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Dear respondent, we are the students of East West University from Department of Business

Administration. We are conducting a research to identify the Students attitude towards

teaching as a career. Please spare some time to answer the following questions. The
information provided by you is purely for research purposes and will be kept strictly

Which institutes would you prefer to work most?

a School (Bangle or English medium)
b. College c. Private university d.
Public university
From your perspective, how is this career?
a Challenging b. boring c. Responsibility

d. Freedom & respective


All of them
What do think this career will beneficial for your skill or communication?
a Yes b. no (In what perspective)
Do you think this profession has enough opportunities to give you space to be more
a Yes
b. no (In what perspective)

Do you think this job is being more competitive than other jobs day by day?
a Yes
b. no (In what perspective)

1. Who is your motivation for choosing teaching as a career?

a Favorite teacher
b. Friends
c. Cousins d. Family
2. Have you ever experienced of teaching? (Mark more than one if needed)
a Coaching
b. Private tuition c. Group study
3. Do you think this career is more flexible than other professions?
a Yes
b. No. (justify your answer)
4. High CGPA is required for becoming a teacher. Do you think this is logical
a Yes
b. No (justify your answer)
5. Do you thin teaching as noble profession?
a. Yes
B. No
6. Do you think foreign degree is necessary?
a Yes
b. No

Does your current place of study have any program that helps students choosing
teaching as a profession?
a Yes
b. No (If yes, can you write something about it below)

Do feel the average salary of teacher is enough for you?
a Yes
b. No

Teaching requires much effort from taking class to grading hundreds of exam paper in
small time. Does that intimidate you?
a Yes
b. No (In what perspective)

Was teaching always your first choice as a profession? If you had other profession as
choice, what was it?
a Yes
b. No (Describe in case of other profession)

10 What motivates you to be teacher?

a Money b. respect from your student c. honor
tomorrows leader e. higher learning

d. touching the lives of

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