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Part 1. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. I prefer writing a term paper . taking an examination.
A. than
B. to
C. for
D. that
2. Staying in a hotel costs .. renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. as much twice as D. as much as twice
3. The examiner made us . our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
A. showing
B. to show
C. showed
D. show
4. The cook looked .. at the burned food.
A. sad
B. sadly
C. sadness
D. in sad
5. Most insects are tiny. They are ........ .
A. huge
B. very small
C. intelligent
D. beautiful
6. Would you like a cold drink? ............
A. Id love to. Thats very kind
B. Id love one. Im very thirsty
C. Id love some. Its delicious
D. I dont like biscuits
7. Tim seems to be putting .................... weight.
A. in
B. on
C. by
D. over
8. If ever the child ........................., the mother would run to it.
A. cries
B. will cry
C. would cry
D. cried
9. After the children ........................ she began to write.
A. has left
B. leave
C. left
D. had left
10. If the coffee is still too ......................., put some more sugar in it.
A. bitter
B. hot
C. sour
D. sweet
11. The price of petrol has ....................... up again.
A. risen
B. got
C. gone
D. stood
12. I wonder ................ hed like the steak cooked rare or well-done?
A. which
B. how
C. where
D. why
13. Helen asked me ............... the film called Star War
A. have I seen
B. have you seen
C. if I had seen
D. If had I seen
14. There has been a great .................. in his English.
A. increase
B. improvement
C. decrease
D. rise
15. We have to ....... the meeting until next week because no one can come this afternoon.
A. put down
B. put off
C. put on
D. put out

Part 2: Questions 1-5 Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C
A. Do not go away until we have checked your
B. Check you have all your books before you leave
the library.
C. Do not leave books here for checking without
telling us.
Why has Kim emailed Sally?
A to give her some details
B to let her know that hes ill
C to remind her to do something
A. We leave some toys at the back of this room for
B. Please dont leave any toys outside this room
when you go.
C. Remember to take your childrens toys with you
when you leave.
A. To arrive punctually, Ed should use a different
B. Dennis suggests that its quicker to go on the
main road.
C. If theres enough time, Lynn would like to see
the match.
According to Martyna, the citys disadvantage is
A. its actual size.
B. its transport system.
C. its evening entertainment.

Questions 6-10: Read the following passage and then circle the best answer
Snake Lovers
Around the world there are men and women who make their living in unusual ways. Most of us
would not do such jobs for a day, let alone pursue them as a lifelong career. However, the lifespan
of these people may not be that long. They spend their days working with snakes.
Boonreung Bauchan is listed in the book of Guinness World Records for his feat of spending
seven days in a pen filled with snakes. This Thai snake charmer performed with his pet snakes to
earn money to support his family. During his performances, he danced with snakes, held them
around his body, and even kissed them. One day, a cobra kissed him back. He died before he
reached the hospital. Although he left behind several boxes of pet snakes, no one in his family was
bold enough to touch them. Instead of carrying on with the snake shows, they decided to donate the
snakes to the zoo.
In Australia, John Cann carries on his familys tradition of reptile shows. His parents started
their snake circus in 1919. Cann's mother was called Cleopatra after the queen of Egypt who was
lethally bitten by a snake. Both parents survived their profession and retired in good health. Their
son has made good use of his lifelong experience with snakes. He now advises the Australia
Museum on reptiles and has written several books on snakes and turtles. His goal is not only to
entertain, but also to educate his audience on the value of these reptiles and their important role in
the environment.
In India, Romulus Whitaker doesnt charm snakes or entertain his audience, but he is an active
educator and environmentalist. He caught his first snake when he was just three. Now he is the
director of the Madras Crocodile Bank and advises major international organizations on protecting
the habitat of reptiles. Whitaker may be in need of protection himself. He has been bitten three
times, but he doesnt blame the snakes. He says hes more afraid of people than of snakes.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Snake shows
B. The dangers of snakes
C. Snakes in different countries
D. People working with snakes and other reptiles
7. What happened after Boonreung Bauchan died from a cobra bite?
A. The cobra was killed
B. People bought his pet snakes.
C. His family gave his snakes away.
D. His family continued giving snake shows.
8. Who is Romulus Whitaker?
A. An entertainer

B. A snake charmer

C. A crocodile trainer

D. An environmentalist

9. What is probably true about Boonreung Bauchans family?

A. They enjoy playing with snakes.

B. They are environmentalists.

C. They are not wealthy.

D. They like cobras.

10. What does shows mean in paragraph 2?

A. explains

B. performances

C. presents

D. give evidence of having or being

Part 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage














Your answer

Jane usually works in England, but sometimes she works abroad,

too. When she isnt working, she likes (1).. to the cinema 1. Going
2. Do
and eating in nice restaurants. She isnt sporty and she doesnt (2)
any exercise, but at least she doesnt smoke.
People say that she (3). open and friendly. She gets (4)

3. is
4. on

.. well with most people, but shes sometimes quite shy, (5)

5. Too

. For example, she doesnt like going to parties. She prefers

6. To

(6) meet friends individually or in small groups.

7. Who

She likes intelligent, funny men (7). make her laugh,

8. Than

and ideally who love music. Physically, she prefers men with dark

9. friend

hair who are not taller (8). her. And she likes men who are

10. But

good listeners.
Her closest (9). is Laura. They often talk about
boyfriends and the problems they have. She usually doesnt talk to
her family about that kind of thing. Her mum always says that she
looks for the wrong boy, (10) thats what mothers always say.
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the original sentence.
1. The weather is much warmer than it was a few days ago.
A few days ago the weather was much colder that it is today.
2. No one has lived in this house for years.
This house has been empty for years
3. Will you marry me? said Eric to his girl friend.

Eric asked his girl friend if She would marry him.

4. Although he overslept, Mike wasnt late for work.
Despite the fact that he overslept, Mike wasnt late for work..
5. The postman usually leaves the papers on the doorstep.
The papers are usually left on the doorstep by the postman.
Part 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
In your next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how you
keep fit and healthy!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.
Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it


2. What is the weather like for Jacks holiday?





Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word

My Husband
My husband, Jeff, is a lovely man and I'm proud (6) ____of_____him. He is kind to
everyone even if he doesn't (7) _____think______ much of them.
We often do the (8) ____Shopping______ together and he helps me a lot. He's
good at finding (9) _____Special_____ at the supermarket. Jeff does this even though
he isn't fond of shopping. I'm grateful (10) ___for______ his help.
Jeff is also (11) ____Keen______ on cooking and, and, as I don't like cooking, he
is happy to do it for me. I do the washing up and other (12) _____House work_____
such as dusting and vacuuming. Jeff is careful with money. He doesn't
(13) ____gamble______ or buy unnecessary things. We are rarely (14)
_____annoyed______ or angry with each other. We have a good (15)

Part 1: Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. That baby .. . . . . . . . non-stop for the past hour.
A. cried
B. was crying
C. is crying
D. has been crying
2. I'd have told you if I .. . . . . . . . the book.
A. had seen
B. should have seen C. saw
D. would have seen
3. Skiing is a sport .. . . . . . . . goes back 4,000 years.
A. and he
B. and its
C. whose history
D. whose
4. Physicsist J. Robert Oppenheimer .. . . . . . an important role in the birth of atomic age.
A. who played
B. had
C. playing
D. was
5. He didnt understand it. ......................
A. So did I
B. I did too
C. I did either
D. Neither did I
6. Don't forget to .. . . . . . . . the alarm clock for six o'clock tomorrow morning.
A. put
B. set
C. wind
D. ring
7. Would you like a cold drink? ............
A. Id love to. Thats very kind
B. Id love one. Im very thirsty
C. Id love some. Its delicious
D. I dont like biscuits
8. Most insects are tiny. They are ........ .
A. huge
B. very small
C. intelligent
D. beautiful
9. They were too late. The plane ..................... off ten minutes earlier.
A. took
B. has taken
C. had taken
D. was taking
10. When Paul stopped the car, I opened the door and got ............. behind him.
A. on
B. down
C. in
D. out
11. Can I ..... your dictionary, please? I cant find mine.
A. read
B. see
C. borrow
D. lend
12. He worked ...................... than his brother.
A. more carefully B. more careful
C. carefully
D. very carefully
13. She cant get home .............. she has no money.
A. if
B. unless
C. without
D. until
14. Could I take this ............ to thank you for all you have done for us.
A. possibility
B. option
C. advantage
D. opportunity
15. The composition needs ...................
A. rewrite
B. to write
C. being written
D. rewriting
PART 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.

Someone asks you what it means.

Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C
What must Phil do on his return?
A. phone Gary about the team list for Friday's match
B. get Gary to play in the football match on Friday
C. let Gary know who's playing football on Friday
What is Jane doing in this card?
A. thanking Keiko for lunch.
B. offering Keiko congratulations
C. giving Keiko some information.
A. Students can buy meal tickets here at a discount.
B. Students are charged the normal price if they forget
their meal tickets.
C. Students can buy food up to the amount shown on
their meal tickets.
A. Rick would accept 80 for his bike.
B. Rick's bike only needs a few repairs.
C. Rick bought his bike two years ago.

A. Do not use this entrance to return vehicles to the
B. Factory vehicles are turning here all the time.
C. Do not tum here as this entrance is used all the time.
Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
Jeanne Dixon

Jeanne Dixon began making predictions when she was a little girl. She had a crystal ball that
she used to look into the future. She correctly predicted several events, including the death of her
grandfather. She also learned to use astrology. When she was just eight years old, a palm reader
told her fortune. The palm reader said that Jeanne would become famous for her unique ability to
predict the future.
Dixon made many predictions about the future throughout her life, but the one that brought her
the most fame was her prediction of the assassination of President Kennedy. In 1952, she had a
vision. She saw a man with blue eyes living in the White House. He was going to die a violent
death. Eight years later, John Kennedy, a man with blue eyes, became president of the United
States. On November 22nd, 1963, Jeanne told her friends, Something terrible is going to happen
today. Then, they heard an announcement. President Kennedy had been shot.
Another of Dixons major predictions was the death of President Kennedys brother Robert.
One day, she was walking through a hotel in Los Angeles. Suddenly, she stopped and said, Robert
Kennedy is going to be killed here. Soon after that, in June 1968, Robert Kennedy was shot in that
exact place.
Dixon accurately predicted the deaths of several other celebrities. She also predicted other kinds
of events, for example, a big earthquake in Alaska in 1964. She made a number of wrong
predictions as well, but people dont seem to remember as many of these.
Dixon didnt keep any fees she earned from making predictions. She donated all the money to a
charity that supported educational and health projects for children. She was a vegetarian and often
prepared healthy food for elderly people. She also liked to help animals and took care of many lost
cats and dogs.
Jeanne Dixon died in 1997, but she left behind several predictions which could still come true.
One of them is that intelligent life will be discovered on another planet.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Using astrology
B. A famous palm reader
C. Assassinations of famous people
D. A woman who predicted the future
7. Who predicted Jeanne Dixons future?
A. An astrologer
B. A palm reader
C. A crystal ball reader
D. Jeannes grandfather
23. What happened in 1968?
A. John Kennedy lived in the White House. B. There was an earthquake in Alaska.
C. President Kennedys brother was killed. D. Jeanne Dixon started
24. What is true about Jeanne Dixon?
A. She didnt eat meat.
B. She didnt like children.
C. All her predictions were correct.
D. She became rich from making predictions.
25. What does exact mean in paragraph 3?
A. specific; precise
B. force to give
C. careful
D. demand

Part 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage
put on




Your answer

Some people do not eat meat (1). they believe it is cruel

(2) animals. This may be because their religion forbids it or
because they do not like to think that an animal had to suffer and die
just so they could have a (3) Many people who are (4)
for this reason also avoid (5). clothes and
shoes that are made of animal fur and leather.
Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is too
expensive. By not buying meat, these vegetarians have more money
left over to buy (6) kinds of food. Meat is high in protein
(7).. is an important element of food that people need to
stay alive. Vegetarians (8).. sure they get the protein their
bodies need by eating other, less expensive types of food like nuts,
cheese and milk.
(9) people decide to stop eating meat, they must find
alternative sources for the nutrients they need to (10).
healthy. After a while, a vegetarian diet becomes a regular part of
daily life.

1. because
2. To
3. Meal
4. Vegetarians
5. wearing
6. other
7. Which
8. Make
9. when
10. Stay

Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the original sentence.
1. Did you leave a tip for the waiter, Dad? I asked
I asked my Dad if he had left a tip for the waiter.
2. Ive never seen such an exciting football match before.
This is the most exciting football match I have seen.
3. They are repairing my television now.
My television is being repaired now
4. I recently went back to the town. I was born there.
I recently went back to the town . Where I was born
5. Joan will stay on at school unless she finds a good job.
If Joah doesnt find a good job, she will stay on at school

Part 2: This is part of a letter you receive from your pen-friend.

I'm glad you like learning English. Your teacher sounds really nice and your friends do too! Tell me all about your English classes.
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about 100 words
on your answer sheet.
Part 1
Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it

1. How much did Sue pay for the shirt?

---------- -A
2. What will this afternoon?

3. Where is the fish market?

4. What will the woman eat with her coffee?

5. What man is Laura English teacher?


Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
Australia is an island continent located in the Southern Hemisphere. It lies
(6)____Between_____ the Pacific and Indian oceans and has a land area of over seven million
square kilometres.
The (7)_____Climate_______in Australia ranges from tropical in the far north to temperate in
the south. Approximately one third of Australia is (8)_____Desert_______ because it is a
geographically isolated country, Australia has many animals that are unique. Some of these are the
kangaroos, koalas, emus, dingoes and platypuses.
The first people to come to Australia were the Aborigines. It is (9)_____believel_____that they
arrived here about 60,000 years ago. In 1770, Captain Cook was the first European to land on the east
coast to claim Australia for Britain. In 1788, Governor Phillip arrived in Port Jackson (now Sydney)
to set up the first (10)______Colony_______ Originally it was a place for British prisoners. When
the (11)_____Europeans_____came to stay, there were approximately 300,000 Aboriginal people
living in Australia.
The (12)______population______of Australia reached 20 million in 2005. Sydney is the largest
city with 4,305,500 people as at July 2004. Australia is a multiracial and multicultural
(13)____Society______where people from over 200 countries have made Australia their home.
When (14)__________ visit Australia they can visit such places as the Great Barrier Reef off the
Queensland coast, Sydney with its (15)_____beaches_____, the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge
and numerous other places - too many to mention here. Whether a visitor likes the country or city,
there is much to see here in Australia

Part 1. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. The television, .. . . . . . . . so long been a part of our culture, has an enormous influence.
A. has
B. it has
C. which
D. which has
2. One problem with all languages .. . . . . . . . they are full of irregularities.
A. when
B. so
C. is that
D. in case
3. He had to borrow a little money from his brother .. . .he could finish his education without
A. so
B. that
C. so that
D. in order so
4. The final test will be .. . . . . . . . the midterm.
A. alike
B. like
C. same
D. similar
5. Besides being expensive, the food in the cafeteria tastes .. . . . . . . . .
A. badly
B. too badly
C. too much bad
D. bad
6. My parents thought that education was important so they .. . . . . . . . me study hard.
A. let
B. forced
C. encouraged
D. made
7. Mr. Smith was ................ in a road accident.
A. wounded
B. wrong
C. injured
D. damaged
8. your cigarette before you go into class.
A. put out
B. put down
C. give up
D. give away
9. The River Thames .............. from Oxford to London
A. floats
B. flows
C. moves
D. passes
10. We spent our holiday in a hotel which had a private ..............
A. beach
B. coast
C. seaside
D. shore
11. She told me .................. to go to the bank.
A. not to forget
B. dont forget
C. not forget
D. should not forget
12. Even if the rains .............. now, there wont be harvest this year.
A. came
B. come
C. didnt come
D. will come
13. Our teacher is very kind .............. us.
A. to
B. so
C. with
D. at
14. If she had put enough coffee in the pot, it ................... so week like this.
A. would taste
B. wouldnt taste
C. would have taste D. could have taste
15. A railway bridge ................. over the river.
A. is built
B. is building
C. is being built
D. been built
Part 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.
Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C

A There will be a class photo if enough people sign here. .
B Your photo will cost less if you pay the office in advance
C The price per photo is reduced if several are order at once

A The company insists office workers carry an identity card.
B Show your identity card when asked to do so.
C Staff identity cards are available at the office.
A Swimming is not permitted where people are driving.
B. You must not dive into the pool where the water is
C The water is not deep .enough in this pool for you to dive.
Jasmine wants Gareth to
A repair the printer for her.
B help her finish an essay.
C .bring her some proper ink.
A To make an appointment, ring once and enter.
B You should ring twice and enter unless you have an
C Ring once if you have an appointment and twice if you
Question 6-10

Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
Wong Tai Sin Temple
Wong Tai Sin Temple, with its colorful architecture and peaceful gardens, sits among the high-rise
buildings of Hong Kong. It is one of the more popular places to visit in the city. It is especially
known for the fortune-tellers that work there.
People visit the temple to honor Wong Tai Sin, a shepherd who lived hundreds of years ago.
According to legend, at the age of fifteen he learned the secret of making a medicine that could
cure all illnesses. He lived alone for forty years while he worked to perfect this magic medicine.
Nowadays, visitors to the temple bring flowers and incense as offerings for Wong Tai Sin. They
pray for good health and for good luck in business. Most of all, they pray for guidance for the
future. This is because Wong Tai Sin was known not only for his ability to cure illnesses, but also
for his skill at correctly predicting the future. The temple has the largest concentration of fortunetellers in Asia. There can be as many as 150 fortune-tellers working there at any one time.
The most common fortune-telling method at the temple is the use of fortune sticks, called chim.
Each chim has a number on it. You shake a container of sticks until one falls out. Then, you take
the stick to a fortune- teller, who will interpret it for you. If you want to try something different,
there are other fortune-telling methods to choose from. For a small fee, a fortune-teller will read
your face or palm, consult the ancient book, the I Ching, or use astrology to predict your future.
Wong Tai Sin Temple is known for its brightly colored buildings decorated with beautiful paintings
and intricate carvings. It also contains the Good Wish Garden with a stream, waterfall, and ponds.
If you want to know your future, or just want to enjoy a few moments of the present in a beautiful
spot, visit Wong Tai Sin Temple.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. An ancient shepherd
B. Popular places to visit
C. A tourist site in Hong Kong
D. Chinese fortune-telling methods
7. According to the passage, what happened when Wong Tai Sin was fifteen?
A. He started a business.
B. He became a shepherd.
C. He began telling fortunes.
D. He learned about a magic medicine.
8. What can you see on each fortune stick?
A. A name
B. A picture
C. A flower
D. A number
9. What is probably true about Wong Tai Sin Temple?
A. Its very modern.
B. Its rarely crowded.
C. Its pretty to look at.
D. Its expensive to enter
10. What does sits mean in paragraph 1?
A. is on a chair
B. is in a place
C. models for a painting
D. is a candidate for

Part 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage





Your answer

The American actor Brad Pitt probably makes a lot of other men
envious, not least because he (1)..thousands of dollars for a
days work and is always in celebrity magazines lists of the worlds
most beautiful people.
He hasnt always (2). a glamorous life, however. Before he
got his first break in Hollywood, for example, his jobs in Los Angeles
included trying to attract customers (3) a restaurant by standing
outside wearing a chicken costume.
Pitt was born in the state of Oklahoma (4)..1963, and was
interested in films from an early age. At high school, in the state of
Missouri, his other hobbies included golf, tennis and swimming. He
began (5).. journalism at university, but dropped out when
he decided he wanted to try to become a (6) actor.
(7) some minor roles in various Hollywood films, Pitt
became famous in (8).. mid-1990s by playing a police detective
in the crime thriller Seven and a psychiatric patient in the science-fiction
film Twelve Monkeys. Since then he (9).. been in one
successful film after another, including Fight Club (one of a number of
films in which he plays unconventional, slightly dangerous characters),
Oceans Eleven (about a gang of thieves (10).. plan to
steal money from Las Vegas casinos), and Troy (in which he plays
Achilles, a hero from Ancient Greek mythology).

1. earns
2. had
3. To
4. in
5. studying
6. professional
7. After
8. The
9. Has
10. who

Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the original sentence.
1. I have never met anyone more generous than your husband.
Your husband in the most generous man I have met
2. Unless he keeps in touch immediately, he wont get any information.
If he doesnt keeps in touch immediately he wont get any information
3. Dont leave the house until I get back, William, his mother said.
Williams mother told him not to leave the house until She got back
4. They started working on this project last Christmas. They havent finished it yet.

They have been working on this project since last Chrismats

5. The thief suddenly realized that the police were watching him.
The thief suddenly realized that he was being watched by the police
Part 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
We had dinner at a new restaurant yesterday. It was great! How
often do you eat out? What's your favourite restaurant like?
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet
Part 1
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it

2. What is Andrew going to do this evening?






Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
Tasmania is an island state located to the south of the Australian mainland. It is a natural
(6)_____Island______ with beautiful coastlines, mountains, tall forests and lakes. The
(7)______Population_____ of Tasmania was 476,481 in March 2006 and the capital city, Hobart,
had a population of 200,525.
The Tasmanian Aborigines first (8)_____Reached______ Tasmania over 40,000 years ago. In 1642,
Abel Tasman, a Dutch explorer, was the (9)_____First______ European to sight Tasmania. He
named it Van Dieman's Land. Tasmania became a place for British convicts when Britain's gaols
became (10)_____Overcrowded______.
There are many places of great (11)_____interest______ for a tourist to visit in Tasmania. In
Richmond one can find the oldest (12)_____first______ still in use in Australia. Apart from this
bridge and Richmond (13)_____historical______ village, there are many other places a tourist
would enjoy. For walkers, Tasmania is a (14)_____paradise______. Freycinet National Park and
Cradle Mountain at Lake St Clair National Park are just two of the areas (15)_____famous______
for their beauty.

Part 1: Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. Someone ..................... the chocolates! Theyre nearly all gone!
A. has been eating B. has eaten
C. eats
D. is eating
2. If the bus ..................... soon, Ill be late for school.
A. comes
B. doesnt come
C. will come
D. came
3. She was working quietly at her desk when suddenly the door ..................... and her daughter
rushed in.
A. opened
B. was opening
C. opens
D. has opened
4. She said shed married a man ..................... had been married ten times before.
A. which
B. what
C. who
D. whose
5. What ..................... your classmates like? Theyre fantastic!
A. do
B. are
C. would
D. could
6. Fred has ..................... money than I do.
A. fewer
B. little
C. few
D. less
7. He hasnt got ..................... birthday cards to choose from.
A. much
B. many
C. a lot of
D. a little
8. My daughter has a lot of pens and pencils. She ..................... drawing.
A. would like
B. likes
C. would like to
D. liked
9. ............ the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
A. Although
B. In spite of
C. Despite
D. Even
10. Dont you get tired ..................... watching TV every night?
A. with
B. by
C. of
D. at
11. If you are ............... with something, you are unhappy or bored with it.
A. satisfied
B. fed up
C. busy
D. careful
12. Jimmy can go............ this afternoon. He has to do his homework.
A. anywhere
B. nowhere
C. somewhere
D. everywhere
13. Do I need a .............. to get antibiotics from the chemist?
A. dose
B. prescription
C. receipt
D. recipe149. Have you
learned by heart all those five poems? - I have learned ..................
A. none of them
B. both of them
C. either of them
D. neither of them
15. Lets go the a new Indian restaurant after school today - ...................
A. We go
B. Were going
C. All right
D. Goodbye
Part 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.

Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C

Roberto is suggesting that
A. Sven is unavailable for a meeting next week.
B. he will join Sam in a meeting next Thursday.
C. Sam should invite Sven to their next meeting.
A. Kaye and Brian found their drive to the hotel stressful.
B. Kaye and Brian's car needs to be repaired before they
C. Kaye and Brian will drive straight back after their hotel
A. Staff must tell the office when they arrive.
B. People visiting the school should inform the office.
C. School reports are available in the office.
Tim's mother wants him to get some
A salad.
B bread.
C eggs.
A. Snacks are available before the performance.
B Help yourself to drinks after the performance.
C. You can have a drink during the break.

Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
Tea Leaves
The art of predicting the future with tea leaves has been practiced in both Asia and Europe for
centuries. Its not hard to try doing it yourself.
First, brew yourself a cup of tea. You can use any kind of loose tea, but its best to drink it from
a wide, white cup. This makes it easy to see the leaves. Relax and enjoy your tea. Drink it all, but
leave a spoonful at the bottom of the cup. Now pick up the cup and move it three times from right
to left. Turn it upside down over a saucer to let the liquid drain out. Turn it right side up again, and
now you are ready to read the leaves.
When you interpret the leaves, pay attention to their position in the cup. Leaves near the top
represent the near future, while leaves near the bottom represent the distant future. Leaves near the
cups handle represent yourself or your home. The images in the leaves arent always distinct, but
if you look carefully, some pictures will appear.
Both birds and airplanes mean that you will make a journey. Birds also represent good
luck. A cross or a snake, on the other hand, means that bad luck will come your way. A baby means
that you will have small worries. Ladders and stars mean that you will reach your dream. Apples
mean the same.
If you need money, look for a diamond, but be careful of clouds. Diamonds mean that you will
receive money unexpectedly, but clouds mean that you will have financial problems. If you are
looking for love, maybe you will see a moon or a cage in the leaves. A moon represents romance,
and a cage represents marriage.
Both trees and books are lucky symbols. Trees represent good health and long life,
and an open book means good news. Eyeglasses mean that good and surprising things will happen.
Everybody likes to relax with a steaming cup of fragrant tea, but it can be more than
just a delicious drink. After youve enjoyed your tea, dont throw away the leaves until youve read
your future.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Looking for love
B. How to have a tea party
C. Predicting the future in a tea cup
D. Fortune-telling around the world
7. Which leaves represent your home?
A. Leaves near the handle of the cup
B. Leaves near the bottom of the cup
C. Leaves near the top of the cup
D. Leaves on the cups saucer
8. Which image means that you will reach your dreams?
A. Diamonds
B. Airplanes
C. Apples
D. Babies
9. What could clouds mean?
A. Someone in your home has financial worries.
B. You might lose something in the distant future.
C. You will have money problems soon.
D. You will never find love.
10. What does appear mean in paragraph 3?
A. seem
B. come into view
C. perform
D. be published

Part 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage




Your answer

According to geomancers, the way you decorate your house can (1)
you happy and healthy or sad and sick. (2).
example, a living room looking out a well-aired space (3)..
health. Rounded ornaments make us easy-going (4) they are
in the living room, but deficient if they are in the bedroom. If there are
many square and pointed ornaments in the living room, we (5).
feel obstructed.
Flowing water is sometimes (6). to the eyes and ears but
annoyed (7).. we want to sleep. If we want to sleep well, we
have to place (8)bed in the opposite corner with the door and
not under the window. We always have a mirror in the bedroom, but do
not place it in (9) of the bed. Flowers are good for the living
room, but not for bedroom, too. There are also many other things we
have to care of if we want to live in a good house. (10).. you
believe? Try following what I have said and decide yourself.

1. .
2. For
3. brings
4. if
5. will
6. pleasant
7. when
8. our
9. Front

Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the original sentence.
1. Do you remember to do your homework? the teacher said to her students
The teacher asked her students if they remembered to do their homework
2. My grandmother finds it difficult to read without her glasses.
It s difficult for my grandmother to read without her glasses
3. The film was so boring that we left before the end.
We were so bored with the film that we left before the end
4. Working outdoors is much nicer than working in an office.
Working in an office is not as nice as working in an office
5. The last time I saw her was when I was in high school.
I havent seen her since I was in high school.
Part 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

You went to a party last weekend, didn't you? Did you have a good
time there? Tell me about that party!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.


PART 1: Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it


2. Which picture does the woman prefer?





Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
I've just come back from a short music: course called Singing for Beginners. It was at Brownstoke
College, which is just to the north of London.
A woman called Lena Phipps runs these three-day (6) ___Courses_____ for people with no
previous experience of singing. Lena used to be an opera singer, but no longer appears on the stage.
Nowadays she occasionally sings in jazz clubs, but spends most of her time (7)
______Teaching______. She was excellent!
There were only nine of us on the course I attended, five men and four women, and Lena never
takes more than ten students on a course. This means that everyone has lots of (8)
_____Attention______ and plenty of opportunity to sing.
We were all very (9) _____nervous______ at the beginning, but every class begins with some
exercises to help students relax. These are followed by warm-up (10) _____Exercises______ to
improve the quality at the voice. During the three days, students learn around twenty songs in a
variety of different (11) _____Styles______, depending on the interests of the class members.
There are classical and modern songs including pop songs. By the last day, everyone was confident
(12) _____enough______ to perform their favourite song on their own!
I would really recommend this course. Brownstoke College is an old building surrounded by a
beautiful (13) _____garden______. Accommodation is very comfortable -the single and twin
rooms are clean and warm, and three meals a day are included in the (14) _____Cost______: a
cooked breakfast, lunch and an evening meal. The lunch is very good, and the salads can be
Courses begin on the last Tuesday of the month, so the next one begins on the 24 th of September
and (15) ______Continues_____ until Thursday the 26th of September. I would advise you to
reserve a place early, because it's certain to be very popular!

PART 1. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. .......... in 1912 that the Titanic sank while crossing the Atlantic.
A. It was
B. Being
C. When was
D. When it was
2. Lightning rarely .......... twice in the same place.
A. is striking
B. strikes
C. does it strike
D. it strikes
3. Before becoming President in 1928, Herbert Hoover .......... as Secretary of Commerce.
A. has served
B. was served
C. had served
D. serving
4. " She is very mean." - " Yes, she is not very ............."
A. generous
B. modern
C. healthy
D. wonderful
5. You ............ ride a bicycle on a motorway in Britain.
A. must
B. didn't have to
C. can't
D. should
6. She .............. when she heard that her horse was dead
A. broke down
B. broke into
C. broke out
D. broke up
7. I didnt hear . when he gave us the assignment.
A. what the professor says
B. what the professor said
C. that the professor said
D. which the professor says
8. My parents ................ tomorrow and they will stay for two weeks.
A. going to come B. come
C. are coming
D. have come
9. My father came home .............
A. very tiringly
B. very tiring
C. very tiredly
D. very tired
10. Please, wait for a moment. I havent finished ............... this letter.
A. to write
B. writing
C. write
D. wrote
11. When he heard the doorbell ring, he ran downstairs, two steps ...............
A. at a time
B. at times
C. in time
D. on time
12. The train to Ho Chi Minh City is at ...........
A. second platform B. the platform two C. two platform D. platform two
13. Lets play tennis this afternoon ................
A. Its too hot to play
B. No, thanks
C. Yes, please
D. Yes, I can
14. The hotel in ............... we stayed wasnt very clean.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. what
15. I sometimes get bored .................... my life.
A. with
B. of
C. from
D. at

PART 2: Questions 1-5

Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.
Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C
A Lock your cycle near this gate before entering.
B Cyclists should use a different entrance when this one is
C If the side gate is locked, go through the cycle entrance.
A. We will keep any picture for you if you I give us 25
B. Some of the pictures in the gallery are reserved.
C. It costs 25 to show your picture in the gallery.
A Ellen and Annette are spending the day together
B Annette is writing this card while Ellen attends an
C Ellen is staying overnight in Manchester, but Annette isn't.
A. Bookings now include an extra five minutes for
equipment to be put away.
B You have five minutes after bookings have finished to
return any sports equipment used.
C The hall must be cleared of equipment in the five minutes
before bookings end.
John wants Helga to
A find a boat for hire on the river.
B do all the cooking on the holiday.
C help those on board to communicate.

PART 2: Question 6-10

Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
The ancient Roman town of Pompeii sat at the foot of the giant volcano Vesuvius in southern
Italy. The town and the volcano had lived peacefully side by side for years. Pompeiis citizens lived
a good life. Their town was a wealthy port and a popular resort. Many rich Romans had their
vacation homes there. The theaters, shops, and temples were filled with activity. All this ended on
August 24th in the year 79 A.D.
At about noon on August 24th, a great cloud of ash and rocks spewed out of the top of Vesuvius,
ascending 20 kilometers into the air. The ash and rocks began to rain down on the citizens of
Pompeii and other nearby towns. Soon, the roofs of Pompeii were covered with a layer of volcanic
material that was about three meters thick. Buildings started collapsing under the heavy weight. By
this time, people had already started escaping from the town. Taking what possessions they could
and calling fearfully to their loved ones to join them, they escaped to the countryside, as far from
the town as they could go. By evening, most of the residents had left Pompeii.
But Vesuvius hadnt finished yet. All night long, it continued to spew rock and ash high into the
air. The next morning, steaming lava poured out of the volcano and rolled down its sides toward
Pompeii. The lava buried the town in a layer so deep that only the tops of the very tallest buildings
could be seen. Later, some people returned to the town to try to dig their possessions out of the
hardened lava, but of course no one could live there any more. The buried town lay abandoned for
hundreds of years.
In 1748, the long-forgotten town was rediscovered. Since then, a number of excavations have
been made uncovering a great deal of information about ancient Roman life. Architecture, art, and
other examples of Roman culture were all perfectly preserved by the lava. Excavators have also
uncovered the bodies of about 2,000 Pompeii citizens who, unable to escape the rushing wave of
lava, became frozen in it forever.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. The ancient Roman Empire
B. The last days of Pompeii
C. The volcanoes of Rome
D. The excavation of an ancient town
7. At about what time of day did Vesuvius begin to erupt?
A. Early in the morning
B. 12:00 noon
C. Late in the afternoon
D. At night
8. What happened in 1748?
A. Pompeii was rediscovered.
B. Vesuvius erupted again.
C. A museum of Roman art was opened
D. Pompeiis citizens returned to their homes.
9. What is true about Pompeii?
A. Most of the citizens were poor.
B. It was a boring place to visit.
C. Very few people lived there.
D. It was on the coast.
10. What does sat mean in paragraph 1?
A. was on a chair
B. was in a place
C. modeled for a painting
D. was a candidate for

PART 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage




To me, English is very interesting. It is not (1).. to learn

English well. However, it is important to know the (2).
effective way of learning. I rarely look (3).. new vocabularies
but often learn them through reading. At first, I felt it difficult (4)
I did not know many vocabularies. However, I try to guess
the meaning through (5) information in newspapers and
magazines. Only when I cant guess, will I look them up in the
dictionary. I (6).. use English-Vietnamese dictionary. My
mother bought me an English-English dictionary. It helps me (7)
.. So, I can (8) those new vocabularies correctly
and naturally. I often write diary and compose short stories to improve
my writing skill. I may imagine the content or revise (9). I
have read from the newspapers and magazines. I also listen to English
music and news on radio and TV. It is (10) interesting way
of practicing listening. My father bought me an ipod, so that I can record
the news and listen again. When I listen, I repeat and mimic the accent.
Then, I record my voice and listen again to correct the mistakes myself.
It is very useful. Therefore, when I go to English clubs or talk to
foreigners, I am praised a lot.

Your answer
1. difficult
2. most
3. up
4. because
5. The
6. Never
7. much
8. use
9. what
10. an

Part 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I've just seen a brilliant program about dolphins on television.
Which program have you enjoyed recently? How much television do
you watch?
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.



PART 1 Questions 1-5

There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it





Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
Hello, I'm Sarah Brown, and I'm here to tell you about my job as a weather forecaster.
I've been a weather forecaster for a television company for seven years, and two years ago I (6)
____Became_____ the head of the weather department. Now, I divide my time equally between
presenting weather forecasting on television and managing the weather department which has a (7)
____staff_____ of eleven. At thirty years old I'm the youngest ever head of weather and the first
woman to do the job.
Since our news and weather service goes out all round the world, we all take turns to (8)
_____work____at night. I prefer that to doing the show when I have to get up at four in the
morning. I normally work an eight-hour day and in that time I do ten or twelve (9)
Before doing a weather forecast, I study date on the computer. This is the information I use in my
forecasts. There isn't much time to learn what I have to say, but (10) ____fortunately_____ I've
never forgotten my words so I don't get nervous.
My husband and I try to have the same free days, but neither of us has a regular pattern of work.
He's a (11) ____pilot_____ on long-distance flights, so although he works hard he has a lot more

time at home than I do. We moved to our present house about a year ago, and he's enjoying (12)
_____painting____ it.
I took up flying as a hobby five years ago. I hope to get my pilot's licence this year, but because of
the job, I haven't been to the flying school for ages. For exercise I swim and (13)
____Sky_____and I like running. I'm really proud of myself for running in the London Marathon it's a forty-kilometre race and I never thought I could manage it! My husband plays tennis, and we
sometimes play together, but he's (14) ____better_____ than me so I never win.
Because I'm on world news, people sometimes recognise me in really distant places. Once, in an
Indian village, an old man took me to have my photo taken with all his (15) ____family_____. I get
some lovely letters - one person wrote to say that my smile made her feel happy all day. People
occasionally even write and ask me to marry them!



PART 1. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.

1. the lights went out, I was having a maths test.
A. During
B. When
C. While
D. As soon as
2. Ruth cant go to Mikes wedding because shell be away business.
A. for
B. on
C. at
D. with
3. A large number of seabirds are now at .. as a result of an oil tanker disaster.
A. danger
B. threat
C. difficulty
D. risk
4. I dont think Jim will ever . in finding peace in mind.
A. manage
B. arrive
C. succeed
D. achieve
5. Todays typewriter keyboard is . Sholes 1867 keyboard.
A. as same as
B. the same as
C. the same than
D. a same one as
6. The Icelandic language . very little over the past 800 years.
A. is changed
B. has changed
C. changes are
D. bring their
7. Nuclear engines operate without air and consume .. fuel than do others engines
A. much less
B. most
C. much
D. most of the
8. Paul Samuelson was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in .
A. economy
B. economical
C. economic
D. economics
9. Would you mind ................. please ?
A. to answer the telephone
B. answering the telephone
C. answer the telephone
D. to the telephone answering
10. The brakes need .................
A. adjusted
B. to adjustment
C. to adjust
D. adjusting
11. The bus only stops here to ................. passengers
A. get off
B. pick up
C. take up
D. get on
12. Last Sunday was ................. that we took a drive in the country
A. so beautiful day
B. such a beautiful day
C. such a beautiful weather
D. so a beautiful day
13. Because the first pair of trousers did not fit properly he asked for......
A. another trousers
B. the other one
C. others trousers D. another pair
14. He kept his job ................. the manager had threatened to sack him
A. despite
B. unless
C. even
D. although
15. She said that she could not .................a new dress on her small salary
A. spend
B. save
C. afford
D. spare
PART 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.

Someone asks you what it means.

Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D
A. Do not park in front of this hotel.
B. A new hotel car park will open shortly.
C. Its better to park behind the hotel.
D. The hotel has another parking area.
A. All City Bus journeys cost exactly the same.
B. You need to have the correct money when you board the bus.
C. You need to keep your ticket ready for checking.
D. Tickets must be bought before boarding the bus.
A. Dont keep this food longer than a week.
B. Dont put this food in the fridge.
C. This food will last longer in the freezer.
D. This food will last over a week if frozen.
A. Each dish on the menu costs more than 3 at lunchtime.
B. A charge of 3 is added to each bill at lunchtime.
C. Each customer will have to pay at least 3 at lunchtime.
D. You can buy a meal for only 3 at lunchtime.
A. The pool will close for improvements.
B. Do not use the old changing rooms.
C. The pool is not open at the moment.
D. Read the notice about changes in opening times.

Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
The Great Molasses Flood
Molasses, a sweet syrup made from sugarcane, is used in baking. Theres an old saying as slow
as molasses in January because cold molasses becomes very thick and doesnt pour easily. This
was proven to be an inaccurate description in January of 1919, when a giant wave of molasses
rushed through the streets of Boston at a speed of almost 60 kilometers an hour. It caused a disaster
that could have been avoided. It was brought about by the stupidity of one man.
A Boston company built a huge molasses storage tank. The tank was over 1 6 meters tall and 30
meters wide. When it was finished, no one tested the tank to see if it leaked. Millions of liters of the
sticky, sweet liquid were added to the tank. It did leak. Rather than fix the leaks, the man in charge
painted the tank brown, the color of molasses, so the leaks were not so evident.
Just after noon on January 15th, people in the area heard a loud cracking noise followed by a
muffled roar. The leaking storage tank had exploded, sending a ten-meter-high wave of molasses
flowing through the nearby streets. It wrecked everything in its path -peoples homes, warehouses,
even part of the local train line. It tossed wagons, horses, and furniture into the air. Several people
and animals were drowned by the swiftly moving wave of syrup. All in all, 21 people, 12 horses,
and one cat were killed, and 150 people were injured.
The molasses was almost a meter deep in the streets around the storage tank. Rescue work was
nearly impossible because rescuers couldnt walk through the sticky stuff. It sucked the shoes right
off their feet. Molasses filled the cellars of neighborhood houses, and it took months to pump it out.
The streets and buildings had to be washed with salt water because fresh water couldnt remove the
stuff. As a result of the flood and ensuing clean up, Boston Harbor was dark brown for six months.
To this day, some people claim that on a hot day they can still smell molasses in the neighborhood.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. A disaster in Boston
B. Clean up of Boston Harbor
C. Different ways to use molasses
D. The history of a molasses company
7. Why did the man paint the storage tank brown?
A. Brown was his favorite color.
B. He had many extra liters of brown paint.
C. He didnt want to fix the leaks in the tank. D. A paint company gave him free brown paint.
8.. How fast did the wave of molasses move?
A. Ten meters an hour
B. Sixteen meters an hour
C. Sixteen kilometers an hour
D. Sixty kilometers an hour
9. What was the muffled roar?
A. The angry shouts of neighborhood residents
B. The noise of a train stuck in the molasses
C. The screams of frightened people
D. The sound of rushing molasses
10. What does stuff mean in paragraph 4?
A. possessions
B. fill
C. thing
D. push

PART 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage

In cities in the United States, there are clocks in most stores,

factories, and (1).buildings. Radio announcers give the correct
time (2). the day. People here think that it is (3). to know
the time. Most Americans have watches. They want to do certain things
at certain times. They dont want to be late.
Time is not (4). important to people everywhere. Suppose you
visit a country in South America. You would find that people (5).
there do not like to rush. If you had an appointment with some friends,
they would (6).. be late. They would not want to arrive (7)
In South America, even the radio programs may not begin right on
time. Nor do the radio people think it important to announce the exact
In South America, many people think of a clock (8).. a machine.
They feel that people who do everything on time are (9) clocks
run their lives. They dont want a clock or any machine to have that
much power (10).their lives.

Your answer
1. other
2. During
3. important
4. So
5. living
6. probably
7. on
8. as
9. letting
10. over

PART 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the original sentence.
1. They have been living here for six years now.
They moved here six years ago
2. Who has been sitting in my chair? said the chairman.
The chairman wondered who had been sitting in his chair.
3. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
If I was you I would forget about buying a new house
4. The furniture was so expensive that I didnt buy it.
The furniture was too expensive for me to buy
5.I ate dinner. I did the washing up.
When I had eaten dinner. I did the washing up

PART 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I'm glad you like your job. In your next letter, tell me about it!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.

Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it






Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
Good morning! This morning on 'Holiday Time' I want to tell you about the cycling trip I took
recently to Northumberland in the (6) _____nouth_______ of England. Before I went I read a book
by Peter Green whose title is Cycling around Northumberland, which I found really (7)
______useful______when planning my route.
Northumberland is a beautiful area of England and perfect for cycling. There is very little (8)
______traffic______ on the roads and plenty to see and do. For example, why not visit a castle?
More of them are open to the public here than in any other part of the country. While I was there I
actually (9) _____stayed_______ in a flat in a castle, but there are many hotels, cottages or bed and
breakfast places to choose from. In the summer it is important to book in (10)
______advance______, but I recommend going in the spring, as it is not so difficult to find
somewhere to stay at that time of the year. You will find that some places are closed in winter.
Most of the small towns in the area have cycling (11) _____center_______ where you can hire a
bicycle. A week's hire will cost thirty-five pounds, two weeks will be fifty-five pounds. There is
also a (12) _____deposit_______of fifty pounds, which you get back when you return the bicycle.
Try to plan your holiday when there is a (13) ______local______ event or festival happening. I
went in June and was lucky enough to go to a festival of local food, Every August there's an (14)
______international______ festival of music, but you'll find something going on in almost every
month of the year.
Ring the Northumberland National Park if you're (15) _____interested_______ in finding out
about their activities - they have a programme of guided walks, photography and bird watching.
Ring them on 880046



PART I. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.

1. In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur ............ a misunderstanding.
A. for
B. of
C. because of
D. because
2. Since they won the lottery, the Powells ............ a life of luxury in Italy.
A. live
B. had lived
C. have lived
D. are living
3. He spent ............ dollars on food and drinks.
A. only a few
B. only few
C. very a few
D. only a little
4. The speed of light is ............ the speed of sound.
A. the fastest
B. much faster than C. as fast
D. faster
5. ............ impressive chapter in the book was the chapter on Stuarts scientific theories.
A. It was the most
B. The most
C. Most
D. Most of the
6. The dish ............ Is it spicy?
A. smells good
B. smells well
C. is smelled good D. is smelled well
7. Some people ............ sport to keep fit, not because they like it.
A. do
B. make
C. train
D. practice
8. She ............... a living working as a magician at children parties
A. earns
B. gains
C. has
D. wins
9. I want to have my suit cleaned. I ........... to a wedding on Saturday.
A. will
B. have been
C. am
D. am going
10. The noise got ................. as the car disappeared into the distance
A. smaller
B. fainter
C. weaker
D. slighter
11. They decided .............. the house although it was not in very good condition
A. buying
B. to buy
C. bought
D. not to buy
12. It all depends on ............... you want to consult.
A. who
B. for whom
C. with whom
D. of whom
13. Lets go dancing, .................?
A. shall we
B. will we
C. do we
D. lets not
14. Because the first pair of trousers did not fit properly he asked for......
A. another trousers
B. the other one
C. others trousers D. another pair
15. He kept his job ................. the manager had threatened to sack him
A. despite
B. unless
C. even
D. although

PART 2: Questions 1-5

Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.
Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D
A. The librarian needs to see your books before you go
B. Make sure you take all your books with you.
C. The librarian will show you where to put your books.
D. Return your books before you leave the library.
A. You need a special ticket to travel on a Friday.
B. Supersaver tickets cannot be bought before the weekend.
C. You can save money by travelling on a Friday.
D. Supersaver tickets can be used every day except Fridays.
A. Drinks cannot be ordered at the bar.
B. This machine is not working at the moment.
C. There is a drinks machine in the bar.
D. Use this machine when the bar is closed
A. This door must always be kept locked.
B. Lock the room when it is not being used.
C. This room cannot be used at present.
D. Keep the key to this door in the room
A. Do not park in front of this entrance.
B. Only use this entrance in an emergency.
C. Permission is needed to park here.
D. Always keep this door open.


Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
Chinese White Dolphins
When one thinks of the colorful creatures of the sea, dolphins are not usually the first to come
to mind. Though they are born dark gray like other dolphins, Chinese white dolphins become pink
by the time they reach maturity. There are a number of theories about why they change color over
time. Some biologists believe it is because the dolphins eat shellfish. Others say it is their blood
showing through their skin, similar to humans when we blush. Their rarity has led Chinese white
dolphins to become both a tourist attraction and an endangered species.
Despite the damage that has been done to the western waters of Hong Kong, they are still the
preferred habitat of the Chinese white dolphin. The construction of Hong Kongs Chep Lap Kok
Airport in the late 1990s caused a great deal of stress for the local dolphins. Their population
dropped from a mere 400 or so to less than 100. While the airport was under construction, boat
traffic increased, the water became polluted, and the noise disrupted the dolphins ability to
navigate and communicate. Most of the baby dolphins that were born during the construction of
this airport did not survive. Since so few of these dolphins reach the age of reproduction, the
species is in danger of extinction.
People come from near and far to watch the playful behavior of these rare dolphins, which
perform like acrobats in their natural environment. In a move known as breeching, a dolphin jumps
right out of the water, flopping back in with a gigantic splash. Though they appear to be playing,
dolphins may breech in order to scare off predators, or simply to scratch an itch. Tourists also love
to spot Chinese white dolphins that are spy hopping. With this trick, dolphins come halfway out of
the water in order to snoop around. The curiosity of humans and dolphins combined, however,
creates various dangers for these rare animals. Humans in their boats get too close to the dolphins.
Many dolphins are injured or killed by fishing gear and boat engines.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Dolphin tricks
B. Colors of dolphins
C. Dangers for dolphins
D. A rare and interesting dolphin
7. Why are Chinese white dolphins pink?
A. They eat shellfish.
B. They blush.
C. Their blood is very bright.
D. Nobody knows for sure.
8. What was a result of construction in the waters near Hong Kong?
A. The dolphins had difficulty communicating.
B. The dolphins disrupted work on the airport.
C. The dolphins found another place to live.
D. The dolphins stopped having babies
9. Why might dolphins sometimes get close to tourists?
A. The dolphins are hungry.
B. The dolphins are curious.
C. The dolphins want to be scratched.
D. The dolphins like the sound of boat engines.
10. What does dropped mean paragraph 2?
A. left out
B. got smaller
C. collapsed form being exhausted
D. let fall from the hand

Part 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage




Your answer

Farmland is very important to every country in the world. Farmland

(1)the food needed by people everywhere. (2) owns
this land?
Farmland may be owned by the farmers who work the land. It may be
owned by people who have others farm it. In some places, a (3)
owns the farmland.
In England, many farmers rent their land. Some families have farmed
a piece of land for generations without (4) it. In Chile, most
farmland was once owned by a few (5).. landowners. Workers
farmed the land for them. But during the 1940s, many landowners
divided their land (6)..small farms and sold it. Today, there are
fewer large farms but many smaller ones.
In China, large groups of farmers own most of the (7). together.
The families in each group (8) to raise certain crops and
livestock. (9) family also owns a small plot for its own use. In
the United States, most farmland is owned by the families who farm the
land. A few farmers rent their land from others. In the 1990s, (10)
90 percent of American farmers owned all or part of the land they

1. supplies
2. Who
3. government
4. Owning
5. wealthy
6. into
7. Land
8. agree
9. each
10. Almost

PART 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the original sentence.
1. Can you come to her party tomorrow? asked Pete.
Pete asked me if I could go to her party the next day
2. Theyve changed the deadline of the assignment.
The deadline of the assignment has been changed
3. She has to take some medicine or she wont get better.
If she doesnt take any medicine she wont get better
4. The machine cost over a million pounds. I have to use it in my job.
The machine which I have to use in my job cost over a million pounds.
5. I last borrowed you some money two weeks ago
I have nt borrowed from you any money
PART 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I know you've just come back from holiday. Tell me about the
holiday and whether you enjoyed it!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.

PART 1 Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it






PART 2 Questions 6-15

Fill in the missing word
Personal computers, or PC, are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot
imagine life (6) _____without_______ them. One of the most important people in making these
machines work is Bill Gates.
Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He (7) _____grew_______ up in a rich family.
His parents sent him to a (8) _____private_______school. There he met his business partner, sir.
Paul Allen. When they were in the eight grade, they were writing programs for business computers
and making money.
In 1973, Gates was (9) ______accepted______ at Harvard University. His parents were happy.
They thought he would get over his obsession with computers and become a (10)
______lawyer______ like his father. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a
computer with his friend sir Paul Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at
Harvard. They were (11) ______writing______ the program that would run one of the first
personal computers. In 1975, they (12) ______Created______ a company called Microsoft to sell
their product.
Sir Paul Allen became ill with cancer and (13) ______left______Microsoft in 1983. He recovered
a few years later and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By
1990, at the age of thirty four, Gates was the (14) ______youngest______ billionaire in the history
of the United States. He was the "King of Software". He achieved his success with a lot of hard
work. For more than ten years, he worked sixteen- hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream
and the will to (15) ______succeed_____. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.



I. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.

1. The train will leave the station .................. ten minutes
A. until
B. for
C. during
D. in
2. He .................. newspapers for ten years.
A. is selling
B. sells
C. has been selling D. has been sold
3. This dinner looks ......... to me.
A. well
B. badly
C. good
D. nicely
4. .........? She is tall and smart.
A. How is she like
B. What is she like C. What is she
D. Who is she
5. The news was ......... to them that they were all dead silent.
A. so shock
B. such shock
C. such a shock
D. too shocked
6. We were prevented .................. going fishing by the bad weather.
A. in
B. on
C. from
D. at
7. After I .................. at the bus terminus, I found a crowd of schoolboys.
A. have arrived
B. arrived
C. had arrived
D. had been arriving
8. The motor car has had an enormous effect .................. in North America
A. in daily life
B. in daily lives
C. on daily life
D. to daily life
9. Bill hasnt arrived yet - I wonder ..................
A. when he will come B. when he is come C. when to come
D. when he will come
10. If I .................. the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.
A. have
B. will have
C. had
D. can have
11. How long ......... your car before you decided to sell it?
A. have you had
B. have you
C. youve had
12. ...... going to the party.
A. Everybody are
B. Every people is C. Every people are
13. We traveled to the capital city with only ......... luggage.
A. a few
B. a lot of
C. any
14. Our children ............. to the water park every Sunday.
A. enjoy to take
B. enjoy to be taken C. enjoy being taken
15. Air pollution is a ......... of ill-health in human beings.
A. damage
B. make
C. reason
PART 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.
Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D

D. had you had

D. Everyone is
D. a little
D. enjoy taken
D. cause


A. Wait upstairs to see the nurse.

B. The nurse will tell you when it is your turn.
C. The nurse can only see patients with appointments
D. Go upstairs to make an appointment with the nurse


A. If you spend more than 10, you must pay by credit card.
B. We prefer cash for large sales.
C. If you spend less than 10, you cannot pay by credit card.
D. We make a charge if you pay by credit card.


A. Damaged fruit must be paid for.

B. Choose your fruit and then pay for it.
C. Do not touch the fruit before paying for it.
D. Self-service fruit is cheaper


A. The travel agency has moved its entrance.

B. The entrance to the bank is through the library.
C. The library is now a travel agency.
D. The travel agency is no longer open


A. Do not forget to put your luggage outside your room.

B. Bags left in the corridor will be removed
C. Bags will be collected from the corridor.
D. Keep the corridor clear of luggage

Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
The Dating Supermarket
Although Paris is often considered the city of romance, close to a million adults who call it
home are single. Many single people say that France's capital is one of the most difficult places to
meet people. The complaints of this lonely group have inspired a new phenomenon known as

"supermarket dating". At Galerie Lafayette Gourmet, singles can shop for more than just the items
on their grocery list. They can look for someone who has blue eyes, brown hair, and is 1.8 meters
tall, or whatever may be on their romantic shopping list.
At this Paris location, single people of all ages can schedule their shopping for Thursday nights
between 6:30 an 9:30 P.M. When they walk through the door, they pick up a purple basket to
advertise that they are looking for love. They try to arrive early because the baskets disappear
quickly, and then they have to wait in line for their turn to wander the store aisles. With purple
baskets in hand, shoppers can consider their romantic options while they pick out their groceries.
When they are ready to pay, they can go to the checkout line that is especially for singles who want
to chat.
Most of the people who look for love in the supermarket are skeptical of Internet dating. They
know that it is too easy to embellish one's appearance or to lie about one's age over the Internet.
The supermarket, on the other hand, is considered a safe and casual environment in which to meet
a potential match. In addition, what one finds in another's grocery basket can say a thing or two
about that person's character or intentions. Buying pet food can be a man's way of showing a
potential match that he has a sensitive side. Women who fill their baskets with low fat food show
their healthy style of living. These days it's possible to find much more than food at a grocery store.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Grocery shopping
B. The best stores in Paris
C. A place to meet potential dates
D. The disadvantages to Internet dating
7. What is Galerie Lafayette Gourmet?
A. A Singles club
B. A beauty salon
C. A grocery store
D. A dating service
8. What do shoppers at Galerie Lafayette Gourmet use purple baskets to do?
A. To show that they want a date
B. To hold a lot of groceries
C. To look fashionable
D. To get a discount
9. According to the passage, why do people look for love in the supermarket?
A. Because all the shoppers are good - looking
B. Because dating services are too expensive
C. Because it's safer than Internet dating
D. Because it's very convenient
10. What does turn mean in paragraph 2?
A. bend
B. change
C. opportunity to do something
D. short walk

PART 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage


because of


Your answer

Go to a city anywhere in Canada. In it you will find people who own

businesses, people who work in businesses, and people who buy
products and services (1).businesses. One thing keeps the
products and services flowing from producers to (2)..: money.
Workers use the money they earn to buy things they need and want.
Companies use that money to make more things (3).. people need
and want.
People who start companies also have to convince (4).. people to
invest in them. To get people to invest, companies offer them a chance to
(5).money. They can do this (6)..a number of ways.
Some companies sell stock. The people who buy stock own a piece of
the company. (7) the company makes a profit, so will the
stockholders. If the company does not do well, stock-holders may lose
their money.
Businesses (8).also sell bonds. People who buy bonds lend
their money to the company. To make it worthwhile for lenders,
companies pay interest on the money.
Businesses also get loans from banks. They pay interest to the bank.
The bank uses the money in peoples bank (9). to make loans. It
pays them interest in exchange for (10).. their money.

1. from
2. buyers
3. that
4. other
5. make
6. by
7. if
8. can
9. accounts
10. using

PART 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the original sentence.
1. Dont forget to feed the cat everyday she said to her husband
She told her husband not to forget to feed the cat everyday
2. Because the traffic was heavy, I came to the meeting fifteen minutes late.
Because of heavy traffic, I came to the meeting fifteen minutes late
3. He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.
He ran too fast for me to catch up with him
4. An American chemist invented Nylon in the early 1930s.
Nylon was invented by an American chemist in the early 1930s
5. I did my homework. I asked my father to check it for me.

After doing my homework, I asked my father to check it for me

PART 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
I know you've just moved to a new house. In your next letter, could
you describe it to me?
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.

PART 1 Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it






PART 2 Questions 6-15

Fill in the missing word
Ann Johnson has worked at this college for (6) _____three______ years. She is a responsible
employee and gets on well with the other (7) _____member______ of the department. We have all
found her to be an (8) _____excellent______ colleague. She is always on time for work. She is an
(9) _____extremely______ reliable staff member who is able to work independently. I can always
rely on her creative thinking. Her students often tell me how (10) _____kind______ she is. She is
always ready to (11) ______help_____ with a smile and she is cheerful to all of them. In private,
she is not very talkative and seems rather (12) _____shy______. Her work is excellent, and she is
determined to succeed. She is also quite (13) _____ambition______ and has applied for the
position of Director of Studies. I think that you can (14) _____count______on Ann to make your
school a success and I recommend her for the post of (15) _____director______.

PART I. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. She told me I would have an accident if I ............ more care.
A. m not taking
B. havent taken
C. wont take
D. didnt take
2. When she reached the cinema, she .................. a ticket.
A. buying
B. is buying
C. bought
D. will buy
3. For a long time after the accident, he suffered from a constant ............. in his back.
A. pain
B. ache
C. hurt
D. injury
4. You will ................. yourself a lot of time if you take a taxi.
A. spend
B. make
C. spare
D. save
5. Can I help you? - ....................
A. I dont like this, Im afraid
B. Very good
C. No, thanks. Im just looking
D. No, you cant
6. Would you mind ..................the television on?
A. turn
B. to turn
C. turning
D. to turning
7. I have been looking for this book for months, and ............. I have found it.
A. in time
B. at the end
C. last
D. in the end
8. He passed the exam ................. his laziness.
A. because of
B. because
C. instead of
D. in spite of
9. My father had the telephone ........... out of his office.
A. take
B. taken
C. to take
D. taking
10. Heathrow is airports in the world.
A. one of the busier B. one of busiest
C. one of the busiest D. busiest
11. If you put on some clothes in a shop to see if they are the right size, you
A. try them on
B. try them out
C. take them back
D. take them off
12. ................... blind can see nothing.
A. The
B. A
C. All
D. Every
13. The mirror was ................... broken.
A. accident
B. accidentally
C. accidental
D. by accident
14. Its a long walk to your house from here, Ill give you a/an in my car if you like.
A. lift
B. elevator
C. stair case
D. ladder
15. He never goes to the market, ...................?
A. doesnt he
B. does he
C. is he
D. isnt he
PART 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.

Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D


A. We charge to repair computers not bought here

B. We will not mend computers bought from other shops.
C. Bring your computer here for repairs.
D. Computers bought here never need repairing.


A. We can train you to work here.

B. We are not open today because of staff training.
C. The shop will open at 9:30 today.
D. The shop is run by trained staff.


A. There will be two ticket offices after 17 September.

B. The new ticket office is now open.
C. This ticket office will close on 16 September.
D. This ticket office will be closed for one day.


A. This car park is for patients only.

B. This car park is for ambulances only.
C. Patients can only use this car park in emergencies.
D. Patients can only park here with permission.


A. If you find your name on this list, you can go on the trip.
B. This list shows who has been chosen to go on the trip.
C. Check this list for information if you are going on the trip.
D. This list should be signed by people wanting to go on the trip.

Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
David Beckham
Soccer fans are crazy about their favorite teams. They are even wilder about their favorite
players. One of the most popular soccer players in the world is David Beckham. He is so famous

that even people who dont follow soccer know his name. Beckham became a celebrity because he
is one of a kind. He has talent, passion, and a distinct image that people cant get enough of.
David Beckham has always had a passion for soccer (or football, as it is known in his country,
England). As a boy, he dreamed about playing for Manchester United. In 1991, his wish came true
when he qualified for Uniteds junior team. Beckhams team won the Football Association Youth
Cup in his first season. The next year, when he was only 18 years old, he became a professional
player. By outshining the other players on his team, Beckham landed the role of team captain. Fans
and teammates were amazed by how well he took penalty kicks and how far he could kick the ball.
Scoring a goal from the halfway line proved that he deserved to be the highest-paid soccer player
in the world. Changing teams from Manchester United to Real Madrid only heightened Beckhams
One of the reasons people love David Beckham is because he is not afraid to show his true self.
Appearing in public in a sarong or with painted nails does not seem to faze him. While many
celebrities try to hide from the media, Beckham loves to experiment with fashion in the public eye.
His hair and fashion styles have set trends all over the world. After the 2002 World Cup, there were
blond Mohawks throughout Korea. When Beckham shaved off half of an eyebrow, many young
people did the same thing. In Japan, one company made a three-meter-high chocolate statue of
Beckham and convinced him to be their spokesperson. There are other sides to Beckhams
personality, too. Many fans love the fact that he is also a dedicated father: he and his wife, Victoria,
have three children.
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. David Beckhams family
B. David Beckhams fashion styles
C. Manchester United
D. A popular soccer player
7. What did Beckham do in 1991?
A. He started playing for Manchester Uniteds junior team.
B. He became a professional soccer player.
C. He joined the Real Madrid team.
D. He became team captain.
8. How has Beckham experimented with fashion?
A. He painted his nails.
B. He shaved off half an eyebrow.
C. He wore a blond Mohawk.
D. All of the above
9. What is probably true about David Beckham?
A. Hes very shy.
B. He never has fun.
C. He enjoys attention.
D. Hes a follower, not a leader.
10. What does follow mean in paragraph 1?
A. walk behind
B. understand
C. be a fan of
D. chase
PART 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage





Your answer

The English language is different from any other language. Yet, (1)
..most other languages, ours is always changing. We need new
words for new (2) and new ideas. Different words come into (3)
., or older words are used in a new way.
English can change by (4).. words from other languages.
Tomato was borrowed from Mexico and pajamas from India. The word
coffee came from Turkey, and tea came from China. Now new space and
science words are (5). borrowed from other countries, too.
New words are also made by adding two words (6)..
Strawberry, popcorn and grandfather are words made up of two parts.
(7). new words are shorter form of older words. The word photo
was made from photograph by cutting off the end of the longer word.
Plane was made by cutting (8).the front part of airplane. Smog
was made by using only the first two and last two letters from the words
smoke and fog.
The names of people and products can become new words. Our
sandwich was named (9).. a man named Sandwich. Scotch Tape,
Band-Aid, and Jell-O were names made up by the companies that first
(10). the products.

1. like
2. inventions
3. Use
4. borrowing
5. being
6. Together
7. sometimes
8. Off
9. After
10. made

PART I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the original sentence.
1. Students find it difficult to master Listening Skill.
It is difficult for student master listening skill
2. Someone had broken the chair before I came in.
The chair had been broken before I came in
3. She is preparing breakfast. She started doing it when she got up.
She has been preparing breakfast since she got up
4. Although we played with ten men, we won easily.
In spite of the fact that we played with ten men , we won easily
5. I was late for work this morning She said to me.

She told me she had been late for work that morning
PART 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
I know you often play sports at weekends. What's your favourite
sport? Tell me about it!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.

Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it






Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
We are all slowly destroying the Earth. The (6) ______seas_______ and rivers are too dirty to
swim in. There is so much (7) ______smoke_______in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many
of the world's cities. Poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have











______trees_______that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result,
farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough for (10) ______eating_______. In certain countries
in Asia there is too little (11) ______rice_______ Moreover, we do not take enough care of the
countryside. Wild animals are quickly disappearing. For instance, (12) ______tiger_______ are
rare in India now because we have killed too many of them. However, it isn't enough simply to talk
about the (13) ______problem_______. We must act now before it is too (14) ______late_______
to do something about it. Join us now. Save the (15) _____earth________!

I. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
1. I ............... leave without waking my wife up.
A. could
B. succeeded
C. became
D. managed
2. The candidates were very busy ........... their compositions.
A. write
B. having written
C. written
D. writing
3. The bus conductor told him to get off because he couldnt pay the .................
A. bill
B. fare
C. fee
D. journey
4. We are not used ..................... late at night.
A. for studying
B. to studying
C. to study
D. being studied
5. When did you go to work? - As soon as they came in, we ........... to work
A. went
B. were going
C. had gone
D. go
6. He says hes been to ............... restaurant in the town.
A. many
B. every
C. all
D. some
7. Price of cigarettes are very ................ these days.
A. big
B. expensive
C. increased
D. high
8. We stayed at home because Ann wasnt very keen ........ going out ........... the rain.
A. for/under
B. about/in
C. on/in
D. on/under
9. We wanted to give him .............. help, but he turned us down.
A. few
B. little
C. a few
D. a little
10. May I watch the game .............. we are having lunch?
A. while
B. during
C. between
D. just
11. It .............. a year ago.
A. has happened
B. happens
C. happened
D. was happened
12. The buses usually stop ............. before midnight.
A. to run
B. run
C. runs
D. running
13. I was surprised ............. the weather; it rained nearly every day.
A. with
B. at
C. in
D. to
14. What ........ beautiful weather!
A. a
B. the
C. this
D. ----15. Would you like to go out with me tonight? .....................
A. It doesn't matter
B. Sorry, I don't think I can
C. No, I wouldn't
D. Don't mention it
PART 2: Questions 1-5
Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.

Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D


A. A return ticket will save you money on this bus.

B. You can only buy single tickets on this bus.
C. You can only buy tickets at the bus station.
D. Return tickets must always be shown.


A. Give your prescription to the receptionist to check.

B. If you need more medicine, see the receptionist.
C. Tell the receptionist when you want to see the doctor.
D. The receptionist will tell you where to buy medicines.


A. On Saturdays we now stay open longer than before.

B. We are now open all weekend.
C. On Saturdays we now close for lunch.
D. On Saturdays we are now open in the afternoon instead of the


A. If you are late, you must go back to the entrance.

B. If you are late, you must use a different entrance.
C. Latecomers must sit at the back.
D. Latecomers must wait on the stairs.


A. We can only give a discount on certain goods.

B. We can sell you a discount card here.
C. We must see your discount card before we reduce the price on
D. We are selling cards at reduced prices.

Question 6-10
Read the following passage and then circle the best answer A, B,C, or D
Where Did Soccer Originate?
There is great debate over when the first soccer game was played. Many historians believe
that the first games involving kicking a ball were played by Chinese soldiers during the Han

Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. A similar game was played in Japan, Greece, and Rome. In some
cultures, the ball symbolized the sun. The purpose of the game was to capture the sun and ensure
a good growing season.
In medieval times, the European version only remotely resembled the game of soccer that
exists today. It was much more violent in nature, and involved two teams, each one as large as an
entire town or community. Historical records show that soccer was sometimes even played with a
human head. Tripping and biting were also allowed. Before the 1800s, the game was outlawed
throughout much of England. The penalty for playing soccer was time in jail.
In the 1800s, students in Englands colleges and universities became obsessed with the game
once again. This time, rules were established to keep control over the violence and the size of the
teams. However, every school had its own rules, which made it hard for them to compete against
each other. The Football Association was established in 1863 in order to set down rules and govern
the matches between the different teams. Six years later, the game officially became a no hands
The sport also gained popularity in the British navy. Sailors brought their soccer balls on
board and played the game in their free time. Young people around the world showed up to watch
the sailors play and then went home and organized their own teams. By the twentieth century, the
whole world was playing soccer. In 1908, soccer became an Olympic sport. This helped make
soccer the most popular spectator sport in the world. The first World Cup was held in 1930 in
South America. Every four years, the top professionals compete to bring home the World Cup
6. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Soccer in the British navy

B. Ancient soccer games

C. The history of soccer

D. The rules of soccer

7. What was soccer like in medieval Europe?

A. It was very similar to modern soccer.

B. It was a game for soldiers.

C. It was a very violent game.

D. It was played only in jails.

8. Where was the first World Cup held?

A. Europe

B. South America

C. Greece

D. China

9. When was the no hands rule established?

A. By the British universities in 1863

B. By the Football Association in 1869

C. By the Olympic Committee in 1908

D. By the World Cup in 1930

10. What does top mean in paragraph 4?

A. best

B. cover

C. do better than
D. upper surface
PART 3: Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each gap in the following passage





Your answer

Judy Krecek has been (1). for twenty-four years. She teaches
social studies, language arts, computer (2) and other disciplines.
Students in her class read and write, (3)..all students do. Like all
elementary school students, they also play pranks on their teacher. (Ms.
Kreceks says they do it out of love)
Still, in some ways Ms. Kreceks classroom is not like other
classrooms. (4) students do not recognize words, they spell them
out loud instead of pointing to them. Students listen to recorded stories
instead of stories read (5).their teacher. Their tests are recorded,
too. Students must always sit in the same seats for every class. In (6)
, Ms. Krecek uses a talking clock calculator. She does things this
way (7).. she is blind.
When M. Krecek first got her teaching license, she had trouble (8)
..a job. Many people did not think a blind person (9)
.control a class. The principal who hired Ms. Krecek wasnt
concerned. All he wanted to know was if she could teach.
Ms. Krecek is a tough teacher who pushes her students to (10)
their best. To them, she is simply a teacher-not the blind teacher.
Heres how Judy Krecek feels about her job. I love teaching because I
can touch childrens lives and make a difference.

1. Teaching
2. Skills
3. as
4. when
5. By
6. addition
7. because
8. getting
9. could
10. do

PART 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the original sentence.
1. Although my sister was successful, she felt unhappy.
Despite the fact that my sister was successful, she felt unhappy
2. Steven is an architect. His designs have won many international awards.
Steven is an architect who designs have won many international awards
3. We found it difficult to say goodbye.
It was difficult for us to say goodbye
4. She wrote the letter. Then she went to the post office.
After she had written the letter she went to the post office
5. Youve made a terrible mistake, Jane! said Peter
Peter told Jane she had made a terrible mistake

PART 2: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

In your last letter, you said you had some close friends. Tell me
about one of your close fiends!
Now write a letter, answering your friends questions. Write your answer in about
100 words on your answer sheet.
Questions 1-5
There are five questions in this part
For each questions there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick
in the box below it



Questions 6-15
Fill in the missing word
To (6) _____many_____ people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good
(7) ____always______ share joys and sorrows with you and never turn their (8) _____back_____
on you. Your best friends may be someone you have (9) ____known______ all your life or
someone you have grown up with. There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special
relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the (10) _____same_____ activities and sharing
experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt (11) _____relaxed_____
with as if we have known them for ages. However, it really takes you (12) ____years______ to get
to know someone well enough to consider your best (13) ____friend______. To the majority of us,
this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone (14)
_____else_____. Its the person you and tell him or her your most intimate (15) ____secrets_____.

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