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The Saints (3.

5e Race)
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Contents [hide]
1 Personality
2 Physical Description
3 Relations
4 Alignment
5 Lands
6 Religion
7 Language
8 Names
9 Racial Traits
10 Vital Statistics

The Saints are conglomerates of holy energy. They are pure power, held
loosely into a humanoid form, but far transcending it. They are all volunteers,
who signed away their souls to serve the world, and filled themselves with all
the goodness in the world. However, despite their goodness, they are by no
means pure. Their ranks are composed of the entire spectrum. They can
become angry and violent in there pursuit of goodness, but their motive is

always pure. The first Saints came from all walks of life, so they all have
unique outlooks on life, but they all share a laid back, peaceful attitude, slow
to anger, but hard to calm down once moved. Their general attitude includes
a sentiment along the lines of "I am the way I am, and if you can't take that,
you can go **** your self with a cattle prod." They are distinctly irreverent to
those who have no humility, or show no respect to others. They are, in this
way, walking contradictions.
Physical Description[edit]

Saints all look like the race to which they belonged before becoming saints,
with a few key differences. Each and every one of them has a long, jagged
scar on their chest, regardless of gender, race, size, or any other factor. They
all also never develop circles under their eyes. They all, as a rule, have
brilliantly colored eyes, often seemingly luminescent. Those of them that
have pale skin or tan, remaining perfect skin, regardless of season or
surroundings. Those of them that have darker skin often tan to a coal black
color, without deviation. They all have brilliantly white teeth, which never rot
or fall out. Their hair, regardless of its cleanliness, always shines a little.
When they choose to grow facial hair, it remains relatively clean, regardless
of how long it has been since said hair was cleaned. They tend to have either
a contemplative or vaguely mocking expression, but whether or not this is
intentional is unknown.

Saints relate well to some people, but can get by with anyone. They often
lounge in alleyways, watching for a hand of fate to give the information they
need. They are forces of prophecy, hands of the gods on the earth, but the
majority have no idea what they are, so they interact just like any other

Saints are always chaotic, and often good. However, some Saints, in their
fanatic servitude of good, stray from their moral base and become neutral.
There are no evil Saints.

Saints populate the entire world evenly.


Most Saints are non-religious, which is strange, given their heritage, but it
most likely boils down to a dissatisfaction with any of the presented religions
to date. There is a small faction of pagan Saints, but the majority are
respectfully agnostic.

All Saints have the Tongues ability, and thus need no universal language,
because they are so diverse, and they can just use a forgotten language if
they need to communicate in secret.

Saints bear the names they had as mortals.

Racial Traits[edit]

+10 Charisma, +10 Dexterity, +5 Wisdom, +5 Constitution, +5 Strength

Outsider, Augmented: Saints are not tied to any specific aspect of the
spiritual planes, so they are simply outsiders. However, for purposes of
resurrection, they retain their humanoid status.
Saints are Medium sized creatures
Saint base land speed is 50 ft.:
Fate Sight (Su): Through this special ability, Saints can see something called
the Hand of Fate. It manifests as a glowing golden aura around the person,
and the Saint is may to help anyone touched by the Hand of Fate, within
limits. The Saint can not, for instance, put themselves in severe danger
without reason. A Saint will if they have to innocents for a Fate-Touched
person. If the Saint chooses to inform the fate touched person of their unique
status in the balance of the universe, that individual instantaneously gains
the feat Fate Touched and is knocked unconscious by the revelation. The DM
should privately inform a Saint when they see a fate touched individual, and
this knowledge should be given as subtly as possible to the Saint, unless they

intend to tell their compatriots.

Feed on Kindness (Su): As long as a Saint commits one good act a year, they
do not need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. This eliminates the effect of
suffocation, as would be expected.
Holy Sight (Su): All Saints can see angels and demons.
Spell-Like Ability: 2/Day Spectral Hand. Caster level is equal the the
characters HD. The save DC is Wisdom-based.
Automatic Languages: Common, Any applicable Racial languages. Bonus
Languages: N/A due to "Tongues" Ability
Favored Class: Cleric
Level Adjustment: +1
Super Strengh
Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Random Height and Weight


Base Height Height Modifier

Male Use Previous Racial Statistics


Base Weight Weight Modifier

When Determining Statistics

Use Previous Racial Statistics

When Determining Statistics

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