Assignment 3 Water & Sanitation Case Study Review

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List the 3 key challenges that Feedback Foundation faced.

Old Habits of Open defecation. People associated toilets with something that the
government offered; but no one really bothered about whether they were being used. Old
habits die hard. So over generations, people have been used to the practice of defecating
out in the open. Looking about the sanitation problem, one challenge is to change the
mindsets of the people that are deep-rooted over generations. The foundation themselves
find this a very difficult thing.
Increase in Diarrheal Cases. In India, especially in the slum areas, families have to live in
extremely small dwellings, as small as four by six feet, occupied by four to eight people, and
there is no room for private toilet in these type of homes. As a result of open defecation, the
environment could be the best place where pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and
helminthes grow and nurture outside and inside peoples body, wherein pathogens spread
easily. Through contaminated food and water, and fingers, the pathogens re-enter human
digestive systems. When children suffer from diarrheal cases, their ability to absorb nutrients
may be affected thus leading to chronic malnutrition, or they get dehydrated, and if it
becomes severe, they die. Each day, about 2,000 kids around the world die because of this.
That's over 710,000 children around the world every year. Diarrheal disease is really the
cause of very high infant mortality in the country.
Sustainability of the triggering made. After the triggering has been done to the
communities practicing open defecation, one challenge faced by Feedback Foundation is the
sustainability of the changed behavior. A lot of people triggered, if there isnt adequate follow
up and monitoring, they fall back on the old practices. They return to their old habits of
practicing open defecation once again. The triggering may bring about immediate behavior
change but the challenge lies on the sustainability of the change in the peoples mindsets
weve made.


Determine which 3 key factors they were most successful in.

Behavior Change through Triggering. The Feedback Foundation uses the triggering
system/methodology for behavior change, wherein somebody comes in to your place gathers
community members, and joins them in going to the nicest and dirtiest places in your
community. Through this, the triggering creates a real shock to the people. The system uses
the shock, shame, and disgust approach. This approach make people realize that they are
actually drinking water that is contaminated by their own feces, not just affecting themselves
but the entire community as a whole. In addition, the idea is to show the people and get them
to realize how dangerous it is to defecate in the open.
Name and Shame Monitoring Mechanism. The community themselves monitor for those
practicing open defecation. The committee involved in monitoring go with sticks and whistles,
stand in areas where people open defecate (OD), ensuring that no one practice OD
anymore. These committees have their duties in the morning and in the evening. For three
months, they have practiced this until such time they found a way to construct their own toilet
facilities, or have found their way of safe waste disposal.

Low-cost Toilet Facility and Government Grants. The way they keep things efficient, and
the way they keep the cost per toilet low is, actually they don't spend any money on toilets
themselves. They encourage communities to only build toilets they can afford. Then, once a
community is committed to building toilets and to using them, they link them up to
government grants.

Provide a 2 paragraph analysis that describes the relationship between Feedback

Foundation's challenges and successes, focusing on their efforts with regard to sustainability
and efficiency.
Just like health, sanitation is one fundamental right a person must have. The effects of poor
sanitation towards peoples health have been a major problem worldwide, especially in areas where
development is demanding thus access to sanitary toilet is very limited say for example, the slums
in India. The enigma, therefore, is a hurdle towards attainment of a healthy individual and a
developed community. Auspiciously, the Feedback Foundation has provided interventions that
geared towards helping the sanitation status of slum districts in Delhi, India. They have been
focusing on behavior change shifting the mindset of those peoples old habits of practicing open
defecation to excrete waste into a sanitary toilet. For more than 60 years, the foundations budgets
are allocated for social programs that include providing and giving grants for people to build toilets.
For them, the government should not count on the number of toilets constructed, but the number of
open defecation-free communities we have.
The foundation valiantly tackled obstacles such as increasing number of diarrheal cases in the
community, old habits of practicing open defecation, sustenance of the program, and safety and
dignity of the people, especially the women. Amid the hurdles, Feedback Foundation meritoriously
succeeded in their advocacy. They have implemented the triggering mechanism in the communities
towards addressing open defecation, developed a monitoring mechanism, introduced low-cost toilet
facilities which indigenous materials that could be made to construct their own toilet, and facilitated
government funds to flow in. From two districts of Delhi where they pioneered, three other districts of
the state expressed their interest in doing what has been done from the two. The Foundation has
also prospered in bringing about dignity and removing shame in the community especially to women.
They believe that having a toilet indoors will bring about change in women and in the community as a
whole. From safety security, and to the progress of community, the Feedback Foundation has
triumphed what they have aimed for the welfare of the people.

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