Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question

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1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What do you want to do in your life (Short Term and Long Term Goals)?
3. Why do you want to do MBA (Why not other things?)?
4. Why MBA from this particular college?
5. What are your strengths?
6. What are your weaknesses?
7. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
8. In which specialization, you want to pursue MBA (and why)?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. What are your interests (Academic only)?

Tell Me About Yourself

Interview Question
Tell me about yourself is one of the most common interview question. The moment you enter
room and sit down, one of the member from the interviewing panel may ask you:

"Please introduce yourself." OR "Tell me something

about yourself."
Preparing for this question before you go to any interview (MBA or non-MBA) is important.
Why? It is the first question and first impression is the last impression. It also sets rhythm for
follow-up questions. Experts are divided on the correct approach to this question. There are two
viewpoints - one is that you should take conservative approach and second is that you should
take liberal approach.
Conservative Approach
Your answer should be only limited to following things




Extra Courses

Work-ex (if any)

You should not mention hobby, family members, etc. because those things are considered
informal conversation.
Liberal Approach
Apart from those details in conservative approach, you should also mention "Why you want to
do MBA", family members and their occupation, hobby, extracurricular activity, notable
Which approach should you take?
You should prepare three versions of your answer - 2 minute, 5 minute and 10 minute. All of
them must be at the tip of your tongue. For 2 minute answer take the conservative approach and
for 10 minute answer take liberal approach.
If you don't prepare this at home, you will fumble during interview and you might forget
mentioning some important information. You must also prepare all the routine 'followup'
questions associated with "tell me about yourself" question.

Follow up Questions
Myself _____. OR My name is _____.

What is the meaning of your name?

Which famous personality shares the same name as yours.

I'm from ______. OR I belong to ______.

What is famous about your city / town? tourism/culture/business.

Which famous personalities are associated with your place?

I've done graduation in ______ from ______ in the year______ with ______.

Why have you pursued _______ and now planning for MBA?

Who was the founder of your college / university?

Name a few famous personalities associated with your college/university?

For last _____ years, I've been working in _______ as a _______.

job questions for working

What does your company/office do? What is the turnover?

Nature of your work, powers and responsibilities?

Why do you want to leave it?

Apart from your regular work, what else have you done in your company?
Are you not happy with your job? Then why do you want to leave the company?
Can you describe any innovation that has taken place in ignition systems?
Challenges you had in your work?
Describe the corporate structure of XYZ
Describe the current product that you have been working on? People say it is full
of innovations? What is your take?
Describe your final year project?
Describe your job profile?
Did you face problems motivating your team?
Did you have foreign Clients?
Discuss the appraisal process at XYZ. How has XYZ benefitted you?
Do you know any strategy consultants who helped Indian companies?
Do you think you are a bad performer and won't get a better opportunity?
Elaborate on your experience while working in XYZ.
Elaborate on your work experience at XYZ?
Explain the concept of total quality management.
Explain the different levels of organization.
Explain your job responsibilities?
For how many months have you taken a work experience?
Have you been placed somewhere? Will you join the company?
Have you interacted with your customers?
Have you worked on any project in MS?
How can you improve upon the current profile that you are working in?
How do you analyse the market?
How do you do sales forecasting?
How do you get the estimate for the likely time required?
How do you make sure people work under you?
How good was your company?
How is quality measured at your job?
How is your company performing in the wake of recession?

How much time did you need to understand your client's business?
How was your mental condition during Satyam fiasco?
How will your current experience help you if you go on to become a manager?
I know the VP of the company you have provided solutions to. Should I confirm
with him?
If rupee depreciates XYZ earns more or less?
Introduce your organization. What role you play in the organization? Tell us about
your projects.
Is XYZ taking adequate measures for sustainable growth in the next 5 years.
Is there any impact of the slowdown in the west on the business that you people
Name some company where you'll get the kind of cross-functional exposure?
On which technology do you work?
Saying that you will give important job to a subordinate is easy, but have you
ever done that?
Since your company has a high growth potential, then why do you want to leave
the job and change the field?
So what are steps of Requirement Gathering?
So what was your experience as a Lead?
So you are working in XYZ, how do you contribute to XYZ's success?
So you are working with XYZ, which company did it recently acquire?
Tell me about the job sites that you have worked at?
Tell me something about unit processes?
Tell me the hierarchy in Army?
Tell me what you did as the magazine editor?
Tell something about the CSR initiative of XYZ?
Tell us about one creative work that you have done in your job?
Tell us about the Satyam fiasco in details? How do you view it as an employee?
Tell us about your work responsibilities?
Tell us something about your job in XYZ, Mysore?
There are 5 people working under you. Who would be responsible for managing
Was your role more oriented towards contractors or project scheduling?
What are the different modules of SAP?
What are the different types of resource allocation?
What are the financial implications of the sales cycle?
What are the latest happenings in your industry?
What are the managerial aspects of an organization?
What are the operating margins of XYZ?
What are the various services offered by your company?
What are the various types of testing? Explain with example?
What are your responsibilities as a team lead at XYZ?
What challenges did you face while in job?
What change in management of XYZ you would like to bring?
What changes and advancements did you bring about in your company?
What did you learn from internship in Turkey?
What did you learn in each job?

What did you try to learn in your job?

What differentiated your company from others in the same industry?
What do you do in PERT?
What do you do in the Sales and Distribution model?
What do you know about resource leveling?
What do you mean by the Ltd. at the end of XYZ?
What do you think is the most important thing to make a project successful?
What has been your learning in this job?
What have you done in the last one year after having completed your
What have you gained during your employment with XYZ?
What have you learned in your profession?
What have you learnt during your job?
What have you learnt from your experiences?
What have you learnt from your work?
What have you learnt while managing your venture?
What is an organization?
What is back order processing?
What is backend and frontend of a product?
What is efficiency? How can you measure your team's efficiency?
What is going to be the next role if you are promoted?
What is the annual revenue that your company generates?
What is the annual turnover of your company?
What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
What is the difference between work allocation and material allocation?
What is the importance of Communication in your business?
What is the rate of attrition in XYZ? So what is the reason behind high rate of
attrition XYZ is facing?
What is the role of Associate System Engineer?
What is the significance of the critical path?
What is the team size that you are leading?
What is tolerance?
What is your business strategy?
What is your job profile in XYZ?
What kind of trainings did you attend in your job?
What platform does XYZ work on?
What projects were you involved in during your job?
What revenues are generated by your project?
What services does your company deal in?
What things you keep in mind while entering into a new market?
What was the growth rate of your company?
What was your job profile?
What was your organization structure?
What was your role at XYZ?
What were the reasons for leaving your job?
What would be the opposite of back order processing?
What would you like to discuss? Your work-ex or Your Engineering?

Which foreign delegation have you handled?

Which technology and which platform are you currently working on?
Which technology you are working on?
Which was your favorite subject?
Who are your major competitors?
Who has to answer if you do not do your job well?
Who is expected to be the next CEO of your company?
Who is the founder of your company?
Who tells you what to do in your job?
Who was the client and for how many months you were on bench?
Who were your clients?
Why are you leaving your Bank PO post? Than why you opted for Bank PO being
an engineer in the first place?
Why are you looking to quit your job when you are doing well in a good
Why did you change your job?
Why did you do it in electronics and communication?
Why did you join XYZ after Electronics and Communication?
Why did you leave a brand like Microsoft and join Stryker?
Why did you leave job in just 4 months?
Why did you pick up engineering in graduation?
Why do you switch jobs so early?
Why do you want to leave an obviously envied field to do an MBA?
Why do you want to shift from your field? Don't you find it interesting?
Why do you want to switch over from IT to management?
Why don't you want to stay in IT?
Why have you changed your company in a short duration of time?
Why have you stuck so long with the same company?
Why not after getting some work experience?
Would you take the risk of giving an important task to your subordinate knowing
that he might not do well and you could incur a loss?
You are a doctor so why a different field?
You are leading the pharmaceutical vertical! Who are your clients?
Why MBA in operations?
Why MBA is more important for you at this stage when you have decent job in
Why MBA, being just a fresher.
Why MBA. Relate it to your career goals.
Why MBA? Why not Civil Services?
Why not MBA from abroad?
Why not pursue M Tech.?
Why so many IT people want to do MBA?
Why you want to do marketing?
You also have a certificate of mountaineering. What was it all about?
You have done a BBA? Then why do MBA now?

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