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A View into the World of Visual-Spatial Gifted Learners

Brittney Rountree
University of West Georgia


A View into the World of Visual-Spatial Gifted Learners

Brief Description
In the following article, Patterns of Response: A Case Study of Elementary Students with
Spatial Strengths, Mann explores the preferred learning styles of spatial learners and the
limitations exhibited in addressing the needs of these students. He provides research on
understanding gifted visual-spatial attributes in young learners. Manns research is significant to
nurturing traits that are found in engineers, scientists, architects, and so on.
Summary of Literature
The purpose of this study was to examine and understand patterns of response in
students as they solved spatial problems and responsded to questions about their preferred
learning and instructional styles (Mann, 2014, p. 62). Spatial learners are an underrepresented
population in gifted classrooms. Students with advanced intellectual abilities are more likely to
be identified as gifted, opposed to their gifted visual-spatial peers. According to Mann (2014),
many educators possess the misconception that spatial students are low ability learners. Although
this misconception exists, Dixon argued that spatial learners are often aware of physical
properties and patterns and possess an ability to grasp complex relationships between systems
(as cited in Mann, 2014, p. 61).
Analysis of Methodology
There were six students sampled from the population size of thirty-two fourth grade
students. Participation was comprised of six students: three highly visual-spatial learners and
three linguistic learners. The researcher observed student participation in a spatial activity, using
three-dimensional manipulatives to recreate two-dimensional patterns (Mann, 2014). As students


built three-dimensional figures from these renderings, the researcher recorded information from
observations. The qualitative data helped the researcher recognize preferred learning styles.
Quantitative data from the Block Design subtest and questionnaires regarding learning activities
were recorded, as well. Both methods were useful in establishing understanding of the gifted
spatial learner. Overall, the researcher uses the studys outcome for its qualitative components, by
comparing data from observations to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenFourth
Edition ratings and Block Design subtest results.
Summary of Results
Results from the Block Design subtest identified three out of six students as possessing
high visual-spatial perceptual strengths (Mann, 2014, p. 64). Students were observed taking
delight in activities that required visual and spatial thought. Participants were more interested in
doing jigsaw puzzles and avoiding written directions when graphics were available (Mann,
2014, p. 64). Students with lower visual-spatial abilities took longer times to complete puzzles,
in comparison to their high performing visual-spatial peers. Observation of these activities
expressed differences in interests in visual-spatial activities, time to complete acitivities, and how
activities were completed.
Opinion of Research
I think Manns research is needed to establish understanding of visual-spatial learners.
There is an underrepresentation of these learners, in gifted education. Manns article expresses
awareness for non-traditional activities to differentiate instruction, in order to meet the visualspatial needs of learners. It is important to recognize attributes of the gifted visual-spatial learner


and nurture these traits exhibited by young learners to support the acquisition of new ideas and

Brief Description
In th article, Visual-Spatial Representation, Mathematical Problem Solving, and Students
Varying Abilities, van Garderen and Montague (2003), research the significance of visual images
in solving mathematical operations. The authors examine students uses of pictures in problem
solving, to establish a relationship between the two strategies.
Summary of Literature
The authors, van Garderen and Montague explore the use of visual images in applying
mathematical concepts to problem solving. Research is limited on the use of visual
representations by multiple ability groups. This study focuses on different ability levels of
students and their use of pictures as an instructional strategy to solve problems.
Analysis of Methodology
Assessments were administered in two sessions. According to van Garderen and
Montague (2003), the first session used the WJ-III-ACH [Woodcock-Johnson PsychoEducational Battery and Tests of Achievement] math subtests (p. 248). The second session
involved a questionaire in the form of an interview. Test items from the Mathematical Processing
Instrument (MPI) were read aloud to participants, in order to minimize bias regarding diverse
reading abilities. Responses from the MPI were used to generate four scores: total correct, use of
visual-spatial images, number of images, and coding system (van Garderen & Montague, 2003).
Summary of Results


Research expressed that gifted students used more visual-spatial models, in comparison
to their non-gifted peers. According to van Garderen and Montague (2003), in comparison to
average achieving peers and students with an identified learning disability, all gifted pupils
used visual-spatial images four or more times for a total number of 212 visual-spatial
representations (p. 249). Although Tukeys post hoc procedure showed a significant difference
between G [gifted] students and students with LD [learning disability], using visual-spatial
representations significantly more, no major differences exist between gifted and average
achieving pupils (van Garderen & Montague, 2003, p. 250).
Opinion of Research
The authors recorded the results from research as having a significant and positive
correlation between visual-spatial representations and problem solving (van Garderen &
Montague, 2003). Although student data indicates significant findings, the authors research
establishes a moderate, not strong correlation between visual-spatial representations and problem
solving. The authors research gives educators insight into how students utilize images in
understanding mathematical concepts. Due to the limitation of studies on the gifted visual-spatial
learner, it would be informative to see the same study applied to other disciplines.
Brief Description
In the article, The Learning Benefits of Using Eye Trackers to Enhance the Geospatial
Abilities of Elementary School Students, the authors, Wang, Chen, and Lin, explore spatial ability
training. The training is used to build upon already existing spatial abilities. The measures are
used to determine growth in pupils abilities to use the spatial strategy.


Summary of Literature
The study uses information from eye tracking devices to monitor spatial awareness.
Although, spatial traits are difficult to detect and nurture, the authors studies lead them to
findings essential to the development of the visual-spatial learner. The researchers use data from
both, young learners and mathematically advanced college students to establish possible
correlations between spatial stratregies and practices.
Analysis of Methodology
This study takes place in Taiwan. The participants of this study are composed of a small
population of twelve students, eleven to twelve year old. Eight of the students were male and
four were female. In addition to the randomly selected group of young learners, four college
students participated, in the study. Eye tracking devices were used to measure correlations of
spatial reasoning in the student groups. Researchers compared findings from the two groups,
using visualization points, fixation times and fixation location distributions (Wang, et al., 2014,
p. 343). The tests were administered twice, three months apart. The spatial ability assessment
was administered as a questionaire. There were three types of questions: geospatial recognition,
solid and planar-expanding graph, and spatial rotation and reasoning (Wang, et al., 2014).
Quantitative data from tracking technology and qualitative research were used to convey results,
in this study.
Summary of Results
The researchers learned that geospatial recognition was superior to any other spatial
indicator, in the young group of learners (Wang, et al., 2014). Due to lack of exposure, young
learners struggled with transferring planar figures from two-dimensional to three-dimensional
and vice versa. Spatial training helped students resolve this issue in the second sitting of the test


administration. Although spatial training helped students, for some spatial training was
unsuccessful. The researchers argue that students continued to lack the ability to follow the
reference points for key areas, locate problem-solving clues or manipulate, rotate, reverse, or flip
the objects in their minds, indicating that the spatial training process lacked specific operational
activities (Wang, et al., 2014, p. 353).
Opinion of Research
This was a unique study. The authors used technology to measure fixation points and
oscillations, in order to record patterns in spatial awareness. Further research is needed to
properly address the needs of the gifted visual-spatial learner. Although this study was unique, it
was not effective in conveying a well established purpose for spatial training. The population
was randomly selected to participate in the study. In comparison to the other studies that
observed students and sampled a population size according to the spatial traits exhibited by the
learner, this study did not. Young learners were chosen randomly, but college students that
exhibited mathematical thinking were selected to participate. It would have been more effective
to select a young group of learners exhibiting traits similar to the college students (not randomly)
to correlate spatial attributes between the two groups of learners.
During preparation for this assignment, research allowed me to apply understanding to
my own teaching pedagogy. There is limited research on the gifted visual-spatial learner. As a
gifted teacher, I am aware that gifted instruments mainly measure intelligence. Also, many
teachers refer students based on intellectual traits. Visual-spatial learner may not portray these
traits, causing others to overlook their gifted talents.


Mann, R. L. (2014). Patterns of repsonse: A case study of elementary students with spatial
strengths. Roeper Review, 36(1), 60-69. doi: 10.1080/02783193.2013.856831
van Garderen, D., & Montague, M. (2003). Visual-spatial representation, mathematical problem
solving, and students of varying abilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice,
18(4), 246-254. doi: 10.1111/1540-1586.00079
Wang, H., Chen, Y., & Lin C. (2014). The learning benefits of using eye trackers to enhance the
geospatial abilities of elementary school students. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 45(2), 340-355. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12011

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