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Name: Vinod A/L Kanapathy

ID: 19740
Course: Petroleum Engineering
Title of presentation: Green Roof

Title of presentation
Justify your topic by describing the problem that you have
identified ?
Blood donation is very important where the problem is many of them
do not realise the importance of it.

How did you determine the knowledge level of your audience?
According to my survey and informal interviews, it is found that most
of my audience have very basic knowledge about this blood donation.
But, they do not know the exact advantage of blood donation.
Therefore, I can conclude that my audience have little or no
knowledge about this blood donation.
How did this information influence your presentation?
Since my audiences have very basic idea about blood donation, I will
explain my topic in detail so that they could understand. I will answer
all their answer as much as I can so that they can widen their
knowledge in this topic.
How do you plan to gain the audience attention?
I will try to talk more to my audience. I even will tell them some good
examples. I will avoid using all the boring facts and statistics, and
make my presentation more interesting with images and some videos
related to my topic.

1. Introduction
What is the purpose and importance of choosing this topic?
The purpose of this topic is to help the audience to widen their knowledge about
blood donation as they have very less knowledge in this topic. It is important for
them to know the advantages of blood donation as it serves the community in
many ways.
How is the topic relevant to the audience?
This topic is very relevant to the audience because blood donation is an
effective way to save many lives that is being widely followed by many
countries. This will help them to realise the importance of blood donation and
donate blood in future.
What is your thesis statement?
We need to donate blood since it can save a life of either someone you know, a
person in need, or a relative
List the main points that will support your thesis statement?
:: It could save someones life without creating any problem for us.
:: New blood cells are constantly generated in the body.
:: Stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to
replenish the loss
:: Blood donation also burns the extra calories and reduces your cholesterol

2. Body
Which organizational pattern are you using? Justify your choice.
I will use advantage-disadvantage pattern as I discuss about
advantages of green roof.

List the supporting ideas for each main points.

- Blood donation is harmless and safe in the body
The donor is donating for it as it will be used in saving lives
of his fellow beings. He himself may use the same in his
own need. So todays donor may be tomorrows recipient
- Blood donation also burns the extra calories and reduces your
cholesterol level.
After donating blood, the count of blood cells decreases
in our body, which stimulates the bone marrow to
produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the
loss. So, it stimulates the production of new blood cells
and refreshes the system.

Describe how you are going to summarise each main point.

I will write a sentence which states the central idea of the original text.
Finally, I will work through the text to identify its main sections or

Describe how you are going to summarise the entire
I will use a quiz format to summarize a training presentation. I will
repeat some key images and terms from earlier points to serve as

memory hook. I will even use a mid-session Q & A to summarize my


Describe how you are going to reiterate the purpose and

importance of the whole presentation to relate it to your
By having eye-to-eye contact and interact with my audience along the
presentation. I will emphasize the importance of knowing about blood

Question and Answer (Q&A) Session

List some of the questions that you anticipate from
the audience.

often can you donate blood?

Most people feel fine after donating blood. A unit of blood (500 ml) is
less than a pint, and the average adult body contains 10 to 12 pints of
blood. Your body makes new blood constantly, and the fluid you give
will be replaced within hours

- How long does it take to make a pint of blood?

How long will it take to replenish the pint of blood I donate? The
plasma from your donation is replaced within about 24 hours. Red
cells need about four to six weeks for complete replacement. That's
why at least eight weeks are required between whole blood donations.

Practice session
How did you practise for your presentation?
-I practised in my room with my friends where they help me to record my
timing. I usually do it every night before going to bed so that I can
remember well.
Which area of your presentation needed improvement?
-From the feedback received from my friends, I need improvement in my
content, idea and I need to check on my timing.
Did you stay within the time limit?
-After a couple of tries, I manage to stay within the range of 7-8 minutes.


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