Asuthosh Rana - The Adventures of Mowgli - VI E

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The completely amazing story of Shere Khan, the big, fearful, imposing etc., Tiger of
the Jungle Book. Hello everyone (that also includes you and excludes the rest), I
am Shere Khan (oh dear, I sound like an educated pussycat). If you have read the
Jungle Book,(with me as the antagonist, of course) at the end it seems I had died at
the end, but not I had thrown a decoy dummy fake / stupid (oh, let me get to the
point) tiger skin as a marker of how clever I am. You could not know about the
dummy skin because I ate the author before he completed the story. Lets begin
with then. I was born 15 years before writing the AUTHENTIC version of this story
(first published in 1999) by the Jungle monkey SUPER(super ultra precise and
extremely rapid) PRINTERS(not an acronym)) I was the biggest new born offspring
(with frequent cases of hiccups). I seemed rather quick at growing took my first step
a few hours (so I was told) of birth, lost blind ness an hour before it, and grew my
first fur a few days later. When I was an year old, I was basically like leader of the
(childrens) pack (amazing fact and deadly contradiction: most tigers are solitary). I
was at that time, half a tail tall and 2 tails long. In the following three years, my
parents taught me vital survival skills i.e. by my fifth year, I was hunting on my own,
but in the sixth year my father met a really sticky end with this strange machine
which bursts out fire sparks & lead. In self defense, he jumped on it and got filled
with lead. They then skinned him YUK ! - &left the rest of the remnants behind.
We had technically lost life insurance (True of my father). But we had no time to
dwell on the past, so we went ahead and were forced to carry on with our lives.
Nothing much new or exciting or even much or any more impressive happened until
in my eighth year, I caught rather big game an adolescent elephant. It was an
impressive catch. In my following years, I was known as the Elephant Terror due to
me being able to catch an adult elephant every week. I saved those ivory
merchants a lot by dumping elephant bones & tusks into the elegrave except when
in the fourteenth year, I found a man cub named Mowgli. I was determined to get
him what with his race exterminating ours (pure racism). Also, I had a tendency to
dislike any non-animal-or-plant to enter the jungle. He had once set fire to my tail,
but I extinguished it easily. He also claimed my skin, but it was the aforementioned
dummy. After a few years in hiding, I came out only to be caught by another of you
and sent to this unnatural long grass land (full of long grass and called a savannah
in this place called Africa in The great water world or ocean). There I met a stripe
less tiger (who was a lioness). She was quite nice and showed me around. We
discussed our traits and agreed to meet in the breeding season. There I was the
winner. I got a huge piece of land. After a year we had a really strange offspring,
about 2 tails tall and three tails long. One day, a hunter caught us and put us in a
zoo. The star attraction was our ligers cub namely Hercules. Whenever you go to
his zoo, you remember, you are looking at the son of the famous Shere Khan.

Ashutosh Rana

Vidyashilp Academy

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