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DepthTeam Express R2003.

Release Notes
Solaris, Linux, IRIX

Landmark/Asia Pacific
11th Floor Menara Tan & Tan
207 Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 011-603-2164-1121
Fax: 011-603-2164-1135
Help Desk: 011-61-8-9481-4488

Hill Park South
Springfield Drive
Leatherhead, Surrey
GU22 7NL England
Tel: 011-44 (0) 1372-868-600
Fax: 011-44 (0) 1372-868-601
Help: 011-44 (0) 1372-868-686

Landmark/The Americas
Building 1, Suite 200, 2101 CityWest
Houston, Texas 77042
Tel: 713-839-2000
Fax: 713-839-2168
Help Desk: 713-839-2200

Introduction .........................................................................................................
System Requirements .........................................................................................
Installing LAM ...................................................................................................
Installing DepthTeam Express with the Release Manager .................................
Quick Configuration ...........................................................................................
Printing from Acrobat .........................................................................................
New Features ......................................................................................................
Fixed Problems ...................................................................................................
Known Issues ......................................................................................................

DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

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Part Number 160944

This document contains important information about the installation and use of DepthTeam
Express R2003.12, Landmarks depth conversion and velocity modeling software. Anyone who
will be working with DepthTeam Express R2003.12 should read this entire document before
installing or using the software.
DepthTeam is Landmarks interpretive processing solution for rapid velocity modeling and depth
conversion for interpreters and used for relatively simple to moderately complex geology.

About this Release

DepthTeam Express 2003.12 is a new version designed to insure compatibility with the Release
2003.12 environment. Among the 2003.12 changes are support for 24-bit TrueColor and an
upgrade to Oracle in OpenWorks.
For a comprehensive listing of supporting operating systems and hardware, please see the global
release notes titled Release 2003.12 Release Notes on the OpenBooks CD, Volume 1.

OpenBooks CD
The OpenBooks CD is Volume 1 in the release package and includes release notes and user
documentation for all the R2003.12 products in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. These documents can
be viewed on any UNIX, Linux, or Windows computer with Adobe Acrobat version 4.0 or later

Release 2003.12 Release Notes

To view the global Release 2003.12 Release Notes, open the main menu file titled
OpenBooks.pdf, navigate to the page titled Release 2003.12 and select Release Notes.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

System Requirements
DepthTeam Express R2003.12 must be installed into an existing OpenWorks 2003.12
environment. The user must also make sure that data servers can be accessed.

Hardware Requirements
You need the following:

You need an account with both the same username and password on all machines that
DepthTeam will access. These machines must be trusted machines so you can rsh (or ssh)
to them.

All machines need to see each other via their hostnames. That is, you need to be able to telnet
to and then rsh to another machine by using the hostname command.

You must allow remote machines to display on your current display through the use of xhost
and/or xauth.

Platform and Version



Blade 1000 and Blade 2000

Ultra 80 and Ultra 60
Graphics Cards:
Sun XVR 1000 (Sun Ultra 60, 80 or Sun Blade)
Sun XVR 500 (Sun Blade only)
Expert 3D
Sun XVR 1200 (Sun Blade 2000 only)


Octane (with V12 graphics)

Octane 2 (with V12 graphics)
24-bit TrueColor options should be supported on
most SGI hardware (MXI, MXE graphics cards)

RedHat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1

DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

Professional Workstation class PC

Pentium processor
Graphics drivers:
nVidia Quadro4 900 XGL:
GL_version 1.4.0 nVidia 43.10
nVidia Quadro4 980 XGL:
GL_version 1.4.0 nVidia 43.63

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Software Requirements
DepthTeam Express requires an installed OpenWorks 2003.12 runtime environment. DepthTeam
Express also requires that the following applications be installed.

PointSet Builder 2003.12

TDQ 2003.12 for depth conversion
OpenVision 2003.12 for visualization of your model

Please consult the Release 2003.12 Release Notes for detailed installation information.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

Installing LAM
Licensing allows controlled use of Landmark applications in a networked environment. When you
license a Landmark application, you also purchase one or more licenses. The number of licenses
determines the number of users who can access the application simultaneously. The license system
should be transparent to the user and, once installed, require minimal configuration and
maintenance by the network administrator.
This release of DepthTeam Express uses the OpenWorks Release 2003.12 License Application
Manager (LAM). LAM is based on GLOBEtrotter Softwares ( updated
Flexible License Manager (FLEXlm) v7.2 technology. The OpenWorks Release 2003.12 LAM
Server software must be installed and configured as part of the OpenWorks installation process as
previous FLEXlm server versions will not work with this release. This should be completed before
installing any point product.
A detailed guide for managing LAM on UNIX or Windows appear in the LAM 2003.12 Guide. A
hardcopy of the guide plus the UNIX and Windows Release Notes are included in the Release
2003.12 box. Please read these documents before attempting the install.
Before installing LAM Release 2003.12 server, please uninstall all existing previous versions
of LAM servers.

Every Release 2003.12 application requires a Release 2003.12 license to run. The process for
obtaining and installing a license is discussed in the next section.

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Obtaining a license to run the software

After installing any point product the following dialog box message will remind you to obtain a
proper license:
Attention Landmark Customer
Please contact Landmark for your new software licenses. To receive your licenses, contact the
license administration team via email (, the World Wide Web (http://, or phone (The Americas 281-560-1110, and outside the Americas at 44-1932832100). Please refer to the Release2003 Release Notes for instructions on how to retrieve your
lmhostid information.
Please have the following information in your email or available when you call:
Company name:_____________________ Location:________________________________
Server lmhostid:_________________ Client lmhostid(s):____________________________
Server Hostname:__________________ Platform:__________________________________
Model:____________________________ Operating System Version:__________________
Site#:____________________________ Reference#:_______________________________
Send the license to:
Name:_____________________________ Phone#:________________________________
Send the license via:
email - email address__________________________________________
diskette - shipping address____________________________________
fax - fax number_______________________________________________
This window is for information only. Click on OK to continue.

You must have the hostid for your system in order to request a license. To obtain the hostid on any
platform, enter the following:
1. first install the LAM
2. then from the appropriate folder /../lam/bin
3. type lmhostid
This will display the FLEXlm host ID of the machine. The length of the hostID will
depend on the platform.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

Installing the software license

Upon receiving the license request, a Landmark representative will generate and return your
license. The license will contain information such as product name, version, expiration date,
number of copies, encrypted key. For example, a license for five versions of Z-MAP Plus would
be similar to below:
FEATURE ZMAPPLUS licsrv 2003.000 10-jan-2002 5 AKEY42AAD7898675309F VENDOR_STRING="Ewing Oil

Once you receive your license, you must add it your license.dat file (typically in the $OWHOME/
lam directory) and restart the license manager. After the license manager has been restarted your
newly installed software will be able to run.
For more information on managing the LAM, refer to the LAM 2003 Guide or to the OpenWorks
2003.12 Installation Notes for Linux which are included on the OpenBooks CD, Volume 1.

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Installing DepthTeam Express with the Release Manager

The Landmark Release Manager provides a consistent GUI-based interface for installing
DepthTeam Express and other Landmark applications released on CD-ROM. After you specify the
programs to be installed and the directories in which to install them, the program provides a
graphical status display of the installations progress. Use the following procedure to install
DepthTeam Express.
The default installation target directory for DepthTeam Express is:
1. Insert the DepthTeam Express R2003.12 CD into your local CD drive (Volume 15).
2. Open an xterm window and change directories to your CD drive. On Linux this directory is
typically /mnt/cdrom. If the cdrom is not mounted run the command:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

3. Change directories to /mnt/cdrom/install and type the following command:


The following message and prompt appears:

Landmark Graphics Corporation
Release Manager for R2003.12
(snapshot Dec 2003)
Log files are written to CDINSTALL_LOG
CDINSTALL_LOG is set to: /tmp
Is this correct[y]?

Enter y if it is acceptable to write the log files to /tmp, or n if you want to specify a
different path name (you will be prompted for one).
Release Manager will use CDINSTALL_LOG=/tmp.

The remaining installation steps depend on whether $OWHOME is set.

Case1: OWHOME is not set.
The following message appears only if you have not set the environment variable OWHOME:
If you are not installing an OpenWorks Related Product
the OWHOME directory only refers to a target directory.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

OWHOME must be set. A full path is required.

Please enter path :

Enter the full pathname to your OpenWorks 2003.12 installation.

OWHOME is set to: <your install directory>
Is this correct[y]?

Enter y if you are satisfied with the OpenWorks home or default installation directory.
The Release Manager starts.
Enter n to return to the prompt to type in the OWHOME path.
Release Manager will use $OWHOME=<your install directory>.
Release Manager(cdi.exe) starting in background.

Case2: OWHOME is set.

If OpenWorks is already installed and the OWHOME environment variable is set, then the
following message appears:
If you are not installing an OpenWorks Related Product
the OWHOME directory only refers to a target directory.
OWHOME is set to : /path_to_openworks

Enter y if this is correct. The Release Manager starts.

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4. The Release Manager Product Selection window appears:

The Release Manager shows the applications that are available for installation, any special
installation parameters to be used, the version number of the application, the space in MB
required to install the application, and the location where the application is to be installed.
There are five buttons at the bottom of the Release Manager window:
Start continues the installation process after the Install options are selected.
System Info displays a window showing information on your systems configuration (if
Release Notes displays a window containing the release note document in plain text format
for a selected application.
Display Log displays any messages written by the Release Manager.
Exit terminates the installation procedure.
5. Ensure that the Target OS is set to the appropriate operating system.
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6. Select the application to be installed.

Click on the Install Option column to open a popup menu. Select one of the following:
Install Select this option
No Action if you do not wish to install the application. This is the default selection.
7. Next, select the location where the application will be installed (optional).
The Product Location column shows the default installation directory (recommended).
However, if it is necessary to change the default directory displayed, click on the
next to the location.
The Location Selection Dialog box appears:

This window displays all mounted file systems and the space available on each.

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Click on a file system to select it. Available directories on the file system appear in the Path

Click on the directory where DepthTeam is to be installed. The name of the directory appears
in the Selection field. (Note that you can also type the name of a directory in the Selection
Press OK to select the directory and close the window.
Press Cancel to close the window without selecting a directory.

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8. After you have selected the applications you wish to install, click Start in the Product
Selection window. The following status window appears:

The installation program begins to copy files to the selected file system. As the installation
proceeds, the status bars at the bottom of the window are updated.
9. When the installation is complete, a Product License Information window opens, and the
Product Installation Status window displays the following message:
Installation SUCCESSFUL for product

Express R2003.12

Click on Close to close the Installation Status Window, and Exit to close the Product Selection
After installation, the directory $OWHOME/DepthTeam is created along with the following
subdirectories: bin, dtexplorer, dtinterp, etc, fonts, install, lib, man and tools. The Release Manager
program will also automatically generate a symbolic link from the OpenWorks installation
(OWHOME) to the DepthTeam directory.
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Creating symbolic link to the DepthTeam install Directory

If DepthTeam R2003.12 was installed to a directory other than $OWHOME (the recommended
default), then a symbolic link must be made to the target directory after installation, using either,
ln -s <target-directory> $OWHOME/DepthTeam/Express
<target-directory> is the directory where DepthTeam R2003.12 was installed.

Configuring the License Server to run at boot time

After installation, to configure the license server to run at bootup, run the program,
$OWHOME/install/owsetup -o $OWHOME
and select Option 4.
"Add the OpenWorks LAM Server startup command"
Log out then log back in to apply the changes. Note: You must be logged in as Administrator to
run this command.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

Quick Configuration
After installing the products from CD, the following elements that are required to run DepthTeam:
OpenWorks 2003.12 must be installed prior to installing DepthTeam.
The environment variable OWHOME must be set to a location so that OpenWorks and the
file $OWHOME/lam/license.dat can be found.
The environment variable DTHOME must be set to the parent directory of the DepthTeam
The directory $DTHOME/bin must be added to the shells PATH.
The environment variables and paths for TDQ, OpenVision and DepthTeam Express must
be set according to each products individual installation notes (please refer to the individual
product Release notes).

If you have OpenVision installed, $DTHOME/bin must precede $OVHOME/bin in the path.

A license.dat file must be installed, and the license manager must be running. You can point
to an alternate license file by setting the environmental variable LM_LICENSE_FILE.

Quick Configuration in an OpenWorks Environment

A successful DepthTeam installation will create default .lgclogin and .lgcprofile files. These files
are located in the directory $OWHOME/DepthTeam/Express. They will contain lines that set
$DTHOME and add $DTHOME/bin to the path.
If you are using an unmodified version of .lgc(login|profile), as shipped with OpenWorks 2003.12,
you can replace your .lgc(login|profile) with $OWHOME/DepthTeam/Express/etc/
.lgc(login|profile). For example:
If you use csh as your shell, replace your copy of .lgclogin with $OWHOME/DepthTeam/
If you use sh or ksh as your shell, replace your copy of .lgcprofile with $OWHOME/

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If you have modified your .lgc(login|profile), you will need to manually add the following lines.
To .lgclogin add:
if ( -d ${OWHOME}/DepthTeam ) then
setenv DTHOME ${OWHOME}/DepthTeam
set path = ( ${DTHOME}/bin ${path} )

To .lgcprofile add:
if [ -d ${OWHOME}/DepthTeam ]; then
export DTHOME

The license manager should already be installed and running, but you should make sure that your
license.dat contains licenses for the DepthTeam products that you want to use.

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Configuring the License File

See the OpenWorks 2003.12 Release notes for guidance in configuring the license server.

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Printing from Acrobat

The documentation for all R2003.12 products are included on the OpenBooks CD, Volume 1. The
documentation is provided in Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF), which can be read using
Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is free software that lets you view and print PDF files.
If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it from the Adobe website
It may be simpler for you to print the manuals or release notes rather than to use them online. When
printing ranges of pages in Adobe Acrobat Reader, you must use the status bar at the bottom of
Acrobat Reader to get the most accurate indicator of which page you are looking at. The page
numbers at the bottom of an online page or other page number references in the online document
are not the page numbers that Acrobat uses when you select a range of pages in its Print dialog.
This situation is especially true in online books, where the table of contents uses one page
numbering scheme and the body of the book uses another.
For example, to print a chapter from the DepthTeam Workflow Guide, follow a procedure similar
to the following:

In the bookmark pane of Acrobat, select the name of the chapter that you want to print.

2. Note the page number in the status bar.

3. Display the last page in the chapter.
4. Note the page number of the last page in the status bar.
5. Select File > Print to display the Print dialog.
6. Enter the page numbers that you noted in the From and To text boxes in the Print dialog.
7. Click OK. Acrobat will then print the pages of the chapter.

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

New Features
The following features were included in the 2003.12 Release of DepthTeam Express.

Deviated wells: The ability to handle Time-Depth tables from deviated wells has been added.
DepthTeam Express will now load an x,y positional coordinate along with each time/depth pair
so that the correct spatial position will be honored when calculating the velocity cube. This
option is only accessible with the Depthteam Express interpolator. The behavior of the TDQ
interpolation option remains unchanged.

Interpolation over used surfaces: Velocity cube domain conversion now includes an option
to interpolate the results along the used horizons.

Extract along a deviated well: In addition to being able to extract a velocity from a straight
well and the mid-point of a deviated well, it is now possible to extract a velocity trace along the
deviation of a well following the exact well path.

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Fixed Problems
Analytic Function Manager

Analytic Function Manager can now be used to edit an already edited/created layer. (146563)

Analytic Function Manager will now save coefficients or equations where edit layers initially
set to constant. (151667)

Data Import/Export

Coordinates for grid nodes in XTYV vs SEGY exports are now correct. (167908)

Can now read 3dv data into DTE on SGI. (305995)

On Data Import 2003.3.1.1 it is now possible to read in custom ASCII file. (519681)

Data Import FILTER option is now working in Load ASCII Velocity File option. (601235)

Cube Manager

Cube Manager now imports average velocity or XYTV depth cubes. (122261)

Importing TDQ volumes (.avf files) into DTE using Cube Manager now works. Note that the
imported file must contain a header defining the velocity file type. (160926)

The problem where there was a 15 ms top difference between TDQ and DTE in Cube Manager
resulting in incorrect instantaneous velocities is fixed. (163198)

The maximum out of range value in Cube Manager has been increased from 9999 to 20,000.

The avf file from version of Cube Manager 2003.3.2 using FUNCTION_TYPE=TVave is now
recognised by DTE. (305954)

The 3D Constrained Dix Inversion in Cube Manager now gives reasonable results in shallow
zones. (519304)

Function Viewer/Editor

VELF RMS velocity files no longer causes the Function Viewer to hang. (155428)

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

Model Manager

Documentation on how to Use a Log File added to Model Manager (p.38). (137475)

Surface Manager

Horizons are now saved correctly in DTE Surface Manager. (146031)

The problem with coordinates or values in Surface Manager when extracting surfaces from a
volume is fixed. (162507)

The Surface Manager ASCII Surface Export now has a null removal option. (518580)

T/D Table Manager

Interpolate using shallower/deeper neighbours now gives reasonable results. (601566)

Velocity Function Manager

Velocity Function Manager will now start when importing ASCII velocity function with
header. (159000)

Velocity Function Manager now supports analytical model using linear velocity within depth.

Velocity Function Manager now imports V2d files correctly. (153073)


DTE can now read data from NFS 3 filesystems larger than 2 Terabytes. (142180)

The addFloat method of VMFParamSet no longer introduces round off errors. (517671)

DTE Linux now reads sierra models that contain faults. (519400)

Documentation format description added for Surface ASCII import and export. (306556)


OpenVision now displays the velocity part of the cube with Exceed from a Solaris box.

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Known Issues
These are the current known issues present in the R2003.12 release.

SaveAs: Always use SaveAs instead of Save in DepthTeam Express to avoid the possibility of
losing model data. Using SaveAs (instead of Save) will prevent the loss of model data in the
event of a system or network failure that occurs during the save process.
Stacksize: Occasionally DTE models may crash on opening or saving with VDS errors. This
issue may be solved by changing the stacksize. In the users home directory, open the file
.lgclogin and add the line stating the stacksize limit, as shown below.
<.lgclogin> ...
if ( -d ${OWHOME}/DepthTeam ) then
setenv DTHOME ${OWHOME}/DepthTeam
set path = ( ${DTHOME}/bin ${path} )
limit stacksize 65536
Graphics cards: It is possible that DTE may not work properly if an incorrect graphics card or
OpenGL driver is installed. See Hardware Requirements on p.3. Please refer to the OpenVision
release notes for 3D display requirements.
Layered Dix Inversion condition: When performing Layered Dix inversion, it is necessary to
ensure that there is always at least one horizon deeper than all the horizons used in the
inversion. In other words, if a model includes four horizons, then only the first three can be used
in the inversion. If it is necessary to include the forth horizon in the calculations, then a fifth
horizon (that is deeper than the preceeding horizons) must be added prior to performing the Dix
inversion. The new horizon must not be included in the calculations.
Editing T/D points in FVE When horizons are displayed in the Function Viewer/Editor, then
editing of additional T/D points is disabled. To enable editing of T/D points, click the Select
Mode arrow and then the Edit button again to restore editing functionality.
Updating OpenVision after editing T/D points in deviated wells When adding or moving
data values in the Function/Viewer Editor, the position data required to display these edited
values correctly in OpenVision is not automatically updated until the model is first saved,
closed and then reopened again.
Updating OpenVision after smoothing T/D points in deviated wells Similar to the previous
issue, if a T/D function is smoothed, the position of the modified data values are not
automatically updated until the model is first saved, closed and then reopened again.
Platform dependent display of Deviated wells When T/D tables extend below the end of a
position log, the displayed behaviour depends upon the installed platform. On IRIX systems,
the lower portion of a T/D curve is displayed using a linear interpolation of the last few points
of the position log. However, on both Solaris and Linux platforms, any points in a T/D table
that extend below the end of the position log are displayed straight down from the last x,y value
of the position log. For more information, see OpenWorks Release Notes, Known Issues

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DepthTeam R2003.12 Release Notes

3DFS, 3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DView, 3D Surveillance, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir
Surveillance, ADC, Advanced Data Transfer, ARIES, Asset Development Center, Asset Development Centre, Automate, Asset Performance, AssetView, Atomic Meshing, Automate, BLITZ, BLITZPAK, CasingSeat, COMPASS,
Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, Data Manager, DataStar, DBPlot, Decision Suite, Decisionarium,
DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetView, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Decision Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace PowerGrid, DecisionSpace PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservior, DecisionSpace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion,
DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam Express3, DepthTeam Extreme, DepthTeam
Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DFW, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery Asset,
Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management,
Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, eLandmark, Engineers Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, Engineers Link, EOS-PAK, Executive Assistant, ezFault, ezSurface, ezTracker, FastTrack, FieldWorks, FZAP!, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix (stylized), GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink, GeoProbe, GeoProbe GF DataServer,
GeoProbe Integrated, GES, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GRIDGENR, Handheld Field Operator, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS,
IsoMap, Landmark, Landmark and Design, Landmark logo and Design, Landmark Decision Center, LandScape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep, Magic Earth, MagicDesk, MagicStation, MagicVision,
Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MIRA, Model Builder, MyLandmark, OpenBooks, OpenExplorer, OpenJournal,
OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Well File, PAL, Parallel-VIP, PetroBank,
PetroWorks, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack ESP, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerHub, Power Interpretation, PowerJournal, PowerModel, PowerSection, PowerView, PRIZM, PROFILE, ProMAGIC, ProMAX, ProMAX 2D, ProMAX 3D, ProMAX 3DPSDM, ProMAX MVA, ProMAX VSP,
Freedom, Real-Time Asset Management Center, Real-Time Asset Management Centre, Real Time Knowledge Company, Real-Time Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance, Real Time Surveillance, RESev, ResMap,
RMS, SafeStart, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisXchange,
Sierra, Sierra (design), SigmaView, SimResults, SIVA, Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataAmp, StrataMap, Stratamodel, StrataSim, StratWorks, StressCheck, STRUCT, Surf & Connect, SynTool, System Start for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart for Storage, T2B, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, Total Drilling
Performance, TOW/cs, TOW/cs The Oilfield Workstation, TracPlanner, Trend Form Gridding, Turbo Synthetics,
VIP, VIP-COMP, VIP-CORE, VIP-DUAL, VIP-ENCORE, VIP-EXECUTIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIPTHERM, WavX, Web Editor, Web OpenWorks, Well Seismic Fusion, Wellbase, Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner
Connect, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellXchange, WOW, Xsection, You're in Control. Experience the difference,
ZAP!, and Z-MAP Plus
are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Landmark Graphics Corporation or Magic Earth, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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