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Bizarre Make-up

Hobby can be defined as an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or

relaxation and it is not a main occupation. Hobby can reflect the personality of
certain people as that is their ways to make their life full of color.
Khalilah Khalid is one of the most admirable persons. Currently, she is
studying at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). The hobby that should be
highlighted was really worth and unique. Her hobbies started from the
kindergarten which is drawing but for the make-up it started about 7 years ago.
Most people know that make-up is usually worn to make someone more
beautiful but not for Khalilah. Her strange hobby is bizarre make-up. It is not just
a common make-up but the make-up was based on certain characters such as
DOTA games, anime and sometimes she will make-up herself based on her
imagination on her favorite genres. Her favorite genres are witch, horror,
fantasy, gothic and etc.
There might be certain people who will think she is abnormal or crazy to
make-up herself as shown at the picture but she is really great and brave enough
to express herself through arts. She said that to pursue her hobby can helps her
release stress, make her happy and more imaginative although this hobby takes
time and ended with her sleeping late at night. She also stated that her hobby
helps in expresses her ideas more and improves her skills in drawing or arts. She
always refers to a few websites or pages such as DevianArt and Instagram to
gain new knowledge about arts or shares her hobby.
There are certain parents who will prevent their children from continuing their
hobby as it is different and weird. However, for Khalilah, she was really lucky as
her parents supported her to proceed with her eccentric hobby although her
father set a limit in her ways to play with the make-up. Her father always
reminds her that she is a Muslim girl so that she will not astray in her enjoyment.
For those who wants to be like her or has the same interest, she said that
confidence is crucial and always practice to be better in future. Besides, she said
that to gain popularity or compliments from people was not the main intention of
hobby. She also added that anything that we do must for ourselves and our
pleasure not for others. Hobby is the best medication for relaxation and reduces

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