Conversation AND INTERVIEW

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Conversation Transcript: (First listen without reading)

M: Hi, whats your name?

C: Im, Carlos
M: Where are you from?
C: Im from Peru, actually, Im from Chosica (a
town near Lima)
M:Chosica. Whats your nationality?
C: Im Peruvian.
M: Great. Im Peruvian too. How old are you?
C: Im thirty one years old, Im old.
M: Oh, Im twenty seven.
C: Yeah right.
M: Hahaha, and, are you single?
C: No, Im not. Im married.
M: Oh, and, what do you do?
C: Im a teacher and also Im an administrator,
like a manager, and as you all know, Im a
M: Where do you work?
C: Well, I work on the Internet and then I teach at
different locations but the main office is in
M: Miraflores, nice place. And, where do you
C: I live in Surco, Santiago de Surco.
M: Who do you live with?
C: I live with of course my wife Marisu, my sister
and mother-in-law, and also my wifes
M: OK, Tell me about your wife.
C: Well, my wife is a teacher too. She works at
centre de Idiomas San Martin de Porres and
shes very beautiful.
M: And, whats she like? (question about
C: Well um, shes smart. Shes tall. She has
brown hair and shes a great person; shes very

M: Great and, what do you like doing in your
free time?
C: Well, I like going to the movies.
M: Ok. How often do you go to the movies?
C: I go well before, we used to (solamos) go
every week but now we go maybe once or twice
a month.
M:What kind of movies do you like?
C: I would say that we like horror and dramas.
M: Ok. And, do you like eating out?
C: Oh yes. We love eating out.
M: What kind of restaurants do you like?
C: Well, we love seafood so we usually go to
cebicherias. Its very common here, its a very
common dish here el cebiche peruano and
every week we go out and.. eighty percent of the
time we have cebiche.
M: Here in Lima we have some nice
restaurants, right?
C: Yeah.
M: And tell me. Whats Lima like?
C: Well, Lima is a very big city. Its the capital of
Peru and it is very crowded, uhh, its polluted but
also it is very interesting. You can do many things
but I think that the most common thing to do is to
go out and dance, go to discos and eat. You
know the food here is amazing I recommend it.
M: Ok, and what about dancing? Do you like
to dance?
C: Yes yes. I love dancing but umm, we dont go
often although yesterday we went dancing. It was
very fun.
M: Ok Carlos. It was a pleasure talking to you.
C: Thank you very much Marisu.
M: Bye. See you then.

Are you a team player?

Sabe usted trabajar en equipo?

Est participando en otros

Are you applying for other jobs?

procesos de seleccin?

Are you willing to put the interests Est dispuesto a poner los
of the organization ahead of your

intereses de la organizacin por


delante de los suyos?

Est usted dispuesto a trabajar

Are you willing to work overtime?

horas extras? Noches? Fines de

Nights? Weekends?


Describe your management style.

Describa su estilo de gestin.

Do you consider yourself

Se considera usted una persona


de xito?

Do you have any questions for me? Tiene alguna pregunta para m?
Do you know anyone who works for Conoce a alguien que trabaje para


Do you think you are overqualified Crees que es demasiado

for this position?

cualificado para esta posicin?

Explain how you would be an asset Explique cmo sera usted un

to this organization

activo para esta organizacin

Have you ever been asked to leave

a position?

Alguna vez le han despedido?

Alguna vez ha tenido que

Have you ever had to fire anyone? despedir a alguien? Cmo se

How did you feel about that?

siente a este respecto?

Cunto tiempo se puede esperar

How long would you expect to work que trabaje para nosotros si es
for us if hired?


If you had enough money to retire

Si tuviera dinero suficiente para

right now, would you?

jubilarse ahora mismo, lo hara?

Si usted tuviera que contratar a

If you were hiring a person for this

una persona para este trabajo,

job, what would you look for?

que usted buscara?

Tell me about a problem you had

Hbleme de un problema que haya

with a supervisor

tenido con un supervisor

Tell me about a suggestion you

Hblame de una sugerencia que ha

have made


Tell me about a time when you

Hbleme de un momento en que

helped resolve a dispute between

ayud a resolver un problema


entre otros.

Tell me about your ability to work

Hbleme de su capacidad para

under pressure.

trabajar bajo presin.

Tell me about your dream job.

Hblame de su trabajo ideal.

Tell me about yourself

Hbleme de usted
Qu sus compaeros de trabajo

What do co-workers say about you? dicen acerca de usted?

What do you know about this

Qu sabe usted acerca de esta



What experience do you have in

Qu experiencia tiene en este

this field?


What has been your biggest

Cul ha sido tu mayor decepcin

professional disappointment?


What have you done to improve

Qu ha hecho para mejorar su

your knowledge in the last year?

conocimiento en el ltimo ao?

What have you learned from

Qu ha aprendido de los errores

mistakes on the job?

en el trabajo?

What irritates you about co-

Qu le irrita de los compaeros de



What is more important to you: the Qu es ms importante para

money or the work?

usted: el dinero o el trabajo?

What is your greatest strength?

Cul es su mayor fortaleza?

What is your philosophy towards

Cul es su filosofa hacia el



What kind of person would you

Con qu tipo de persona se niega

refuse to work with?

a trabajar?

What kind of salary do you need?

Qu sueldo usted necesita?

What motivates you to do your best Qu le motiva a hacer lo mejor en

on the job?

el trabajo?
En qu posicin le gusta ms

What position do you prefer on a

trabajar: en un equipo o como jefe

team working on a project?

de un proyecto?

What qualities do you look for in a


Qu cualidades busca en un jefe?

What would your previous

supervisor say your strongest point Cul sera su punto ms fuerte en

la opinin de su jefe anterior?

Why did you leave your last job?

Por qu dejaste su ltimo trabajo?

Why do you think you would do

Por qu cree que hara bien este

well at this job?


Why do you want to work for this

Por qu quiere trabajar para esta



Why should we hire you?

Por qu deberamos contratarlo?

Would you be willing to relocate if

Estara usted dispuesto a mudarse


si es necesario?

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