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Writing Activities

10th Grade
Activity One
Do you think that text messaging influences the way that you write in
school? Have you ever used text messaging lingo (example: LOL) in school?
How often do you text message? When you do text a friend, do you use correct
grammar? What are some of the effects of text messaging? (example: incorrect
grammar, accidents while driving, etc.)

Change the text message below to correct English.

Wht are u doin? B4 u leave 4 vaca I want to c u. Am bored. Wanna
hang out w/u. Let me kno when u want 2 hang out.
What are you doing? Before you leave for vacation, I want to see you. I
am bored. I want to hang out with you. Let me know when you want to hang
Activity Two
What is your favorite type of music? Do your parents/guardians listen to
the same type of music? How do you think music has changed in the last
couple of years? Do you think that music with explicit lyrics (lyrics that use
bad words) effect our society? Do you think that certain music should not be
played on the radio? Why or why not?

Below is an excerpt of a song. Change the lyrics into a grammatically

correct paragraph.

Me Love by Sean Kingston

See the first time me looking at your eyes
me be tell you want a guy like me (guy like me)
we use to have good times on the evening
me and you chilling on the beach (on the beach)
We use to kiss and trust me
girl it feels so sweet (feels so sweet)
den one day you move
now I'm feeling kinda blue
cause we hear you say you leave (you leave)
I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean

Correct Version:
The first time I looked into your eyes, I could tell you wanted a guy
like me. We used to have good times in the evening when were on the
beach. When we used to kiss, trust me it felt so sweet. You said you had
to leave. Then one day you moved and now Im feeling kind of blue. Now,
I feel like Im drowning in the ocean.
Activity Three
If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would
buy? Who would be the first person you would call? How much of the money
do you think you would invest (put in the bank)? Do you think you would
rather win the million dollars, or earn it? Why?

Below there are blanks for you to add appropriate words. Think of each letter of
the words you select to be worth one dollar. The bigger the word you use, the
more money it will be worth. Who will have the most money?
If I did win a million dollars, I would be so _____________. I would first go
and____________ a convertible Cadillac. I think those are the most
______________ cars on the market today. I would want the color of the car to be
___________________. After ___________ this new automobile, I would not call,
but _____________ over to my friend Carlos house. I might not have the time to
go the bank _____________, but I think when I did go, I would invest at least half

of my winnings. I really wouldnt matter to me if I won the money, or earned it

because either way I am _____________.
Activity Four
Give a specific example of a time you were experienced one of the
following situations. Remember, be specific.
Being late for the bus
Attending a fun event/party
Fell asleep in class
Won a competition (sports, video game, etc.)
Got a good grade on a test/project
Great writers use specific details in order to make their writing come
alive. Read the following excerpt from The Great Gatsby. After reading the
excerpt, add (at least) 2-3 more details to your paragraph above.
The sister, Catherine, was a slender, worldly girl of about thirty with a
solid sticky bob of red hair and a complexion powdered milky white. Her
eyebrows had been plucked and then drawn on again at a more rakish
angle but the efforts of nature toward the restoration of the old alignment
gave a blurred air to her face. When she moved about there was an
incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down
on her arms.
Activity Five
Think about the last movie that you saw that seemed a little too long.
What part of the story didnt seem necessary? Have you heard a song that had
a lyric that didnt quite seem to fit the song? How did it affect how much you
enjoy or dislike the song? How would the movie or song be different if the
unnecessary part was removed?

Sometimes when writers digress (move away from) the main point of the
paragraph (or essay) it makes the story confusing or boring to read. Read the
following paragraphs and underline the sentence(s) that digress from the main
Imagine how your life would be different if you didnt have to do
homework. Although homework sometimes contributes to what youre learning

in class, it often takes away from extra-curricular activities. Studies show that
homework does not contribute to the overall success of students. There have
been other studies that show the positive correlation between extra-curricular
activities and leadership. It makes you wonder with all of the studies that prove
that homework is more or less a waste of time, why do teachers continue to
distribute it on a daily basis.
There are a plethora (a lot) of middle schools that are enforcing school
uniforms. The uniforms are intended (supposed to be) to help decrease bullying
among students, as well as, create a less distractive learning environment.
Arent crazy haircuts distracting too? Students dont seem to be extremely
happy about the change to uniforms, because it restricts (hurts/goes against)
their individuality.

Activity Six
What is your favorite thing to eat? How many times a month do you eat
this food? Do you prefer to eat it at a restaurant or at home? What are some of
the key ingredients in this dish?

Below is a paragraph that seems out of order. Help re-arrange the

paragraph so that it makes more sense.
Making the dough was nearly impossible. I thought it would be easy, but
I was wrong. I was more successful at destroying the kitchen then baking the
pizza. My favorite food is pizza, which is why I attempted to make one last
night. I guess next time I have a pizza craving, I will order from a restaurant.
Example of Corrected Paragraph
My favorite food is pizza, which is why I attempted to make one last night.
I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. Making the dough was nearly
impossible. I was more successful at destroying my kitchen, then baking the
pizza. I guess next time I have a pizza craving, I will order from a restaurant.

Activity Seven
Where is one place you wish you could have gone this summer? What
would you have done while you were visiting? Who is one person you can think
of that you would have wanted to have gone with you? What is the one thing
that you could absolutely not leave home with out for this trip? Why?

Below circle the correct verb tense.

If I (could/can) travel anywhere in the world, I think that I would really
like to (visiting/visit) the jungle. I (is/am) not very familiar with jungles, so I am
not sure which I (would/will) enjoy visiting. My sister is a great travel
companion, so she would (has/have) to come with me. While in the jungle, I
(would/will) love to take pictures of all the crazy animals I would probably
(saw/see). Besides a camera that I would (needs/need) to take pictures, I would
also want to bring some bug spray, because I (hear/heard) that the jungle
(has/have) enormous bugs!
Activity Eight
When is the last time you waited in line for a long period of time? What
were you waiting to buy or get? Was the item worth the wait? Would you wait
in a line overnight for something that you really wanted? If yes, what is the

Reading a paragraph that has run-on sentences is a lot like waiting in a

long line. You may become confused or just really bored. Complete the run-on
and fragment sheet that is provided.

Activity Nine
If you could take a pill (not knowing how it will affect you) that would
make you smarter, would you take it? What if you knew the pill had dangerous
side effects, but you would be paid one million dollars, would you take it? How
would being a genius (really smart) change your life? What would you do with
this new intelligence in order to make more money?

Read the following excerpt from The Flowers from Algernon (about a man
who goes through experimental research in order to make him smarter). After
you are done reading, change the excerpt to a grammatically correct paragraph.
progris riport 1 martch 3
Dr Strauss says I shoud rite down what I think and remembir and evrey
thing that happins to me from now on. I dont no why but he says its
importint so they will see if they can use me. I hope they use me becaus
Miss Kinnian says mabye they can make me smart. I want to be smart.
My name is Charlie Gordon I werk in Donners bakery where Mr Donner
gives me 11 dollers a week and bred or cake if I want. I am 32 yeres old
and next munth is my brithday. I tolld dr Strauss and perfesser Nemur I
cant rite good but he says it dont matter he says I shud rite just like I talk
Corrected Version
Progress Report 1
March 3rd
Dr. Strauss says I should write down what I think and remember
everything that happens to me from now on. I dont know why, but he
says its important so that they can see if they will use me. I hope they
use me because Miss Kinnian told me that maybe they can make me
smart. I want to be smart. My name is Charlie Gordon and I work at the
Donners Bakery where Mr. Donner gives me eleven dollars a week, plus
all the bread and cake I want. I am thirty-two years old and next month
is my birthday. I told Dr. Strauss and professor Nemur I cant write well,
but they both said that it doesnt matter.

Activity Ten
What is something you would like to be famous for doing or accomplishing?
Famous people are always being photographed and followed, do you think you
enjoy fame or hate it? If you were famous, which magazine would you like to be
on the cover?

Read the excerpt from the 2007 interview from the LA times with David
Beckham. Several of the sentences below seem long. Try to shorten some of
the sentences. It is important to remember to change up the length of the
sentences, and the way the start of your sentences.
Q: You have mentioned wanting to play in the 2010 World Cup in
South Africa. That presents quite a challenge in staying at that
level for another three years.
A: Its a huge challenge, but I wouldnt say it if I didnt believe that I could
do it. I believe I can play for my country up until the World Cup and Id love
to do that. If its possible, then great. If its not possible, then I will look
back on my career for my country as a successful one.
It might be me being stubborn, but I believe I can play in that World Cup.
Whether Im given a chance to or not, who knows? But Ive got the belief.
Q: You have visited South Africa and met Nelson Mandela. What
was that experience like?
A: I remember him just sat [sitting] there holding my hand and talking to
me. Just meeting him was pretty incredible because hes such a powerful
man who gives so much to so many people. For him to be actually talking
to me, let alone interacting with me in the way that he was, for me it was
one of the highlights of my life. Theres many people that Ive always said
that Id love to meet and have met. Ive always wanted to meet the Queen.
Ive met the Queen. Prime Ministers. Many, many people in the sporting
side. And then to meet someone like Nelson Mandela, with so much history
behind him, was one of the most incredible moments of my life.

Activity Eleven
The entire country seems to be affected by the rising gas prices. What do
you think are some of the causes (reasons why) of the rising gas prices? What
are some of the effects (results of) of the rising gas costs (example: people riding
bus, etc.) How do you think we can help solve this current problem?

People often use the wrong homophone. Use the worksheet in order to
practice when to use words like affect and effect (as used above).
Activity Twelve
The cause of something is the reason why it happens. The effect is the
things that happen as a result of the cause. Below, fill in possible causes and
effects for the situations.

2. Students text messaging

1. Increase of students who drop out
of high school


3. Increase of gas prices

4. Increase of gas prices



5. School uniforms


Use the cause/effect transition words (from the worksheet) in order to

create at a paragraph using one of the five topics. Try to use at least 2 words
from the cause and effect transition words worksheet.
Activity Thirteen

Take the paragraph that you wrote yesterday and write it to a friend
(making it more informal). What words did you select to change? How does this
change the tone (writers attitude, example: negative, positive, or neutral)?

Take the same topic you wrote about both yesterday and today and
consider (brainstorm) what the following people would want to hear? How does
your audience influence what words and examples you choose to include?



Students at your

Ex: (if topic is gas)

talk about bus
issues to/from
games & practices

Activity Fourteen
There are several ways that you can grab a readers attention:
Onomatopoeia (noises): Bang! Swish! Bam!
An Anecdote (short personal story)
Dialogue: He said, Oh my goodness. She said, What?
A Question: When is the last time you felt unsafe?
A Statistic: Every nine minutes a student drops out of high school.
A Definition: Individuality is what makes you unique.
A Statement: The increase in gas prices is having a devastating
effect on our struggling economy.
Write an introductory paragraph for your essay. Remember to have your
first sentence grab the readers attention. Also, try to answer the following

questions in your essay. What are the effects of this issue? Are the effects
positive, negative, or both? How has our society (or school, etc.) changed due to
these effects?

A thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your

whole essay. Look back at the paragraph you wrote, do you have a thesis
statement? As you read the paragraphs below, try to identify the thesis
statements. After you have completed identifying the main points, underline (or
create if needed) your thesis statement.
*use introduction paragraphs from sample essays
Activity 15
What are some things that you think make a good essay or paper? What
would make something interesting to read? What do you think your teacher
would find interesting to read? How is that different than what you thought?
Do you enjoy writing? If yes, what do you feel confident (good) about? If no,
what do you feel insecure (negative) about? What areas of writing would you
like to work on the most (grammar, punctuation, word choice, organization,
spelling, etc.)?

* See the cause/effect brainstorming (checklist) provided. Have students

complete it.

Activity 16
What part of the brainstorming (checklist) sheet that you filled out
yesterday was easiest for you? Which part was the most difficult? Which part
of your paper (introduction, body, or conclusion) do you feel most confident
about? Why? Which part do you think you will need the most help with
completing? Why?

*Please see the cause/effect essay provided. One copy has the
introduction removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have
the students create a possible introduction paragraph for the essay. (Could
even have them create them in groups). Decide which introduction is the best.
What is so wonderful about it? Then, have students use their checklist and
create an introduction to their essays.

Activity 17
Look back at your introduction, what is your favorite word that you
used? Why do you think this word is so interesting? Are there any words that
seem to be repeated too many times? How did you grab the readers attention?
Do you think this was successful? Why or why not?

* Please see the cause/effect essay provided. One copy has the body
paragraphs removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have
the students create possible body paragraphs for the essay (at least 2-3).
(Could even have them create them in groups). Decide which of the students
body paragraphs is the best. What is so wonderful about them? Then, have
students use their checklist and create body paragraphs to their essays.

Activity 18
Look back at the body paragraphs you wrote yesterday, what is your
favorite word or phrase that you used? Why do you think this word is so
interesting? Are there any words that seem to be repeated too many times? Did
you add detail and examples that supported your thesis statement?

The body paragraphs are the meat of the essay.

* Please see the cause/effect essay provided. One copy has the
conclusion removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have
the students create possible conclusion paragraph(s) for the essay (at least 2-3).
(Could even have them create them in groups). Decide which of the students
conclusion paragraphs is the best. What is so wonderful about them? Then,
have students use their checklist and create conclusion paragraphs to their
Activity 19
What are some things that you would and/or wouldnt ask friends,
parents/guardians, and teachers? What are some things that you prefer (like)
to do alone? What are things you enjoy doing in a small group? Would you
prefer to write this essay in a small group or by yourself? Why?

* It is important (when possible) to have someone else look over your

work. Using the peer editing sheet provided, have students revise each others
papers. After they are completed, have the students make the necessary
revisions to their rough drafts.

Activity 20
Do you think of yourself as a patience (calm, easy going, doesnt get mad
easily) person? Why or why not? When is a time where youve had to be
patient? Do you think patience is important? Why or why not?

How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal, but
degrees. William Shakespeare
He that can have patience can have what he will. Benjamin Franklin
All good things come to those who wait. Chinese proverb
"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always
cool and unruffled under all circumstances." Thomas Jefferson
Based on what you wrote above, select one of the quotes above and agree
or disagree with the statement. Use specific examples (and personal
experiences) of why you agree with or disagree with the statement? Why do you
think the person (quoted above) feels the way they do about patience? Who else
do you think would (does) share your opinion? How do you know?
Activity 21
In what ways do you think you have changed over the past five years?
Are you taller, more talkative, smarter, etc? What are some of the things

(technology, culture, people, food, etc.) that have changed over the past five
years? What do you think has been positive (good) change, and/or what has
been negative (bad) change? When do you enjoy change? When do you dislike
change? In what ways do you think the world will change in ten years? What
do you think the world will look like? What advances in technology do you
think will exist?

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself
have altered.

Nelson Mandela

Things do not change; we change. Henry David Thoreau

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Carol Burnett
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy Warhol
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. Harrison Ford
Based on what you wrote about change, select the quote that best fits
your philosophy (opinion). Why does this quote best summarize your thoughts?
When do you think this saying is true (if not always)? Give a specific example of
when this quote applied to your life.
Activity 22
Come up with your own definition for the following words (do NOT use a
dictionary). If you can, provide a brief reason (personal example or explanation)
as to why you think this is the definition.

*human rights

Use one of the writing prompts, to have students begin brainstorming a

topic that they would like to write about for their first definition paper.

Activity 23
Why did you select your writing prompt? What made that writing prompt
seem easier to write about than the others that were provided? What are some
personal connections you have to this topic? When and/or where have you had
this experience? Why do you think this topic is important?


Use the checklist provided, to begin brainstorming for the definition

Activity 24
What part of the brainstorming (checklist) sheet that you filled out
yesterday was easiest for you? Which part was the most difficult? Which part
of your paper (introduction, body, or conclusion) do you feel most confident

about? Why? Which part do you think you will need the most help with
completing? Why?

*Please see the definition essay provided. One copy has the introduction
removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have the students
create a possible introduction paragraph for the essay. (Could even have them
create them in groups). Decide which introduction is the best. What is so
wonderful about it? Then, have students use their checklist and create an
introduction to their essays.

Activity 25
Look back at your introduction, what is your favorite word that you
used? Why do you think this word is so interesting? Are there any words that
seem to be repeated too many times? How did you grab the readers attention?
Do you think this was successful? Why or why not?

* Please see the definition essay provided. One copy has the body
paragraphs removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have
the students create possible body paragraphs for the essay (at least 2-3).
(Could even have them create them in groups). Decide which of the students
body paragraphs is the best. What is so wonderful about them? Then, have
students use their checklist and create body paragraphs to their essays.
Activity 26

Look back at the body paragraphs you wrote yesterday, what is your
favorite word or phrase that you used? Why do you think this word is so
interesting? Are there any words that seem to be repeated too many times? Did
you add detail and examples that supported your thesis statement?

The body paragraphs are the meat of the essay.

* Please see the definition essay provided. One copy has the conclusion
removed. Have the students read the rest of the essay. Then, have the students
create possible conclusion paragraph(s) for the essay (at least 2-3). (Could even
have them create them in groups). Decide which of the students conclusion
paragraphs is the best. What is so wonderful about them? Then, have
students use their checklist and create conclusion paragraphs to their essays

Activity 27
What is your favorite part of your essay so far? What part do you think
that you need the most help with completing or making better? What grade do
you expect on this essay? Why? Give specific reasons why you think you
deserve the grade that you have stated?

* It is important (when possible) to have someone else look over your

work. Using the peer editing sheet provided, have students revise each others
papers. After they are completed, have the students make the necessary
revisions to their rough drafts.

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