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Literature review on the

research method used in the

study of job burnout
Hemendra Singh Parihar

Student ID: 21600684

Research Methodologies in Management



Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Maslach burnout inventory
Job burnout methodology in sales profession
Advantages of likert survey
Disadvantages of likert survey

10.Qualitative research for international

11. Bibliography

Research Methodologies in Management


1. Abstract:the objective of this paper is to analyze the methodology used in a likert scale survey of job
burnout. Job burnout is a psychological effect on a person when he or she is involved in
prolonged work related stress and affects that person mentally and physically. To find the reason
for job burnout a research conducted out in Croatia in regards to sales profession. We will look at
what is job burnout its definition and what are the methodology used in carrying out the survey
and what were the result.

Job burnout is a serious problem in any industry as the person affected by this losses motivation
and zeal to continue its work normally which not only affects the overall performance of any
company, but also affects the career of that person. There are some professions such as military,
nursing, doctors and sales professional, who face high level of stress at work as level of
performance demanded by their profession is very high. Job burnout not affects it mentally but
also physically as high level of stress leads to cardiovascular diseases. Mentally a job burnout
patient will experience emotional stress and loss of interest to carry out its work normally.

When searched job burnouts in the proquest library more than 23000 results appeared of which
10 articles were selected to structure this assignment. 5 of which were of survey conducted in
different field of profession on job burnout and rest were on research on what job burnout is and
how it is measured.
We chose sales profession as an example as they face high level of work related stress due to
their targets which they have to meet on a time bound manner this leads to lot of mental strain on
sales professionals which leads them to job burnout.

Research Methodologies in Management


2. Introduction:The main purpose of this study was to assess the methodology of the research carried on the
subject of job stress/job burnout. It Studies assessed the relationship between depression severity
and job performance among employed.
Research is an careful study of any given subject to discover/understand facts and principal so it
can be presented in a detailed manner.

Job burnout can be defines as adverse effect on physical and mental health due to the
requirement of job do not mach capability of the worker .(CDC - NIOSH Publications and
Products - STRESS...At Work (99-101), n.d.)

Job stress has various health effects on the body it not only effects mentally abut can also lead to
cardio vascular diseases. Mentally a job stress can lead a man or women towards depression due
to this a person can feel losses in concentration, attention and motivation this severely impacts
on the performance of employees job performance and could also result in loss of employment.
(Lerner and Henke, 2008) the aim of this paper

To assess the methodology we have looked in to 8 different article on work stress related survey
and we have assessed these in different country gender, industry work hours profession etc. We
can know reason of the research conducted and how we conducted it. We looked in to what job
burnout is and how it affects our health mentally and physically.
When we examined one example of a survey which was conducted in Croatia, on job burnout, in
the field of sales professionals, we understand that the survey had been conducted on sales

Research Methodologies in Management


professionals to understand what they face which is, high level of stress to achieve their targets.
If not doing so they face monetary or professional consequences, which lead them to job
burnout, we look at the hypothesis on which the survey we conducted and how they measure
their results in their survey.

3.QUANTITATIVE RESERCH:-(What is quantitative data? definition and meaning, n.d.)

samples are collected threw survey of respondents and those samples are analyzed and their
meaning is interpreted and expressed numerically which helps the researcher to estimate the
future events or quantities.

4. QUALITATIVE RESERCH:-(What is qualitative data?, n.d.)

The qualitative research defines and describes the data it can be observed and analyzed but
cannot be measured. it helps the researcher of getting detailed explanation and interpretation of

5. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI):Christina Maslach created a scale to assess burnout syndrome these scales was based on level of
emotional exhaustion to depersonalization and personal accomplishment. To measure these
qualitative results likert scale we use. Likert scale is a way of describing qualitative value to
quantitative data, so we can analyze it statistically. A numeric value is assigned to each potential

Research Methodologies in Management


choice and a mean figure for all the response is computed at the end of evaluation of survey.
(What is Likert scale? definition and meaning, n.d.)

Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) few hypothesis are to be designed and based on those

hypothesis questionnaire were developed. Theses questionnaire collect data about the attitude
and feelings of burnout worker using likert scale. An numerical scale was from 1-7 each level
describing very likely to very unlikely scenario of the questionnaire were designed to measure
hypothesized aspects of the burnout syndrome(Maslach and Goldberg, 1998)

Example of one of the survey conducted

6. Job burnout methodology in sales profession:-(Ruzic, 2013)

One survey carried for sales official in Croatia - item reduced scale for measuring burnout for
sales researchers.

As we seen before malash burnout inventory is used to measure burnout of a person this is
measured by likert scale, ascribing qualitative value to quantitative data, so it can be analyzed
Therefore, this survey is both qualitative and quantitative.
It had 6 hypothesis for the reasons of burnout:-

1: how much of job burnout was in sales profession.

Research Methodologies in Management


2: influence of age in burnout

3: influence of gender in sales burnout

4: influence of number of years in job burnout

5: influence of education level in sales job burnout

6: influence of marital status in sales job burnout(Ruzic, 2013)

psychometric analysis of the questionnaire contains
emotional exhaustions
personal accomplishment
and it was targeted on sales professionals on every stage of its organization. The statements
conducted on burnout survey was associated with the Likert scale with seven levels of intensity
(from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree).

coverage of the research was on:age, gender, years in sales, education, marital status, employment agreement

it tried to analyze the effect of job burnout these demographic, educational and marital status in
profession of sales

Research Methodologies in Management


The questionnaire was developed in electronic format

and all the respondents were sent an e-mail of the survey questionnaires .

Survey was conducted on 154 respondents.

Major industry categories for respondents included trade, manufacturing, accommodation, Food,
information and communications, construction, transportation and warehousing.(Ruzic, 2013)

similar survey was conducted on

nurse (Staurovsky, 1992)
principals(Federici and Skaalvik, 2012)
softball coach(Hardin et al., 2015)
clinical research(Ziemba, 2012)
In all of the surveys which were found to be using the Maslach Burnout Inventory method of
psychometric analysis

7. Advantageous of likert survey research:-

Research Methodologies in Management


1. Likert scale is psychometric analysis of measurement of attitude and opinion Large

amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short period
of time and in a relatively cost effective way
2. Likert scale is easily quantifiable and could be computed for mathematical analysis. They
are universal method of survey collection therefore they are easily understood Can be
analyzed more 'scientifically' and objectively than other forms of research
3. When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other research and
may be used to measure change
4. Can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited affect to its
validity and reliability
5. It also allows a person to take an neutral or un decided stand as it does not forces the
participant to take extreme stand on either agreeing or disagreeing on questionnaires. The
results of the questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily measured (The Likert
Scale, 2011)
6. It is very efficient and inexpensive method to collect data as it can be sent thru mail email or in person Can be analyzed more 'scientifically' and objectively than other forms
of research
7. When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other research and
may be used to measure change(9. The advantages and disadvantages of
questionnaires, n.d.)

Research Methodologies in Management


8. It provides frequency intensity and quantity answers which makes it easy to analyze.
(CDC Coffee Break: Using Likert Scales in Evaluation Survery Work cb_february_14_2012.pdf, n.d.)

8. Disadvantages of likert survey research:1. Likert scale is uni-dimensional therefore is only gives 5-7 options and space between
each choice cannot be equidistant.
2. It does not measure the attitude of respondent.
3. Respondent answers might be influenced by previous question.
4. People might refuse to take an extreme option in their answers therefore, it will be
difficult to analyze neutral stand.

9. Conclusion:-


Research Methodologies in Management


JOB BUROUT is an prolonged stress on an individual at work place which leads to

emotional exhaustion lack of motivation it effects the efficiency in his work which can
lead to affect the performance of his company or department and in extreme cases lead to
loss of occupation.(Golembiewski and Munzenrider, 1988) To measure this phenomenon
a survey is conducted and to successfully measure this phenomenon a psychometric
analysis threw maslach burnout inventory is used .Methodology of the Maslach Burnout
Inventory hypothesis testing method using likert scale it is used to pin point statistically
proving or disproving the hypothesis of any survey and was able to give reasons for it. It
also points out the various advantageous and disadvantageous of the likert scale
psychometric analysis(Maslach et al., 2001).


Research Methodologies in Management



2011):It is un-common to do a qualitative research in international business, as international business
is complex and have many paradigms.
A qualitative data helps international business to bring verity of theoretical lences to be
investigated and compare systematically.
A qualitative research can help us to understand the external factor of business in different
countries such as culture, politics, demographical, legal ect.
This paper points out international business is in need of theory and qualitative research can help
to build theorys in terms of profiling of a country for external factors of business.
an qualitative research can help in functioning of an multinational company and give an detailed
insight about the problems facing in internal functioning of multinational company

qualitative research needs to be regularly updated so its data can be relevant for that period of
Qualitative data can be used for theory testing which can be investigated, compared and
challenged the validity of that theory.
Qualitative research helps us to be ready for un-known external issues that might
come up such as, climate change and energy, water availability and food supply, growing
migratory pressures.
Qualitative research helps in providing rich thick description of and different streams to have a
wider knowledge of that theory.(Doz, 2011)


Research Methodologies in Management


Qualitative research was not only uncommon in general business community but also in
academic area as only few leading business school have provided the opportunity of perusing
PhD for qualitative skills.


Research Methodologies in Management



9. The advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires [WWW Document],

n.d. URL
%20Leicester/page_51.htm (accessed 3.6.16).
CDC Coffee Break: Using Likert Scales in Evaluation Survery Work cb_february_14_2012.pdf, n.d.
CDC - NIOSH Publications and Products - STRESS...At Work (99-101) [WWW
Document], n.d. URL (accessed
Doz, Y., 2011. Qualitative research for international business. J. Int. Bus. Stud. 42,
582590. doi:
Federici, R.A., Skaalvik, E.M., 2012. Principal self-efficacy: relations with burnout, job
satisfaction and motivation to quit. Soc. Psychol. Educ. Int. J. 15, 295320.
Golembiewski, R., Munzenrider, R., 1988. Phases of Burnout: Developments in
Concepts and Applications.
Hardin, R., Zakrajsek, R., Gaston, B., 2015. The Relationship Between Job
Satisfaction and Burnout in Fast-Pitch Softball Coaches. J. Contemp. Athl. 9, 1
Lerner, D., Henke, R.M., 2008. What does research tell us about depression, job
performance, and work productivity? J. Occup. Environ. Med. 50, 401410.
Maslach, C., Goldberg, J., 1998. . Appl Prev Psychol 7, 63.


Research Methodologies in Management


Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W.B., Leiter, M.P., 2001. Job burnout. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 52,
Ruzic, E., 2013. An Investigation on the Phenomenon of Job Burnout in the Sales
Profession. Ekon. Misao Praksa 22, 7995.
Staurovsky, L.G., 1992. Burnout in nurse faculty: Relationship to job satisfaction and
self-identified job related stressors (Ph.D.). The University of Texas at Austin,
United States -- Texas.
The Likert Scale: Advantages and Disadvantages, 2011. . Field Res. Organ. Psychol.
What is Likert scale? definition and meaning [WWW Document], n.d. URL
(accessed 3.6.16).
What is quantitative data? definition and meaning [WWW Document], n.d. URL
(accessed 3.7.16).
Ziemba, S.J., 2012. Job roles and burnout among clinical research staff in nonacademic community cancer centers (Ph.D.). Capella University, United
States -- Minnesota.


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