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Why did you choose to run for Barry County Sheriff?

I have answered a calling I felt to serve this county, and southwest Missouri, through
enforcement of the law for many years, several of those years in a leadership
position. I have always strived to serve with fairness, compassion, equality and
respect for all those involved. I saw the need for a qualified person to lead the
department into the future and to deliver the people of this county the best law
enforcement possible.
What qualifications do you have that make you the best candidate for the job?
I have experience and training in all areas of the responsibilities of a local law
enforcement officer. I have served as the acting sheriff during my tenure, in the
position of Chief Deputy, so I have a working understanding of the responsibilities of
the office. I have experience in writing and administration of grants. I further have
experience in working with budgets, developing relationships with other
departments and working with other county offices.
What do you feel is the biggest concern in the current operation of the Sheriffs
Department, and how would you propose to remedy it?
One of the biggest concerns I have seen with the department is the lack of newer
technology. The world today is becoming more and more mobile. Law enforcement
needs to advance with the times to be efficient. I plan to seek grants and funding to
improve mobile technology. This would allow officers to report from the field or
substations, which will significantly reduce transit times, allowing officers to be out
in the communities more.
What changes do you hope to make if you are elected?
I plan to bring the department forward with new technology and training to make
the department more efficient and provide the officers with as much information as
possible, thus allowing them to make informed decisions and keep them safer. This
would also allow officers to be in the communities more interacting with the citizens
they serve. I also would like to work on strengthening communication and
relationships with other departments, working together for the citizens.
What do you feel the Sheriffs role should be within the community and the
The Sheriff's Department is the lead law enforcement agency within the county. The
Sheriff is therefore responsible for the safety of all the citizens of the county, and as

an official elected by the people, the Sheriff has the responsibility of being the last
line of defense for the people served against the over reach of big government.
Within the Department, the Sheriff is responsible for administrative duties, ensuring
officers receive training, and employees follow proper procedures to provide
impartial enforcement of the law for all.
What makes you a better candidate over your competitors?
I have experience in the administration of local law enforcement entities, having
served as Chief Deputy of the Sheriffs Department and current Captain of the
Cassville Police Department. I have conducted complex investigations, working with
other departments, from small police departments to large federal agencies, so I
understand what is needed to obtain convictions of criminals in state and federal
courts. I further have a working understanding of technology and its use to
improve officer safety and efficiency.
Use this last question as an opportunity to address any issues that you did not
address in the previous questions.
I began my career in law enforcement in Barry County, working for the citizens here,
my friends and neighbors. I have had opportunities to obtain employment
elsewhere with other departments and agencies; however, Barry County is where I
live and Barry County is where I intend to stay. Barry County is where I can do my
part to have a positive influence on our children and hopefully help make our future
safer and brighter.

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