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Top 10 Common Cancers in the

(The Freeman) | Updated May 4, 2015 - 12:00am

CEBU, Philippines A cancer develops when cells undergo an abnormal change and begin to grow and spread
within the body. These abnormal cells then grow into tumors that can be benign or malignant. Cancers can
occur at any age. Seventy-five percent of cancer patients in the Philippines are 50 years old and above while
3.2% belong to the pediatric age bracket (0 to 14 years).
Thirty percent of cancers can be prevented by avoiding smoking, doing regular exercise, and eating the right
In February 2010, the World Health Organization predicted that the number of cancer deaths worldwide would
increase from 7.6 million to 17 million deaths in 2030. In the Philippines, cancer ranked third in the list of
leading causes of death in the country in 2010, with the following as the ten top causes of cancer deaths in
the country for that same year:

1. Breast cancer
As of 2010, breast cancer became the most common cancer in the country with 16 percent of a total of 50,000
cases resulting in death. The disease had also become the leading cause of cancer for Filipino women.
Doctors advised women, and still do, about constant self-breast examination to detect abnormal growth in the
breasts so that the cancer can be treated during its early stages. Meanwhile, the Philippine Cancer Society
had pledged to provide more free mammography services, fine needle aspiration biopsy, and education
campaigns to help more Filipinas in combating the disease.

2. Lung cancer
Lung cancer remained the leading type of cancer among Filipino men. It used to be the leading cause of
cancer deaths in the country before it was replaced by breast cancer. Meanwhile, the Philippine Cancer Society
expressed concern over the rise in lung cancer incidences among Filipino women. Experts advised the public,
and still do, to refrain from cigarette smoking as nine out of ten smokers die from lung cancer. Non-smokers
were also observed to have become prone of lung cancer through second-hand and third-hand smoke. (Last
year 2014, actor Mark Gil succumbed to lung cancer.)

3. Liver cancer
Liver cancer is the eighth most common cancer in the world. However, it appears that the disease is more
common in the Philippines compared to the lesser number of incidences in the United States. Doctors attribute
this to the fact that chronichepatitis B affects 10 to 12 percent of all Filipinos. Chronic hepatitis B causes
cirrhosis of the liver which is a major risk factor of liver cancer.

4. Cervical cancer

It is estimated that 12 Filipino women die of cervical cancer each day with 6,000 cases being diagnosed each
year. This type of cancer is common among women from age 30 to 55. Twenty-two in 100,000 women will get
cervical cancer and only 44% of this number will survive the disease. Thus, doctors are urging women to be
screened three years after their first sexual contact. They also strongly recommend administering the cervical
cancer vaccine to Filipinas age ten years and above.

5. Colon cancer
Colon cancer occurs when abnormal cells develop in the large intestine. It is best detected early through fecal
occult blood test and colonoscopy. It is then treated through surgery which entails removing the affected part of
the colon. Among Filipino personalities who had died of the disease are Corazon C. Aquino, Chat Silayan,
Rio Diaz, Helen Vela, and veteran actor Charlie Davao in August 2010.

6. Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer is more common in women than in men. In fact, it is the most common cancer for women aged
15 to 24. Risk factors include family history, exposure to radiation, and not having enough iodine in the diet. It is
highly curable, but by surgery alone.

7. Rectal cancer
Rectal cancer is caused by cancer cells that grow in the last 15 centimeters of the colon. These cancer cells
become deadly once they travel through the bloodstream and into the other internal organs such as the liver. A
diet rich in red meat and processed meats, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, type-2 diabetes, and alcoholism
is found to cause the disease.

8. Ovarian cancer
The Department of Health website cites ovarian cancer as the fifth most common cancer among Filipino
women. It is considered a silent killer as it is usually detected when the cancer cells have already spread to
other organs such as the lungs and the liver. In March 2010, the mother of actress Francine Prieto succumbed
to Stage 3 ovarian cancer.

9. Prostate cancer
After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men. According to Enrique Ona, formerly of
the National Kidney and Transplant Institute, prostate cancer develops in 19.3 out of every 100,000 Filipinos.
The Department of Health has already recognized this alarming number and declared June of every year as
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

10. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphoid tissues such as the lymph nodes or the spleen. It is
considered as the most common type of blood cancer in the United States. Meanwhile, non-Hodgkins
lymphoma is a type of lymphoma that commonly affects adults. Patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma have a
lower survival rate (63%) compared to patients with Hodgkins lymphoma (90%).

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