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3D Design Two

Mrs. Schulman
330.926.3808 ex. 502160


Welcome to Art Studio 309!

I am Mrs. Schulman and I am very happy to have you join me as we explore the world of art
through sculpture.

A little bit about this course: 3D 2 is the advanced course in exploring 3-Dimensional designs
through different media (clay, paper mache, plaster, glass, mixed-media, found object and more).
This course is required for advancement into 3D AP.

Our purpose: (Course is based on the Fine Arts State Standards)

Enhancing skills, techniques and tool use through different mediums.
Techniques such as coil and slab building for clay, found object assemblage, large scale
sculpture, glass fusing, stain glass and more may be explored.
Mastery of these skills will enable the student to explore the medium through selfexpression and establish high levels of craftsmanship.
Emphasis will be placed on increasing the students ability to solve problems (in design,
self expression, creativity, and technical execution).
Students create relationships between form, subject matter, and content.
Students will explore and write reports about both fine and craft artists to open the
students mind and awareness of careers in the the 3D art field and what has been done in
crafts, sculpture, and other 3-D venues.
Students will analyze their personal work, the work of their peers, and the work of
professional artists to formally discuss aesthetics and art.

Project Format: (This is the layout for most projects, but is subject to change based on the
needs of the student and project.)
1st- Project introduction and requirements given by teacher
2nd- Student exploration of the medium
3rd- Project proposal (review rubric)
4th- Project development/execution
5th- Artist Statement, final critique, and completed rubric



What you will need:

*Students will be responsible for providing some personal items to enhance the
individual meaning of particular projects, or students may choose to buy materials if the
classroom materials do not fit their needs for their individual projects.

Course Policies:
Attendance/Rules: School Policy (see Student Handbook)

Make-up/Late work: Students are responsible for making up work missed due to absences,
tardiness, or signing out. Students are expected to contact the teacher for required make-up work
and check the website. Studio time missed must be made up on the students time outside of
class, study hall, IE, before, or after school.

Class Disciplines:
All school policies apply in the classroom (See school handbook).

Classroom Expectations:

Be safe, respect yourself, others, and the studio, have pride.

!Be here, ready to work and learn before the bell rings.

Respect yourself, others, and the art studio.

a. Ex. Do not touch or move other students projects.
b. Ex. Do not use class tools inappropriately.
c. Ex. Use only the tools and materials allotted for your class.

Ex. Appropriate language is asked at all times

(unless you have been injured and require the first aid kit.)
The swear Jar will otherwise be used.
Do your part to keep our studio safe and clean
a. Return all materials to their appropriate place.
Follow directions.
Please NO headphones, MP3 players or food. The materials we will be using make it very
difficult to keep your electronic devices safe. Food is not permitted because you may consume
particles that are harmful- my goal is to always keep us safe and health conscious! Drinks are
fine as long as you have a lid on them. I will play your music through my computer if you ask on
working studio days (first come first serve). The music must have no racial slurs (I reserve the
right to omit inappropriate music).
We will be addressing Dr. Nichols 5 questions:
What are we doing?
Why are we doing it?
Have we been successful?
How do we know?
What are we going to do about it?

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