ___________________________ allows us to have
______________________ and not polluted by industrial waste.
Measures to protect and conserve the environment is very important so that the
environment will remain clean, unpolluted and suitable for living things including
The environment is clean and not contaminated ensure:
a) people can lead a healthy life .
b) plants and animals are protected and do not become extinct.
c) the beauty of the environment is maintained.
the steps can be taken to protect and conserve the environment include:
a) to create awareness among people about the importance of a clean environment
and work together to maintain the beauty and cleanliness.
b) _______________________________________________________________
c) have a strategy and program for the preservation and conservation of the
d) ____________________________________________ on the firm to practice.
e) enforce environmental regulations on the firm so that irresponsible practices such
as illegal logging and removal of waste materials disorganization occurs.

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