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Isabelle Pringle

Josh Karant
Cultural Studies
20 July 2016
Subculture Identity
A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at
variance with those of the larger culture according to the dictionary. So I guess I would consider
myself a geek. But not in the typical aspect of the term geek. I dont devour most books and I
definitely do not enjoy math. I am a geek for Broadway musicals. Its almost (well, it is) pathetic.
Even as a young child I would belt out every song from one of my fathers favorite musicals,
Oklahoma. My parents grew up listening to musicals and they passed that love down to my sister
and me. We all would settle onto the couch and pull out a musical to watch practically every
weekend. State Fair was constantly on a loop as my sister and I adored the music and many
other aspects as well. I would be absolutely disgusted when friends from elementary school
would tell me they have never seen The Sound of Music or Singin in the Rain. I truly questioned
their parents ability to teach their children anything at all. To me it is a right of passage to see
the luminous Julie Andrews sing Do-Re-Mi and to see Gene Kelly dance and sing tongue
twisters that get me to this day.
And thankfully today a love for Broadway has resurged stronger than ever thanks to the
likes of Hamilton: An American Musical and other fabulous broadway shows. People come to
see live theatre more than ever, and with every opportunity available I would spend every free
night seeing live theatre. There is nothing like seeing a Broadway star you adore some feet away

singing so wonderfully that you could melt. So, yes, I do identify with a subculture and I am so
very proudly considered to be a Broadway geek. Thank you Mom and Dad!

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