Project Proposal CDD For Weebly Portfolio

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Project Title
Viable implementation of iPads into a middle school math classroom

Sponsoring Organization
Arlington Public Schools/ Williamsburg Middle School
The Arlington public schools mission is; instill a passion for learning by doing.

Project Description
Implementation of iPads in the classroom creates intervention and
extension of math lessons otherwise not available. This opportunity allows
teachers to become more of a facilitator to create 21st century learning
experiences and independent student learning experiences freeing teachers
to address individual student misunderstandings. It is vital that technology
be implemented with integrity and clear expectations. Time constraints for
teachers create a high degree of anxiety anticipating more work on their
plate with the implementation of the iPads. Low morale for teachers and the
importance for students of viable implementation of iPads indicate a need for
appropriate training.
Opportunities for teacher training based on the goals include:
Small and concise chunks of opportunities for teachers to weave
digital experiences into their lessons.
Clear expectations for teachers on the quantity of student
opportunities that is expected.
Better collaboration of teacher-to-teacher digital findings that
have worked in their classrooms.

Promote teacher and student satisfaction with proper implementation of
iPads into the learning environment.

Target Audience
Middle School Math Teachers

Delivery Options
Delivery of instruction will be blended to include face-to-face and
online. I choose this option because as a math team we meet once a month
with the math specialist. During our meetings she delivers county district
updates and site based training. I will be stepping into this lead position for
2016-17. I would like to offer small opportunities for growth on integrating

iPad use in a math classroom with clear modeling of how this can be

Instructional Need
By observation and interviews with teachers there is a need for
professional development of teachers on integrating iPads into content
The need for training teachers on incorporating iPads into lessons is
vital to the success of the district initiative for a one to one digital learning
environment and to justify the large expenditure to purchase the devices.
Teacher morale and motivation for students to use iPads during instruction
will be greatly increased with proper training on specific content
opportunities. The content learning team will benefit by increased
collaboration and sharing of findings on incorporating iPads into lessons.
Teachers will benefit by increased opportunities to meet expectations and
documentation for yearly evaluations.
There is a gap between rolling out iPads into the hands of middle
school students and quality professional development offered to teachers
with viable options for content instruction.
The aim is to promote teacher and student satisfaction by offering
teachers training opportunities to incorporate iPad technology into content
lessons. Teachers will have an opportunity to create extensions,
reinforcement, or intervention activities for use in existing curriculum
alleviating undue anxiety over time constraints and increasing their comfort
zone using digital devices.


Learner Analysis
Primary Audience
Middle School Math Teachers- Grades 6-8
Secondary Audience
General Learner Characteristics
Male and Female ages 22 to 55.
Well educated with a minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Education
and most with a Masters Degree.
Various Ethnicities
Educational experience ranges from first year new teacher to 20
years in the classroom.
Entry Characteristics
Various levels of skill on using iPads and the functions of an iPad.
Attitudes will range from positive and eager to receive training to
negative feeling their time is being wasted. It will be wise to start
with basic iPad use skills and build up to iPad applications and use in
the classroom. Otherwise the training will be overwhelming for
teachers with little digital experience.
Learning motivation will be critical to the success of the training for
teachers to take away and share with students possible

Contextual Analysis
Orienting Context
It is mandatory for math teachers to meet every other month
with the math coach to receive updates about countywide district
initiatives, testing and updates. Incorporating bits of training on iPads
that add value to teacher lessons will hopefully help teachers set goals
to continue implementation.
Learners who have experience implementing technology into
their classrooms will not question its utility or value added to
instruction. Learners that have little to no experience in
implementing technology may not perceive the suggested utility of
instruction without clear modeling.
There is no specified accountability right now for implementing
iPads into instruction. My goal will be to encourage integrating digital

pieces into lessons with the understanding that eventually yearly

teacher evaluation may include a digital component.
One misconception is teachers perceive that I am responsible for
evaluating and reporting to administration on the use or nonuse of the
iPads during instruction. I will need to convey clearly that I am a tool
to help them along during transition.
Instructional Context
Math meetings and trainings occur once every other month after
school for one hour. This is a challenge to keep teachers interested in
training I want to provide.
Natural light as well as overhead lighting is available in the room.
Students will have been released from school making noise issues
Temperature in the room can be controlled.
There is sufficient seating in the room to accommodate all teachers.
As yet I have not observed any necessary accommodations.
A Smart board, projector, and laptop are available and each teacher
will be asked to bring their iPads to training.
Teachers are already at the school after their regular teaching hours.
Technology Inventory
Each teacher will have a school issued iPad to use 24/7. Network
bandwidth is sufficient to accommodate the 25 users per room.
Transfer Context
Real lesson opportunities will be offered to teachers to take back
to their classrooms and incorporate for their students. My goal is to
incorporate project based learning examples that teachers can use
with students to create their own real life examples using the iPads.
I will make specific availability for teachers that want me to come
into the classroom during their planning time or classroom teaching to
support this initiative.
Support will exists in the form of e-mail questions, phone calls,
and one on one for assistance in implementation of devices.


Application of Learning Theories
In theory knowing that adult learners are growth oriented I will make
the connection to our yearly evaluation system and how embedding the
knowledge gained in training into classroom lessons will meet and/or exceed
administrator expectations. This connection to growth for teachers will also
be a motivation to learn.
I want to capitalize on the fact that adult learners are curious and have
a desire to achieve by offering various opportunities that lead to success and
increase self-esteem.
Creating rewarding training experiences teachers will see that
implementation of digital devices in the classroom is a relevant building
block to their own growth and success. Knowing also that adult learners
have a need to be self-directed training will include numerous choices for
exploration and independent learning. I also hope to help math teachers see
that we need to up the rigor in our math lessons and connect to a global
audience through the use of technology.
It is important that I stick to the allotted time for our training sessions.
I will also reiterate often the practical use of iPad implementation in the
classroom and the connection to growth as an educator.

Application of Motivational Theories

According to the various motivational theories adults are motivated by
how the learning will advance their career and help them perform a better
job. With this in mind I want to help my learners see that the reward of
appropriately implementing iPads in the classroom will include an excellent
yearly evaluation score, increased self esteem of moving forward in a 21 st
century learning environment, and overall professional growth as a teacher.
Kellers ARCS theory of Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction will
be my guideline to structuring appropriate motivation for adult learners. This
theory makes sense to me as an adult learning which feels comfortable for
me to implement.

Impact of a Diverse Audience on Instruction

My audience of middle school math teachers is a diverse group
considering age range, ethnicity and physical abilities. As I move forward on

the project it will become apparent any accessibility my learners may have
on the iPads. Fortunately, iPads come equipped with various accessibility
functions to help learners.
Teachers in my audience have had many different life experiences that
form their personalities, values, beliefs and pedagogy. Exploring many
opportunities using iPads in the classroom will ignite conversations and
sharing incorporating the many backgrounds. Although there are numerous
learning theories that I draw from in my classroom I would say I identify with
constructivism and brain based learning theories most often. Constructivism
is based on collaboration and building new constructs of learning from the
prior knowledge base of the learner. Adults have a depth of knowledge and
experience to draw from making this learning theory ideal in practice. Adults
also work well in collaboration with one another rather than in a mostly
lecturing learning environment. I believe brain based learning offers ideas
that are essential for any age group. It is essential that learners are
comfortable, feel safe, and are relaxed for learning to take place.
Learning characteristics of each individual student will never stop
affecting my desire to provide engaging lessons no matter the ages in the
audience. It is impossible to address every learning style of every human in
the room at every moment. I can be cognizant of the many learning
characteristics and diversities of my audience and provide various
opportunities for learning that address many modalities.

Original goals:
Step 1: Teachers with a high level of confidence and satisfaction
implementing iPads into their content lessons;
Understand basic iPad functionality

Know basic accessibility functions on the iPad

Use screen-casting to record lessons

Understand QR codes

Utilize digital presentation apps

Aware of study skills apps

Acknowledge usefulness of productivity apps

Appreciate the value of having digital networks for ongoing

professional learning

Collaborate in a digital learning environment

Utilize assessment apps

Step 2: Teachers with a high level of confidence and satisfaction

implementing iPads into their content lessons;
Resource the iPad user guide when necessary for self and

Customize their iPad using accessibility features and assist

students with accessibility features of the iPad

Uses a screen-casting app for recording a lesson for student

access outside the classroom

Create presentations using digital apps

Create flashcards in a study skills app and assign study

opportunities to students with the app

Uses a productivity app to stay organized

Initiates and utilizes a professional learning network in a

digital environment

Carries out collaboration consistently in a digital environment

Performs assessments and collects data with a digital app

Step 3: Teachers with a high level of confidence and satisfaction

implementing iPads into their content lessons;
Resource the iPad user guide when necessary for self and

Customize their iPad using accessibility features and assist

students with accessibility features of the iPad

Uses a productivity app to stay organized

Create flashcards in a study skills app and assign study

opportunities to students with the app

Create presentations using digital apps

Uses a screen-casting app for recording a lesson for student

access outside the classroom

Performs assessments and collects data with a digital app

Initiates, utilizes and collaborates consistently in a

professional learning digital network

Step 4
1. The teacher accesses the iPad user guide for reference and
2. The teacher customizes their iPad using the accessibility features.
3. The teacher specifies a productivity app to utilize keeping notes and
staying organized.
4. The teacher creates flashcards for students to study within a study
skills app.

5. The teacher designs a portion of a lesson implementing a digital

presentation app.
6. The teacher chooses a screen-casting app and records a part of a
lesson for student access outside of the classroom
7. The teacher creates an assessment and collects student data using a
digital assessment app.
8. The teacher establishes an account in a professional learning
environment and is able to collaborate with peers.

Teachers with a high level of confidence and satisfaction

implementing iPads into their content lessons access the iPad user
guide, customize their iPad using accessibility features, stay
organized utilizing a productivity app and establish a presence of
collaboration in a digital professional learning environment. A
teacher develops a high degree of self-esteem and successfully
integrates the iPad into classroom learning experiences with viable
professional development opportunities. Teacher training would
include exploring various digital apps on the iPad to utilize in the
classroom content area creating flashcards, designing
presentations, recording lessons, and creating assessments to
collect data.

Goals, Terminal Objectives, and Enabling Objectives

Project (Instructional) Goal

Support and promote teacher and student satisfaction of classroom
implementation of iPads with appropriate teacher professional development
on viable uses of the iPad in content instruction.

Terminal Objectives and Enabling Objectives

Terminal Objective:
Apply the basic functionalities of the iPad to better understand classroom
implications. (Cognitive/Affective) Application
Apply accessibility features of the iPad to better understand classroom
implications. (Cognitive/Affective) Application
Analyze classroom benefits of integrating the iPad into content lessons.
(Cognitive/Affective) Analysis
Justify classroom benefits of integrating the iPad into content lessons.
(Cognitive) Synthesis
Enabling Objectives:
Reference a detailed diagram to identify iPad buttons and connectors by
pointing out on the iPad where the buttons are located to understand basic
iPad features. (Cognitive) Knowledge
Locate iBooks on the iPad and download the iPad User Guide for reference
and troubleshooting. (Cognitive/Psychomotor) Application
Customize the iPad by locating and applying one accessibility function and
describe its use in the classroom. Reference the iPad user guide if needed.
(Cognitive) Application
Browse the App Store on the iPad and install a free app that would be useful
to classroom content. (Cognitive) Make a list and discuss how the app
would be useful in the content area. (Psychomotor) Knowledge
Terminal Objective:

Apply research of several organizational apps to increase professional

productivity. (Cognitive) Application
Utilize a productivity app and recognize ways to save time in workflow and
organization. (Cognitive) Comprehension
Enabling Objectives:
Explore three productivity apps using the iPad. Productivity apps to explore
could include Evernote, Google Drive, Pocket and OneNote. (Cognitive)
Choose one productivity app on the iPad create an account and generate a
notes page of a to do list to stay organized. Examine how opportunities for
using a digital productivity app saves time in work flow and organization.
(Psychomotor/Cognitive) Knowledge
Terminal Objective:
Examine several student study apps on the iPad as student study aids within
the content area. (Cognitive) Knowledge
Determine one student study aid app to use within the content area.
(Cognitive) Comprehend
Enabling Objectives:
Compare and contrast three study skills apps on the iPad such as Quizlet,
StudyBlue, and Poplet for best practices in the content area. (Cognitive)
Identify one study skills app on the iPad and generate a set of flashcards
related to the content area. (Cognitive/Psychomotor) Comprehension
Terminal Objective:
Research and summarize various digital presentation apps for designing a
lesson. (Cognitive) Synthesis
Enabling Objectives:
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of Prezi, Keynote, Haiku Deck
and Slide Shark presentation apps on the iPad. (Cognitive) Evaluation

Create an account on one presentation app on the iPad. (Psychomotor)

Design and demonstrate a content lesson implementing a digital
presentation app on the iPad to share with peers. (Psychomotor/Cognitive)

Terminal Objective:
Investigate several screen-casting apps for recording lessons to enable
blended learning opportunities for students outside of the classroom.
(Cognitive) Application
Enabling Objectives:
Analyze three screen-casting apps on the iPad to include Educreations,
Explain Everything and ShowMe describing the differences. (Cognitive)
Determine and utilize one screen-casting app and record a lesson on the
iPad. (Psychomotor/Cognitive) Application
Create a blended learning opportunity on the iPad for students to access
outside the classroom. (Cognitive) Synthesis
Terminal Objective:
Review various assessment apps on the iPad for use in the content area.
(Cognitive) Comprehension
Enabling Objectives:
Examine three assessment apps on the iPad to include Socrative, Plickers,
and Kahoot identifying likes and dislikes for classroom use. (Cognitive)
Design an assessment on the iPad using a digital assessment app of choice
to assess students and collect student data. (Psychomotor/Cognitive)
Terminal Objective:
Discover various digital learning network communities for professional
development and collaboration. (Cognitive) Application

Participate in a digital collaborative environment with peers. (Cognitive)

Enabling Objectives:
Research various digital learning networks using the iPad such as The
Teaching Channel, Digital Is, and Flipboard and describe how each would
benefit professional collaboration. (Cognitive) Knowledge
Select and establish an account in one digital professional learning
environment using the iPad and participate by collaborating with peers.
(Cognitive) Knowledge


Title of the unit/module:
Integrating iPads into classroom content lessons/ Basic functions of the iPad
Brief description of target audience:
Middle school teachers, ages 22 60, education bachelors to masters plus.
List Terminal Objective Here:
1. Apply the basic functionalities and accessibility features of the iPad to
better understand classroom implications. (Cognitive/Affective) Application
2. Analyze and justify classroom benefits of integrating the iPad into content
lessons. (Cognitive/Affective) Analysis
List Pre-instructional Strategy:
Overview- In this unit you will learn the basic functions of the iPad.
You will be able to identify the exterior buttons on the iPad and their use. You
will be able to find and apply the accessibility functions to customize your
iPad. You will then be able to assist students to apply accessibility functions
on their iPads. You will download the iPad User Guide as a reference for
yourself and to help students in the classroom. Finally, you will locate the
App Store, and be able to download one app that pertains to your content
area. This app will be a starting point of understanding iPad utility and
implication in the classroom.
Enabling Objective

Level on

Activity (What

would learners do
to master this


, self-paced, or

small group)

Reference a diagram
to identify iPad
buttons and
connectors to
understand basic iPad
features. (Cognitive)

y look at a
diagram of the
iPad exterior
display button
locations and
pointing out
the buttons
physically on
the iPad.

Presentation (5

Apply one
accessibility function
to the iPad.


functions and
your iPad by
applying one

Presentation (5

Locate iBooks on the

iPad and download
the iPad User Guide
for reference and


Press the
Home button.
Locate the
iBooks icon on
the iPad home
screen. Open
the iBooks
app. Search
for iPad User
Download the
iPad User

Presentation (5

Browse the App Store

on the iPad and
install a free app.
Analyze how the app
would be useful in
the content area.


Explore the
app store for
free math
apps that you
think could be
useful in your
content area.
Choose one
math app in
the app store
and download
the app to
your iPad.
List and
explain why
you chose this
app and
discuss in your

all Group (20

Instructional Content:
This is a word doc to used as a handout for teachers. I have also included it
as a drop box attachment.
iPad Reference Page-Exterior Front and Back Button Locations
Locate the following buttons on your iPad:
1. Home Button
5. FaceTime HD Camera
2. Volume
6. Sleep/Wake Button
3. Headset Jack
7. Status Bar
4. iSight Camera
8. Multi-Touch Display

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