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A particle moves along a straight line is subjected to deceleration a 2 v 3 m/s 2 ,

where v is in m/s . When t 0 the velocity v 1 m/s

Question (1):
The velocity of the particle at t 4 s in m/s is:
(a) 0.277
(b) 0.447
(c) 0.333
(d) 0.242
(e) none of the above

The airplane flies along the horizontal

circular path AB in 40 s. If its speed at
point A is 90 m/s and decreases at
constant rate of 1 m/s2:
Question (2):
The acceleration of the airplane at point B in m/s2 is:
(a) 2.401
(b) 2.811
(c) 3.201
(d) 1.369

The 7 kg block starts from rest and

moves upward when constant forces of
20 N and 40 N are applied to
supporting ropes. Neglecting the
masses of the pulleys and the effect of

(e) none of the above


Question (3):
The upward acceleration of the block m/s2 is::
(a) 0.19
(b) 2.69
(c) 6.86
(d) 4.48

(e) none of the above

If blocks A and B of mass 10 kg and

12 kg, respectively, are placed on
inclined plane and released. The
coefficients of kinetic friction between
the blocks and the inclined plane are
A 0.1 and B 0.3 . Neglect the
mass of the link
Question (4):
The force developed in the link in N is:
(a) 9.27
(b) 7.55
(c) 8.50

(d) 6.37

(e) none of the above

The spring has a stiffness

k 200 N / m
outstretched when the 20 kg
block is at A. Determine the
acceleration of the block when
s 0.40 m . The contact
surface between the block and
the plane is smooth.

Question (5):
The acceleration of the block in m/s2 when ( s 0.40 m ) is:


(b) 2.97

(c) 2.72

(d) 3.07

(e) none of the above

A section of track for roller coaster

consists of two circular arcs AB and
CD joined by a straight portion BC.
The radius of AB is 20 m and the
radius of CD is 72 m. The car and its
occupants, of mass is 300 kg, reaches
point A with no velocity and then drop
freely along the track.
Question (6):
The velocity of the car when it reaches point D in (m/s) is;
(a) 24.261 (b) 26.2049 (c) 29.7136 (d) 25.2413 (e) 28.0142 (f) none of
the above
Question (7):
The normal force exerted by the track on the car as the car reaches point B in (N) is;
(a) 682.5632 (b) 584.9375 (c) 731.1990 (d) 526.4438 (e) 877.4064 (f) none
of the above
Cylinder D has a mass of 70 kg, while
the cylinder C has a mass of 60 kg.

Question (8):
The power delivered by the motor M when the cylinder D is moving up at a constant
speed of 5 m/s in (W) is;
(a) 735.75
the above

(b) 1471.50 (c) 1962.0

(d) 981.0

(e) 1723.18 (f) none of

A jet plane has a mass of 250 000 kg and a horizontal velocity of 160 m/s when
t 0 s . The engines provide a horizontal force of F 250 5t 2t 3 , when F in (KN)
and t in seconds. Neglect the air resistance and the loss of fuel during the motion.

Question (9):
The velocity of the plane after 8 seconds in (km/hr) is:
(a) 636.59

(b) 631.98

(c) 600.59

(d) 595.98

(e) none of the above

If the rod of negligible mass is

subjected to a couple moment of
M t 30 t 2 and the engine of the car
supplies a traction force of F t 15 t
to the wheels, where t is in seconds.
The car starts from rest. The total mass
of the car and rider is 140 kg. Neglect
the size of the car.

Question (10):
The speed of the car when ( t 3s ) in (m/s) is:
(a) 3.333
(b) 6.750
(c) 2.154
(d) 0.964

(f) none of the above

Block A and B have masses of 40 kg

and 60 kg, respectively. They are
placed on a smooth surface and the
spring connected them has a stiffness
k 200 N / m and stretched 2 m.
If they released from rest.
Question (11):
At the instant the spring becomes upstretched, the speed of block A in (m/s) is:
(a) 12.00

(b) 3.46

(c) 2.31

(d) 5.33

(e) none of the above

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