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The Wizard

Planting a seed in the mind,

Tending it til it blooms a sprout
The mind now believes it as well
And what is this phenomena?
Our greatest judge is ourselves,
Thats no lie,
But in the beginning,
Who thinks themselves a bad guy?
The bully, a wizard
Casts a shadow of a doubt
Nurtures it
Pushes it into your face
Since you are the greatest judge
You soon begin to believe it
Allowing the wizard to return
Casting more undermining blows
The harsh cycle continues
Never to end
Til the wizard leaves for a new victim
Even then, it may never cease
The arduous process of revival is difficult
Hard to overcome alone
If our greatest judge is truly oneself,
Then all lack of self-confidence,
Self-pity, self-hate,
All begins with this wizard.
This needs to stop.

They say there are two roads,

One more travelled, one ignored
What happened to individuality?
Hundreds, thousands, millions of paths,
Each unique
We all travel one, a road less taken,
Or perhaps were those taken
Pulled along by the path
To our final destination
It may be more comforting, perhaps,
To think we lead our way,
But none of us will know
Just which of us is taken
Fate, destiny, coincidence,
Whichever you choose is the answer,
I think, to your life,
Pulled along the paths
Weve made for ourselves
Will we ever have a final answer?
Im afraid I just cant say
All that I know
Is that Im thankful
That your path
Crossed with mine

The Candle

The flame of a candle,

Burning brightly through time
Lighting the path
Helping and influencing all it could
As they say,
The good die young;
How cruel it is,
A bright fire,
Shining proudly,
Put out by a breeze
You have to face it now;
The best souls
Can be killed by flukes,
Easily preventable
One poor decision
Affected the lives of many
Took the life of one.
But the fire is not extinguished!
The flame flickers,
It stays in our hearts,
Never forgotten.
Its tale will be a reminder:
Do not make those choices
Drunk driving, shooters in the school,
Nothing seems real
Not even tangible
Until it happens to one you love.
Take it as a warning
These things can affect anyone
Can happen to anyone
Even you.


Such a nasty word

So detrimental
People despise them,
Clinging to their lawns,
Growing where they please
I look at them through a different lens
Take a different perspective
They can be lovely
A dandelion, a flower
There's nothing wrong with a weed
Look at them how I do
Every insignificant, little weed
Is important in their own way
Have their own story
Do not forget
About the weeds
Don't let them be overshadowed, overlooked
They're just the same as any plant
Just a little different
And if being different is a good thing,
Celebrate the weeds!
Let them grow, let them thrive
The weeds must live on

Sestina of the King

A sestina is a complex form of poetry. It does not have a rhyme scheme; instead, it
repeats the words at the end of each line in a different pattern. It has six stanzas,
each of six lines with six words, followed by an envoy, with three lines, six words
each. The end words are repeated by taking the last, then the first, fifth, second,
fourth, third of the stanza pervious. I.e., ABCDEF is the first stanza. The second will

be FAEBDC. The envoy follows the form B..ED..CF..A, with each . being a

The young man, the petty fool

Sits on his chair, his throne
He ignores the patter of rain
He, their leader, hiding his fears
Hiding the reality filling the world
Avoiding all of his underlings' tears

The battles that led to tears

Fought by order of the fool
Bloodshed, mayhem, chaos in the world
While he sits on his throne
This war brought by his fears
Making more fear fall like rain

Again and again blood became rain

The people's faces full of tears
Enemies learned of the king's fears
Began plotting to trick the fool
Citizens wishing to destroy his throne
Wanting to join the other world

Knowing they must end the world

They made bombs fall like rain
The king leapt from his throne
Finally letting out his own tears
Once more he was the fool
Tricked by false death of fears

He had finally destroyed his fears

None could conquer his own world
The people now played the fool
Their shouts of victory like rain
Soon turned drastically to form tears
Their new leaders held their throne

The people cowered before the throne

Now filled with their king's fears
New rulers' cruelty brought new tears
For escaping their own world
Their blood once more became rain
Dying, because they ignored their fool

Throne of anyone destroys the world

Fears of betrayal made death rain
Tears from everyone, each a fool

Between the Lines

They say
There are two roads

One more travelled,

One ignored
What happened to individuality?
Hundreds, thousands,
Millions of paths
Each unique
We all travel one,
All a road lestaken,
Or perhaps were those taken
Pulled along by the path
To our final destination
It may be more comforting,
To think we lead our way,
But none of us will know
Just which of us is taken
Whichever you choose
Is the answer,
I think,
To your life,
Pulled along the path
Weve made for ourselves
Will we ever have a final answer?
Im afraid I just cant say
All that I know
Is that Im thankful
That your path

Crossed with mine

tHIS worLD

thiS non wOrld wIll .

thIs son will fall frOm aboVe
tHis hE neVer will


Easy to understand
But then
You look through
A different lens
Stained glass
The true colours
The true glass
Is not clear


So fruitless, we ask
Why are we here
Why do we do what we do
It all

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