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Rambeaud J.J?, Skowron 0 . 2 , Combe M . 3 , Bondil E 4, Francois 0. 5, Hamiche A 6,

Lelore j.7 Boillot B.a, Terrier N.a, Descotes J.a
~CHU Grenoble, Urology, Grenoble, France, 2Ctt Annecy, Urology, Armecy,
France, 3CH Gap, Urology, Gap, France, 4CH Chambery, Urology, Chambery,
France, sCH Sallanches, Urology, Sallanches, France, 6CH Bourg St Manrice,
Urology, Bourg St Maurice, France, 7CH Moutiers, Urology, Moutiers, France
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: Our department is located in the central
part of French Alps, therefore the trauma centre is active and has a specific
expertise in blunt renal trauma. We associated 7 hospitals working in a same large
area to evaluate the outcome and long follow up of blunt renal trauma managed
with same guidelines. We present the results of a 9 month activity of the French
observatory of renal trauma in Alps.
MATERIAL & METHODS: Guidelines were edited to handle renal injuries in
the 8 different trauma centres, according to work up, conservative or surgical
management and follow up. An Urological surgeon his the data manager in each
centre. Renal injuries are classified according to the American classification.
Data are collected one line in the central trauma centre of Grenoble.
RESULTS: From January to October 2004, 45 patients enter this prospective
study. 83% of the patients were male. Winter ski injuries represent 78% of our
cases, 41% for surf accidents. According to the American grading: 23% grade I,
20% grade II, 23% grade III, 28% grade IV and 6% for grade V. Surgery was
needed in 6 cases, ureteral stent in3, evacuation of urohematoma for 1, pedicular
surgey in 1 and 1 nephrectomy for grade V.
CONCLUSIONS: Furthers studies are needed to increase the number of patients
and to offer results according to conservative treatment and long term follow up.
This presentation show the feasibility of a trauma network based on 8 different
hospitals. The next results could be of interest on epidemiologic area, evaluation
of management and long term results.

Kitrey N.~, Peleg K.2, Given A.2, Ramon J. 1, Mor Y?

~Chaim Sheba Medical Centre, Urology, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2Gertner Institute, lsrael
National Centre for Trauma, Ramat Gan, Israel
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: With the increase of terror activities over the
past few years, there is an emerging need to study the characteristics of terror-related
trauma to the urogenital system. The paucity of data is evident mainly about blast or
explosion urologicaI injuries. We aimed to describe the features of injuries of the
urogenital system among patients who were wounded in terror activities, and compare
between gunshot (GSW) and explosion injuries in this group.
MATERIAL & METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study concerning
terror-related trauma patients with urological injuries, treated in Israel between 19972003. Data was obtained from the Israel Trauma Registry (ITR) that records all
hospitalizations for physical trauma in most of the Israeli trauma centers, which treat the
majority of trauma cases and almost all the severe and the most complicated cases.
The factors that were collected included: demographic features, mechanism of injury
(GSW vs. explosion), severity of injury (ICU, duration of inpatient stay), clinical
diagnosis and injured organs, operative procedures, and survival.
RESULTS: 68 out of 2432 patients recorded in the ITR (2%) had urological injuries.
In all patients the urological injury was part of a combined or multi-tranma injury.
23 patients (34%) were injured from explosions, while 40 patients (59%) had GSW's.
The majority of patients were males (60, 88%) and young (ages 15-29: 42, 62%).
About half the patients were treated in intensive care units (36, 53%) or hospitalized for
more than two weeks (31, 46%) and 13 patients (19%) died during the hospitalization
period. About a third of the patients (26, 38%) underwent immediate urological
operations close to their admission to the hospital, usually by a multi-disciplinary team,
while only 4 (6%) were operated at later stages. Comparing explosion and GSW injuries
reveals that the incidence of renal trauma was similar (65% vs. 63%, respectively),
bladder trauma was more common in GSW injuries (17% vs. 9%), and trauma to the
external genitalia was more common among explosion victims (26% vs. 14%).
Five patients have lost kidneys (all injured from GSW's), while 2 patients have lost
testicles (1 from each group).
CONCLUSIONS: Terror-related trauma injuries to the urogenital system are relatively
rare and almost always part of a multi-trauma injury. Therefore, preparedness of the
medical teams to terror-related urological injuries requires improved cooperation with
the general surgery departments, and adaptation of damage control principles in




IN THE YEARS 1995-1999 AND 2000-2001


Hahrat W. LipczyflskiW., DobrowolskaB., Michalski L., DobrowolskiZ.

Collegium Medicum Jagiellunian University, Clicnic and Department of Urology, Cracow,
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: The number of multi-organinjuries including kidney
tranma has increased in the last years. In year 2000, 57,331 traffic accidents were recorded in
Poland, in which 7,163 people were injured. In comparison with data from 1999 there was
4% increase in the number of traffic accidents and 4.6% increase in the number of injured
people (Police data).
MATERIAL & METHODS: There were analyzed 887 kidney injuries from 61 urological
departments in the years 1995-99 and 324 kidney injuries from 39 urological departments in
the years 2000-01.
RESULTS: In years 1995-1999, 97% of injuries were caused by blunt renal trauma.
Urography was performed in 80% of cases and Computed Tomographyin 20% of cases.
Most of the blunt injuries were classified as renal contusionor renal rupturewith a subcapsular
haematoma damage in 687 cases (I or II in Dobrowolskiscale). Surgerytreatment was carried
out in 234 patients (26%). Nephrectomywas perfomaed in 170 cases, which means 73% of
operated patients, in the years 2000 - 2001, 324 kidney injuries were treated in 39 of Polish
urological departments. 9 open injuries (3% of all kidney traumas) and 315 blunt kidney
injuries (97% of all kidney traumas) were confirmed. Severe renal injury like renal pelvis
damage, ureter tear-off, damage of main renal artery or vein and multiple lacerations were
confirmed in 21 cases. 77 (24%) kidney injuries accompanied multi-organ trartma. The most
frequent injured organ appeared to be the spleen (29 cases it means 39% of multi-organ
injuries) and liver (14 cases - 18%). The diagnostic methods were as follows: Computed
Tomography with contrast infusion (126 cases); Intravenous Urography (259 cases) and
Ultrasonography in all cases. Conservative treatment was applied in 214 cases (64%) and
surgical one in 110 cases (34%). Surgical treatment in urgent manner was preformed in
82 cases (75% of operated patients) and in delayed manner in I2 cases. Minimal invasive
surgery was performed in urgent mode in 21 cases and delayed in 8 cases.
CONCLUSIONS: There was the same rate of blunt trauma (97%) and open injuries (3%) in
both periods. The rate of renal damage from I to V in Dobrowolskiscale was higher in years
1995 - 99: 77% vs. 66%. The rate of concomitant multi-organ trauma was 27% vs. 24%.
In both periods the spleen (29% and 39%) and liver ( 19% and 18%) were damaged most often.
Computed Tomog-raphywas used twice as often in period of 2000-01: 39% of eases. It was
used only in 20% of cases in 1995-99. Ultrasonographywas commonlyused in both periods
to monitor the conservative treatment. The rate of conservative treatment was higher in the
former period (74% vs. 66%). It means that surgical treatment was more frequent in the years
2000 - 2001 (34% vs. 26%). However,the rate ofnephrectomy was significantly lower in the
latter period: 73% vs. 42%. The time from injury to establishing diagnosis was shorter in the
years 2000 -2001:222 rain vs.104 rain.

European Urology Supplements 4 (2005) No. 3, pp. 234

Liatsikos E. a, Kraniotis p.2, Siablis D. 1, Kagadis G. 3, Voudoukis T.4,

Karnabatidis D. 2, Papathanasiou Z. 2, Barbalias G. a
~University Hospital of Patras, School of Medicine, Patras, Greece, 2University
Hospital of Patras, Radiology, Patras, Greece, 3University of Patras, Medical
Physics, Patras, Greece, 4University Hospital of Patras, Urology, Patras, Greece
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of
percutaneous nephrostomy and primary antegrade management for treating
inadvertent iatrogenic ureteric injuries.
MATERIAL & METHODS: We evaluated 10 patents who were referred for
ureteric trauma after gynecologic surgery. All patients developed symptoms
suggestive of ureteral obstruction sometime dunng the postoperative period
ranging between 5 days to 1 week after surgery. A standard percutaneous
nephrostomy route was obtained. Using a long 7 Fr sheath, a hydrophilic.
0035 guide wire was negotiated through the ureteral stricture with the aid of a
hydrophilic-angled 5 Fr catheter. The hydropbilic guide wire was then exchanged
with an Amplatz superstiff .0035 guide wire. The strictures were then gradually
dilated with the use of high-pressure (20 Atm) angioplasty balloon to a maximum
of 7 mm in diameter. The mean stricture length was 1.4 cm (range 0.4- 1.9cm).
An antegrade ureteral 8 Fr pig tail stent was then inserted though the stricture.
RESULTS: The initial technical success was 100%. There were no major
complications concerning either the nephrostomy access itself or the subsequent
ureteral manipulations. The mean follow-up period was 1 year. In 6 patients
(60%) a patent ureter was noted at t week and ureteral stunt was removed, while
4 patients required repeat dilation of the stricture and stent reimplantation.
Ureteral stents were removed in all patients after a mean period of 4.8 weeks.
CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous nephrostomy and primary antegrade ureteral
balloon dilation is safe and efficacious for treating ureteral injury after pelvic
surgery and obviates the need for open surgical manipulations.

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