Action Plan: Cluster 2: Cluster Coordinator: RH 1, RH 2, Pob.5, Pob. 6, Bagua 3

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RH 1, RH 2, Pob.

Pob. 6, Bagua 3

Cluster Coordinator

Program/ Strategies
1. To ensure quality of data reported at the
Brgy level


> Data quality check to be con

> Timely submission of month

2. To increase Antenatal Care coverage


3. Increase FIC ( 0 - 11 mos. old)

> Conduct annual masterlistin

> Tracking down/ Catch up of d
> To enroll all Target children in

4. Strengthening in monitoring of Health


> Regular monitoring of midwi

add, brgy hx center

To enroll Pregnant Women to

Conduct mothers class on Sa
Buntis Party
Bench Conferences
To track down defaulters

> To involve Brgy Chairman/Ta

monitoring of target children

uster Coordinator:

Leila L. Gepte, RN

Time Period: January


Time Frame

Person/s Involved

Year round

Nurses/ Midwives and

other health partners in
the Brgy.

ality check to be conducted per cluster

submission of monthly reports

l Pregnant Women to TCL

t mothers class on Safe Motherhood

down defaulters

t annual masterlisting of 0 - 11 mos. old

g down/ Catch up of defaulters
l all Target children in the TCL

monitoring of midwives

ve Brgy Chairman/Tanods/BHWs in conducting

g of target children

Time Period: January to December 2017

Person/s Involved

Resources Needed
> TCLs

> IEC Materials

Nurses/ Midwives and

other health partners in > Computer
the Brgy.
> IEC Materials
> TCLs
> Immunization
Paraphernalias ( Vaccines,
Syringes, Vaccine Carrer,etc)
> Updated TCLs

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