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V Semester Mechancial
Subject: Computer Aided Design
Submission Date: On or before 26th October, 2013
Note to students: Draw sketches wherever necessary to support the explanation.
V Sem Mechanical C Section students are required to Write the assignment in A4 sheets
submit with the plastic file/folder
1. Derive the equation of a cubic B-Spline curve defined by four control point. How
does the curve compare with the Bezier curve?
2. Differentiate between Cubic Spline, Bezier curve and B-spline curve.
3. Explain the salient features of B-Spline curve.
4. What shape of a cubic spline curve results if:
a) P0=P1, P1=P0?
b) P0=P1, P1= - P0?
5. Sketch a 4 X 3 Bezier surface and obtain the expression for the surface considering all
the position vectors.
6. Differentiate between Bi-Cubic surface, Bezier surface and B-Spline surface.
7. List the various options available for generation of Line, Circle, Arc and Ellipse using
Solid Edge ST Software.
8. A ruled surface is generated between a Hermite Cubic Spline and Bezier curve. The
Bezier curve is defined by the points Q0=[3 3 -8]T, Q1=[8 8 -8]T and Q2=[12 3 -8]T.
The cubic spline is defined by the P0=[2 2 0]T, P1=[10 2 0]T P0=[3 3 0]T and P1=[3
-3 0]T. Evaluate the points on the resultant surface at u=0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and v=0.1, 0.3, 0.7
9. A tabulated surface is generated by extruding a Bezier curve defined by the points
P1=[2 2 0]T, P2=[6 5 0]T, P3=[9 5 0]T and P4=[13 2 0]T along the vector P5 P1 with
P5=[4 4 -5]T. Evaluate the coordinates of the point at
a) u=0.3, v=0.7

b) u=0.4, v=0.6

c) u=0.5, v=0.5

10. Sketch and explain the working of LCD, LED and Plasma Display used for graphics

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