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3 2 4 - 325, G a l a x y Mall, S M R o a d , Beside Haridas Park Society. Vimanagar, A h r n e d a b a d 380015
101.: 079.403081 86, C&I : 98240 96968 na~ar.rajendra@v~yaca~com

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Boilrd of Directors of Cl~arteredLogistics 1,imiled

Wc have audited thc quarrerly financial results oEChartercd Logistics Limited for the quaner ended 31!03:2016 and
tho year to date results for the period 0104;2015 to 3li0312016, attactled herewith, being submitted by the company
pursuant to the requimnrent of Regulation 33 of the SEBl (Listing Obligatiatis and 1)isclosure Requirements)
Reguiadons, 2015. These quarterly financial results as \veil as the year to date tillancia1 results ]lave been prepared on
the basis of the interim financial statements, which are the responsibility of the company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial staiernenrs,
which have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and nleasumloent pri~lcipleslaid do\vn in Accounting
Standard for hitcrim Financial Reporting (AS 25 1 lnd AS 34). prescribed, under Section 133 of die Companies Act.
2013 read with rclcvilnt rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted inIndia.
We cmdiicted our audit in accordance with tile auditing starldards georraliy accepted in India. l'hose sta~dardsrequire
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether rhe financial results are free of
oraterial misst?ten~ent(s).An audit incllldcs examioing. on a test basis, evide~~cc
supporting the amourlts disclosed as
tinnncinl rcsults. An strdit atso includes =sessing the. accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
managenzenr. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations gven to us Ulese quarterly finnncinl
results as well as the year to dateresults:
are presented in itccor<hnce with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBl (Listing Ohli_eationsand
L>isclostse Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and

give a true and fair view of the nct profit and other financial information for the quarter ended
3l!O?;2016 as rrcefl as the year to date results for the period frotu 011011201 to31/03/2016.

For, Vidy:r & Co.

Chartered Accoimtants


.4hmedabad,30'~ May, 1016

H e a l Ofllce : 316. Cenhe Polnf. 21, Hemanta Basu Saranl. Kolkala - 7W MI Ph. : 2213 3231 132 1 3 5 Einoll : inf~@M&oco.Branch Offlce: F 27. ~haguinMall. Film City Rwd. Goregaon East. Murnbal-4W063 Ph. :2841 2567 Emdl : nagar.amitB\
Branch Office: 703. hagotl Tower. 26.RaJendra Place. New Delhi 110 WE. Ph. : 2576 4791 E-mail :a g w w d . s a n f e e ~ ~ o D ~ o m

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