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Release Notes

Hill Park South
Springfield Drive
Leatherhead, Surrey GU22 7NL
Tel: 011-44-1372 868-600
Fax: 011-44-1372 868-601
Help Desk: 011-44-1372-868-686

Landmark/The Americas
Building 1, Suite 200, 2101 CityWest
Houston, TX 77042
P.O. Box 42806, Houston, TX 77242
Tel: 713-839-2000
Help Desk: 713-839-2200
Fax: 713-839-2168

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Licensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Running COMPASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enhancements and New Functionality . . . . . . .

Fixed Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Contacting Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

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May 2004


Landmark/Asia Pacific
11th Floor Menara Tan & Tan
207 Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 011-60-3-2164-1121
Fax: 011-60-3-2164-1135
Help Desk: 011-61-8-9481-4488


COMPASS R2003.11

This document contains important information and last minute changes related to
COMPASS 2003.11 that is not documented elsewhere.


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COMPASS R2003.11

System Requirements
Refer to the System Requirements section of the Engineers Desktop R2003.11 Summary
Level Release Notes.


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COMPASS R2003.11

The Engineers Desktop software is delivered on multiple CD-ROMs: Volumes 5, 6, 7 and
15. You can install all of the Engineers Desktop applications using the Common Installer.
For complete information on mounting the CD-ROMs and installing from CD-ROMs,
please refer to the EDT_Installation_Guide.pdf located on CD Volume 5 in the
\Products\EDT\Docs folder.

Before You Install

Before installing Engineers Desktop you should review these release notes and the
Engineers Desktop R2003.11 Summary Level Release Notes entirely.

Troubleshooting the Installation

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If you do run into problems, please refer to the Installation Troubleshooting section in the


COMPASS R2003.11

For Engineers Desktop Release2003.11, all PC and UNIX products including the
Engineers Desktop applications support use of FLEXlm licensing, which is the only
licensing mechanism supported by Landmark. FLEXlm licensing has been supported with
past releases, so many clients will already be using this licensing mechanism. FLEXlm
licensing is available for networked application and standalone application use. FLEXlm
standalone licensing may be used in conjunction with a network card or through a FLEXlm
dongle (bitlock) where no PC network identification is possible.
Previous versions of the Drilling applications and the Production & Economics
applications supported use of a proprietary Landmark licensing mechanism called
Netsecure for networks. Additionally, Sentinel bitlocks attached to a PCs parallel port
could be used for licensing of standalone installs, Crypkey licensing was also supported
for standalone installs. Use of Netsecure, Sentinel bitlocks and Crypkey has been
discontinued by Landmark and is not supported for use with Release2003 products.

Due to changes with Landmark's licensing mechanism, customers who have previously
installed and run EDM 2003.5 only need to add EDM licenses as stated above in order to
run R2003.11 applications. However, clients who have not previously installed and used
EDM 2003.5 applications (e.g., are upgrading from W2000 versions of the Engineering
applications direct to R2003.11) must re-license their products as well as add EDM
licenses by contacting their local Landmark representative. Refer to the LAM 2003.0Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the
\Products\EDT\Install\LAM folder on CD 5, for details.

IMPORTANT! If you have a version of LAM server older than 7.2e (Release 2003.0 and later), you
must uninstall it before installing the LAM 2003 server.
Failure to uninstall all previous versions of LAM Server before installing LAM Server 2003 will result in
a duplicate FLEXlm service that replicates itself until it crashes Windows.
The procedures for uninstalling LAM server are detailed in the section LAM Server - Uninstallation
Notes in the LAM 2003.0Windows Release Notes (LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the
Products\EDT\Install\LAM folder on CD 6. Products that were licensed under the older server will still
work with the new LAM server.

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May 2004


The EDM 2003.11 applications require that a new EDM license feature be available from
the customer's licensing server in order for the Engineer's Desktop applications to run.
The EDM license is handled as a Group Checkout for each application user on a particular
PC. Only one EDM license is checked out for all Engineer's Desktop applications being
run by a user on a single machine. Therefore, clients will need to acquire a set of EDM
licenses based on their expected concurrent user level. Please contact your local
Landmark representative for EDM licensing.


COMPASS R2003.11

IMPORTANT! If you are using a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock), you must install FLEXlm 7.2i on the
standalone or client machine.
To install FLEXlm 7.2i for bitlocks (either parallel or USB):
1. Go to your installed \LAM\bin folder, and run flexid.exe to install the bitlock drivers.
2. To request a bitlock license, run \LAM\bin\lmtools.exe. Select System Settings tab; provide the value
you see in the FLEXID9 field.


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COMPASS R2003.11

Migrating Legacy Data

The migration of data from legacy databases to the Engineers Desktop database is
critical to the integrity of the resulting Engineers Desktop data set that is created. The
migration of legacy COMPASS and WELLPLAN data to the Engineers Desktop database
is a three-step process:

Mapping fields (only required if migrating data from pre-COMPASS W2000 versions.)

Transferring data

Merging the data (if required) using the Drilling Data Migration Tool.

A Data Migration Toolkit has been developed for each of the three steps in the data
migration process to enable clients to migrate COMPASS and WELLPLAN databases to
the Engineers Desktop database.

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May 2004


Refer to the manual EDT Drilling Migration Guide which is supplied in PDF format
(EDT_Drilling_Migration_Guide.pdf). This guide is available on CD Volume 5, in


COMPASS R2003.11

When using COMPASS for anti-collision analyses, you may discover minor changes in
calculated survey error ellipse results. COMPASS now uses the ISCWSA error
propagation mechanism; though it will support the Cone of Error and Systematic error
models as for previous versions. There may be a difference of up to 1% in error ellipse
values when compared to the equivalent error ellipse values generated using systematic
tools in COMPASS 2000.0.


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COMPASS R2003.11

Enhancements and New Functionality

This release of COMPASS contains the following new functionality:

Main Application
Main Menu - The main menu has been reorganized to more closely mirror the other
2003.11 drilling applications. See the Main Menu section below.

Status Window Sidetrack Diagram now shows casings sizes and depths.

Casing Shoe records are now copied from parent to sidetrack where no casings exist
on the sidetrack. This is to duplicate overlapping sections of casing.

Targets - It is now possible to delete multiple targets at one time and copy individual
targets between projects.

Geodetic Systems has support for 'Undefined' geodetic systems. They are referred
to as 'Flat Earth'. With this selected, latitude & longitude conversions will not be

Geomagnetic field model calculations use the latitude & longitude defined by the
WGS84 datum as opposed to the Project's map datum. You may notice small
differences in the magnetic results for the same date, location and geomagnetic

Mini Dump Diagnostics - The mini dump diagnostic system allows COMPASS
support personnel to diagnose and fix user-reported program crashes easily.

For Live Views: Using Tools > Graph Setup, Targets and casings can now be
different sizes, and you are able to color offsets by Phase, i.e., Plan, Actual, and

Survey and Plan Editors

Actual Design has a simplified survey program mechanism. Select Make Definitive
from Survey Tie-ons and the survey program will be composed from survey tie-ons
based on the deepest or latest survey on the wellbore. This should simplify
maintenance of the survey program because it will always synchronize with the

A final depth TD annotation may be added to the Actual Design Survey Program.

Survey and Plan Editors now have configurable columns. You can turn off and on
some optional columns in the plan editor. Examples being CL (course length), DTVD

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COMPASS R2003.11

(change in TVD), Build, Turn etc... The MD, INC, AZI, TVD, NS, EW columns are
always shown. The CL column is positioned next to the MD column. New columns are
DTVD, Northing and Easting, but are always read-only.

Anticollision columns are now available in the Survey Editor to show the distance
the plan (principal) is from the survey at the station depth as well as toolface angle,
high and right distances. Where the Traveling Cylinder scan method is chosen the
columns will report the distance and direction the survey is away from the plan.

Survey Import Wizard - The import utility has been enhanced so that you can view
and parse the import file prior to importing it. The import wizard resembles the
Microsoft Excel text to columns wizard.

Tortuosity and DDI (directional difficulty index) information is provided for plans and
surveys in the properties validate tab. The Directional Difficulty index is a measure of
the difficulty of drilling the directional profile. It is based on the paper IADC/SPE 59196.

Plan Editor colored lines - Colored lines now show where multi-line plan sections start
and end.

Closest Approach anticollision calculations reports convergent points in the

reference wellpath that are closest to the offset wellpath and these may be an
interpolated point between regular stations.

The new Warning Levels are evaluated at sigma entry field is for the confidence
level associated with the errors values used in anticollision calculations. Previously
COMPASS presented a 'conf level' with each level which was confusing because
errors were evaluated at the output confidence level.

Risk Analysis - The result of Probability of Intercept calculations has been added to
the anticollision reports. This result shows the chance of hitting another well for the
closest point. It appears if casings and survey tools have been defined for that depth
on both the offset and reference wells and if the probability is less than 1 in 1,000,000.

Error Surface - Anticollision error surface has the option to use the projected
vector. This evaluates the reference and offset ellipsoids in the direction that is
perpendicular to both the wells. The relative position errors using this method assume
a high degree of confidence in the relative directions of the 2 wells. This option
eliminates the misleading results from the 'traditional' pedal curve (elliptical conic) for
a close high angle intersection before and after the closest point.

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COMPASS R2003.11

Main Menu Changes

The COMPASS main menu is modified to become more consistent with Landmark
and external Windows applications.

The File menu has the following additions:

New Plan & Survey: this used to be on the Plan & Survey menu.
Open has the items that were on the old Edit menu, with the addition of Plan &
Survey. It will open the properties dialog for the item.
Save & Save As applies to open plans, surveys, and Wallplot Composer files.
Properties apply to properties of the current open item in the explorer, Survey, or
Plans if they are in the editors and the Wallplot Composer properties.
Import & Export has the addition of Survey Stations, and this does the station
import and export whenever a Survey, Plan, or Actual design is open.

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COMPASS R2003.11

The Edit menu is completely reworked, and has edit options more in line with Microsoft
Office applications.

Cut applies only to the Wallplot Composer.

Copy/Paste applies to the Well Explorer as well as the Wallplot Composer.
Rename/Delete & Search apply to the Well Explorer.
Insert Row and Delete Row apply to the Survey & Plan spreadsheets whenever a
whole row is selected.

The View menu changes its form to standardize with other applications. View is
about what can be seen, and what is hidden in the various views like Plan editor and
Survey editor:

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Undo/Redo applies to the Plan & Survey editors, as well as the Wallplot


COMPASS R2003.11

As before, Legend turns on or off the Legend view when any live graph is shown. Well
Name shows the field that is used for the well's name; you can add the slot's name.
Expand All and Collapse All apply to the selected node in the Explorer view. Refresh
again applies to the Explorer, and will re-establish the tree from the database. Show
Columns will expose a number of optional columns in the Survey and Plan editors.

The Analysis menu is mainly for things you can do with a plan, actual design, or
survey open.

The Plot menu shows the various data views that you could previously get from the
View menu. The Wallplot Composer is combined with the standard views as well as
the anti-collision ones. The survey analysis Walk Right menu is added at the bottom.
One graph that will appear new is the azimuth error graph. This graph has been there
before in the Survey menu; it shows the trace of the survey/plan against expected
azimuth error for that survey instrument.

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Most of these are familiar to users and appeared on Plan, Survey, & Anti-collision
menus before. Anticollision Settings is the same as the Anti-collision Interpolation
options, and Offset Designs is the same as offset wells.



COMPASS R2003.11

The Report menu shows the report types available to users.

The report selection dialog will appear with the reports of that type available.
The Live View menus appear before the Tools menu. The main one of significance is
for the Wallplot Composer.

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COMPASS R2003.11

The Composer menu is similar to the previous, where some items are moved to the
other menus.
Tools, Window, and Help menus are more or less the same.

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COMPASS R2003.11


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COMPASS R2003.11

Fixed Problems
The following item(s) were identified as problems in the previous release and have been
fixed for the COMPASS 2003.11 release.
178424 Wall Plot Composer. Multi-line text boxes do not draw correctly in the WPC.


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COMPASS R2003.11

Known Problems
When using COMPASS for anti-collision analyses, you may discover minor changes in
calculated survey error ellipse results. COMPASS now uses the ISCWSA error
propagation mechanism, though it will support the Cone of Error and Systematic error
models as for previous versions.
There may be a difference of less than1% in error ellipse values when compared to the
equivalent error ellipse values generated using systematic tools in COMPASS 2000.0.
The data migration may result in data range errors from the PLANHIST table; these can
be ignored because this table is not migrated.
145110 COMPASS currently lacks the functionality to export a template (ex: plot) to a
user (who does not have the same data set as the exporting user) and allow
him to print the file.

161017 When a user creates a Slant Plan and then applies a Walk Rate, the target is
missing from the plan after the application of the Walk Rate.
162249 Wall Plot Composer. When the user creates a plot and adds a section graph,
then switches to another design, the graph does not display any lines.
162833 If you use dual monitors, and you are working in the COMPASS Wall Plot
Composer, and adding a user-defined data box, the drop-down list of data
elements does not display if you are displaying the COMPASS program in the
secondary monitor. To avoid this issue, display COMPASS in the primary
175378 If you use a US survey feet geodetic system (e.g. Universal Transverse
Mercator (US Survey Feet)) in COMPASS 2000 and display map coords in
meters in COMPASS 2000, you will see discrepancies in coordinates after
migration to EDM. Workaround: Edit the pre-migrate.sql and take the scale
factor out for these specific fields so that the migration does not do the US feet
to API feet conversion. Delete all the lines in the Landmark\EDT\EDM\Data
Migration\Scripts\COMPASS\premigration.ora (&sql) from "---ANNOT:
ANNMD, ANNTVD" to "-- Make sure the fields are mapped for sidetrack self
175845 Due to a Crystal Report bug, sometimes reports are terminated by a blank
page & the report is incomplete. Workaround: Interpolate the survey/plan or
change the interpolation interval.
176146 Reports. AC Traveling Cylinder Report has the first and second page 1/3 and
1/4 full - excessive whitespace.
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155371 If a design is copied in COMPASS, it does not copy over the vertical section


COMPASS R2003.11

does not update the status. The workaround is to collapse the wellbore tree
node that contains the design and then press F5 to refresh the explorer.
306241 Importing multiple single wells from CFW2000 causes multiple companies. To
avoid this problem, use the Data Transfer tool, or copy the fields to one


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COMPASS R2003.11

Contacting Support
Landmark operates a number of Technical Assistance Centers (TACs). Additional
support is provided through district support offices around the world. If problems cannot
be resolved at the district level, Landmarks escalation team is called to resolve your
incidents quickly.
Support information is always available on the Landmark Graphics Support internet

Technical Assistance Centers

7:30 am - 5:30 pm CST/CDT
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 713-839-2168

South America (Houston, Texas)


7 am - 5:00 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 713-839-3646

United Kingdom (Leatherhead)


8 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 44-1372 868601

Europe and Africa


24 hour support including weekends and holidays


North America (Houston, Texas)

713-839-2200 or toll-free 1-877-HELP-LGC

**NOTE: 24 hour support is for DIMS only. WELLPLAN,

COMPASS, and Profile are supported business hours: 8
a.m. - 6 p.m. Local Time, Monday - Friday, excluding
Telephone: +44-1224-778500

Middle East and North Africa


R2003.11 Release Notes

Fax: 9712-672-5924
Support Mobile Phone: 971-50-551-7273

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May 2004


COMPASS R2003.11

Asia Pacific International

61-8-9481-4488 or
toll-free 1-800-448-488

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday-Friday, excluding holidays
Toll-Free Numbers:
10-800-6100-253 (China)
001-803-61284 (Indonesia)
00531-61-0021 (Japan)
1800-803-687 (Malaysia)
0800-400-555 (New Zealand)
1800-1611-0207 (Philippines)
00308-61-0046 (South Korea)
0080-61-1350 (Taiwan)
001-800-611-2784 (Thailand)

Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Pakistan, Vietnam



District Support Offices

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time
Monday-Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 54-11-4812-9777



Australia (Melbourne)

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 61-3-9828-5365

Australia (Perth)
61-8-9481-4488 or toll free 1800-448-488

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 61-8-9481-1580

Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)

55-21-3974-4000 or toll free 000-814-550-3785

8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

Chile (LAO TAC, Houston, Texas)


7 am - 5 pm CST/CDT
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 1-713-839-3405

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Argentina (Buenos Aires)

54-11-4812-5888 or toll free 1-800-800-5263

May 2004


COMPASS R2003.11

Colombia (Bogota)
571-326-4000 and 571-326-6710
or toll free 1-800-915-4743

8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
57-1-326-4000 or 57-1-326-6710
Fax: 57-1-326-6717

Ecuador (Quito)- Halliburton Office

593-2261-844 ext 146

8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 593-2246-1835

Egypt (Cairo)
(ask for Landmark Technical Support)

9:30 am - 7:30 pm Local Time

Local Business Days, excluding holidays
Fax: 20-2-353-2608

India (New Delhi)


9 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Local Business Days, excluding holidays
(c/o Samit Enterprises)
Fax: 91-11-647-9246



Indonesia (Jakarta)
62-21-526-5555 or
toll-free 001-803-61284

7:30 am - 4:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 62-21-526-6555



Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

60-3-2164-1121 or toll free 1800-803-687

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 603-2164-1135

Mexico (LAO TAC, Houston, Texas)

52-52083533 and 52-52083868
or toll free 011-888-438-1296

8 am - 6 pm CST/CDT
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 52-55147646

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May 2004


COMPASS R2003.11

Nigeria (Lagos)
(ask for Landmark Technical Support)

8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 234-1-262-0769

People's Republic of China (Beijing)

86-10-6465-4501 or toll free 10-800-6100-253

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time

Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
86-10-6465-4502 or 86-10-6465-4503

Peru (Lima)- Halliburton Office


9 am - 6 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

Russia (Moscow)
(ask for Landmark Technical Support)

7 am - 5 pm CST/CDT
Local Business Days, excluding holidays
Fax: 7-095-755-8301

Trinidad (LAO TAC, Houston, Texas)


7 am - 5 pm CST/CDT
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 1-713-839-3405

United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)

9712 676 1745

Fax. 9712 672 5924

Support Mobile is 97150 551 72 73
8:30am - 5pm Local Time, Saturday-Wednesday,
excluding holidays
Out of office hours support provided for DIMS only,
call Support mobile number.

United Arab Emirates (Dubai)

(ask for Landmark Technical Support)

7 am - 5 pm Local Time
Local Business Days, excluding holidays
Fax: 971-4-331-5837

United Kingdom (Aberdeen)

44 (0)1224 778500

8:30am - 5pm Local Time, Monday-Friday,

excluding holidays
Fax. 44 (0)1224 778555
Out of office hours support provided for DIMS only,
call above number and request Oncall Support.

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New Zealand

May 2004


COMPASS R2003.11

Venezuela (Caracas)
58-212-9530774 or toll free 0-800-526-3627

8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)


8 am - 5 pm Local Time
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays
Fax: 84-8-910-1902

Helpful internet links are shown below.

Website Address

Landmark Graphics home page

Landmark Graphics FTP Site

Oracle home page

FLEXlm license management

software home page

Microsoft SQL Server home page

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Microsoft MSDE



Helpful internet links are shown below.

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May 2004


COMPASS R2003.11

3DFS, 3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DView, 3D Surveillance, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC, Advanced Data Transfer, ARIES, Asset Development Center, Asset Development
Centre, Asset Performance, AssetView, Atomic Meshing, BLITZ, BLITZPAK, CasingSeat, COMPASS, Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, Data Manager, DataStar, DBPlot, Decision Suite, Decisionarium, DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetView, DecisionSpace Atomic
Meshing, DecisionSpace Decision Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace PowerGrid, DecisionSpace PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionSpace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion, DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express,
DepthTeam Express3, DepthTeam Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT,
DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DFW, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery Asset, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillability Suite,
Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, eLandmark, Engineers Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, Engineers Link, EOS-PAK, Executive Assistant, ezFault, ezSurface, ezTracker, FastTrack, FieldWorks, FZAP!, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix
(stylized), GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink, GeoProbe, GeoProbe GF DataServer, GeoProbe

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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May 2004


Integrated, GES, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GRIDGENR, Handheld Field Operator, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS, IsoMap, Landmark, Landmark and Design, Landmark logo and Design, Landmark Decision Center, LandScape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep, Magic Earth, MagicDesk,
MagicStation, MagicVision, Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MIRA, Model Builder, MyLandmark, OpenBooks, OpenExplorer, OpenJournal, OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Well File, PAL, Parallel-VIP, PetroBank, PetroWorks, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing
Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack ESP, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerHub, Power Interpretation,
PowerJournal, PowerModel, PowerSection, PowerView, PRIZM, PROFILE, ProMAGIC, ProMAX, ProMAX
2D, ProMAX 3D, ProMAX 3DPSDM, ProMAX MVA, ProMAX VSP, pSTAx, QUICKDIF, QUIKCDP, QUIKDIG, QUIKRAY, QUIKSHOT, QUIKVSP, RAVE, RAYMAP, RTOC, Real Freedom, Real-Time Asset Management Center, Real-Time Asset Management Centre, Real Time Knowledge Company, Real-Time
Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance, Real Time Surveillance, RESev, ResMap, RMS,
SafeStart, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisXchange, Sierra, Sierra (design), SigmaView, SimResults, SIVA, Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataAmp,
StrataMap, Stratamodel, StrataSim, StratWorks, StressCheck, STRUCT, Surf & Connect, SynTool, System
Start for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart for Storage, T2B, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, Total Drilling Performance, TOW/cs, TOW/cs The Oilfield Workstation, TracPlanner, Trend
Form Gridding, Turbo Synthetics, VIP, VIP-COMP, VIP-CORE, VIP-DUAL, VIP-ENCORE, VIP-EXECUTIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIP-THERM, WavX, Web Editor, Web OpenWorks, Well Seismic
Fusion, Wellbase, Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner Connect, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellXchange,
WOW, Xsection, You're in Control. Experience the difference, ZAP!, and Z-MAP Plus are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Landmark Graphics Corporation or Magic Earth, Inc.


COMPASS R2003.11


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May 2004

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