Concise Offering Ritual

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Take your incense and your libation if you have one, and arrange them on an altar

or table. Dont light the incense yet.

Hold your hands over the offerings forming the triangle of manifestation between
your hands. Say the following:
By Earth the Body of the Gods
By Water their flowing blood
By Air, the breath of the Gods
By Fire, their burning soul
May these offerings be made blessed and made pure.
As you say this, consider that any impurities in the offerings are washed, blown,
and burned away.
Gods and ascended beings of the Empyrean realms,
Angels and archons of benevolent intent,
Guardians and guides of my traditions and initiatory lineage,
Come! Come!
Spirits of the firmament of earth and of ether
Spirits of the dry land and of the flowing water
Spirits of the whirling air and of the rushing fire
Come! Come!
Phantoms of the dead the quick and inbetween
To those whom I owe debt and who owes debt unto me
Famulus and guardians who are bound unto me!
Come! Come!
Every dryad, sylph, and satyr who dwells within this place
Every undine and salamander, every fey and gnomish spirit!
Every succubi and incubi, every spectre of ill will
Come! Come!
All spirits who cause help or harm in response to human
Come here according to your desires, be seated on the thrones
Io evohe! Come! Come!
Light the incense. Give the gesture of offering.
Clouds of offerings, I give to you
Light and drink and fumigation
Enjoy! Enjoy!
Let the offerings arise and pervade all space
Let it take the form that is most desired
Enjoy! Enjoy!
Friends and family from former lives
I am grateful for your past kindness

Enjoy! Enjoy!
You who form obstacles as retribution
Forgive offences made by mistake or delusion
Enjoy! Enjoy!
Spirits of the dead and trapped in-between spaces
Wardens of this ground and keepers of the winds
Enjoy! Enjoy!
Guardians and familiars, be fulfilled
Quickly realize my hopes and desires
Enjoy! Enjoy!
To each of you I offer inexhaustible treasures
Delightful substance, and enjoyments.
You who would harm me,
Partake of this feast and be at peace
You who would help me
Be fulfilled and accomplish that with which you are charged
After making this charge, you can either go directly on to the closing, or sit and try
to commune with the forces invoked. Use some of the gazes to scan your
Honored guests of this temple, the window of our communion is closing
Take your last taste of these enjoyments and go in peace.
Vacate the thrones of the feast and go forth unto your abodes and habitations as
you desire
Forever act as friends and helpers
As you came in power, go in peace
Ite Missa Est

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