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OEM Haldex System

The OEM Haldex Valve hast o be sent to the distributor for modifications. After
modifications the ECU in the OEM unit wont work!!! After modifications the unit has to
build in like the OEM one, and has to be connected like in the schematic below.


OEM Haldex valve & ECU

in one unit

Aftermarket Haldex Controller

(2) Modified Haldex

valve. OEM ECU not

(3) Aftermarket Haldex ECU

(inside the car above the
rear axle)
Gala Signal (vehicle velocity)
Tap the signal at the radio

8 way connector

2 way

Brake signal (12V Signal while breaking)

8 way
Hand break signal (12V while
breaking) optional yellow cable
without connector.

Mode selection switch

2 way connector
with long cables

12V Power Supply (over 15A Fuse)


(4) ECU Status


2 way connector
with short cables

Haldex pump

The OEM Haldex unit (1) has to be modified. Thus the originally Haldex controller wont work. To
modify the valve, the complete unit (1) has to be sent to the distributor. (Me Anker Martin).
Otherwise a modified unit can be bought by the distributor.
The modified unit (2) has to be mounted like the OEM. The Aftermarket ECU (3) has to be connected
like in the schematics above and has to be placed inside the car, above the rear axle. The arrow on
the ECU should point in driving direction and should be at the upper side. Best place is directly
behind the back seat at the bottom of the trunk. Its important to place the ECU parallel to the
driving direction.(Picture 5) The Status LEDs (4) shows the status of the Haldex clutch (activated
mode, power distribution).
With the mode selection switch (5) the two different modes (race, street) can be activated, every

Status LEDs
Street Mode:

green LED on:

green and 1 x red LED on:
green and 2 x red LED on:
green and 3 x red LED on:

ECU in Street Modus and pushed breaking pedal.

ECU in Street Modus <15% rear axle torque
ECU in Street Modus rear axle torque between 15% and 35%
ECU in Street Modus rear axle torque between 35% and 50%

Race Mode:
 2 x red LED on:

ECU is in Race Mode rear axle torque 50%

The Haldex controller is made only for racing. We do not assume

any liability for damages at cars, people, or others. We recommend
a carefully adaption to the new handling of the car under different
conditions. Also we do not guaranty a perfect cooperation between
the Aftermarket ECU and safety Systems like ABS and ESP, and or
CAN Databus.

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