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1. If elected, where is your geographic focus going to be in the county and why?

Barry county varies widely in population and economic background, from larger towns like
Monett and Cassville, to rural farming communities, to vacation homes, to very remote areas,
which includes a large area of National Forest. All of these areas deserve the best enforcement
of the law that can be provided. Analysis of reported crimes and proactive officer observations
will help dictate which geographical areas receive an occasional concentrated effort to deter

2. Would you support having substations in any part of the county? If so, where? If not, why?
I will certainly encourage and look into the establishment of substations within the county.
Several factors need to be addressed, such as cost, location availability, staffing,
communication, security and the time officers would be off the streets. Technology
advancements would need to be put into place to allow officers the ability to report remotely. I
feel a substation in each populated area of the county would help encourage citizen
involvement and provide officers a safe place to meet with people and enter report data.

3. What do you see as the higher-crime areas of the county that deserve the most attention?
Crimes in general vary widely by factors including population, time of year, economy and even
at times weather conditions. Analysis of crime data reported can assist in identifying and
predicting problem area. These areas can then be targeted with saturation efforts to control
and deter crime.

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