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One Thousand and One Nights and One Night

a role-playing game campaign design ’zine Vol.: 2, Issue: 43, December 1, 2008
Issue #43! The Thief Kindly Spoken Of
I made it to issue #43. Yay! Go me. Last month, I outlined a setting mix of
I hope you are getting some good Midnight (Fantasy Flight Games) and The Iron
gaming in this winter. Though Kingdoms (Privateer Press). I also mentioned
traditionally, this is usually a pretty the one–shot adventure that I came up with for
slow time for the CMT, as holidays it. So here is one of the actual play notes from
and holiday activities eat up the the sessions I did.
time. This issue, I have a write–up
I only had two players with the CMT. MW
on the Midnight Kingdoms
played Rufus the Gun Mage and TE played
adventure I outlined in Issue #42
Llayenor the Elf Woodsman. They got the
and also more on my efforts to turn
premise pretty well–Creel was a bad guy who
my nephews into gamers!
did them wrong years ago and now they’ve got
The Army Man Game, Part II to go into Ord to get him, now a Bandit Chief,
on the side of Cygnar against Izrador’s forces.
Last time in Issue #10, I mentioned my
I started them In Media Res by being in a fight
nephews’ experiences gaming with me. Well, in
with three Orcs. The Orcs had just attacked
September, I had the opportunity to do so
them and one of them was reaching for his
again, with some twists. Two of my nephews,
signal battle horn (possibly to call more down
MW and TW, came over for a Bar–B–Q, with
on them). Llayenor shot and killed the orc with
hot dogs and s’mores, and when I took them
the horn, with an amazing roll that was open
home, I played the Army Man Game with them
ended and did an exquisite amount of damage.
again. I had my army of 32 figures and they
Rufus blasted another using his Mage Lock
chose out 32 of their own.
pistol to cast Bolt, without using the powder.
Again, the rules were pretty simple. First, the Pretty soon, the third Orc was dead and they
figures were put in squads of four. A roll of 5 or hid the bodies in a ditch and covered them with
6 was required to hit and a roll of 6 was needed heather. I added a flash–back sequence to
to survive being hit (a change from last time). combat after each of them performed an action.
Each “round” we could move and fire one
I had them briefly describe a scene that showed
squad, then the second “round” we had to chose
why they hated Creel. It turns out that Creel
another squad to move. So a full “turn” took 8
had promised to sell Rufus a new Mage Lock
“rounds.” Each shot could kill one figure from
but instead clubbed him. For Llayenor, he was
the squad and all squads had to have four
leading Creel into the woods and likewise got
members, so if two squads were each down two,
the shaft. Both were
then they were combined together to form one
sold to Cryxian Slavers,
squad. The HQ squad could only be attacked
with Llayenor the first
via melee, not distance fire.
sold. They both met in
The combat went pretty well. I continued my the hold of the Cryxian
tactic of moving in to wildly attack straight Slaver's ship and
away, as MW and TW hung back. For the first decided that it would
part of the game, I took some heavy losses be wise to escape. During the escape, Rufus
among my Zulu–era British soldiers but I gave overpowered a Slaver Gun Mage, took his Mage
back towards the end of the game. It was soon Lock and his Leather Duster and they managed
down to the HQ squads and I was in the lead 3 to get a bunch of the slaves off the ship with
to 2. In the end, I was triumphant, with 3 them. The flashback sequence worked pretty
soldiers remaining. We all had some serious well interspaced with the combat.
fun and I look forward to the next match. (continued on Page 2, First Column)

Content © Wooden Leg Named Smith Productions 2008 published in association with the Corvis Babbage Cliological Society
Website: ’zine art is either open source or through fair use of copyrighted works
One Thousand and One Nights and One Night Page 2
a role-playing game campaign design ’zine Vol.: 2, Issue: 43, December 1, 2008
The Thief (cont.) Finally Meeting the Thief (cont.)
I did one more flashback, more recently, where and the rest of the band, which included two
they were teleported 100 miles into Ord, elven skeleton undead.
“landing” on the Orcs. After hiding the bodies,
Creel recognized them immediately and seemed
they wandered along a high–traffic road
very jovial, giving them every opportunity to
towards a nearby town. The town had an old
kill him by turning his back on them. It turns
ruined castle occupied by Orcs, Undead and
out all the bandits, including Creel, had been
(presumably) a Legate. Into the local tavern our
touched by the Black Unicorn and now they
heroes went and were served some pretty bad
fought against Izrador. The Black Unicorn took
food and beer, worse even than the Cryxian
Creel’s arm, the arm that held the tattoo of
Slavers’ rations. Llayenor talked to some locals,
Izrador which gave him the power of a Legate.
mentioning Creel’s name and they immediately
It was very painful to remove the taint of
got up and walked away, one even going so far
Izrador but the PCs were not really sympathetic
as to sit near some drunk Orcs (who proceeded
to him. The Elf Woodsman was very upset at
to beat the crap out of him). The waitress
the two elven skeleton undead and wondered
whispered “Creel” to Rufus and walked back to
how this was possible. Was Creel still an evil
the privies, where they both met her and found
man? Who else would control undead?
out the following for a few coin: Creel was the
local Legate and left a year and a half ago. Creel invited the PCs to join him on a raid,
Another Legate came to the village and killed which they questioned among themselves
everyone in Creel’s castle and a few of the whether he was really a reformed character. It
villagers. No explanation was given and the turns out that they were going to ambush an
locals assumed that Creel went on to bigger and Orc supply caravan. In the midst of the
better things. Oh, and the old forest nearby is ambush, they were caught in a trap. Creel was
“evil.” Rufus got the feeling that the waitress mortally wounded. Many of the bandits were
would sell them out fairly quickly, so they left killed and the PCs retreated with the two elf
the town right then and traveled down the road, skeletons and the dying Creel. He begged them
which was next to the “evil” forest that they to lead the bandits in their goal of overthrowing
were warned against. Izrador and they found out that the two elf
skeletons were actually willful undead with an
They heard horses moving fairly quickly down
interesting story involving a battle with a
the road towards them, so they jumped off the
necromancer, holy power, a fireball, the
road and entered the forest. They saw a bunch
necromaner's troll minion and a pair of Wands
of riders looking for them ride past. While in
of Wonder, all mixed together with fun! (see the
the forest, they lost the game trail they were on
Skeleton Brothers write–up in Issue #40).
and each other. At the same time, they noticed
something black and kinda deer–like following All in all, the game went rather well. It gave me
them. It turned out to be a black unicorn and some ideas of what to throw out and also what
one of them remembered that an old symbol of to keep. I think I did pretty good showing Creel
Morrow was the black unicorn. The unicorn as a repentant hero, trying to make up for all
looked at each of them in the eye and touched the evil he did in his life. The PCs still didn’t
each of them with its horn. Time passed like him and had planned to poison him in
without them being aware of it and they found order to get him to work with Cygnar, but it
themselves together again and surrounded by worked out in the end. They got what they
woodsmen with bows pointed at them. They wanted, the bandits working with Cygnar and
were escorted by the bandits to their chief, they were present when Creel died but it lacked
which turned out to be Creel, minus an arm, satisfaction of actually killing him themselves,
(continued on Second Column) so that was good and angsty!

Content © Wooden Leg Named Smith Productions 2008 published in association with the Corvis Babbage Cliological Society
Website: ’zine art is either open source or through fair use of copyrighted works

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