8051 Tools Manual

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STEP1:Copy the 8051 tools in any drive for example D drive .
STEP2:Type the ALP in notepad and save this in the location D drive in 8051
tools folder,with the extention asm.For Example your file name is add.asm
STEP3:go to 8051 tools and open asm51 file.
STEP4:This like window will open.

STEP5:Type the file name with the extention .asm

STEP6:Then type Enter key in the Keyboard.Hex file and LIST will be created in the
folder 8051 tools.Go to LIST file and check the opcode if there is an error means
opcode will not be created for the mnemonics.
STEP7:Then Open DC file.You can View the Window like this.By this we can create
bin file using hex file as source.

STEP 8:Then go to utilities.

STEP9:Type the file name.hex


Press enter key and this like window wil open

STEP 11:Type enter key.close the DC file ,bin file will be created in the folder 8051
tools.Then open the Bin2Asc file in the 8051 tools to convert this bin file to ASC file.

STEP12:here bin is the source and asc is the destination file.

STEP13:here ASC file will be created then our aim is to down load this asc file to
8051LC LCD kit using WIN X TALK.
STEP14:Open the Win X Talk Software and in the kit type sm then press enter and it
will display as serial mode.

STEP15: type pi 4100 and enter button it will display like below.then go to TX file
and browse the ASC file and click download button.

STEP 16:Then press reset button in the kit and go the location 4100.You can see the
program in the kit.

org 4200h
mov a,#88h
add a,#33h
mov dptr,#4500h
movx @dptr,a
gg:sjmp gg

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