Water Cycle Study Guide

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SOL 3.

9 Water Cycle Study Guide

Water Cycle- a repeating change in the state of water in nature (the pattern of
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation)
Evaporation- when water changes from a liquid into a gas. The sun heats the water
and provides energy to keep the water cycle moving- water vapor or steam
Condensation- water as a gas cools and changes back to liquid droplets- clouds and
Precipitation- when water falls to the ground as a solid or liquid (rain, snow, sleet,
Ground Water- water underground (wells, underground streams, etc.)
Surface Water- water on the surface of the Earth (lake, ocean, reservoir, etc.)
A reservoir is a place to store water that is made by humans. It looks like a
People get water from ground water and surface water.
Reservoir- a large human made lake where water is stored and treated to remove
Conservation- protecting the Earth's environment through careful use of our
natural resources
We need to conserve water for many reasons.
1. There is only a limited amount of fresh water that we can use over and over.
2. Water is a natural resource that people are unable to make.
There are many ways to conserve water.
1. Turn off the water when you are not using it.
2. Take shorter showers.
3. Take baths instead of showers.
4. Dont water your lawn as much in the summer.
5. Water your lawn in the mornings or evenings so the sun doesn't evaporate it as
quickly as it would in the middle of the day.
6. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

Major water resources for a community are rivers, reservoirs, and wells.
There are many possible sources of water pollution in our community. They
include runoff from over-fertilized lawns and fields, oil from parking lots, eroding
soil, and animal waste.
Water is a simple compound essential for life on Earth. Living cells are mostly
water. In each cell, the chemicals necessary for life are dissolved in water.
Water is a natural resource. A natural resource comes from nature and the
earth. It cannot be made by man. Every living thing needs water! People, plants,
and animals all need it to survive!

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