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Name: Ryleigh Murray

Stages of Reading and Writing Lesson

Book Title: The Giving Tree


Grade Level:

APA citation: Silverstein, S. (1964). The giving tree.

Common Core State Standards:

CCSS. ELA-Literacy. RL..3.1
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as
the basis for the answers.
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Performance Tasks:


Students will be asked about if they had a tree in their back yard what would they
do or what they have done with a tree. The teacher will give the example; If I had a
tree in my back yard I would climb the tree. The teacher will then ask students to
raise their hands to share their ideas. The teacher will write the students ideas on
the butcher-block paper. After students have given their ideas the teacher will keep
the poster up so students can look back to see if their idea is in the book.

Students will be prompted to get a piece of paper and pencil out before they begin
reading. Students will be told every time they come across the boy doing something
with the tree to write it down. Students will be asked to keep to keep that paper to
discuss with the class after every one finishs reading.

Name: Ryleigh Murray

Once all students are done reading, the teacher will go around and ask students
questions that they should be able to know from the reading. Questions the teacher
should ask are What is something the boy does at the beginning of the book with
the tree? The teacher should ask this two to three times. Next, the teacher should
ask What is something the middle aged boy did with the tree? The teacher should
ask this one to two times. Lastly, What is something the old man did with the tree
at the end? The teacher can ask this one to two times.


The teacher will ask students what imagination is. Once students answer what they
think imagination is the teacher will give an example of When I was young I had a
tree-house that was my castle, and when I was in there I was a princess. For our
next activity we are going to write about something that has happened to us but we
added our imagination to make it more fun. The teacher will explain that her treehouse is what was real, and being a princess in a castle was her imagination.

Students will be given a piece of paper that is provided by the teacher. On the paper
students will write in one column of the real item/thing that they have played with
and in the other column they will write how they added their imagination or how
they would add their imagination to that item/thing. Then students will write 5
sentences. The first sentence will be the introduction sentence and the last will be
the conclusion sentence. The second, third and fourth sentence will explain how the
student used their imagination and what they did. Lastly they will draw a picture of
what their story is depicting.

Students will give their papers to their partner that is assigned by the teacher.
Students will look for the real item and how the student added their imagination. If
the student cannot find either, the student will ask their partner about where and
what they could add to write to the prompt.

Students will take what their partner told them to do or they will go to another
partner told by the teacher. The students will then look at spelling, and punctuation

Name: Ryleigh Murray

on their peers paper. Once that is complete, students will edit their papers for the
final paper.

Students will be given a nice piece of line paper to write their final copy of their
paper on it and they will have their picture below it. These final copies will be shown
on the classes bulletin board and then later put in a class book.
The Giving Tree
Butcher-Block Paper

Name: Ryleigh Murray

Real Item/Thing

Sentence 1 (Introduction sentence):

Sentence 2:

Sentence 3:

Sentence 4:

Sentence 5 (Conclusion Sentence):


How you added imagination or how

you would

Name: Ryleigh Murray


Name: Ryleigh Murray


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