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Merlin’s Return

March, monthly focus group 2010

Fluorite is the crystal of the month it increases mental

clarity, helps you to make informed decisions, it clears
your energy field and connects you to Goddess Kwan
Yin, Goddess of Compassion.
We are delighted to be back in Home in the land of Saints and
Scholars after our adventures in Australia. Apologies for
sending the news letter so late, a lot has happened since we
returned. I feel it important to address some questions that
have arisen as a result of what happened to us in the last few
months. This is a time of great flux for all humanity with many
questioning their path, questioning spirit. The heart chakra of
the earth which we live upon was flooded and frozen causing
huge distress to many. Machu Pichu the Sacral/Naval Chakra
was also flooded causing much hardship to the local community
and tourist industry. In Australia there were many areas flooded
and some lives lost, earthquakes in Haiti, Turkey and Chile,
storms in Germany and Belgium more lives lost and on and on
it goes. As we are all one body of light this chaos effect us at
core level.

People have questioned why does spirit let this happen it has
been asked why I have developed a tumour and then develop a
haematoma. Also it has been asked why did the pipes burst
and flood our home. In the past I innocently believed that
being spiritual protected you from bad things happening.
Therefore I was separating myself from humanity seeing myself
and people pursuing a spiritual path as separate. We are all
one body of light....... Christy and I are not the exception to
any rule. Our pipes burst because the house was empty and
cold. Answering the question where was spirit. Johanna had
been in our home the day before checking it the following day
she felt strongly that she had to check again and discovered
have realised with every seemingly ‘bad’ thing happening an
equal amount of good came in the form of people around us. I
create my own reality so over a period of many years of faulty
thinking and actions I manifested the tumour. Yet when I
haemorrhaged I was again totally looked after. Our friend
Amanda had invited us to stay with her good friends Charmaine
and Steve. Even though we only knew them two days they
minded Christy and Sharon when they were upset and
continued to meet with us to keep our spirits up. If I was
looking for angels there they were. When my legs and feet
were swollen and I found it difficult to walk, Amanda would
massage my feet with oils with love and humility so if I was
looking for Mary Magdalene there she was. In our dark
moments when we felt worried and low Amanda would come
and lift our spirits brining light and joy into our hearts. Sharon
our daughter also lovingly guided us through with her light and
joyful spirit.

When we rang Mary in Tara and Johanna in Cork with our news
they both said what can we do to help, again their wings rose
high on their back and they took action to make things easier
for us. Cecily motivated people to pray for us and Juliet to aid
us financially which we found overwhelming that people cared
for us and for that we are so grateful. The healing and support
from our friends in Rathangan, the texts and emails from Ferns,
Wicklow, Wexford, Dublin, Cork and Kerry raised our spirits and
made us truly realise that looking to the heavens for spirit is no
longer appropriate as the Mayans say WE ARE THE ONES WE
HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. When we arrived home Johanna
had cleaned up after the pipes burst lit our fires, lit our lamps
and candles filled the house with food and flowers and had
dinner in the oven. Again an angel in physical form. I now truly
believe that If I wish to connect with Merlin, Mary Magdalene,
Archangel Michael or any other ascended master and being of
light I can see them and feel them in the hearts and eyes of
people in my life.

So yes every single person right now is being challenged, any

areas of your mind body or spirit that need attention are being
exposed to you daily so that you can utilise the opportunities
being presented to you to transform old reality energies so you
can move forward in light.

This month it is appropriate to remind ourselves of the Hope

Elders message of wisdom:

The Hopi Elders Speak

We Are the Ones

We've Been Waiting For
You have been telling the people that this is the
Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is
The Hour.

And there are things to be considered:

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community. Be good to each other. And

do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great

and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel
they are being torn apart, and they will suffer

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we

must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of
the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above
the water. See who is in there with you and

At this time in history, we are to take nothing

personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment
that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes
to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and

your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner

and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

—The Elders Oraibi

Arizona Hopi Nation

Monday 1st March. |It is time now more than ever to

trust your intuition as we are going through a time of
great flux. Your instincts are what will help you
navigate your way through.
Tuesday 2nd March. Continue to look at anything that
provokes a reaction within you. Any time spent in
reaction keeps you in a state of disconnection. Judging
others judging yourself, expectations all keep you
disconnected from your source. Acceptance, allowing
others to live how they choose to whether you agree or
not helps you to remain peaceful and connected.
Wednesday 3rd March. Calling today on the triple
Goddess of Compassion to radiate your being with
healing light. Tara, Mary & Kwan Yin............... A day to
nurture your being and allow healing in on every level
of your being knowing you have everything you need
right now.
Saturday 6th March. Today focus on the fire in your
belly, which fires your creativity and passion. What are
you truly wishing to manifest and create right now?
What is stopping you? Breathe three breaths of life
force energy into your heart then focus on your sacral
chakra feel it like the well of life force energy that it is.
Feel your prana, chi your life force spurting forth from
the well filling your being and as you breath this energy
melds and merges with your breath until it become a
divine breath this is your essence and divinity now feel
how alive your whole being is and focus on what you
wish to manifest and achieve it.
Mar 07, Sunday. A day to push the boundaries of
your limited reality, into the realms of limitless
possibilities by breathing and feeling the multi
dimensional nature of your reality. Look beyond the
normal range of possibilities and know that today
anything is possible.
Wednesday 10th March. How do you really feel about
yourself? Be honest how many times do you berate
yourself, dislike things about yourself, your actions or
your body, feel you should be better, do more, be
more. Anything you leak energy to serves to
disempower you in your body, mind or spirit. It is truly a
time to let go of the self judgement and love yourself
more than you have ever done before its time. Then
you will create a reality that reflects the love that you
have for yourself.
Thursday 11th March. A further destructuring occurs
within your being and in your environment. Do not
resist for hanging on to old reality energies because
they are familiar serves to keep you in chaos.
Saturday 13th March. Start this day by choosing to
be happy and positive there will be challenges but you
have the strength to keep the chaos out and keep the
stillness within. A time to fully trust your
instincts. Today is Kwan Yin’s Feast Day so allow her
compassionate energy to move throughout your being
illuminating the shadows, feelings of fear, resistance
and repression. Her energy and compassion has the
ability to enable you to transform the limiting to the
Sunday 14th March. Today, look at the people who
provoke a reaction within you and trigger you. First ask
why you allow this. Also you feel that they are not
acting in a way that you would expect a person to act.
Why not just allow them to be who they are letting go
of blame, shame and judgement.
Monday 15th March. The New Moon is always a time
of new beginnings. A time to look within and feel your
divinity, so that you can stop indulging the petty daily
dramas and dilemmas, which only serve to distract and
disconnect you. Let go of what is familiar so that you
can move into the bigger picture and truly see how
much energy you waste on unimportant issues and
dilemmas. Utilise the energy of the new moon to help
you truly see what is important to you and what truly is
Wednesday 17th March. Happy St Patrick’s
Day Today St. Patrick’s Day is a day when much love is
sent to the island of Ireland part of the world’s heart
chakra. Today feel the energy within your whole being
of FREEDOM. For you are caught up in a huge cycle of
change so release your limiting perceptions of your life
and who you think you are and feel that cosmic being
of light that you are, that you are, that you are!!!! Also
this day is a day of huge transformation and
information for those who are connected to the energy
of Merlin. Open up to his wisdom and guidance if you
feel a connection to him. Allow him to hold up his
lantern of truth to illuminate your way so that today
you get a stronger sense of your destiny and purpose.
As Patrick banished snakes from Ireland this represents
your Kundalini energy so focus today on your root
chakra clearing and strengthening it so when your
Kundalini raises it will not hit blocks and cause you
Friday 19th March. Today honour the Divine Feminine
asking triple goddess of compassion Mary Tara and
Kwan yin to flow compassion through your whole being
enabling you to heal any distortion you may have
relating to the Goddess within you and also healing any
relationships you have with females in your life.
Saturday 20th March. Today is the Spring Equinox
allowing the sun to be a doorway to enter the realms of
truth that activate what has been encoded within you
for ions. This is a time of new beginnings when light
and dark are equal. All is equal today all is unified.
Open to a complete shift in consciousness by
consciously connecting to the energy of this Equinox.
Unity in Diversity!
Sunday 21st March. Today as you wake take deep
breaths of life force energy and choose to observe your
day following your instincts and intuition truly loving
yourself enough to trust yourself completely. It is truly
time to trust that quiet inner voice that is your intuition
when you do you will live a peaceful, harmonious life.
Listening to the louder inner voice of the ego, will
always provoke you to be in reaction.
Monday 22nd March. Take time today to truly look at
any negative patterns that keep you in a state of self
criticism and judgement that you leak energy to. It is
time to truly love and appreciate you. Think of all you
have achieved, think of your gifts and talents, and think
of how many people love you. In other words today
truly look at your positive traits and attributes and
make sure that list gets bigger and bigger as the list of
criticisms and judgements get smaller and smaller.
Tuesday 23rd March. Consciously connect with
others today allow spirit to move through you and see
what you can do to enhance your life and those
connected to you.
Thursday 25th March. Today look in the mirror and
breathe deeply see yourself at you truly are radiant,
compassionate, loving, open and accepting let all else
go and truly feel and radiate your divinity.
Friday 26th March. Truly accept today that you create
your own reality take responsibility, stop projecting the
energy of blame and shame.
Saturday 27th March. Do you feel as if your
swimming against the tide is everything difficult and
hard, if so you are outside of yourself? Your desires
and expectations are still set in a 3 dimensional reality.
Swimming with the tide would mean that your desires
and expectations are in higher consciousness, firmly
connected to your inner guidance.
Sunday 28th March. Connect with nature and
acknowledge today the elemental kingdom and their
contribution to life on this earth. Dedicating a portion
of your garden or an area in your home to honour the
elemental kingdom helps you to stay connected to the
earth and your own innate wisdom.
Tuesday 30th March The Full Moon in Libra is a
time of completion and celebration. The energy of this
full moon pushes you towards balance within and also
in your relationships. So any areas of addiction, co-
dependency and control mechanisms are being
illuminated by the full moon so that your awareness
can heal these issues. Breathe into your heart chakra
deeply 3 times until you feel it activate. Then visualise
your heart beating connecting to the heartbeat of
mother earth. To maintain your connection to oneness,
unity consciousness, stay connecting to and honour
mother earth.
Wednesday 31st March. Focus today on honouring
you. Breathe into your sacral chakra until it is
activated feel passion and juice for your life for your
mission course through your veins and know that all is
possible once you stay connected to source.

With Much Love and Gratitude

Christy & Jacinta..............

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