Em202 - Culminating Assignment Part 1

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Josie Argento

Culminating Assignment Part 1

1. Activity Name: Exploration for Justice!
2. Target Age Range: Grade 4 6 (Approx. Ages 9 11)
3. Intended Learning Outcomes: Over the course of a week the students will be engaging in 5
key issues of social justice in a student-centered approach. The students will work together
through the activities that cover identity, hunger, socio economic, disability and health
inequalities as a community to highlight global citizenship education and acknowledge they have
the power when working together to be leaders responsible for change.
They will create a name for their community and begin their social action project to think of
solutions as they learn about each new issue everyday. Through the course of action during the
week, the students will use the Learn-Think-Act approach to strategize a action plan and the
resources they need to implement their OWN bill of rights that they believe highlights diversity
and guides change in positive global and local or glocal perspective.
Lastly, the students will present their rights to the principal as to why they believe this bill
pinpoints all the community issues and is a set of rights that can be applied for all members of
the school. The end goal is to get the bill approved by the principal and posted around the school
to establish a diverse and sustainable standard. This will spark the students to be passionate and
active learners for critical social issues and will engage these learners at a young age to the
injustices and importance of becoming responsible global citizens in the 21st century.
4. Process: Begin the week with creating a web around the word social justice. As a class,
have the students brainstorm concepts associated with the term. Once completed circle the
following 5 terms: identity, hunger, economic, disability and health and indicate to the students
that these are the injustices that they will be focusing on in the next few days.

Before starting the action project create a community name for your classroom (have the
students get creative and collaborate ideas!)

Topic: Identity Inequality
Activity: Peel Away Differences
Area(s) of Interest: race, gender, sexuality, religion inequalities etc.
Goal: For students to realize that our physical differences on the outside, we are all the same on
the inside and deserve the right to be treated and respected equally.
Duration: ~ 20 minutes
Materials: basket and oranges for each student

Direction: Give each student an orange and have him or her inspect it in detail (size, shape,
markings, dents, smell etc.) After a couple minutes place all the oranges in a basket and from
memory direct the student to select which orange was their based on their description.
Next, have each student peel their orange and place them in the basket once again; this time the
students will realize they are struggling because they all look the same.
Topic: Hunger
Activity: Tree of Hungeribilities
Area(s) of Interest: Hunger inequality around the world
Goal: For students to think hunger as a social issue and use critical and collaborative thinking to
observe the root causes to hunger and its connection to poverty. Finally, they will become aware
of the global and local opportunities they can take to make a difference and reduce the problem
Duration: ~ 30-40 minutes
Materials: tree templates and markers
Direction: Provide the students with information about hunger around the globe (either through
articles, videos, pictures etc.) and have them do some research on their own. Next, break the
students off into groups of 4 or 5 and provide each with a hand out of a tree template. Give the
students 10-15 minutes to discuss within their groups possible local and global solutions they can
do/suggest after learning about food injustice. Finally, come together as a class and have each
group contribute 1-2 ideas to make a large tree of Hungeribilities to keep in the classroom.
Topic: Socio-economic Inequality
Activity: Economically Smarties
Area(s) of Interest: Inequalities of wealth in a global context
Goal: For students to understand economic inequalities and generate a plan for action based on
personal viewpoints and decisions made collectively as a group.
Duration: ~ 30-60 minutes
Materials: paper bags, Smarties, and 3 prizes (high income = chocolate bar; average income =
popcorn; low income/poverty = bag of carrots)
Direction: Create 3 groups and assign each with a different amount of students. Each group
receives a bag with different amount of Smarties and this represents the different socio-economic
locations around the world (wealthy, average and low-income). The group with the most students
receives the bag that has the most Smarties, the second group receives the bag with the second
highest amount of Smarties and the last group collects the bag with the least amount of Smarties.
Each group is directed to count their amount and announce it to the class; in exchange the
Smarties have monetary value and they will be receiving an item in exchange for the chocolate.
The poor group gets the less desirable prize and the pattern continues until the wealthy group
gets the high-income prize.
Have the students discuss their feelings during the exercise and how it made them feel when they
got a certain reward based on their status in the community, along with how powerful they felt
compared to other groups.

Topic: Disability
Activity: Battle of Thisability
Area(s) of Interest: Disability justice in a global context
Goal: For students to understand the importance of disability justice and the need for action to
switch this unequal disparity to increased inclusion and sustainability through support and
Duration: ~ 45 minutes
Materials: tape, construction paper and pencil crayons
Direction: Spilt the class up in half and assign the first group to design something with the
materials using their dominant hand and the other half of the class uses their non-dominant hand.
Repeat this activity twice so each group can experience both sides of the activity.
After both rounds are completed, gather the students together and have them discuss both their
experiences and how they felt when trying to complete the project using their dominant vs. nondominant hand. Most will find they had a more positive experience with their dominant hand
because they were fully capable of using all their motor skills as opposed to the struggles when
they faced limitations.
Topic: Health Inequality
Activity: Find the Cure
Area(s) of Interest: Examine different types of health inequalities in a global context
Goal: For students to work together in groups on a specific health inequality (HIV/AIDS,
Obesity, Stress and Lung Cancer) and become a NGO that creates a possible solution to help
bridge the health disparity gap in that community.
Duration: ~ 60 minutes
Materials: access to Internet
Direction: Student breaks into 4 groups and is assigned a specific health disparity that needs
justice. They have 20 minutes to research the topic extensively and must create their own
nonprofit organization that will convince the policy maker (the teacher in this case) it will benefit
the community.

STEPS TO FOLLOW: At the end of this activity the students will have completed learning
about each of the injustices and their next task is to choose one of the 5 topics and go home
and create at least 2 core rights they believe should be included in the communities new bill
of rights when they return on Monday. They must write an explanation on why they believe
these rights should be chosen for the bill and they will be collected on Monday for individual


IMPLEMENTATION DAY = Creating Bill of Rights
o Once the students return back, the final step of the action project is to facilitate the action
plan. As a class discuss the students ideas and generate approx. 10 rights they believe will
set as a good example for their school community.
o The principal will visit the classroom and this is when the students have the opportunity to
share their list and represent why these rights would apply to the whole school community.
o After the principal hears their pitch, the goal is to have their bill permanently posted in the
school as a way to celebrate their accomplishments of successfully promoting engagement
and community building for all members.
o Follow up: this task will keep the students actively involved in tackling other justice issues
in their community and serves a platform for diversity and peace against other injustices
5. Reflection: I chose to execute my activity this way because I believe one activity cannot grasp
all the importance that social justice can demonstrate in a community. Leaning towards a global
perspective for educators, a good educator must incorporate the current curriculum and integrate
naturally integrate social justice with it. In the 21st century, technology and student-centered
learning is at its prime, which is why I chose this approach as most effective. Although I only
covered 5 issues regarding injustices globally, I feel as though the students will understand that
social justice is like building blocks that continue to build on each other for complete peace,
respect, justice and diversity for all members.
When students are in control of their learning, they develop the essential skills that teach them to
be active participants. Having the students complete an action project I felt would be most
beneficial for their learning because they had to learn about social justice, think about each of the
5 critical issues and take action by completing the activities and collectively creating the new bill
of rights. With this process students were both the actors and leaders that created a balance of
power in the classroom and supported creative, critical and higher level thinking of diversity
through education.
To ensure there wasnt any bias for any of the students, covering all aspect of justice and
participating in the different activities had the students work towards a common goal, shape
social context through experience and develop empathy towards global issues.
Having the students present their bill of rights to the principal made the experience more
personal and the research process more stimulating because they got responses for their hard
work, making the experience positive and rewarding.
Finally, this approach made the students join as a community to understand other peoples
perspectives, learn about injustices and together confront these injustices in a manner that helped
them build positive motivation for themselves as a learner and a group citizen.

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