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P E R S O N S A N D F A M I LY R E L A T I O N S | 1

Unless otherwise provided refers a

specific date of effectivity but if the law is
silent as to its effectivity, the law shall take

Civil Law

Determines and regulates those relations of

existing among members of a family, as well
as among members of a society for
protection of private interests.
Governs the private relations of society.

effect on the 16th day (first day excluded, last

day included)


Collection of laws of the same kind.

A body of legal provisions referring to a
particular branch of law.

Civil Code

A collection of laws which regulate the

private relations of the members of civil
society, determining their respective rights
and obligations, with reference to persons,
things, and civil acts.


1. Spanish Civil Code of 1889;
2. Codes, laws, and judicial decisions as well
as the work of jurists of other countries;
3. Doctrines laid down by the Supreme Court
of the Philippines;
4. Filipino customs and traditions;
5. Philippine statutes; and
6. The Code Commission itself

August 30, 1950 date of effectivity of the

Civil Code

Rules on effectivity of laws:
Executive Order No. 200

Before the Order: If published in the Official

After such Order: If published in a
newspaper of a general circulation

Why is there a need for publication?

Requirement is indispensable
Due process of the law
Once published, the people are presumed
to have knowledge of the law even if they
have not read it it would be the height of
injustice to punish or burden a citizen for
the transgression of the law of which he
had no notice




1. Published for dissemination of local news

and general information;
2. Has a bonafide list of paying subscribers;
3. Published at a regular interval

Those required to be published:


Presidential Decrees and Executive Orders

promulgated by the President in the exercise
of legislative powers
Administrative Rules and Regulations, if their
purpose is to enforce or implement existing
law pursuant to a valid delegation
Monetary Board Circulars, if they are meant
to fill in the details of the Central Bank Act
which the body is supposed to enforce
* does not include circulars which are mere
statements of a general policy
All statutes, including those of local
application and private laws
* does not include Supreme Court decisions
because lawyers are expected to keep
abreast of decisions particularly published in
the SCRA, SCAD (Supreme Court Advanced
Decisions), and law journals

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